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Новосибирская государственная






Кафедра иностранных языков





Учебное пособие по английскому языку



Новосибирск 2015



Учебное пособие разработано заведующим кафедрой Иностранных языков Новосибирской государственной архитектурно-художественной академии Дьячковым А.В.


Учебное пособие рассмотрено и рекомендовано методическим советом к изданию


Рецензенты: Начальник управления стратегического развития МГОУ, аккредитованный эксперт в области проведения государственной аккредитации образовательного учреждения и научной организации, к.филос.н., О.М. Замолодская (МГОУ); заведующий кафедрой архитектуры. д.геог.н. с.н.с., чл.г.общ, профессор Л.П.Фукс.



Учебное пособие "Masterpieces of Novosibirsk Architecture" предназначено для бакалавров 2-го курса и магистрантов, обучающихся по образовательным программам и изучающих английский язык в рамках направлений подготовки 07.03.01, 07.04.01 – Архитектура; 07.03.04, 07.04.04 – Градостроительство; 07.03.03, 07.04.03 – Дизайн архитектурной среды; 54.03.01, 54.04.01 – Дизайн. Данное учебное пособие также может быть рекомендовано студентам и магистрантам направлений 07.03.02, 07.04.02 – Реконструкция и реставрация архитектурного наследия; 35.03.10, 35.04.09 – Ландшафтная архитектура.

Пособие представляет собой сборник оригинальных текстов о наиболее значительных с точки зрения истории и архитектуры города Новосибирска зданиях, построенных в ХХ веке. К каждому из текстов прилагаются упражнения, направленные на проверку понимания содержания текста, а также языковые упражнения для развития лексико-грамматических навыков. Фотографии описываемых зданий, обеспечивают наглядность и способствуют более эмоциональному восприятию информации.

Целью данного пособия является ознакомление студентов с историческими архитектурными памятниками города Новосибирска, дальнейшее совершенствование использования профессиональной терминологии в процессе перевода с английского языка на русский и с русского языка на английский, а также в процессе профессионального общения.


eight - storied-восьмиэтажный


residential - жилой


auxiliary - подсобный, вспомогательный


set off - выгодно подчёркивать, оттенять


impart- придавать


volume of the building - объём здания


bracket - кронштейн


balcony rails - решётки балконов


head molding - сандрик


molding - формовка


dwelling - жилье




I. Try to translate the following words without using a dictionary:

Comfortable, Soviet, apartments, cornice, loggia, silhouette, diploma, prestigious, elite.


II. Define the part of speech of the following words:

Interesting, exploration, public, favorable, auxiliary, orientation, plasticity, beautifully, individual, significantly.

III. Answer the following questions:

1.When was 100-apartment residential building built?

2.Who was it built for?

3.How many three-room apartments are there in this house?

4.What is the middle part of the main facade set off by?

5.What imparts plasticity to the entire volume of the building

6.What is the attic of the building topped with?

7.Does the house have any balconies or loggias?

8.What did Vitalii S. Maslennikov introduce?

9.Where were Andrei D. Kryachkov's projects displayed in 1937?

10.What awards did the 100-apartment residential building get at the Exposition Internationale des Arts et des Techniques in Paris?

IV. Choose the correct preposition:

1. The building was designed … comfortable apartments and a convenient layout.

a) to

b) with

c) by

2. The middle part of the main facade facing the square is set off … the rhythm of flat pilasters attached in the corners of the building … wide, curved balconies.

