Remember the use and forms of the Infinitive. 

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Remember the use and forms of the Infinitive.

Open the brackets and choose the Infinitive in the Active or Passive Voice.

1) They are glad (invite/be invited) to the party. 2) I don't like (interrupt/be interrupted). 3) He will be

happy (see/be seen) you. 4) I was glad (meet/be met) at the station. 5) Children like (tell/be told) tales and always (listen/be listened) to them with interest. 6) I did not think (interrupt/be interrupted) you. 7) He is glad (send/be sent) abroad. 8) He likes (ask/be asked) his professor questions.9)He does not like (ask/be asked) questions because he does not know how to answer them. 10) Be careful with him. He is a very resentful person. He can't bear (joke/be joked at). 11) He does not like (laugh/be laughed) at other people. 12) Look, a ship can (see/be seen) in the distance. Can you (see/be seen) it?


Ex. 6 Watch the video about George and Aidan in a competition in Britain’s Got Talent (6:21 min) and answer the question ‘WHO IS BETTER?’


1. How old is he?

a) 13 b) 14 c) 15

2. What does he do?

a) He works b) He plays the guitar c) He dances

3. What was his goal in the first audition?

a) To achieve a better life for his family b) To become famous c) For fun

4. How did he do in his first audition?

a) He did well b) He did bad c) He did awful

5. What does he have now in his second audition?

a) More friends b) Bigger and better moves c) Bigger and better mood

6. Where does he dance to get better?

a) At home b) In the streets of Manchester c) At school

7. What does he look now?

a) Much taller b) Much fatter c) Much better

8. What did he do last summer?

A) He trained harder and “got bigger and better” b) He played Hide and Seek c) He practiced a little


9. Did he take dance classes?

a)Yes b) He didn’t say c) No

10. Where does he practice?

a) In his house/in his room b) In a friend’s house c) In the streets of London

11. How old is he?

a) 11 b) 10 c) 9

12. Why did he enter the competition?

a) He just likes dancing b) To make money c) To make new friends


Ex.7 Answer the additional questions

1. Do the media play an important part in your life?

2. Do you think that the media influence our life?

3. Millions of people get most of their news from television. What about you?

4. Do you read newspapers?

5. When do you usually listen to the radio?

6. Do you agree that most news we get from the media is bad news?

7. Do you think it would be nice if all news printed in newspapers and shown on TV was good news?

8. Do you think that journalists are given too much freedom?

9. If people have died in a plane crash, should their bodies be shown on TV?

10. How do paparazzi ([,paepa'raetsi]) earn their living?

11. Are you interested in politics? Don't you think that some politicians use the media to influence their voters (['vautaz] избиратели)?

12. What is the main advantage of the Internet?


Ex.8 Complete the column “THE EFFECTS OF MASS-MEDIA”

Positive Negative


Practice: Отызбаева К.Ж. УМКД по дисциплине «Профессионально-ориентированный Иностранный язык» для студентов 2 курса по специальности биология и биотехнология 2014г.


Take “Oxford Practice Grammar, George Yule, Oxford University Press, 2006”, p. 139-144


SIW tasks

Read the text “Mass media” and summarize it. Speak about advantages and disadvantages of Mass Media. Do ex. 363-365on pp. 294-297. (Ю.Голицынский «Грамматика» Изд-во Каро Санкт-Петербург, 2009



Theme: Human rights

Grammar: Infinitive: Infinitive Constructions

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises. Students should be better at discussing law. Students should know the rule of Infinitive and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Human rights”.

Define the basic laws of Kazakhstan and its role in our country. Discuss in groups ‘human rights in our society’.

Grammar: Introduce and practice the Infinitive.


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