Выберите одно слово или фразу, которые лучше передают смысл предложения. 

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Выберите одно слово или фразу, которые лучше передают смысл предложения.

Выберите одно слово или фразу, которые лучше передают смысл предложения.

The units can be put into production only ________.


a) tested

b) after thorough testing

c) once

d) last year


(I point for correct answer)


Подберите к подчеркнутому слову то, которое лучше передает смысл предложения.

Nanotechnological materials are widely used in biomedicine.


a) applied

b) provided

c) useless

d) well-known


(I point for correct answer)


4. Постройте отрицательные предложения.

4.1 He broke his pencil.

4.2 I have seen this film.

4.3 You should put off your coat.

4.4 They are discussing it now.

4.5 We hoped somebody to help us.

4.6 The discovery was made in Russia.

4.7 She will come back soon.


(I point for each correct answer)


5.Ответьте на вопросы правильно, используя соответствующую грамматическую форму сказуемого.

5.1 How many times a year

a) do you have holidays?

b) are you having holidays?


5.2 Have you already

a) met them?

b) meeting them?


5.3 Do you insist on my

a) to go away

b) going away


5.4 Would you like to join the exhibition?

a) No, I’m not interested in it.

b) No, I haven’t a beautiful sport suit.


5.5 Sorry, I’ve kept you waiting.

a) I beg your pardon.

b) That’s quite all right


5.6 Look out! The car…

a) is coming

b) is to come


(I point for each correct answer)


Подберите один из нижеуказанных глаголов к предложениям 1-8.

a) have b) has   c) had d) to have   e) having f) are   g) was h) be i) being

6.1 Must we _____ there all the time?

6.2 Have you ever _____ such a pretty party?

6.3 I thanked him for _____ so kind.

6.4 They were used to _____ two-three variants.

6.5 He will _____ back in some days.

6.6 We want them _____ much more chances.

6.7 The device ____ been tested on the stand.

6.8 When I came he ____ looking through the newspapers on the table.


(I point for each correct answer)


7. Напишите вопросы к следующим ответам.

7.1 ___________________________ Yes, I did.

7.2 ____________________________By bus.

7.3 ____________________________No, you need not.

7.4 ____________________________Yes, he was.

7.5 ____________________________ It will take some minutes.

7.6 ____________________________ Yes, I’d like to.


(I point for each correct answer)


Употребите прилагательные и наречия в сравнительной и превосходной степенях.

8.1 nice ___________ ___________

8.2 thin ___________ ___________

8.3 bad __________ ___________

8.4 reliable ____________ ___________

8.5 little ____________ ___________

8.6 busy ____________ ___________


(I point for each correct answer)


Напишите антонимы для указанных слов.

9.1 many __________

9.2 better __________

9.3 less __________

9.4 true ___________

9.5 possible ___________

9.6 deep ___________


(I point for each correct answer)


10. Выберите а), b), с), d), чтобы закончить предложение.

10.1 Do you insist ______________in the expedition?

a) participate

b) participating

c) participated

d) on participating


10.2 We have never seen ______ wonderful decoration!

a) so

b) so a

c) such

d) such a


10.3 He speaks French ___________better than his friend does.

a) much more

b) quite more

c) much

d) more


10.4 They have been friends _____ five years or so.

a) since

b) during

c) for

d) on


10.5 They lifted the heavy structures___ using more powerful crane.

a) by

b) with

c) on

d) of


10.6 Surely, it was difficult for them _________ so unpopular decision.

a) making

b) to make

c) make

d) made


10.7 Her son does nothing but _____ games on computer.

a) playing

b) to play

c) play

d) played

10.8 The weather seems _____________.

a) improves

b) to improves

c) to be improving

d) be improved


(I point for each correct answer)

Подберите правильный артикль.

11.1 We are late, let’s take ___ bus.

a) the

b) a

c) an

d) –


11.2 Our town is located on ___ river Angara.

a) the

b) a

c) an

d) –


11.3 You see, __ salt can be obtained from sea water.

a) the

b) a

c) an

d) –


11.4 It’s __ most beautiful place I’ve ever visited.

a) the

b) a

c) an

d) –


11.5 There was __ unusual warmth in her words.

a) the

b) a

c) an

d) –


11.6 Look at this map, __ Sayans are worth seeing.

a) the

b) a

c) an

d) –


11.7 They made such __ unexpected decision!

a) the

b) a

c) an

d) –


11.8 Don’t be in __ hurry, we have much time.

a) the

b) a

c) an

d) –


(I point for each correct answer)


Найдите ошибки в следующих предложениях.

14.1 Fred live in the suburb of a small town.

14.2 There over 460 different kind of plants on the island.

14.3 J. Portman opens his own office in 1953.

14.4 He got his education mainly from her observation of life.

14.5 She gathered a few things together mechanical.

14.6 Let’s wait a little, the bus has coming.

14.7 Nature is an important part of ours lives.

14.8 They showed the participants a newly designed models.


(I point for each correct answer)


Выберите одно слово или фразу, которые лучше передают смысл предложения.

The units can be put into production only ________.


a) tested

b) after thorough testing

c) once

d) last year


(I point for correct answer)



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