a) of, by

b) from, to

c) by, by

3. The central part of the upper floors of the main facade is somewhat recessed … the other wall surfaces.

a) from

b) on

c) in

4. A simple attic is topped … a light cornice.

a) for

b) to

c) with

5. Much attention was given … the corners facing the square.

a) at

b) in

c) to

6. The projects were awarded … a Grand Prix diploma and with a Gold medal.

a) from

b) with

c) by

V. Choose the correct form of the verb:

1. The 100-apartment residential building … a crucial role in the ensemble of Yakov M. Sverdlov square.

a) play

b) plays

c) played

2. A heavy stylized colonnade in the ground floor … the three-part division of the facades.

a) accentuates

b) was accentuated

c) were accentuated

3. The central part of the upper floors of the main facade … somewhat … from the other wall surfaces.

a) was … recessed

b) is … recessed

c) has … recessed

4. Much attention …to the corners facing the square.

a) were given

b) was given

c) was gave

5. While under construction in 1934-1935 the building's decor was made significantly more complex.

a) is made

b) are made

c) was made

6. Maslennikov … new decorative elements in the facade composition.

a) was introduced

b) introduced

c) is introduced

7. Later Andrei D. Kryachkov … the building's architecture as French Neo-classicism.


a) defined


b) define


c) was defined


VI. Match the beginnings of the sentences to their ends using the information from the text:

1.The building was designed with comfortable… a) a favorable room orientation

providing good insulation

2. The house was for a long time… b) French Neo-classicism

3. Here he oriented to the architecture of… c) three-part division of the facades

4. The building became… d) the corners facing the square

5. The apartments had a well-thought set

of living and auxiliary spaces, good

proportions of rooms and… e) Auguste Perret

6. Much attention was given to… f) a prestigious dwelling for the Siberian elite

7. A heavy stylized colonnade in the

ground floor accentuates… g) a sort of model for Novosibirsk architects

8. Later Andrei D. Kryachkov defined

the building's architecture as… h) apartments and a convenient layout


VII. Find in the text the synonyms to the following words:

a flat, subsidiary, isolation, inhabitable, conclusive, to emphasize,

to assign, elegant, substantially, a scheme, demonstrate.


VIII. Translate from English into Russian:

§ layout

§ to accommodate

§ a servant

§ favorable

§ pilaster

§ surface

§ volume

§ brackets

§ balcony rails

§ moldings

§ artistic taste

IX. Retell the text.

City Trade Building

(Museum of Regional History).



Novonikolaevsk Town Council asked the Tomsk architect Andrei D. Kryachkov to design the Trade Building on the Market Place. 16 shops to rent, each with an area of 136 m2, occupied the first floor. The second floor accommodated the Municipal Duma, the Town Council, the Treasury, a branch of the State Bank and a room for 1000 people. In the basement there were storage facilities, a boiler- room and an electric generator. Glass blocks in lead furring located on the pavement level provided lighting of the storage facilities. A similar construction still can be seen in Omsk, where Andrei Kryachkov at the same time built a Trade Building (Kryachkov's project was awarded the first prize at a competition).

The lengthy two-storied brick Trade Building of Novonikolaevsk has symmetrical facades, executed in the style of Russian Art Nouveau. The facade facing the Market Place had a little dome-topped fire tower. The arrangement of the fire tower with a lightning rod required a different decorative design for tops of lengthy eastern and western facades. Their composition is based on the contrast between the redbrick wall surface, white-plastered details and green-colored roofs of the building.

Andrei Kryachkov used the same decor for twelve elementary schools. It contrasted with the rest of the buildings in the new city and shaped a peculiar "specialty" of construction works financed by the local government. The first level is interpreted as a ground floor, it is rusticated and plastered.

Taken the overall brick construction of the walls, the most crucial elements- socle and capping slabs - are coated with grey granite. The exterior decor of the Trade Building in Novonikolaevsk reflected Kryachkov's impressions of the contemporary European architecture that he had seen during his half-a-year long tour of Germany, France and Italy in 1907. The Siberian architect was under the influence of the predominant currents of the European architecture of the time: the Wiener Sezession and the German Jugendstil. But the layout and decoration of the Trade Building in Novonikolaevsk also reflect the influence of Siberian architecture, namely of the City Trade Building for selling farinaceous foods ("Farinaceous Store Building") erected in Tomsk in 1907-1908. Kryachkov was familiar with that building designed by Tovii L. Fishel, a city architect and a representative of Art Nouveau.

It is noteworthy that Kryachkov mastered the Art Nouveau decorative arsenal only superficially, and not as an integral conception of architectural forms. This resulted in the stylistic discord between the interior and exterior of the building. So, Kryachkov used Corinthian order to decorate the reinforced concrete framework-four columns supporting the overhead cover of the sales room-that was new for the time. The Trade Building has gone through numerous repairs and alterations- some of the decor elements of the interior and of the facades have been lost, the fire tower has been dismantled, the through passage has been walled up.




to design - проектировать


market place - базарная площадь


to rent - арендовать,снимать


treasury - казначейство


branch - отделение


storage facilities - склады


boiler- room - бойлерная


glass blocks in lead furring - стеклянные блоки в свинцовой обрешётке


fur - мех, (зд.) покрывать, (обшивать рейками, досками)


lengthy - протяжённый


to face - выходить (лицом)


dome topped tower - башня, увенчанная куполом


fire tower - пожарная,башня


lightning rod - громоотвод


white - plaster - белая штукатурка


to rusticate - рустовать, нарезать русты (насекать)


to plaster - штукатурить


overall - общий


crucial - ключевой, критический, решающий


capping slab - карнизная плита


layout - планировка


farinaceous - мучной


overhead - верхний


repair - ремонт


alteration - переделка


to wall up - заделывать, замуровывать





I. Try to translate the following words without using a dictionary:

Architect, municipal, electric generator, design, contrast, elementary, tour, conception, stylistic.

II. Define the part of speech of the following words:

Basement,European, lengthy, symmetrical, government, superficially, numerous, competition.

III. Answer the following questions:

1.Who did Novonikolaevsk Town Council ask to design the Trade Building?

2. What occupied the first floor?

3.What was located on the pavement level?

4.Where can we see a similar construction?

