C. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 

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C. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1) technical / premises / buyers / visit / both / discussions / the / for / The / and / commercial

2) continue / that / the / expressed / managers / Both / of / hope / the / would / negotiations

3) of / applied / a / them / for / have / Both / visa

4) these / both / I / proposals / like / of

5) different / Both / the / discuss / buyers / to / claims / meet / sellers / and / the / can

6) them / I / both / like

7) are / investments / the / of / attractive / Both

5. Diving Deeper

A. Give detailed answers to the following questions.

1. How do businessmen normally contact? 2. What is the most effective way to solve main problems? 3. Why do personal contacts promote a better understanding in all spheres of human activity? 4. What opportunities do partners have during the talks? 5. How does a businessman usually make arrangements for a business trip?

6. Why is it common for the Buyers' representatives to visit the Sellers'
premises? 7. Why do the Sellers often visit the Buyers' premises?

B. Finish the sentences in accordance with the text.

1. The partners have an opportunity to come to an agreement easier if.... 2. A businessman usually makes all the arrangements either by.... 3. If a businessman wants to go abroad, he.... 4. It is common for the businessman's partners to.... 5. The Buyers can visit the Sellers' premises either.... 6. If the Sellers offer some modifications in the equipment, the Buyers.... 7. It is usual for the Sellers to visit the Buyers' premises when.... 8. If some claims appear during the fulfilment of the contract, both.... 9. It is very important for.... 10. You should notify your partner in advance if....


You own a company and want to sign a contract with another company. Give your representative instructions on how to arrange business visits.

General Comprehension

Read the stories of two businessmen about their favourite ways of travelling on business and say who:

1) asks his secretary to make all the necessary travel arrangements;

2) usually buys a return ticket;

3) travels business class;

4) prefers travelling by train;

5) has to arrive at the terminal long before the departure time;

6) books a ticket at least a week in advance;

7) likes travelling in a good company;

8) prefers to start travelling as early as possible.

Travelling on Business

Nowadays businessmen go on business trips by train, by plane, by boat and by car. All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations. Most businessmen are interested in speed, comfort and safety.

Smirnov: "When I go on business I decide what kind of transport to choose and make all travel arrangements. It's rather difficult to get tickets on the day of departure and I book a ticket at least a week in advance. As I prefer travelling by train I get to Minsk railway terminal. There are crowds of people there: at the time-table, at the inquiry-office, at the booking-office, waiting for trains at the platforms, having a snack at a cafeteria, seeing off their friends and relatives. They are in a hurry not to miss their trains.

I get all the necessary information at the inquiry office before buying or booking tickets. Usually I prefer a return ticket to a single one, a lower berth to an upper one. I like to travel by an express train as it's more comfortable than a passenger train. There's a buffet-car and a carriage hostess brings me tea and bedclothes. The fares are reasonable and the trains are always in time. They arrive and leave without delays.

When I get on the train 1 go to my compartment. Here I put my luggage on the rack and make myself comfortable. I'm very glad to have one or two other passengers in the compartment of my carriage for it's very pleasant to travel in a good company. I always have a nice trip by train."

Smolski: "Very often I go on business to London by air as it is the fastest way of travelling. I ask my secretary to check flights to London as I want to take the earliest flight I can. She finds out the time of flights to London and reserves me a seat. Usually it's a direct flight, business class, non-smoking. The secretary arranges everything for me and I go home to pack a bag. I can't waste my time because passengers must arrive at the airport two hours before departure time on international flights and an hour on local flights. There must be enough time for them to complete all necessary airport formalities. Passengers must check in for flights: register tickets, weigh and register their luggage.

My secretary also arranges for a car to take me to the Airport Terminal and phones me to inform about the latest check-in time. At the check-in desk I put my luggage on the scales and pay an extra charge if it's necessary. Together with other passengers I wait at the departure lounge and on hearing the announcement about the flight I collect my hand luggage and go to the gate I need. 1 show my boarding pass to the stewardess and get on the plane.

In London planes take off and land there without delays and when I get off the plane Mr. Smith meets me at Heathrow Airport."

8. Pronunciation

Circle the word in each line which has a different vowel sound. Listen to the teacher and check your answers.

1) terminal airport berth reserve

2) carriage platform passenger plane

3) compartment car travel departure

4) buffet luggage comfort comfortable

5) arrange fare delay destination

9. Word Study

A. Find international words in the text and write them out Learn their correct pronunciation.

В. Give English equivalents to the word combinations:

заказать билеты заранее; упаковывать чемоданы; быть доволь­ным обслуживанием в поезде; приемлемые цены; прибывать (от­правляться) вовремя; положить багаж на полку; пройти в свое купе; узнать расписание рейсов; улететь самым ранним рейсом; заказать билет (на самолет); до времени отправления; ждать объ­явления рейса в зале ожидания; предъявить стюардессе поса­дочный билет; собрать ручной багаж; прибыть без задержки; приземлиться в аэропорту.

C. Make nouns from these verbs:

depart, fly, weigh, charge, announce, board, delay, choose, arrange, prefer, inquire, travel, arrive, reserve, sit, pay.


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