Make up the dialogue of your own on this topic. 

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Make up the dialogue of your own on this topic.

Тема 5



Remember the words, write down them in your vocabulary.

Crime злочин Criminal злочинець Verb дія злочину
murder- вбивство [‘mə:də] murderer [mə:dərə] to murder [mə:də]
burglary- крадіжка зі зломом [‘bəglari] burglar [‘bəglə] to burgle [‘bəgl]
smuggling-контрабанда [sm^glin] smuggler [sm^glə] to smuggle [sm^gl]
arson-підпал [a:sn] arsonist [a:sonist] to set fire to [faiə]
kidnapping- викрадення людини з метою отримання прибутку [kidnæpin] kidnapper [kidnæpə] to kidnap [kidnæp]
killing-убивство [kilin] killer [kilə] to kill [kil]
assassination- підступне вбивство, з політичних мотивів [ə’sæsineisən] assassin [ə’sæsin] to assassinate [ə’sæsinet]
theft-крадіжка [Өeft] thief [Өif] to steal [stil]
mugging-вуличний грабіж [m^ging] mugger [m^gə] to mug [m^g]
robbery-грабіж [robəri ] robber [robə] to rob [rob]
pickpocketing-кишенькова крадіжка [pikpoketing] pick-pocket [pik] [poket] to pick [pik]
terrorism-тероризм [terərizm] terrorist [terorist] to terrorize [teroroz]
blackmail-шантаж [blækmeil] blackmailer [blækmeilə] to blackmail [blæk][meil]
shoplifting - крадіжка з магазину [sopliftiη] lifter [liftə] to lift [lift]
drug-trafficking-торгівля наркотиками [dr^g-træfikiη] drug-trafficker [dr^g-træfikə] to sell drugs [sel dr^gz]
forgery- підробка. фальсифікація [‘fod3eri] forger [‘fod3e] to forge [fod3]
assault-образа словами чи фізичним насильством [æ’solt] assailant [ə’seil ænt] to assault [æ’solt]
rape-згвалтування [reip] raper/ rapist [reip ə],[reipist] to rape [reip]
swindle/fraud-шахрайство [swindl],[frod] swindler to swindle [swindl]


Ex. 1. Read the police bulletin, translate and write your own bulletin:

Crime: Armed Robbery

Location: South & South Park Streets

Date: November 13, 1999

The public's assistance is requested in identifying the person or persons responsible for an armed robbery on the southwest corner of the South St. and South Park St. intersection.

This crime occurred at 9:30 a.m. on November 13, 1999.

At about 9:30 a.m. the victim, a young visitor to the city, was walking south along South Park St. At the southwest corner of South Park St. and South St., the suspect jumped in front of the victim, pulled a knife from his jacket and said, "Give me your purse or you're stuck!" The victim handed it over and the suspect fled the scene of the crime.

The suspect is described as a white male, 20–25 years old, medium build, moustache, blue eyes, short brown hair, pointed nose. He was wearing a red baseball cap with a Montreal Canadians logo, a dark bluejacket, green jeans and white sneakers.

This man is armed and therefore dangerous. If you can identify the man in the photofit picture, or have any information on this or any crime, contact the local Police Department or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-555-8477, and you may be eligible for a cash reward.

Ex. 2. Make up the description of the criminal. Use some of the expressions given below:

FACE – long, round, oval, thin, plump, fleshy, puffy, wrinkled, pasty, pimpled, pock-marked, clean-shaven

FEATURES – clean-cut, delicate, forceful, regular / irregular, large, small, stern

COMPLEXION – fair, pale. dark, sallow

HAIR – curly, wavy, straight, receding (scanty), rumpled, shoulder-length, medium-length, short-cut, crew-cut, bobbed, dyed, bald, fair /dark-haired

FOREHEAD – high, low, narrow, square, broad

EYES – hollowed, bulging, close-set, deep-set, sunken, wideapart, crossed-eyed

EYEBROWS – thin, thick, bushy, arched, pencilled, shaggy

EARS – small, big, jug-eared

NOSE – prominent, straight, pointed, hooked, flat,

aquiline, snub-nosed

LIPS – full, thin, painted, cleft lip

TEETH – even / uneven, sparse, artificial

CHEEKS – plump, hollow, ruddy, stubby

CHIN – square, pointed, double, massive, protruding

BEARD – full, bushy, spade beard, grey-bearded, heavy-bearded

MOUSTACHE – thin, thick, tooth brush, walrus

HEIGHT – tall, short, of medium height

BUILT – average, medium built, well-built, plump, skinny

DISTINGUISHING FEATURES – birth marks, freckles, scars, wooden leg, humpback, pot-belly


Ex.3. Translate the text into Ukrainian in writing form:


Robbery is defined as the illegal taking of something of value from the control, custody, or person of another by threatening, putting in fear, or through the use of force. Because of this face-to-face confrontation between perpetrator and victim, the potential for violence is always present and, when it does occur, may range from minor injury to loss of life. Because of its personal and often violent nature, robbery is one of the crimes most feared by the public, a fear that may be heightened by perceptions of police inability to deal effectively with these offences. Police solve about one in four reported robberies. The importance of robbery resides in economics, its frequency, the fear created, the potential for violence, and its frequent resistance to investigative efforts. There are two basic methods of robbery- armed and unarmed- but the targets are innumerable and range from purses to banks.

Legislative enactments have also produced such variants as train robbery, truck hijacking, safe robbery, robbery of bank vault, and violent robbery. These variants reflect differences in methods of commission, techniques, victims, and objects of attack.

The primary reason for such diversified classifications of conduct, which constitutes robbery, has been to allow for the legislation of increased or decreased penalties for the commission of these acts depending upon their seriousness and the threat posed to the welfare of society. Nevertheless, the elements of the basic crime of robbery remain constant throughout and have undergone few changes.


Ex. 4. Find the sentences from the text according to their endings:

1……….the use of force

2………..these offences

3…………to banks

4…………objects of attacks

5………….the welfare of society


Ex. 5. Imagine that you are working at the incident. You should inspect the situation and write the report according to the example.


Of the personal inspection

And withdrawing of articles

March 15, 2004 17,40 p.m., Zhitomir


District inspector of Bogunia District Department of Internal Affairs Senior Lieutenant Sergiy Ivanov in the presence of witnesses:

1. Mr. Igor Petrov, the address of whose is 25 Kalinina Street, Flat 95, Lviv 315025.

2. Mr. Oleksiy Ivanov, the address of whose is 72 Kyivska Street, Flat 72, Zhitomir 262029

Being guided by, the power provided in Code of Administrative Offences Chapters 260,264,265. I have implemented the personal inspection of Mr. Boris Petrov, born in 1971 in city of Zhitomir, the Address of whose is 11 Kotsubinsky Street, Flat 42. The inspected was delayed by the police detail in connection with the committing offence, provided by Chapter 195.

During the personal such articles were withdrawn:

1.Gas revolver, made in Germany, colibre 9 mm. №132528.

2.Cartridges 9mm. pieces

Any remarks and statements on the occasion of withdrawing from the witnesses weren't received. The report was read aloud written and rightly.

Inspected: Petrov

Witnesses: Sereda, Ivanov

District Inspector

Department of Senior Lieutenant

Internal Affairs in Zhitomir: Ivanov


Тopic 6

Making a Search on Drugs


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