5.What kind of facades did Novonikolaevsk Trade Building have?

6.What decor did Kryachkov use both for Trade Building and for twelve elementary schools?

7.What currents of the European architecture influenced Andrei D. Kryachkov?

8.Why did Kryachkov use the Corinthian order?

9.Have there been any repairs or alterations of the City Trade Building?


IV. Fill in the gaps with the suitable verbs from the text and translate the sentences:

1.The second floor …the Municipal Duma, the Town Council, the Treasury, a branch of the State Bank and a room for 1000 people.

2. Glass blocks in lead furring … on the pavement level provided lighting of the storage facilities.

3. The arrangement of the fire tower with a lightning rod … a different decorative design for tops of lengthy eastern and western facades.

4. The first level … as a ground floor, it is rusticated and plastered.

5. Taken the overall brick construction of the walls, the most crucial elements- socle and capping slabs … with grey granite.

6. The exterior decor of the Trade Building in Novonikolaevsk … Kryachkov's impressions of the contemporary European architecture.

7. It is noteworthy that Kryachkov … the Art Nouveau decorative arsenal only superficially, and not as an integral conception of architectural forms.


V. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and words combinations:

Shops to rent, town Council, branch of the bank, storage facilities, fire tower, white-plastered details, elementary school, crucial elements, to be coated with, to be under the influence, farinaceous foods, stylistic discord, to be walled up.


VI. Find the false sentences and correct them:

1. The second floor accommodated the elementary schools, the shops to rent, the hospital and a room for 100 people.

2. Brick blocks in steel furring located on the pavement level provided lighting of the storage facilities.

3. The lengthy three-storied brick Trade Building of Novonikolaevsk has symmetrical facades, executed in the style of Russian Post Modernism.

4. The arrangement of the fire tower with a lightning rod required a different decorative design for tops of lengthy eastern and western facades.

5. Taken the overall brick construction of the walls, the most crucial elements- socle and capping slabs - are coated with red brick.

6. The Siberian architect was under the influence of the predominant currents of the American architecture of the time.

7. So, Kryachkov used Composite order to decorate the reinforced concrete framework.

8. The Trade Building has gone through few repairs and alterations.


VII. Give the brief descriptions of:

The façade of trade building; the second floor; the first floor; the basement; the decoration of City Trade Building.


VIII. Translate from Russian into English:

§ городской совет

§ казначейство

§ бойлерная

§ рыночная площадь

§ громоотвод

§ карнизная плита

§ симметричные фасады

§ протяженные фасады

§ рустовать

§ штукатурить

§ переделка

§ замуровывать

IX. Explain the meaning of the following figures:

16; 136; 1000; 1907.

X. Retell the text.


(City administration)



In 1925 the Moscow Architectural Society (MAO) organized a competition to design the facades of the building of the Industrial Bank (Prombank) of the USSR in Novosibirsk to "prepared plans and crosssections" by S.A. Shestov, a local Gosstroi engineer. The first floor held six stores with offices. On the second floor there was a transactions room in the center and two two-room apartments for directors in the left wing. The winning project was made and implemented by Alexander Shvidkovsky, Georgii Goltz and Sergei Kozhin. The Prombank building in Novosibirsk is very significant in the artistic heritage of architect and artist Georgii P. Goltz, one of the most talented followers of academician Ivan V. Zholtovsky's Neo-Renaissance school. Goltz graduated from VHUTEMAS, a world-renowned cradle of Russian avant-garde. At the beginning of his artistic career, when he had returned from his eight-month long tour of Italy and was under the influence of Alexander A. Vesnin's ideas, Goltz made several projects in the Constructivist manner. The Prombank building had brick exterior walls and an internal reinforced concrete framework. Its facade composition was based to the dynamic contrast between a pulsatory rhythm of massive pylons and large glass surfaces of high window-cases. Different sizes of bays were motivated by the pre-specified layout of the construction. On special occasions and on working days the building was decorated with agitation slogans and various propagandistic installations. The building's large dimensions determined the scale of the main square. Local newspapers mentioned the Constructivist architecture of the Prombank building and a Moscow touch in its ultra-modern forms. Addition of two stories and reconstruction resulted in a heavy classicist interpretation of the building caused by the necessity to form symmetrical composition of the ensemble on the city's main square, in front of the Opera Theater. Window openings were diminished; facades were decorated with flat five-storied pilasters of large order with big one-story-high massive capitals of socio-realistic interpretation, crowned with a mighty cornice and a high attic.




store - магазин


transactions room - операционный зал


heritage - наследие


cradle - колыбель


exterior (interior) - экстерьер (интерьер)


internal - внутренний


pylon - пилон


surface - поверхность


window-case- оконная коробка, окно-витрина


ensemble - ансамбль


to diminish - уменьшать


pilaster - пилястр


mighty cornice - мощный карниз


high attic - высокий аттик





I. Try to translate the following words without using a dictionary:

Industrial, local, engineer, artistic, talented, dynamic, pylon, propagandistic, installation, ultra-modern, interpretation, pilaster.


