Section 3. Social business letters 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Section 3. Social business letters





¨ How often do business people write letters of congratulation, sympathy and condolence?

¨ What are the major characteristics of social letters?

¨ What style is mainly used in such letters?

Письма, направляемые коллегам или партнерам в связи с радостными или, напротив, грустными событиями, должны быть написаны в сдержанной манере, используя традиционные обороты речи, уместные и не пространные. Отличительной особенностью таких писем следует считать их лаконичность и четкость[1].

Не стоит быть чрезмерно эмоциональным, поскольку это не свойственно культуре англоязычных стран, но в то же время следует в ненавязчивой форме выразить свое сопереживание или радость.




LETTER 1 (Congratulatory letter on promotion)

25 September, 20…

Dear Mr. Blackstone,


On behalf of the Coopersville Bank, I offer you our sincere congratulations on your recent promotion to national sales manager. I know that you have worked hard for Newton Corporation and therefore I am delighted that you have been promoted to this new and challenging position.


Your company is very fortunate to have benefited from your expertise as well as loyalty during the past nine years.



Anne Doyle

Anne Doyle


LETTER 2 (Congratulatory letter to a top sales team)


August 14, 20…


Dear Sirs


Congratulations! Murray Sofas and Chairs is, once again, leading the Northeast zone sales standing report for both the month of July and calendar year to date.


Please pass along my thanks to your sales team for an extraordinary comeback effort during the month of July.


Best regards,

Ian Smith

Ian Smith


LETTER 3 (Letter of appreciation)


July 6, 20…


Dear Sirs


On behalf of the Board of Directors and Officers of the Heyerdahl Corporation, I would like to express sincere appreciation and congratulations to Davis Construction Company for successfully completing the reconstruction of our headquarters building in Woodstown, which was devastated by fire last year.


Your company has distinguished itself as a leader in the construction industry by performing what appeared to be an almost impossible task. Working under difficult conditions and accelerated construction schedules, your company completed the building on July 1, as scheduled.


This accomplishment is a tribute to the fine group of professional engineers and skilled craftsmen you assembled on site, and to the individual skill and dedication of your project manager, David Wallace.


Sincerely yours,

Carl Adams



LETTER 4 (Letter of sympathy to an ill person)


April 2, 20…


Dear John,


We have just heard of your illness and of your admission to Claremont General Hospital last week. We understand that you will be hospitalized for three or four weeks. Therefore, we hope that by the time you receive this letter, you will soon be all right again. William and I intend to visit you on Sunday, April 4th.


With best wishes,

Joe Bright

Joe Bright


LETTER 5 (Letter of sympathy to an injured person)

May 30, 20…

Dear Jack,


Barbara and I were very sorry to hear that you were injured in a car accident and we want to let you know how concerned we are. We will come to see you at the hospital as soon as you are able to receive visitors. We are hoping that you will make a speedy recovery and will soon be out of the hospital. So hurry and get well!


Warmest regards,

Daniel Albright

Daniel Albright


LETTER 6 (Letter of condolence)

27 October, 20…

Dear Mr. McNeal,

Upon my return to the office this afternoon, I was grieved to learn of the sudden passing of your father. Albert was a colleague and I knew him as a man of integrity, ability, and kindness. I will certainly miss him. You have my deepest sympathy. I only wish there were some way in which I could lighten your burden of sorrow.


With sincere condolences,

Sarah Donald

Sarah Donald


LETTER 7 (Letter of condolence)


November 25, 20…


Dear Albert,


The sad news of your wife’s death, while not unexpected, was nevertheless a severe blow to us. Laura and I remember that you often spoke of how difficult Annette’s long-time battle with her illness was. Although we are deeply saddened by the death of your beloved wife, we share your understanding and relief that Annette, who has suffered so long, has finally found release and is now at peace. She was a very courageous and brave woman. You can also take great comfort from the fact that you did everything possible to make Annette’s last days as easy as possible for her.


The time of grief is always difficult, but we know it will be greatly eased by the loving support of your son and daughter. If we can help you and your family in any way, please do not hesitate to call.


