G) I have just rung my friend. 

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G) I have just rung my friend.

$$$ 148

Find three synonyms to the word “habitat”:

A) Surrounding.

B) Natural medium.

E) Habitat area.

$$$ 149

Choose three sentences in Present Perfect Simple:

D) I have already written two essays this term.

E) I have already seen Madonna live in concert.

G) I have just rung my friend..

$$$ 150

Choose three sentences in Present Perfect Simple:

E) I have already seen Madonna live in concert.

F) I have already written two essays this term.

G) I have just rung my friend.

$$$ 151

Republic of Kazakhstan – as per its 1995 Constitution (amended in 1998) is a___________, __________, _______________and social state:

B) Democratic.

C) Secular.

F) Law-abiding.

$$$ 152

The State power in Kazakhstan is______________, and carried out on the basis of the Constitution and laws according to a principle of its ____________into legislative, _____________and judicial branches:

C) Uniform.

E) Division.

H) Executive.

$$$ 153

Basic principles of the activity of Kazakhstan as a state are public consent and_____________, economic development for the sake of all people, Kazakhstani__________, including _________on a republican referendum or in Parliament:

A) Political stability.

D) Patriotism.

G) Voting.

$$$ 154

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the____________, its supreme_________, who determines the basic guidelines of the internal and foreign __________of the state:

C) Head of the state.

E) Official.

H) Policy.

$$$ 155

The Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the supreme _____________body of the Republic which carries out ____________-__________ functions:

A) Representative.

D) Supreme.

F) Legislative.

$$$ 156

The elections to the lower chamber (Majilis) are carried out by__________, __________and __________suffrage:

C) Direct.

D) Secret.

G) Universal.

$$$ 157

The Chief executive of the Republic is the ___________who heads the __________of the Republic which is responsible before the ___________and is accountable to the Parliament:

B) Prime-Minister.

D) President.

F) Government.

$$$ 158

Choose three sentences in Past Perfect Simple:

C) He had not been to Cape Town before 1997..

G) My brother ate all of the cake that our mum had made.

H) The waiter brought a drink that I had not ordered.

$$$ 159

The supreme independent juridical body of the Republic on________, _________and __________cases is the Supreme Court:

B) Civil.

D) Criminal.

F) Economical.

$$$ 160

The government of the USA act according to the __________which was signed by the first thirteen _____________of thirteen ___________American states in 1787:

A) Representatives.

E) Constitution.

G) Original.

$$$ 161

The Constitution proclaims a _____________of government which keeps both the _______and the _________from getting too much power:

C) Federal system.

D) States.

G) Federal power.

$$$ 162

The federal government in the USA is given certain powers, for example, to make ________or war, to issue ______and to regulate the ___________and so on:

F) Peace.

G) Money.

H) Trade.

$$$ 163

The legislative power is vested in____________, which consists of two houses: the ________and the_______________:

B) House of Representatives.

F) Senate.

G) Congress.

$$$ 164

Choose three sentences in Past Perfect Simple:

C) I could not remember the poem we had learned the week before.

G) My brother ate all of the cake that our mum had made.

H) The waiter brought a drink that I had not ordered.

$$$ 165

The President of the USA enforces _______laws, serves as ___________of the__________:

C) Federal.

F) Commander-in-chief.

H) Armed Forces.

$$$ 166

The Vice President, elected from the same political party as the President, acts as____________, and in the event of the _______of the President, assumes the__________:

A) Chairman of the Senate.

D) Death.

G) Presidency.

$$$ 167

Technically Parliament of UK is made up of three parts: the_________, the___________; and the_____________:

C) Monarch.

D) House of Lords.

E) House of Commons.

$$$ 168

The present sovereign in UK is___________. She was crowned in ___________in_________-:

B) Queen Elizabeth II.

F) Westminster Abbey.

H) 1953.

$$$ 169

The House of Commons consists of Members of_________. There are _______of them in the_________:

A) Parliament.

C) 650.

E) House of Commons.

$$$ 170

The House of Lords comprises about__________. It is presided by the__________. The House of Lords has_______:

B) 1,200 peers.

D) Lord Chancellor.

G) No real power.

$$$ 171

Find three synonyms to the word “monarch”:

B) Sovereign.

E) King.

G) Throne.

$$$ 172

Find three synonyms to the word “constitution”:

A) Fundamental law.

C) Legislation.

F) Document.

$$$ 173

Find three synonyms to the word “sovereignty”:

D) Supreme power.

G) Authority.

H) Leadership.

$$$ 174

Find three synonyms to the word “legislature”:

E) Assembly.

F) Jurisdiction.

G) Legislative house.

$$$ 175

Find three synonyms to the word “democracy”:

A) Democratic society.

B) Sovereignty.

F) Democratic party.

$$$ 176

Circulation is the usual number of _____________or ________that ________each day, week, etc:

B) Copies of a newspaper.

F) Magazine.

G) Are sold.

$$$ 177

Interview is a _________(often a public one) at which a ___________asks somebody questions in order to find out their________:

C) Meeting.

G) Journalist.

H) Opinions.

$$$ 178

Subscription is an amount of __________you pay, usually once a year, to receive regular ________ of a newspaper or__________, etc.:

A) Money.

B) Copies.

F) Magazine.

$$$ 179

Mass media is the sources of __________and news such as_________, magazines, radio and television, that reach and _________large numbers of people:

D) Information.

F) Newspapers.

G) Influence.

$$$ 180

What are the qualities that go to make a good journalist?:

B) Open-mindedness.

F) Good language.

H) Humility.

$$$ 181

General assignment reporter is a reporter who works in the area of_________, in contrast to one who works in a__________, such as___________:

C) General news.

D) Specialty.

E) Science.

$$$ 182

Choose three sentences in Present Perfect Passive:

B) The present has been opened by me.


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