II. Define the part of speech of the following words:

Director, follower, academician, dynamic, occasion, heavy, massive, socio-realistic, mighty.

III. Answer the following questions:

1.When did Moscow Architectural Society organize a competition to design the facades of the building of Prombank?


2.What was there on the second floor?


3.Whose follower was Georgii P. Goltz?


4.What did he graduate from?


5.How much time did he spend in Italy?


6.What was the building decorated with on special occasions and on working days?


7.Why were two stories added to the building?


8. What were facades decorated with?



IV. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1.На втором этаже находился операционный зал, а в левом крыле были апартаменты для директоров банка.

2.Внешние стены здания Промбанка были кирпичные, а внутри был железобетонный каркас.

3.Разные размеры ниш были обусловлены особой планировкой здания.

4.Большие размеры здания определяли масштаб главной площади города.

5.По рабочим дням, а также в особых случаях здание украшалось агитационными лозунгами и различными пропагандистскими инсталляциями.

6.Местные газеты отмечали Конструктивистскую архитектуру здания Промбанка, и Московские черты его ультрасовременных форм.


V. Fill in the gaps with the suitable adjectives and participles from the text:

1. The … project was made and implemented by Alexander Shvidkovsky, Georgii Goltz and Sergei Kozhin.

2. The Prombank building in Novosibirsk is very … in the artistic heritage of architect and artist Georgii P. Goltz.

3. Goltz graduated from VHUTEMAS, …cradle of Russian avantgarde.

4. The Prombank building had brick …walls and an …reinforced concrete framework.

5. Different sizes of bays were motivated by the …layout of the construction.

6. Local newspapers mentioned the Constructivist architecture of the Prombank building and a Moscow touch in its …forms.

7. Addition of two stories and reconstruction resulted in a … interpretation of the building caused by the necessity to form …composition of the ensemble on the city's main square.


VI. Prove the following using the information from the text:

1.The competition of the facades' design of Prombank was won by Alexander Shvidkovsky, Georgii Goltz and Sergei Kozhin.

2. Georgii Goltz was a representative of Neo-Renaissance school.

3. Alexander A. Vesnin's ideas influenced Georgii Goltz during his tour about Italy.

4.Prombank was built in the style of Constructivism.

5.Later the building was reconstructed in a heavy classicist manner.

6.There were added two more stories.


VII. Match the words and their definitions:

1.Framework; a) a short phrase that is easy to remember and is used in advertisements;

2.heritage; b) the place where something important began;

3.cradle; c) the way in which someone explains or understands an event, information, someone's actions etc.;

4.occasion; d) the main supporting part of a building;

5.slogan; e) the traditional beliefs, values, customs of a family, country or society;

6.interpretation. f) the time of an important event.


VIII. Retell the text.



a sort of - что-то вроде


lower portion - нижняя часть


redo (redid) - переделывать, перерабатывать


inexpressive - невыразительный


working draft - рабочий график


meeting hall - зал заседаний


to be set apart - выделить(для чего-либо)


vestibule -вестибюль


lobby - коридор, фойе


glazing - остекление


staircase - лестница


the volumetric and spatial composition - объёмно-пространственная композиция


peculiarity - особенность


semi-circular flanking protruding portion - полукруглый фланговый выступ-ризалит


relief dip point - значительное понижение рельефа


yield - добывать, извлекать


Commissariat of Land - Наркомат Земледелия


apart from - помимо


exposure - выявление, выделение


bay - window - эркер


volume-layout structure- объемно-планировочное решение


lengthy balcony-протяженный балкон


gallery-rostrum- галлерея-трибуна





I. Try to translate the following words without using a dictionary:

Committee, Region, propaganda, socialist, idea, regime, professor, corridor, asymmetry, fragments.


II. Define the part of speech of the following words:

Executive, national, rapidly, public, totally, inexpressive, expressiveness, spatial, neighborhood, German.

III. Answer the following questions:

1.When was West-Siberian region with Novosibirsk as a capital city established?

2.Why were new buildings needed?

3.What was a competition organized for?

4.Who was the author of the lower portion of Regional Executive Committee building?

5.Who redid all the facades of the building?

6.How many offices did the building contain?

7.Where were the most important areas set apart?

8.What were there in the right wing of the building?

9.What is the volumetric and spatial composition of the building determined by?

10.What was the source of the «Shchusev's enriched Constructivism»?

11.Where can a similar composition of the entrance part be seen?