Please accept our sincere condolences in your time of great sorrow. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


With deepest sympathy,

Kate Moos

Kate Moos




1. On behalf of sb… От имени кого-либо…
2. I offer my sincere congratulations to you. Искренне поздравляю Вас.
3. Pass along my thanks to him. Передайте ему мою благодарность.
4. I would like to express sincere appreciation… Я бы хотел выразить свое признание…
5. I was grieved to learn of sth Я был очень огорчен, узнав, что …
6. You have my deepest sympathy. Глубоко Вам сочувствую.




Card 1. Вашей компании «Коммьюнити Иншуаранс Кампани» (Community Insurance Company ) в честь 10-й годовщины ее существования и в знак высокой оценки (as a token of appreciation ) работы компании Ваши партнеры передали письмо и памятные подарки (souvenirs) сотрудникам. Расскажите Вашему помощнику об этом. Попросите его написать ответ в адрес партнеров (Lederer and Hall; 407 East 23 Street, New York, New York 10013) и поблагодарить за внимание.


Card 2. Вы являетесь помощником исполнительного директора компании «Коммьюнити Иншуаранс Кампани» (Community Insurance Company ). Вы должны написать письмо по заданию Вашего начальника. Уточните, кому следует адресовать письмо. Узнайте, следует ли выразить особую благодарность г-ну Эриксону, который лично привез поздравления в связи с 10-й годовщиной Вашей компании.


¨ What information do invitations contain? How long are they? Why?

¨ What main points are to be covered by a letter of reference?

¨ Have you ever made up letters of reference? Has somebody written a letter of reference for you?

Составной частью деловой корреспонденции являются приглашения (официальные и неофициальные), письма, направляемые в ответ на приглашения, рекомендательные письма различного рода (letters of reference and introduction) и пр.

Вышеназванные письма, как и рассмотренные в BLOCK 1, должны быть написаны сравнительно кратко, стилистически выдержано. Приглашения, как официальные, так и неофициальные, требуют ответа. При этом, если Вы направляете отказ посетить мероприятие, Вы должны объяснить адресату причины, вынудившие Вас отказаться.

Рекомендательные письма не должны быть слишком пространными. При этом в письме возможно проявление эмоционального расположения к человеку, которого Вы представляете или рекомендуете.




LETTER 1 (A formal printed invitation card)

NEWBRIDGE ASSOCIATES 346 Fitzharding Square Manchester, VT 23867
INVITATION I will/ will not* be able to attend the New England Tourism and Travel Corporation Roadshow at the Arlton Hotel in Chicago   Wednesday, October 2, at 6:00   NAME: Andrew Lloyd COMPANY: Lloyd & Lloyd, Ltd. * Please delete as appropriate   R.S.V.P. Franca Lester   Tel. (783) 567-3245


LETTER 2 (Accepting a formal invitation)

May 15, 20…

Dear Mr. Andrews:


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drake thank the Management Team of the Winchester Corporation for the invitation to attend the dinner dance honoring William R. Chesterfield on May 22, which they will be happy to attend.


Yours sincerely,

Charles Drake

Charles Drake


LETTER 3 (An informal invitation)


October 16, 20…


Dear Sirs


We are pleased to announce that we have moved our office to a spacious new building at a new location.

We certainly hope you can join us on that day. Please let us know if you can, so that we can finalize our program.



Alice Adams

Alice Adams


LETTER 4 (Asking for an appointment)

April 2, 20…

Dear Mr. Smith

Ms. Diane Bond, national production manager of our sales catalog division, will be in Boston on Thursday, April 26 and would like to tour your printing plant in nearby Cambridge during that afternoon.

Would it be convenient for you or your assistant to meet her on this date? I will get in touch with you by telephone early next week to make an appointment.



Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon


LETTER 5 (Making arrangements)


March 12, 20…


Dear Ms. White:


I enjoyed talking to you on Tuesday. The Dorset Hotel does have the facilities that our company needs to schedule its annual shareholders’ meeting on April 2, with check-in time scheduled for 9:30 A.M.


I hereby confirm that we have booked the Essex Room, which can comfortably seat 100 people; the Flamingo Suite (spacious seating for at least 15 people) for press meetings; and the Washington Dining Room (seating capacity for more than 100 people) where drinks and luncheon will be served after the shareholders’ meeting.


