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1. Every technical student is to study English for some years.

2. You should study more if you want to pass your exam.

3. We had to stay after lessons as we couldn’t solve that problem.

4. As the student was late he was not allowed to enter the classroom.

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New York

New York City isn’t the capital of USA and it isn’t the capital of New York State, but residents of the “Big Apple” considering their city the capital of the globe. It is because New York is the home of the United Nations and the largest investment market in the world.

When first immigrants came to this land, they bought Manhattan Island for $24 from local Indians. Then they founded there a first colony and now when people in New York talking about New Yorkers they usually talk about people, who live on Manhattan.

New York has five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx. The Bronx is famous for a zoo, which is situated there.

Manhattan is the center of New York City. Near 1 million people live here, but over than 5 million come here to work from all parts of the city every day. The main street, Broadway, is also here. And there are a lot of other famous streets which known nationwide. Wall Street is famous for finance. Madison Avenue means advertising, and Fifth Avenue is famous for world-class shopping. There is a famous crossing Times Square. It famous for Theatre district, there are more than thirty theaters there, and every evening they play their plays.

Central Park is also there. There you can see people walking their dogs, having a rest or playing games.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the most famous art museum in New York. It has great collection from all over the world. It’s located in Central Park.

There are a lot of famous neighborhoods on Manhattan. The Village is famous for some poets and writers, who wrote about it. SoHo is an enclave of artists. Harlem has a priceless musical heritage. And the China Town with its main street – Canal.

Most of New York’s skyscrapers are located on the island of Manhattan. There are such buildings as Art Deco Chrysler Building and there were twin towers of the World Trade Center.

One of the famous building in the world is the Statue of Liberty. It was built in 1886. It was a present from the people of France. About 12 million immigrants passed through New York when they came to America. When you come to New York by sea the first thing, which you will see it is the Statue of Liberty, America’s symbol of freedom!

Вариант IV

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1. The experiment had been completed by the end of last month.

2. What are you looking at?

3. There are two main political parties in the USA.

4. Teenagers study at high school four years.

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1. The USA in the worlds leading producer of cooper.

2. Early in 1941 Henry Ford was granted government contracts.

3. One can use several modern devices while detecting and measuring radioactivity.

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1. A computer in to solve complicated problems many millions of times faster than a mathematician.

2. To measure the vast distances between different planets scientist had to use special instruments.

3. He can speak English fluently.

4. He has to work much before he is able to complete his research.

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The US Educational System

The US educational system is very decentralized and schools very greatly from states state.

Every resident pays a school tax to the school district he/she lives in, no matter he/she has school children or not. School education in the United States is free and parents are free to choose a school for their children. But if parents send their child to a school of another school district they have to pay the sum equivalent to the school tax directly to the school the child goes to. There are also a lot of private schools, mainly religious, and parents have to pay for them. The cost is $ 5,000 - $ 10,000 a year.

There is no home education in the United States. Each invalid is supposed to attend school. School provides all the necessary conditions for them to study.

The school system structure in the United States looks like this. Children start going to school at the age of five. First they go to eight-year elementary school and then to high school or if they go to five- or six-year elementary school, they then attend three- or four-year middle school, and then high school. Teenagers study at high school four years and graduate from it at the age of eighteen.

The completion of high school is called graduation. In order to graduate, students must accumulate a certain amount of credits during their four years at school. Credits are points given for every subject that is passed successfully. In addition to that, students must successfully complete specific subjects required by the state or local educational authorities, such as US history, English, mathematics and physical education. This may vary from state to state.

Over 60% of school graduates continue their education in two- or four-year colleges or universities. At least 10% of high school students are allowed to finish school at the age of 16.

A school year starts at the beginning of September or at the end of August and ends in late June or early July, just before the Independence Day, and is divided into three terms/trimesters or four quarters. School children have winter and spring breaks for two or three weeks and summer vacation for six up to eight weeks.

American schools today house a large number of students but making friends can be difficult, as the same group of students does not attend all the classes. In order to encourage meeting and knowing a broader population at school, special emphasis is placed on so-called extracurricular activities where interests, rather than academic ability, bring students together.

Extracurricular activities are the many club meetings, music or drama rehearsals, and sport practice sessions that take place in American high school in the afternoon after classes. These meetings are a very important part of high school life, since they are a link between different groups of students who are placed in various academic programs. Students who usually would not meet in the classroom get to know each other in areas of common interest. They give students the opportunity to further their specific interests in various fields and to spend their free time together.

Even though they are not mandatory, many students get involved in different extracurricular activities. Since students spend a lot of time participating in various activities, school becomes the center of social life for students. They not only go to school to study the material presented in class, but they also meet together to socialize and to pursue their interests.

U.S. colleges and universities offer a vide variety of programs ranging from highly academic courses to very practical ones. Students can be educated not only for academic professions, but also for technical professions, such as mechanics, nursing, medical technology, computer technology and book-keeping.

In universities young people study four years to get bachelor’s degree. If one wants to get master’s degree he/she must study two years more and do a research work. If one has master’s degree, studies more, does a research work and passes an oral, comprehensive examination he/she gets doctor’s degree (PhD).

Вариант V


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