IV. Choose the correct preposition:

1. …29 July 1930 the National Executive Committee resolved to establish West-Siberian Region with Novosibirsk as a capital city.

a) in

b) at

c) on

2. New buildings were needed … government bodies, rapidly growing in number.

a) for

b) with

c) to

3. … that time the architecture of public buildings was to become a sort of drive to educate people, propaganda of socialist ideas and embodiment of powerful Soviet regime.

a) on

b) at

c) in

4. But Grinberg's project was not implemented … Novosibirsk.

a) in

b) to

c) from

5. The most important areas were set apart …the center: the amphitheater of the meeting hall attached to the main volume, a vestibule with a cloakroom and a lobby ….

a) to; from

b) in; above

c) for; through

6. The corridor running …the entire main part of the building ended in staircases lighted up through bay windows with five-story high glazing.

a) by

b) across

c) through

7. This ensured silhouette expressiveness of the construction and distinguished it …the row of buildings constituting Krasnyi Prospect.

a) on

b) for

c) in

8. The sharp asymmetry of the construction, in general, follows the main axis of the facade exposed by a stained- glass window … the central entrance and by a gallery- rostrum attached to it.

a) above

b) between

c) under


V. Find the false sentences and correct them:

1. On 29 July 1930 the National Executive Committee resolved to establish West-Siberian Region with Tomsk as a capital city.

2. A competition was held for the project of the Industrial Bank.

3. One of the participants was the famous Novosibirsk architect Alexander Z. Grinberg.

4. The lower portion (up to the first floor) was constructed to a design by Andrei Kryachkov.

5. Young architects Boris Gordeev and Sergei Turgenev then reworked the roof plan and totally redid all the window openings.

6. The eight-storied building of the Soviets House in Novosibirsk was to accommodate 20 departments of the Regional Executive Committee and 3000 employees.

7. The most important areas were set apart in the right wing of the building.

8. A rectangular flanking protruding portion visually stops dynamic development of composition of the building.

9. The volume- layout structure and interior design of the Soviets House in Novosibirsk yield the influence of the St. Petersburg People's Commissariat of Land by Alexei V. Shchusev.

VI. Complete the following sentences:

1. New buildings were needed for …, rapidly growing in number.

2. The …was constructed to a design by Andrei Kryachkov.

3. But the facades were … and ….

4. Their solution was better, …, in the style of enriched Constructivism.

5. The architects used a …floor plan.

6. The amphitheater of the meeting hall …to the main volume, a vestibule with a cloakroom and a lobby above.

7. In the right wing there were apartments of the Committee employees with a ….

8. A semi-circular flanking …visually stops dynamic development of composition of the building located at the relief dip point and accentuates its position along the red line of the prospect.

9. Apart from typical Constructivist exposure of frame structure, use of large … surfaces, … balconies and glass bay- windows, the building also reveals Neoclassic reminiscences, like a three- part vertical division of facades and fragments with … composition.

10. The … asymmetry of the construction, in general, follows the main axis of the facade exposed by a … window above the central entrance and by a gallery- rostrum attached to it.

11. A … composition of the entrance part can be seen in the building of newspaper Pravda, designed by Panteleimon A. Golosov in 1930-1935 in Moscow.


VII. Translate the following words and expressions from English into Russian:

§ government bodies;

§ embodiment;

§ participant;

§ collaboration;

§ to be implemented;

§ lower portion;

§ to recollect

§ one – sided corridor

§ cloakroom

§ high glazing

§ peculiarity

§ semi – circular

§ axial composition

§ stained glass window

VIII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. 29 июля 1930г. Государственный Исполнительный Комитет принял решение учредить Западно-Сибирский регион со столицей в городе Новосибирске.

2.Был организован конкурс на проект для здания Регионального Исполнительного Комитета.

3.Семи-этажное здание дома советов должно было разместить 15 отделов Регионального Исполнительного Комитета и 2000 служащих.

4.Объемно-пространственная композиция здания обусловлена особенностями городской планировки зданий расположенных по соседству.

5.Это обеспечило выразительность очертаний конструкции и выделило его среди других зданий Красного Проспекта.

6.Источником для «обогащенного конструктивизма» Щусева, послужила архитектура выдающегося немецкого экспрессиониста Эриха Мендельсона.


IX. Retell the text.


(Novosibirsk Architectural academy)



The building for public institutions of Siberia was originally planned with four stories. The first floor was to house public institutions of Siberia, the second floor was to be occupied by the USSR State Bank. In the course of construction it was decided to reduce the building to two stories on the condition of eventual addition of two more stories. People called the building a reinforced concrete house due to its large scale, whiteness of plaster, monumentality and large window openings made possible by the use of an internal reinforced concrete framework. However, overt expression of the building's internal structure was not the architect's purpose. Kryachkov, on the contrary, tried to hide the inner structure behind the heavy eclectic facades. On the corners the protruding portions with bay windows and compass windows in the center confined the main facade. These protruding portions had their own axial composition in the forms of «rationalist Art Nouveau» and were topped with stepped parapets crowned with sculptures.

