Exercise 9. Reported questions with no question word. Rewrite the sentences as reported questions using the words in brackets. 

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Exercise 9. Reported questions with no question word. Rewrite the sentences as reported questions using the words in brackets.

1`Do people in your town welcome tourists?`(asked)

He asked if people in his town welcomed tourists.

2. “Are all your family interested in music?(wanted to know)

3. Have your family lived in your town for a long time?(asked)

4. Does your older sister still live at home? (wanted to know)

5. have you got any pets? (asked)

6. Are always going to live at home? (wondered)

7. Are you Hungarian? (asked)

8. Have they eaten? (wanted to know)

9. Do you live in London? (wanted to know)

Exercise. 10. Reported questions with question word. Complete the reported questions about your country. Can you answer them?

1. Who is the most famous person? He asked me who the most famous person in my country was.

2. When was the last time we had a king or queen? I wanted to know …

3. Where is the oldest building? We don`t know …

4. What do people eat at Cristmas? Could you tell me …

5. How long has the President been in office? We want to know…

6. How much is the average salary? We were interested to know …

7. Where is the most beautiful place? Could you tell me …

8. What is the oldest university? We don`t know …

9. Where is the biggest lake? I wanted to know …

Exercise 11. Choose the right variant.

  1. My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting room.
  2. He said he (will come, would come) to the station to see me off.
  3. I was sure he (posted, had posted)the letter.
  4. I think the weather (will be, would be) fine next week.
  5. I hope the weather (will not change, would not change) for the worse.
  6. I knew that he(is, was) a very clever man.
  7. I want to know what he (has bought, had bough) for her birthday.
  8. I asked my sisiter to tell me what she (has seen, had seen) at the museum.
  9. He said he (is staying, was staying)At the “Ritz” hotel.
  10. Victor said he (is, was) very busy.


Exercise 12. Report these statements. Use the beginnings provided.

1.`I`ll give all of you the exam results tomorrow.`

Mr. Black said …

2.`Hey, you two, I`m going to get a promotion`.

Dad told ….

3.1Mum, I was working on my application all evening`.

Laura told….

4.`We didn`t have our keys with us.`David told.

Peter ….

5.`John`s taken my CD.

Jean told Mary ….

6.`We don`t like our neighbours`.

My friend said ….

7.`We are bringing your meal.` The waiter said ….

8.`We won`t lend you our car.

My parents said …

9.David and Roy are coming,`

Peter said ….

10.`I wasn`t looking after my little brother.

Tina said ….

Exercise 13. Ask your fellow students:

what new subjects she(he) studies this year;

… how many lectures she (he) has every day;

… if she(he) attend them regularly

… what subjects she(he) is especially good at;

… if she(he) fell behind the group when she(he) was ill;

… if it took her(his) much time to catch up with the group;

…if it is difficult to study English;

… if she(he) always comes in time for classes

… what her(his) favourite subject is;

… what subjects she(he) studied in the first year;

Exercise 14. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1). The University has two departments.

2) The day-time department includes six faculties

3) Once a year the students take the exams.

4) If one passes them successfully he is granted a stipend.

5) There are many chairs in our University.

6) The students must attend only lectures.

7). The usual course of training at the University lasts 4 years

8) The students have good conditions for their study

Exercise15. Do you know?

1) When was your University or Academy established?

2) Who was the first Rector?

3) Were there any famous a) scientists, engineers;

b) politicians;

c) artists among the graduates of your University?

4) How many people are currently enrolled?

5) What is the most popular faculty in your Academy?

Exercise16. Answer the questions:

1) What faculty do you study at?

2) What foreign language do you study? Are you good at language?

3) What year student are you?

4) How many lectures do you have a day?

5) Do you attend them regularly?

6) Do you always take notes?

7) What is your favourite subject? Are you strong in it?

8) What subject are you weak in?

9) How many exams will you have in summer?

10) Do you work regularly or by fits and starts?

Exercise17. Tell about:

a. your University and the life of the students there

b. your faculty

c. your future specialty


“Higher Education System in Kazakhstan and in Great Britain.”

“Higher Education in Kazakhstan.”

The universities in Kazakhstan focus entirely on teaching and do not engage in research. Students who are accepted to university at any level apply under a specific major, and the curriculum is set by the university (according to State legislation) for each major. For example, economics majors will all study in the same courses in the same order, separate from English majors who have a different curriculum. Some courses are required for a variety of majors and there is a possibility of switching majors but typically classes do not transfer to the new major and the student are expected to reenter in the new major as a first year.

The government is currently pursuing a program to adopt a credit-system which would allow students to study more easily internationally, and to add the possibility of a curriculum with electives and student-chosen courses.

There are four levels of tertiary (higher) education in Kazakhstan:

Bachelor’s degree — typically a four-year degree;

Specialist degree — typically a five-year degree and more intensive than the bachelors

Master’s degree — typically a two year degree, roughly corresponding to the Western masters. Doctoral degree — typically a five year program.

Universities are usually headed by a rector, appointed by the President of Kazakhstan, who wields considerable authority over the institution, approving all decisions including those regarding curriculum, personnel, and admission. Thus Kazakhstan universities are more centralized than their Western counterparts.

The top three universities in Kazakhstan are International Nazarbayev University,Eurasian National University located in Astana, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty. In addition, there are a few international universities such as KIMEP, which is a joint program, 40% owned by the government of Kazakhstan, but education is based on the Western system. The Kazakh-British Technical University and the Kazakh-American University represent joint projects between Kazakhstan and the UK and the USA, respectively. In all three institutions, the language of instruction is English.

State owned universities receive funding if their enrollment reaches 86,000 students or 34%. A small number of universities are financed through a budget line in the Republic budget, such as art academies or international universities.

Active vocabulary:

to apply – относиться – бір мамандыққа жату

major - специализация - мамандық

switching – переводиться - ауысу (мамандықтан)

pursuing – преследуя, проводя, занимаясь - мақсат ету

Bachelor’s degree – степень бакалавра - бакалавр дәрежесі

Specialist degree - степень специалиста - маман дәрежесі

Master’s degree - степень магистра - магистр дәрежесі

Doctoral degree - степень доктора - доктор дәрежесі

Answer the questions to the text:

1) How many levels are there in higher education system in Kazakhstan?

2) How many years lasts every level?

3) By whom is the curriculum for each major set?

4) Who appoints universities’ rectors?

5) What are the most famous universities in Kazakhstan?


Exercise 1.

Tongue twisters – скороговорки- жаңылтпаштар.


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