Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous instead of infinitives in brackets. 

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Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous instead of infinitives in brackets.

Варіант 2

1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Зробіть резюме даного тексту та будьте готові відповідати на питання за текстом.



There are many museums in London. One of them is the Tate Gallery in Millmank, which presents modern masters of England and France. There are some fine examples of modern sculpture. Its collection of French Impressionists is marvelous. There is the Victoria and Albert Museum in Brompton Road. It has an outstanding collection of the applied arts of all countries and periods.


The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square has one of the best picture collection in the world. It has the most valuable display of French paintings from the early of the Impressionists, and, of course, the finest English painting, with Gainsborough, Turner, Constable and others. It shows the progress of Italian painting from the medieval to the Renaissance, some outstanding pictures of the old Roman masters. It also has a great variety of Dutch and Flemish masters and an excellent choice of Spanish painters. There are great treasures dispersed in private collections all over the world. The Queen's collection is the most valuable among them.


The British Museum is a museum in London, founded in 1753. It contains one of the world's richest collections of antiquities and (until 1997) one of the largest libraries in the world: British Library.


The British Museum's collection of seven million objects representing the rich history of human cultures mirrors the city of London's global variety. It includes monuments of primitive and antique culture, Ancient East culture, the richest collection of engravings, pictures, ceramics, coins.



The British Museum library is now named the British national library. It was formed in 1973 from the British Museum library and other national collections. It has a copy of every book that is printed in the English language, so that there are more than six million books there. They receive nearly two thousand books and papers daily. The British Museum Library has a very big collection of printed books and manuscripts, both old and new. You can see beautifully illustrated old manuscripts which they keep in glass cases. You can also find there some of the first English books printed by Caxton. Caxton was a printer who lived in the fifteenth century. He made the first printing-press in England. In the reading-room of the British Museum many famous men have read and studied. Charles Dickens, a very popular English writer and the author of 'David Copperfield', 'Oliver Twist', 'Dombey and Son' and other books, spent a lot of time in the British Museum Library.


2. Виконайте наступні вправи:

Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous instead of infinitives in brackets.

1. What you (to think) of this drawing? – I (to think) it (to be)


2. A holiday camp usually (to have) its own swimming-pool and tennis courts.

3. She (to play) at the concert tonight.

4. You (to like) to spend your holidays with hundreds of other people?

5. What you (to listen) to? – It (to seem) to me I (to hear) a strange noise outside.

6. You (to read) anything in English now? – Yes, I (to read) a play by Oscar Wilde.

7. I’ll join them in their trip with pleasure if they (to invite) me

8. I (not tosee) what you (to drive) at.

9. You (to enjoy) the trip.

10. Can I see Doctor Trench? – I’m sorry you can’t; he (to have) his breakfast.


Translate the following sentences into English using Future Simple Tense.

1. Я зроблю ці вправи завтра.
2. Завтра він не працює.
3. Ви завтра йдете на нову виставу?
4. Він тимчасово не буде працювати.
5. Ми не будемо брати участі у дискусії.
6. Йому буде 30 наступного року.
7. Вона не зробить цього.
8. Майкл стане гарним батьком.
9. Я не піду до кінотеатру післязавтра.
10. Скільки буде коштувати ця книга через рік?

Варіант 2

1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Зробіть резюме даного тексту та будьте готові відповідати на питання за текстом.



There are many museums in London. One of them is the Tate Gallery in Millmank, which presents modern masters of England and France. There are some fine examples of modern sculpture. Its collection of French Impressionists is marvelous. There is the Victoria and Albert Museum in Brompton Road. It has an outstanding collection of the applied arts of all countries and periods.


The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square has one of the best picture collection in the world. It has the most valuable display of French paintings from the early of the Impressionists, and, of course, the finest English painting, with Gainsborough, Turner, Constable and others. It shows the progress of Italian painting from the medieval to the Renaissance, some outstanding pictures of the old Roman masters. It also has a great variety of Dutch and Flemish masters and an excellent choice of Spanish painters. There are great treasures dispersed in private collections all over the world. The Queen's collection is the most valuable among them.


The British Museum is a museum in London, founded in 1753. It contains one of the world's richest collections of antiquities and (until 1997) one of the largest libraries in the world: British Library.


The British Museum's collection of seven million objects representing the rich history of human cultures mirrors the city of London's global variety. It includes monuments of primitive and antique culture, Ancient East culture, the richest collection of engravings, pictures, ceramics, coins.



The British Museum library is now named the British national library. It was formed in 1973 from the British Museum library and other national collections. It has a copy of every book that is printed in the English language, so that there are more than six million books there. They receive nearly two thousand books and papers daily. The British Museum Library has a very big collection of printed books and manuscripts, both old and new. You can see beautifully illustrated old manuscripts which they keep in glass cases. You can also find there some of the first English books printed by Caxton. Caxton was a printer who lived in the fifteenth century. He made the first printing-press in England. In the reading-room of the British Museum many famous men have read and studied. Charles Dickens, a very popular English writer and the author of 'David Copperfield', 'Oliver Twist', 'Dombey and Son' and other books, spent a lot of time in the British Museum Library.


2. Виконайте наступні вправи:

Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous instead of infinitives in brackets.

1. What you (to think) of this drawing? – I (to think) it (to be)


2. A holiday camp usually (to have) its own swimming-pool and tennis courts.

3. She (to play) at the concert tonight.

4. You (to like) to spend your holidays with hundreds of other people?

5. What you (to listen) to? – It (to seem) to me I (to hear) a strange noise outside.

6. You (to read) anything in English now? – Yes, I (to read) a play by Oscar Wilde.

7. I’ll join them in their trip with pleasure if they (to invite) me

8. I (not tosee) what you (to drive) at.

9. You (to enjoy) the trip.

10. Can I see Doctor Trench? – I’m sorry you can’t; he (to have) his breakfast.



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