In the mid 1930s two more stories were added to the building. The Palladian motif of large order was used for the exterior decoration of the building.

The facade was decorated with three-storied pilasters crowned with a high attic and set on the monumental first floor coated with coarse rustics.

Order hypertrophy typical of the «Stalinist Empire» architecture was connected with an attempt to apply to a higher building the traditional Renaissance and Classicist facade order pattern developed for two- and three- storied buildings. Sergei M. Ignatovitch tried to avoid excessive monumentality and heaviness of order, using its flat interpretation and making its canonical proportions lighter.



in the course of construction - в пpоцессе строительства


large scale - большой масштаб


whiteness of plaster - белизна штукатурки


window openings - оконные проёмы


overt -очевидный.явный


protruding portions - ризалиты


bay window -эркер


compass window -полукруглый эркер


axial composition - осевая композиция


to be topped - завершать


to be crowned - увенчивать


stepped parapets - ступенчатые парапеты


coarse -грубый


rustics - рустика


excessive monumentality - излишняя монументальность


canonical proportions -канонические пропорции


to house - размещать





I. Try to translate the following words without using a dictionary:

Siberia, Bank, structure, eclectic, parapet, motif, order, exterior.

II. Define the part of speech of the following words:

Originally, eventual, addition, whiteness, axial, excessive, heaviness, canonical.

III. Answer the following questions:

1.How many stories was the building for public institutions originally planned with?

2.What was the second floor of the building to be occupied by?


3.How did people call this building? Why?


4.What did Kryachkov try to do with the inner structure of the building?


5.What were protruding portions topped with?


6.When were two more stories added to the building?


7.What was the façade decorated with?


8.What was used for the exterior decoration of the building?


9.How did Sergei M. Ignatovitch try to avoid excessive monumentality and heaviness of order?


IV. Complete the following sentences:

1. The building for public institutions of Siberia was originally planned with….


2. The first floor was to house …of Siberia.


3. Kryachkov tried to hide the inner structure behind the ….


4. These protruding portions had their own axial composition in the forms of … and were topped with … crowned with….

5. The …was used for the exterior decoration of the building.

6. The facade was decorated with …crowned with … and set on the monumental first floor coated with….

7. Sergei M. Ignatovitch tried to avoid excessive monumentality and heaviness of order, using its … and making its …proportions lighter.

V. Translate the following words and expressions from Russian into English:

§ железобетонный дом;

§ штукатурка;

§ каркас;

§ тяжелые эклектичные фасады;

§ ризалиты;

§ эркер;

§ ступенчатые парапеты;

§ излишняя монументальность.


VI. Match the words and their definitions:

1) public institutions; a) on the outside of something;


2) monumental; b) including a mixture of many different things or people;

3) internal; c) extremely large, impressive etc.;

4) eclectic; d) according to some law;


5) exterior e) provided by local government;


6) canonical; f) inside something.


VII. Prove the following, using the information from the text:

1. The USSR State Bank was to be located on the second floor.


2. The authors of the building didn't want to show the expression of the building's internal structure.


3. In the mid 1930-s the building became a four-storied one.


4.The sculptures were on the top of the stepped parapets.


5. There were used Renaissance and Classicist facades order patterns in the building.

VIII. Retell the text.

St. Nicholas Chapel

Andrei D. Kryachkov, the architect from Tomsk, was the one who implemented this unpaid project of a chapel executed in the manner of old Russian Novgorod and Pskov architecture of the XIV-XV centuries. On 20 July 1914 the building was laid in the middle of Nikolaevsky Prospect to commemorate the 300-year anniversary of the Romanovs' rule. The city architect, Fedor F. Ramman, managed the construction. On 9 November 1929 the Presidium of Novosibirsk Regional Executive Committee made a resolution to close down the chapel. In early 1930 the chapel was demolished.


Its place was occupied first by a sculpture of a Komsomolets (Young Communist Leaguer), and later by Stalin's monument. As a legend that appeared in the Soviet and post-Soviet era, the chapel is situated in the geographical center of the Russian Empire. The chapel was reconstructed at a new place and unveiled on 4 June 1993, the year of Novosibirsk's centenary. The reconstruction of the original Kryachkov's chapel by Petr A. Tchernobrovtsev is one of the best architectural projects of Novosibirsk in the 1990s. Tchernobrovtsev had a subtle perception of city planning changes, appropriately changed proportions of the construction, which used to be heavier and more cumbersome in Kryachkov's project.






cumbersome -громоздкий,объемный


manage - руководить


demolish - сносить


unveil -торжественно открывать


subtle -тонкий, неуловимый


perception -ощущение, восприятие





I. Try to translate the following words without using a dictionary:

Manner, sculpture, Presidium, Communist, monument, legend, resolution.