We also need the following audiovisual and other equipment and services:

· In the Essex Room:

- Public address system

- One VHS videocassette player

- Four television monitors

- One overhead projector and screen

- Coffee and tea service


· In the Flamingo Suite:

- One flip chart

- Coffee, beverages


· In the Washington Dining Room:

- Public Address system

- One motion picture projector

- One motion picture screen

- Beverages

- Luncheon (including wine service)


I will telephone you on March 29 about the arrangements as outlined above. Please send me your written confirmation.



Albert Green

Albert Green


LETTER 6 (A letter of reference)


September 25, 20…


To Whom It May Concern

Mr. Clarence Logan has been on our sales staff for the past eight years and has compiled an excellent sales record. He is a friendly person by nature and has won the friendship as well as the business patronage of his customers. We have convincing evidence of that from the letters we have received in response to the announcement that he is leaving our company on his own volition since he feels that he has advanced as far as possible under our current employment plan. For that reason, he has decided to look for a position in a larger organization.

We are sorry to see Mr. Clarence Logan go, because he has shown himself to be capable, resourceful, well-disciplined, intelligent, and pleasant. Therefore, we recommend him with enthusiasm since he should be a valuable asset to any company.


Joseph B. Baxter

Joseph B. Baxter

Director of Human Resources

LETTER 7 (A letter of introduction)


December 18, 20…


Dear Mr. Canning:


It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Mr. Harvey Wright, who operates a large bottling plant in our city.


Mr. Wright is contemplating opening a branch in your city, and I could think of no better for him to see than you for a quick survey of local conditions and prospects. My business association with Mr. Wright is now in its twelfth year and has led to a friendship which has enabled me to discover and appreciate his personal qualities.


I feel certain that any association this introduction may result in will be valued on both sides.


Yours sincerely,


Herbert Godkin




1. R.S.V.P. фр. Пожалуйста, ответьте (используется только на приглашениях)
2. Mr. N. thanks Smith & Co. for the invitation to attend sth… Г-н Н. Благодарит «Смит энд Ко» за приглашение посетить...
3. …the party honoring The New York Corp… ... вечер в честь «Нью-Йорк Корп»...
4. We are pleased to announce that… Мы рады объявить о том, что...
5. We cordially invite you to attend/ to see, etc… Искренне приглашаем Вас посетить...
6. I hereby confirm that … Мы подтверждаем этим (письмом, документом и пр.), что...
7. …as outlined above… ... намеченные выше в общих чертах...
8. To whom it may concern Для всех заинтересованных сторон (Надпись, для указания адресата в (рекомендательном) письме, если таковой неизвестен, или если письмо адресовано нескольким адресатам).
9. He has compiled an excellent record. У него великолепный послужной список.
10. He is leaving our company on his own volition. Он увольняется из нашей компании по собственному желанию.
11. He has shown himself to be… Он показал себя как...
12. It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Mr. N. Я имею огромное удовольствие представить Вам г-на Н.
13. I feel certain that… Я уверен, что...




Card 1. Вы собираетесь взять на работу нового сотрудника, его имя Джон Смит. Вы провели в ним беседу. Вы решили переговорить с начальником отдела транспорта (logistics department) компании, где до настоящего времени работал Д.Смит, и чье рекомендательное письмо он Вам представил. В письме отсутствовала информация о причинах, по которым Д.Смит покидает компанию, и сказано лишь, что он увольняется по собственному желанию. Не забудьте представиться и объяснить причину Вашего звонка.


Card 2. Вы работаете начальником отдела транспорта (logistics department) компании, где до настоящего времени работал Д.Смит, который подал заявление об уходе по собственному желанию. Две недели назад Вы написали ему рекомендательное письмо, где характеризовали его как очень талантливого сотрудника, но Вы не указали причины ухода Д.Смита с работы. Дело в том, что врачи посоветовали Д.Смиту после болезни сменить климат и переехать в более теплый регион. В настоящее время Д.Смит полностью поправился, и Вы посчитали, что можно не упоминать об этом. Вам звонит потенциальный работодатель Д.Смита и выясняет подробности о Джоне Смите.





¨ What is an enquiry?

¨ What should you write in an enquiry if you are going to buy some goods?

¨ Is an enquiry for goods different from an enquiry about new price-lists?

¨ Read the following text and comment on the main points.

