Cooling and lubrication of engines 

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Cooling and lubrication of engines

Ex. 1 Read and memorize the following words.

Aircraft engine – авиационный двигатель

Cooling fins – охлаждающие пластины радиатора

Water-jacket – водяная рубашка, оболочка, кожух

To enclose – ограждать

Water pump – водяной насос (помпа)

To draw – вытягивать

Thermostatic valve – терморегулирующий клапан

Optimum – оптимальный

To lubricate – смазывать

Crankcase – картер

Pan – поддон

External tank – внешний корпус, резервуар

Gear pump – шестеренчатый насос

To deliver – подавать, нагнетать

Bearings – подшипники

Oil splash – впрыск, залив масла

Crankshaft – коленчатый вал

Camshaft – распределительный вал

Gauge – измерительный прибор

Dashboard – приборная панель


Ex. 2. Find and read sentences with these words in the text given below.




Most small two-stroke engines are air-cooled. Air flows over cooling fins around the outside of the cylinder and head, either by the natural motion of the vehicle or from a fan. Many aircraft four-stroke engines are also air-cooled; larger engines have the cylinders arranged radially so that all cylinders are directly in the air stream. Most four-stroke engines, however, are water-cooled. A water jacket encloses the cylinders; a water pump forces water through the jacket, where it draws heat from the engine. Next, the water flows into a radiator where the heat is given off to the air; it then moves back into the jacket to repeat the cycle. During warm-up a thermostatic valve keeps water from passing to the radiator until optimum operating temperatures are attained.

Oil is the life-blood of the engine. An engine running without oil will last about as long as a human without blood.

Four-stroke engines are lubricated by oil from a separate oil reservoir, either in the crankcase, which is a pan attached to the underside of the engine, or in an external tank. In an automobile engine a gear pump delivers the oil at low pressure to the bearings. Some bearings may depend on oil splashed from the bottom of the crankcase by the turning crankshaft.

Oil is pumped under pressure to all the moving parts of the engine. The oil pump is mounted at the bottom of the-engine in the oil pan and is connected by a gear to either the crankshaft or the camshaft.

When the engine is turning, the oil pump is pumping. There is an oil pressure sensor near the oil pump that monitors pressure and sends this information to a warning light or a gauge on the dashboard. When you turn the ignition key on, but before you start the car, the oil light should light, indicating that there is no oil pressure yet, but also letting you know that the warning system is working. In a two-stroke engine the lubricating oil is mixed with the fuel.


Ex. 3. Find the English equivalents for the words and word combinations given below.

Многие авиационные двигатели имеют воздушное охлаждение, большинство четырехтактных двигателей имеют водяное охлаждение, водяная помпа проталкивает воду через охлаждающую рубашку, повторение цикла, во время прогревания терморегулирующий клапан закрывает проход воды в радиатор, жизнедеятельность двигателя, отдельный масляный резервуар, низкое давление, работа подшипников зависит от впрыскивания масла из картера при вращении распределительного вала, повернуть ключ зажигания.


Ex. 4. Answer the following questions.

1. How does air circulate in small air-cooled two-stroke engines?

2. What is typical of larger four-stroke engines’ air-cooling?

3. Is water-cooling of engines widely spread?

4. In what way are four-stroke engines water cooled?

5. What for does a thermostatic valve exist?

6. What do we call life-blood of the engine?

7. What is oil lubrication of four-stroke engines?

8. Where is oil pump mounted?

9. Is it connected by a gear to the crankshaft?

10. What will let you know that the warning system is working?


Ex. 5. Match the synonyms.

1. optimum 2. to deliver 3. to oil 4. radial 5. air stream 6. to attain 7. running 8. reservoir 9. underside let a) to allow b) bottom c) tank d) working e) to reach f) airflow g) oval h) to lubricate i) to bring j) maximum

Ex.6. Complete and translate the sentences.

1. Most … are water cooled.

2. A water jacket … cylinders, … from the engine.

3. An engine running … without blood.

4. Some bearings may … by the turning crankshaft.

5. In a two-stroke engine … mixed with the fuel.


Ex.7. Make up all possible questions to this sentence.

There is an oil pressure sensor near the oil pump that monitors pressure and sends this information to a warning light or a gauge on the dashboard.

Ex. 8. Summarize the text.




Ex. 1 Read and memorize the following words.