II. Define the part of speech of the following words:

Anniversary, Russian, geographical, original, perception, appropriately, early.

IX. Retell the text.


(Picture gallery)



In 1921 The Siberian Bureau of the central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (of Bolshevicks) and the Siberian Revolutionary Committee (Sibrevcom) moved from Omsk to Novonikolaevsk. In 1925 the All-Union Central Executive Committee made a resolution to form the Siberian region with the centre in Novonikolaevsk. The building of Sibrevcom was built in the shortest possible time – within seven months – to accommodate administrative institutions.

The symmetrical façade of the building is decorated with two-storied pilasters fixed in the rusticated ground floor. The façade is crowned with a cupola, motivated only in terms of composition. The front entrance is set off by a way with two «Egyptian» columns, bearing an entablature-balcony of the second floor slightly protruding from the façade. The front entrance is flanked with two protruding portions topped with the statues of a worker and a peasant by the Altai sculptor Stepan R.Nadolsky. The statues are placed on pediments. Andrei D. Kryachkov tried to express the public character of the building by erecting it recessed from the red line and making a grand porch with a central staircase and lateral rounded ramps decorated with pylons.

Although the building is not of great size, the architect succeeded in making it monumental. Kryachkov gave special attention to the design of side façades, topped with stepped parapets with semi-circular windows in the centre. Eclectic decoration of the Sibrevcom building contains both neoclassical decorative devices and some ornamental motifs of Art Nouveau. The color scheme advocated by Kryachkov has justified itself in the course of time as the most practical and expressive in the severe Siberian climate. It is a restrained grey color scheme of the plastered walls of the construction. In 1930 the newspaper «Sovetskaya Sibir» strictly criticized Kryachkov for the non-proletarian character of architecture of the Sibrevkom building.


to fix – устанавливать

cupola –купол

bay – ниша

bearing – несущий

peasant – крестьянин

grand porch –(зд.) парадный подход

lateral –боковой

ramp –пандус

to advocate –оправдывать

restrained –сдержанный



I. Try to translate the following words without using a dictionary:

Committee, resolution, region, composition, façade, statue, monumental, scheme, expressive.

II. Define the part of speech of the following words:

Revolutionary, administrative, slightly, worker, special, semi-circular, strictly, non-proletarian, practical.


III. Answer the following questions:

1.When did the Siberian Revolutionary Committee move from Omsk to Novonikolaevsk?

2.What resolution did the All-Union Central Executive Committee make in 1925?

3.How many months did it take to build Sibrevcom?

4.What is the façade of the building decorate with?

5. What is the façade of the building crowned with?

6.What details did A.D. Kryachkov use to express the public character of the building?

7.What did Kryachkov give special attention to?

8.What devices does Eclectic decoration of the Sibrevcom building contain?

9. Has the Kryachkov's color scheme justified itself?

10. Why did the newspaper «Sovetskaya Sibir» strictly criticize Kryachkov's Sibrevcom building?

IV. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb:

1. The building of Sibrevcom … in the shortest possible time.

a) is built

b) was build

c) was built


2. The symmetrical façade of the building … with two-storied pilasters fixed in the rusticated ground floor.

a) is decorated

b) are decorated

c) was decorated

3. The façade … with a cupola, motivated only in terms of composition.

a) has crowned

b) is crowned

c) was crowned

4. The front entrance … with two protruding portions topped with the statues of a worker and a peasant by the Altai sculptor Stepan R.Nadolsky.

a) was set off

b) were set off

c) is set off

5. The statues… on pediments.

a) were placed

b) are placed

c) is place

6. The color scheme … by Kryachkov has justified itself in the course of time as the most practical and expressive in the severe Siberian climate.

a) is advocated

b) advocated

c) was advocated

7. In 1930 the newspaper «Sovetskaya Sibir» strictly … Kryachkov for the non-proletarian character of architecture of the Sibrevkom building.

a) criticized

b) was criticized

c) are criticized


V. Find the false sentences and correct them:

1. In 1925 the All-Union Central Executive Committee made a resolution to form the Siberian region with the centre in Omsk.

2. The building of Sibrevcom was built within nine months.

3. The symmetrical façade of the building is decorated with three-storied pilasters fixed in the rusticated second floor.

4. The front entrance is set off by a way with two «Roman» columns.

5. The front entrance is flanked with two protruding portions topped with the statues of a soldier and a sailor by the Altai sculptor Stepan R.Nadolsky.

6. Kryachkov gave special attention to the design of side façades, topped with stepped parapets with rectangular windows in the centre.

7. Eclectic decoration of the Sibrevcom building contains both neoclassical decorative devices and some ornamental motifs of Post Modernism.

8. It is a restrained white color scheme of the plastered walls of the construction.

9. In 1930 the newspaper «Komsomolskaya Pravda» strictly criticized Kryachkov for the proletarian character of architecture of the Sibrevkom building.

