When describing people which of the following characteristics do you usually include? 

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When describing people which of the following characteristics do you usually include?

Characteristics Description
a) Age: baby, toddler, child, teenager, adolescent, middle-aged, elderly
b) Physical appearance: thin, slim, small-built, medium-built, well-built, muscular, plump, overweight, obese
c) Height: tall, medium / average height, short
d) Race: Black, Asian, Mediterranean, Hispanic, Arab, White
e) Sex/gender: female, male, woman, man, girl, boy
f) Eye color: black, brown, blue, grey, green, hazel
g) Hair color: red, black, dark brown, light brown, blonde, white, grey, highlights
h) Hair type: long, short, shoulder length, straight, curly, wavy, bald
i) Hair style: plait, spiky, bobbed, pony-tail, shaved
j) Facial hair: full beard, moustache, thick eyebrows, plucked eyebrows, clean shaven, unshaven
k) Dress: smart, well dressed, fashionably dressed, badly dressed, conservatively dressed

Choose one of these famous people from real life and fiction and describe his/her physical appearance. Can you guess who your friends are describing?

Example: He is a good-looking man of medium height. He is well-built.

He has dark brown curly hair and brown eyes. He is always well-

dressed.(Alexander Pushkin)

Alexander Pushkin Peter the Great Vladimir Putin
Alla Pugacheva Harry Potter Salavat Yulaev
Vitas Jennifer Lopez Charlie Chaplin
Eddie Murphy Nikita Mikhalkov Santa Claus


Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs (Степени сравнения имен прилагательных / наречий)

Remember! Имена прилагательные и наречия имеют три степени сравнения: положительную, сравнительную и превосходную.

Read the following sentences and define the degree of

Comparison of adjectives.

1. В семье Байбуриных Гульназ самая младшая.

2. Я люблю красивые цветы.

3. Какая башня выше: Останкинская или Эйфелева?

Remember! · Положительная степень сравнения используется для описания чего-либо или кого-либо без сравнения. Например: I like beautiful flowers. · Сравнительная степень используется для сравнения двух предметов, людей и т.д. Например:Which tower is higher: Ostankino or Eiffel? · Превосходная степень сравнения используется для выделения предмета и т.д. из ряда, говоря, что он самый умный, самый длинный, наименее страшный. Перед превосходной степенью всегда ставится артикль the. Например: In Baiburins’ family Gulnaz is the youngest.

Remember the formation of degrees of comparison:

Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная
Короткое имя прилагательное
short shorter the shortest
dark darker thedarkest
fair fairer thefairest
Имя прилагательное оканчивается на -y
pretty prettier theprettiest
wavy wavier thewaviest
ugly uglier theugliest
Имя прилагательное оканчивается на согласную, перед ней идет краткий звук
fat fatter thefattest
slim slimmer theslimmest
Длинное имя прилагательное, наречия
beautiful morebeautiful the most beautiful
handsome morehandsome the most handsome
badly morebadly the mostbadly
quickly morequickly the mostquickly
Стандартные формы образования степеней сравнения
good better the best
bad worse the worst
many (much) more the most
few (little) less the least
old older (elder) the oldest (eldest)
far farther (further) the farthest (furthest)

12 Identify the degree of comparison of the highlighted word in each sentence by writing полож. (положительная), сравн. (сравнительная), or превосх. (превосходная).

Example: Andrew sleeps on the lower bunk. - сравн.

a) We are hoping for better weather tomorrow.

b) Lucy interviewed a famous movie star.

c) Jesse is the strongest player in the team.

d) This is the juiciest orange I ever ate.

e) Cheetahs run more swiftly than any other animal.

f) That is the largest pizza I have ever seen.

g) The patient seems worse today.

h) That singer has a loyal fan club.



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