Controller – регулятор

Battery pack – блок питания, аккумуляторная батарея

Ultracapacitor – ультраконденсатор

Flywheel – маховик

Charge-sustained mode – режим поддерживающей (длительной) зарядки

Charge-depleting mode – режим подзарядки

Convergence – схождение в одной точке, сходимость (бесконечного ряда)

Solar – солнечный

Aeronautical – воздухоплавательный, авиационный

Innovative – новаторский

Radar – радиолокатор, радиолокационная установка

Satellite – спутник

Automotive – самодвижущийся, автомобильный

Muffler – глушитель

Tune-up – наладить, отрегулировать

Alternating current – переменный ток

Brushless – безупречный

Spinning – кружение

High performance cell – К.П.Д. элемент

Lead acid – окись свинца

Integral – неотъемлемый, полный

Power inverter – преобразователь (постоянного тока в переменный)

Convert – преобразовывать

Current electricity – электрический ток

Congest – перегружать

Obsolete – изношенный, устарелый

Crude – грубый, простой

Small-scale – небольшого размера, маломасштабный

Congestion – загруженность автодорог

Paradigm – пример, образец

Advancement – прогресс, продвижение, распространенность

Accelerator – ускоритель, акселератор


Ex. 2. Find and read sentences with these words in the text given below.




An electric car is a type of alternative fuel car that utilizes electric motors and motor controllers instead of an internal combustion engine. The electric power is usually derived from battery packs in the vehicle.

In general terms an electric car is a rechargeable battery electric vehicle. Other examples of rechargeable electric vehicles are ones that store electricity in ultracapacitors, or in a flywheel.

Vehicles using both electric motors and other types of engine are known as hybrid electric vehicles and are not considered pure electric vehicles because they operate in a charge-sustaining mode.

The electric car was among some of the earliest automobiles, small electric vehicles predate the Otto cycle upon which Diesel (diesel engine) and Benz (gasoline engine) based the automobile. Between 1832 and 1839 (the exact year is uncertain), Scottish businessman Robert Anderson invented the first crude electric carriage. Professor Sibrandus Groningen, the Netherland, designed the small-scale electric car built by his assistant Christopher Becker in 1835.

Nowadays the development of the electric automobile will owe more to innovative solar and aeronautical engineering and advanced satellite and radar technology than to traditional automotive design and construction. The electric car has no engine, exhaust system, transmission, muffler, radiator, or spark plugs. It will require neither tune-ups nor – truly revolutionary – gasoline. Instead, its power will come from alternating current electric motors with a brushless design capable of spinning up to 20,000 revolutions/minute. Batteries to power these motors will come from high performance cells capable of generating more than 100 kilowatts of power. And, unlike the lead-acid batteries of the past and present, future batteries will be environmentally safe and recyclable. Integral to the braking system of the vehicle will be a power inverter that converts direct current electricity back into the battery pack system once the accelerator is let off, thus acting as a generator to the battery system even as the car is driven long into the future.

An electric car’s efficiency is affected by its charging efficiencies. A typical charging cycle is about 85% efficient, and the discharge cycle converting electricity into mechanical power is about 95% efficient, resulting in 81% of each kW-h is put to use.

The growth of automobile use and the increasing resistance to road building have made our highway systems both congested and obsolete. But new electronic vehicle technologies that permit cars to navigate around the congestion and even drive themselves may soon become possible. Turning over the operation of our automobiles to computers would mean they would gather information from the roadway about congestion and find the fastest route to their instructed destination, thus making better use of limited highway space. The advent of the electric car will come because of a rare convergence of circumstance and ability. Growing intolerance for pollution combined with extraordinary technological advancements will change the global transportation paradigm that will carry us through the twenty-first century.


Ex. 3. Find the English equivalents for the words and word combinations given below.

Автомобиль - альтернатива двигателю внутреннего сгорания, электрические средства передвижения, электромобиль, простая электроколяска, работать в режиме продолжительной подзарядки, современные спутниковые и радиолокационные технологии, пункт назначения, загруженность автодорог, аккумулятор, безопасный для окружающей среды, малогабаритный, мощность электромотора зависит от переменного тока, передовые электронные технологии, перегруженность автодорог.


Ex. 4. Answer the following questions.

What does an electric car utilize in comparison with an internal combustion engine?

1. Where is the electric power usually derived from?

2. How do we call an electric car in general terms?

3. What are hybrid electric vehicles?

4. Why do we call them “hybrid”?

5. What is the origin of an electric car?

6. Who invented the first crude electric carriage?

7. What are the advantages of an electric car?

8. Will it require gasoline as a fuel?

9. What is the efficiency of an electric car?


Ex. 5. Match the synonyms.

1. Global 2. Extraordinary 3. Limited 4. Progress 5. Paradigm 6. Automotive 7. Innovative 8. Accelerator 9. Obsolete a) An old one b) Fastener c) Absolutely new d) Self-propelled e) Example f) Advancement g) Minimized h) Unusual i) Overall

Ex.6. Complete and translate the sentences.

1. The electric power …from …in the vehicle.

2. Other examples of …, or in a flywheel.

3. …car was among some of the earliest ….

4. Nowadays …will owe …than to traditional automotive design and construction.

5. …for pollution combined with …through the twenty-first century.


Ex.7. Make up all possible questions to this sentence.

An electric car is a type of alternative fuel car that utilizes electric motors and motor controllers.

Ex. 8. Summarize the text.


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