VI. Match the words and their definitions:

1. Resolution; a) a rectangular column that projects

partially from the wall to which it attached.


2. Pilaster; b) a dome-shaped ornamental structure located on top of a larger roof or dome.


3. Pediment; c) a formal statement adopted by an assembly.


4. Cupola; d) a foundation.


5. Porch; e) a part of a perimeter that extends above the roof.

6. Ramp; f) a covered and enclosed entrance to a building.


7. Parapet; g) an inclined surface that connects two levels.


VII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1.Симметричный фасад здания, украшенный двухэтажными пилястрами, установлен на рустованный первый этаж.

2. Фасад увенчан куполом, чье наличие обусловлено только композиционным замыслом.

3.Главный вход выделен нишей с двумя Египетскими колоннами, несущими антаблемент-балкон второго этажа слегка выгнутый из фасада.

4.Главный вход фланкируют два ризалита увенчанные статуями рабочего и крестьянина работы алтайского скульптора Степана Надольского.

5.В эклектичном оформлении здания Сибревкома присутствуют как неоклассические приемы украшения, так и мотивы Арт-Нуво.

VIII. Retell the text.



turning point – поворотный момент

drastically – решительно

to protract – тянуть, затягивать, медлить

harsh –грубый, жесткий

to entrust – поручать, уполномочивать

substantial – существенный

preliminary – предварительный

exaggerated – увеличивать

vault-shell – сводчатая оболочка

elongated – растянутый

transverse – поперечный

roomy – вместительный



I. Try to translate the following words without using a dictionary:

Conceptual, criticism, municipal, project, industrial, monolithic, administration, symbolic, cylindrical, tunnel, viaduct.


II. Define the part of speech of the following words:

Drastically, construction, biggest, conceptual, architectural, industrial, monolithic, technical, corrective, external, symbolic, requirement.

III. Answer the following questions:

1.What year is considered to be the turning point in the development of Soviet architecture?

2. Is Novosibirsk Railway Station one of the biggest in the country?

3. When was national competition organized by MAO?

4. Who won the first prize?

5. Why didn't the municipal layout committee adopt the Voloshinov's design?

6. Where was further work on the project entrusted to?

7. Was the Kogiprotrans design adopted?

8. What kind of decoration did the building of Novosibirsk Railway Station

receive as a result?

9. What kind of order was used in the façade?

10. What is the ticket office covered with?

11. What American city has a similar scheme of a railway station?

12. What company reconstructed the building in 1990s?

IV. Complete the following sentences:

1. The year of 1932 … affected the two biggest construction projects in Novosibirsk.

2. Their construction was … for many years.

3. The municipal layout committee voiced …with the building's architecture.

4. Kogiprotrans introduced …changes in the volume layout structure.

5. A competition was also held for the … architecture of the building.

6. A …decoration with half columns of an …Tuscan order and an …window plays a leading role in the façade.

7. The ticket office is covered with a …of monolithic reinforced concrete.

8. Engineer Nikolay V. Nikitin designed the unique …shell with an …caisson finishing.

9. This design approach allowed passengers to …to the platforms only once upon boarding.


V. Find the false sentences and correct them:

1. The year of 1942 is the turning point in the development of Soviet architecture.

2. Novosibirsk Railway Station is the biggest one in the country.

3. Voloshinov's design was adopted at an exhibition in Novosibirsk in july 1930.

4. Further work on the project was entrusted to Kiev division of Giprotrans (Kogiprotrans).

5. As a result, the building received eclectic decoration.

6. A monumental decoration with half columns of an exaggerated Composite order and an arched window plays a leading role in the façade.

7. Engineer Nikolay V. Nikitin designed the unique spherical shell with an internal caisson finishing.

8. The design approach allowed passengers to descend to the platforms twice upon boarding.

9. This novel scheme was successfully realized.

10. In the 1990s the Turkish construction company reconstructed and repaired the building.

VI. Translate the following expressions from Russian into English:

§ железнодорожный вокзал

§ первая премия

§ промышленные здания

§ в соответствии с

§ рамная конструкция

§ плоская кровля

§ в результате

§ ворота города

§ зал ожидания

§ камера хранения


VII. Find in the text the synonyms to the following words:

crucial moment; contest; site plan; displeasure; devolve; survey; besides; go down; spacious.

VIII. Retell the text.



via –

research institute –

accessible –

marcher –

carriage –

conveyor –

therefore –

outstanding –

to exceed –

to exile –

alteration –

to resolve –



I. Try to translate the following words without using a dictionary:

Theater, museum, tractor, platform, pioneer, auditorium, amphitheater, limit, gigantic, acoustics, opera, ballet.

II. Define the part of speech of the following words:

Originally, exhibition, accessible, technology, direction, theatrical, scenographic, thickness, radically, version, capacity, numerous.

VIII. Retell the text.







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