Планирование запроса


Содержание запроса зависит от трех моментов: во-первых, насколько хорошо Вы знаете адресата; во-вторых, является ли адресат отечественной или зарубежной компанией; в-третьих, от вида товара, по которому запрашивается информация.

Начинать запрос рекомендуется либо с сообщения сведений о себе, либо о том, как Вы узнали об адресате.

Далее следует основная часть запроса, в которой может запрашиваться различная описательная литература; непосредственно информация о товаре, в котором Вы заинтересованы; можно также попросить адресата выслать Вам образцы товара и поинтересоваться условиями будущей сделки - ценами, скидками, условиями платежа.

В завершении используюся чаще всего стандартные формулы вежливости. Можно также указать и другие направления сотрудничества, в которых Вы заинтересованы, т.к. если адресату дать понять, что Вы намерены стать его постоянным клиентом, то Вы можете расчитывать на более выгодные цены и условия.



London, April 5, 20..

E Fowler & Co. Ltd.

15 Moonlight Rd


Great Britain


Dear Sirs


We were greatly impressed by the selection of gardening tools displayed on your stand at the Gardening Exhibition held in London last week.


We are a large store in the centre of London with a number of outletsall over the country and we would like to know more about your manufactures.


We shall be obliged if you will send us your up-to-date catalogues and price-lists quoting your best prices and most favourable terms of payment.


We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Yours faithfully

L Slocum (Mrs)



London, October 10, 20...

SuperFurniture Ltd.

19 Bee Rd




Dear Sirs


We have seen youradvertisement in the July edition of “Furniture & Office Equipment” and it interested us greatly.


Our bank is opening new branches in Manchester and Leeds and we will require office furniture and equipment urgently.


We are inclined to place a considerable order with your company and therefore would expect a quantity discount off list prices, and our terms of payment are normally payment for collection or as a special concession on our part by Letter of Credit.


We shall appreciate it if you will send us your brochures, prospectuses and catalogues in duplicate.


We hope to hear from you soon.


Yours faithfully

E Lacombe



Moscow, November 15, 20...

Fish & Fish Products Ltd.

15 Cornflower St.


Great Britain


Dear Sirs


We represent a chain of restaurants and cafeterias in Russia and are looking for a company engaged in the export of fish and fish products. The Chamber of Commerce of Russia has informed us of your address.


We are interested in tinned fish for shipment in equal lots at regular intervals during the next five months. We are ready to pay 50% by an irrevocable Letter of Credit.


We should be obliged to you if you would send us an offer for these goods stating the price of each item separately.


Your early reply will be very much appreciated.


Yours faithfully

A Smirnov



Glasgow, December 17, 20...

The Manchester Engineering Co.

15, Winston St.


Great Britain

Medical Instruments

Dear Sirs


We are regular buyers of Medical Equipment and Instruments on your market. At the annual fair last month we saw your instruments and got some publications covering the latest models. We applied to the Chamber of Commerce and found out your address.


We have read your ad published in the “Medicine” journal and learnt that your list prices have been reduced by 5%. Taking into account your advanced technology and attractive prices we would ask you to send us further data concerning your terms of payment and delivery as well as technical documentation.


We hope your prices as well as terms and conditions will be competitive and look forward to placing an order with you.


We trust you will make every effort to meet our particular requirements.


Yours faithfully

S. Grey




1. We are inclined to do sth Мы намереваемся сделать...
2. .... therefore... ... следовательно...
3. Your early reply will be very much appreciated Мы будем признательны за Ваш немедленный ответ
4. We trust you will make every effort to meet our particular requirements Мы надеемся, что Вы сделаете все возможное, чтобы выполнить наши требования.






Roleplay 1

Сard 1. Вы направили запрос компании “SuperFurniture Ltd.” (см. Enquiry 2), в котором вы расчитываете на получение скидок. Позвоните в эту компанию и уточните вопрос скидок, а также оговорите конкретно условия платежа.


Card 2. Вы работаете в SuperFurniture менеджером по продажам и Вы готовы предоставить 10% скидку с прейскурантной цены, что же касается условий платежа, то Вас устроит 50% аккредитивом и 50% на инкассо.

Roleplay 2

Card 1. Вы направили запрос в Fish & Fish Products относительно закупки рыбных консервов. Позвоните им и уточните, какие именно рыбные консервы Вы хотели бы закупить и в каких количествах.


