Let’s talk about clothes and fashion. What style in clothes do you prefer and why? 

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Let’s talk about clothes and fashion. What style in clothes do you prefer and why?

About fashion

Let’s talk about clothes and fashion. What style in clothes do you prefer and why?

Fashion is something we think about every day. Some people think they don’t care what they wear. But they still choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel. The truth is most people don’t want to look unfashionable. They want to wear up-to-date clothes that make them feel good. The problem is fashion is always changing.

In recent years, music, films, videos, books and TV have all influenced what people wear. For example, in the 1950s, young people around the world dressed like Elvis Presley. Then in the 1990s, hip hop was very popular and young people dressed in baggy trousers and hooded tops and boots.

Young people often choose their clothes in order to be part of a group. The members of the group have the same interests and have names such as goths, skaters or rappers. Style can show what kind of music you like, or what group you belong to. However, it can also explain what you think. As for me, I prefer (casual wear, sports-wear, smart clothes, trendy).

The truth is the fashion industry is huge. Millions of people around the world are involved in buying, selling and production of clothing.

Do you follow the latest fashion trends? Why (not)?

As far as I’m concerned, fashion plays a big role in my life and, because of this, we spend quite a lot of time and money on my appearance. Like most teenagers, my friends and I enjoy getting new things and, if we have enough money, we usually buy new designs when they come out in the shops. We also try to keep up with things like hairstyles.

I believe that it’s important to stay in fashion because if you don’t, it means that you don’t fit in with the others. In addition, modern clothes give you self-confidence – when you look good, you usually feel good too.

To conclude, being fashionable is very important to most people of my age, but we need to make sure that we don’t take it too seriously.

What questions would you ask a fashion designer?

What can you advise a person who wants to change something about his/her style but doesn’t know how to do it?

1) consult a stylist

2) Commit to making a big change. See what you have. Look through your closet and rearrange it so that all of your favorite clothes are on one side, and your least favourite are on the other side.

3) Discover what looks best on you. Look through your now separated clothes and try on what you like to see which shirts show off your best curves and make your figure more beautiful. This way you know what you would be willing to wear without shame.

4) Go through all of your drawers and your closet and find nice accessories that would go well with some outfits.

5) Go outside of your safety zone. Wearing the same clothes over and over again might be comfortable, but it's time to explore new styles. I'm not saying that you should start dressing in clothes that make you uncomfortable, but instead of wearing that same old pair of jean shorts, maybe switch it out for a skirt and a floral top. Try new things and you will be surprised by what you find.

6) Visit shops and buy something new.

They say that young people pay a lot of attention to their style and want to be fashionable. What do you think about it?

We all know that, for average teenager, the way they look is very important. They are under increasing pressure to fit in so there is a huge range of clothes, accessories and hair products to help them do just that. It’s very easy for young people today to buy trendy clothes for reasonable prices, and there’s no shortage of hairdressers, their chairs are filled with youngsters keen to have the latest hairstyle.


About fashion

About fashion

Let’s talk about clothes and fashion. What style in clothes do you prefer and why?

Fashion is something we think about every day. Some people think they don’t care what they wear. But they still choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel. The truth is most people don’t want to look unfashionable. They want to wear up-to-date clothes that make them feel good. The problem is fashion is always changing.

In recent years, music, films, videos, books and TV have all influenced what people wear. For example, in the 1950s, young people around the world dressed like Elvis Presley. Then in the 1990s, hip hop was very popular and young people dressed in baggy trousers and hooded tops and boots.

Young people often choose their clothes in order to be part of a group. The members of the group have the same interests and have names such as goths, skaters or rappers. Style can show what kind of music you like, or what group you belong to. However, it can also explain what you think. As for me, I prefer (casual wear, sports-wear, smart clothes, trendy).

The truth is the fashion industry is huge. Millions of people around the world are involved in buying, selling and production of clothing.


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