How do Americans view Russian values? 

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How do Americans view Russian values?

Ex.21 Read the following definitions; translate the words into Russian

1. virtue - behaviour showing high moral standards

2. hospitality - the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers

3. competitiveness - involving competition, wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people

4. egalitarianism - the belief that all people are equal and should have the same rights and opportunities, and to actions that are based on this belief.

5. illegitimate - not authorized by the law; not in accordance with accepted standards or rules

6. durability - the ability to withstand wear, pressure, or damage

7. resiliency - the ability of people or things to feel better quickly after something unpleasant, such as shock, injury,

8. proven strength - the quality or state of being physically strong

9. endurance - the ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way

10. nepotism - the practice among those with power or influence of favouring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs

11. sloth - reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness

12. to pass buck to higher ups - shift the responsibility for something to someone else переложить ответственность на кого-либо

13. bribery - the giving or offering of a bribe (a sum of money or something valuable that one person offers or gives to another in order to persuade him or her to do something.)

14. embezzlement - theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one's trust or belonging to one's employer растрата, хищение, присвоение денег

Ex.22 Translate from Russian into English

1. неотъемлемая культурная ценность

2. точность, пунктуальность

3. приоритет

4. жизнь, сосредоточенная на более важных приоритетах

5. пожинать плоды своих трудов

6. испытать истинное хлебосольство и радушие

7. чувство братства

8. духовное единство отличает россиян от западноевропейцев

9. дух соперничества, стремление вырваться вперед характерны для Запада

10. равное распределение благ

11. индивидуальная предприимчивость, интуитивность чужды русским

12. предпринимательская деятельность

13. кумовство часто приводит к некомпетентности и праздности

14. терпение – вот, что нужно всегда иметь в виду

15. иметь дело с бюрократией

16. полиция, печально знаменитая своей коррумпированностью

17. россияне не доверяют правительству и полиции

18. погоня за золотом

19. рабское преклонение перед всемогущим долларом

Ex.23 Read the following statements from various essays and comment on them by giving your reasons.

1. Russian culture has unique values pravda, dusha, and the in-group, as well as time and money.

2. Russian friendship is another unique and deeply ingrained cultural value that can be defined in the exclusive title of “friend,” or drug, as well as the inner complexities of the “in-group,” or krug. The interactions of Russian friendships live and grow within the in-group, a close circle of friends that is neither easily formed, nor easily broken. Given the deep roots of these friendships, one’s duties to a friend are taken very seriously, with many Russians willing to go far out of their way and their comfort zones and spend much time and energy to help a friend.

3. Time is money to Americans, and punctuality is a virtue. Time and money seem to have a lower priority in Russian culture and society than in others. I have been told by many Russians that Russians simply work to live. A life not focused on work is a life focused on the more “important things,” perhaps on pravda, the well-being of dusha, and friendship.

4. In fact, hard work and the ability to witness and reap the fruits of one’s labors are rewards that seem to be missing in Russian society. This often results in a misunderstanding of Russian culture, such that many foreigners feel frustrated, angered and even depressed when dealing with Russians at work.

5. Hospitality is a great Russian virtue. An invitation to a Russian's home is a real treat and education into the true meaning of hospitality. Once one breaks through the harsh exterior encountered in public, formal instances of day-to-day jobs, encounters on the street and on public transportation, etc., the true warmth, humor and hospitality of the Russian culture may be experienced. The true Russian culture, when experienced in full vulnerability and trust, is a unique phenomenon to be treasured.

6. Communal spirit and togetherness distinguishes Russians from Westerners. Individualism and competitiveness are more common in the West;

7. Egalitarianism is a social philosophy that advocates the removal of inequities among persons and a more equal distribution of benefits. This is rooted in the agricultural village milieu, not an invention of Communism. The concept of reward tied to performance was also alien, as was individual initiative. Many still view entrepreneurial actives as illegitimate.

8. Americans expect things to go well and become upset when they don't. Russians expect things to go poorly and have learned to live with misfortune. The American habit of smiling all the time can get on the nerves of some Russians. Despite their pessimism, there is an admirable durability and resiliency about Russians, a proven strength and endurance.

9. Many Russians today still hold jobs because of nepotism, friendships, or former party membership. The result is often incompetence, sloth, conservatism, and a tendency to avoid responsibility by passing the buck to higher ups. Patience is the key thing to remember in dealing with the bureaucracy, and finding someone who knows the system, or better yet, someone who knows someone high up in the chain of command.

10. The assumption that "everyone steals" has erased the nation's sense of right and wrong. Many involved in bribery and embezzlemen t see it as the only way to survive. They feel justified since, "everyone else is doing it." The police are notorious for corrupt behaviour. While Americans generally trust "the law," Russians have a tremendous distrust of government, police and the military.

11. This new pursuit-of-the-gold mentality is affecting the culture in general. The zeal for the almighty dollar, or more accurately, less-than mighty ruble, is affecting everyone from the rich to the pensioner.


(from Vestnick, the Journal of Russian and Asian studies, 14.05.2011, The School of Russian and Asian Studies

Research by Duane Goehner and Yale Richmond; summarized by Duane Goehner )


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