Грамматические аспекты научного стиля речи 

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Грамматические аспекты научного стиля речи


Кафедра иностранных языков


Методические указания

Волгоград, 1995



Грамматические аспекты научного стиля речи / Сост. О.В. Леднева, А.М. Митина, И.Ф. Янушкевич; ВолгГТУ. Волгоград, 1995. - 27с.

Приводятся модели использования личных и неличных форм английского глагола в предложении и практические задания для усвоения этих моделей.

Грамматический материал представлен на основе лексики, необходимой для говорения на тему "Научная работа аспиранта /соискателя".

Для аспирантов и соискателей, занимающихся в группе по подготовке к кандидатскому экзамену по английскому языку.

Библиография - 4 назв.

Рецензент Багметова Н.Б.

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета

Волгоградского государственного технического университета

© Волгоградский



университет, 1995

UNIT I. Tenses in the Active Voice

Exercise I. Make the interrogative and the negative forma of the following sentences.


l) We participate in scientific conferences. 2) He does ex­perimental work. 3) You carry out interesting experiments. 4) He works at a candidate thesis. 5) Our department collaborates with many industrial enterprises.

l) He took part in this conference. 2) They carried out useful experiments. 3) I wrote an interesting scientific paper last year. 4) She obtained interesting data in her experimental work. 5) I graduated, from this university two years ago.

I) She will carry out many experiments. 2) Professor Novakov will be my scientific adviser. 3) We shall work hard to obtain all the necessary data. 4) They will carry out many experiments. 5) He will submit his candidate thesis in 5 years.


Exercise 2. Make the interrogative and the negative forms of the following sentences.


l) He is working in the laboratory now. 2) They are instal­ling new equipment. 3) We are designing a new apparatus. 4) She is making a new experiment now. 5) He is translating a scientific paper from English into Russian.

l) We were installing a new device when the chief of the laboratory came. 2) She was making a new experiment when you tele­phoned. 3) They were discussing the data at 10 o'clock yesterday. 4) They were reading scientific papers in the library from 4 till 6 o'clock.

l) I shall be working at my report from 5 to 7 o'clock p.m. 2) He will be delivering a report at the conference at 10 o'clock. 3) We shall be re-equipping our lab with up-to-date machines from August to November. 4) You will be adjusting an amplifier at 8.


Exercise 3. Make the interrogative and the negative forms of the following sentences.


1) She has completed her experimental work. 2) You have read many books on your scientific speciality. 3) They have proved their hypothesis. 4) We have solved a number of complicated prob­lems. 5) He has developed a new method.

1) We had installed modern machine tools by March. 2) He had submitted his candidate thesis by the end of his post-graduate course. 3) We had solved the problem by the end of May. 4) He had completed his experiment by the time his chief came.

l) She will have written the report by tomorrow. 2) They will have checked and. adjusted the equipment by the end of the week. 3) You will have analyzed the obtained data by the time your supervisor comes back from the conference. 4) I shall have developed a new method by the end of the year.


UNIT 2. The Passive Voice

UNIT 3. The Sequence of Tenses

UNIT 4. Conditional Sentences

UNIT 6. Modal Verbs


UNIT 7. The Participle

Exercise 4. Make up sentences of your own using Participle I. Model: The scientist making (1) the experiment is responsible for (2) the research.

(1) (2)

The engineer analysing to be interested in

The student conducting to be busy with

The research workers planning to draw conclusions from

The chemist explaining to make use of

The experimenter starting to insist on

The investigator carrying out to refer to


UNIT 8. The Gerund

UNIT 9. The Infinitive

Exercise 1. Identify the infinitives and translate the sen­tences into Russian.


1) To make a choice between these two alternatives is not an easy task. 2) To foresee what the future will be like requires analysis of the past experience. 3) To be able to forecast the future we must begin by a thorough analysis of the past course of events. 4) To speculate about the future is one of the most basic qualities of man. 5) To appreciate the accuracy of the da­ta refer to Table I on page 57. 6) То avoid, making mistakes is always very difficult, because, to begin with, to err is human. 7) To take correct measurements it is necessary to use accurately adjusted instruments. 8) To distinguish between cause and effect is sometimes difficult. 9) The new equipment is necessary to in­crease the accuracy of results. 10) To prove this law experimen­tally is very difficult.


Exercise 2. Study the following structures and make up vari­ous meaningful sentences in analogy.


The purpose of this paper (A) is to describe the fundamental properties (B) of crystals.

A. The aim of the discussion

The task of the research group

The original idea of the book

The objective of the experiment

The subject of the report

B. to point out general tendencies

to suggest some fresh ideas for research

to review recent development in the field

to develop a special apparatus suited for research

to take into consideration all the essential factors




1. Турук И.Ф., Стойкова В.Н. Пособие по переводу научно-техниче­ских текстов с английского языка на русский. - М., 1975.

2. Методические указания по грамматике английского языка для аспирантов /Сост. Ермакова Н.В. - Волгоград. ВолгПИ, 1987.

3. Фролькис Э.Д. Говорите на научные темы. - Л., 1975.

4. Курс английского языка для аспирантов и научных работников / Н.И.Шахова, В.Г.Рейнголвд и др. - М., 1993.





Unit I. Tenses in the Active Voice 3

Unit II. The Passive Voice 4

Unit III. The Sequence of Tenses 6

Unit IV. Conditional Sentences. 7

Unit V. Emphatic Constructions 8

Unit VI. Modal Verbs 9

Unit VII. The Participle 10

Unit VIII. The Gerund 12

Unit IX. The Infinitive 14

Unit X. Multifunctional Words 16

Unit XI. The Complex Sentence 17


Составители: Леднева Ольга Вячеславовна

Митина Aнна Mееровна

Янушкевич Ирина Федоровна



Кафедра иностранных языков


Методические указания

Волгоград, 1995




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