Саrd 2. Вы - представитель Fish & Fish Products и вы имеете в наличии лососевые (salmon) консервы и консервы из форели (trout) в любых количествах с немедленной отгрузкой и с отгрузкой через равные промежутки времени.




¨ Does the kind of goods in question influence the enquired information? In what way?

¨ What would you ask about furniture if you were inclined to buy some?

¨ What information is essential when purchasing equipment?





London, September 18, 20...

Modern Furniture Ltd.

10 Nelson Rd.


Great Britain

Ad in the “Modern Furniture”

Dear Sirs

We have seen your ad in the August edition of the “Modern Furniture” and would like to know at what price and on what terms you could supply us with your Filing Cabinets[2].


We require Filing Cabinets of the following measurements:

Height – 1.5 - 2 m

Width – 0.5 - 0.6 m

Length – 1.5 - 1.7 m


We shall appreciate your sending us an offer for these goods accompanied by detailed specifications. If your prices and terms are acceptable to us we will place a firm order with your company.


For order’s sake please acknowledge receipt.


Yours faithfully

A Frank



Moscow, August 19, 20...

AO Moreptoducty

125003 Moscow

ul. Dubovaya, 7



Dear Sirs


We are wholesalers of Caviar of Russian origin in Scandinavian countries where it is in great demand. We are interested in the purchase of the following quantities of barrelled caviar[3], viz.:

Pressed Caviar[4] 2000 lbs.
Beluga Caviar[5] 3000 lbs.
Total 5000 lbs.


We would like the first lot to be shipped in June and then the shipment to continue at regular intervals until the end of the year. We hope to receive your offer as soon as possible.


Yours faithfully

B Parker



Moscow, July 10, 20...

SuperEquipment Ltd.

11 North St.




Dear Sirs


We know that you are the sole manufacturers of high precision machinery[6] in Great Britain and we would like you to send us an offer in accordance with the specification and technical conditions enclosed, stating:

1. The lowest price.

2. The time of delivery.

3. The terms of shipment.

4. The overall dimensions and weight.

5. The number of cases necessary for packing the machine-tools.

6. The cost of packing for sea transportation.


The machines should be delivered complete with all essential accessories and tools together with manuals in English and Russian for service and maintenance.


We also request you to send us a list of spare and rapidly wearing out parts itemizing the price.


We should appreciate it if you would enclose a list of firms to whom you have supplied Machine-tools similar to those required by us. Your offer should reach us by the 20th March at the latest.


Yours faithfully

N Sokolov



Leeds, July 15, 20...

AO Machinoimport

Kaluzskaya St., 8

Moscow, Russia


Dear Sirs


We thank you for your enquiry for High Precision Machinery of the 10th July.


To our regret this equipment is not available for sale at present as it is undergoing final service tests. We hope that the results of the tests will have been summarized by the end of the year. We shall not fail to revert to your enquiry as soon as the Test Certificate is issued.


Yours faithfully

M Doubtfire

Sales Manager



1. For order’s sake... Порядка ради...
2. ... of Russian origin … ... российского происхождения…
3. To our regret... К нашему сожалению...
4. We shall not fail to revert... Мы не замедлим вернуться...







Roleplay 1


Card 1. Вы работает в российской фирме, занимающейся импортом оборудования из Великобритании. Вам срочно нужно высокоточное оборудование. Позвоните в компанию SuperEquipment Ltd. (Enquiry 3) и поинтересуйтесь, на каких условиях они могли бы поставить Вам это обордование.


Card 2. Вы работаете в SuperEquipment Ltd. и знаете, что оборудования в настоящий момент нет в продаже, так как оно проходит испытания. Сообщите об этом российскому партнеру и оговорите перспективы сотрудничества в будущем.

Roleplay 2


Card 1. Вы представляете оптовую компанию по продаже российской икры в Западной Европе (Enquiry 2). Позвоните в российскую компанию и уточните, какую конкретно икру Вы хотели бы закупить, в каких количествах и в какие сроки.


Саrd 2. Вы работаете в российской компании, занимающейся продажей икры, и Вы можете поставить икру любого вида в любых количествах до конца этого года.





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