Сравните пары предложений и переведите их. 

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Сравните пары предложений и переведите их.

1. They were having lunch when I came into the room. They had already had lunch when I came into the room.
2. We'll finish the work tomorrow. We'll have finished the work by 5 o'clock tomorrow.
3. The experiment was completed two days ago. He said that the experiment had been completed by the end of last month.

Переведите следующие предложения.

1. I knew he was experimenting for hours.

2. They didn't receive any good results when they worked with this type of equipment.

3. Nothing interesting happened while I was away.

4. You can keep the book as long as you need it.

5. The document was looked for everywhere.

6. What questions are being discussed now?

7. The article will be translated at the lesson.


Переведите текст письменно.


Design and Designers

Many people admire only architecture of the past. They seek out gracious old homes and majestic old churches. Even some architects prefer old designs and build new churches and public buildings modeled on the ones in ancient Greece and Rome. But there is also beauty in modern architecture - in shining glass and steel towers and graceful stone and brick shopping centers. There are also planned towns where every home is a designed beautiful and durable enough to stand for generations.

Designers work with small items as well as with tall buildings. If you look around, you will see design everywhere in your classroom - the calendar on the wall, your pens and pencils, even in the books that you use. Doorsteps and paper clips are designed as well as churches. Your attention may be drawn to certain small designed things, such as a fine watch or a handsome portable television set so small that you can easily carry it wherever you go.

But most design that we see we don't even notice. Did you know that design influences what we buy and how much we buy? People who run supermarkets know this. Their shelves are designed so that the packages seem to jump right into your shopping basket.




Найдите в каждом ряду глагол во времени группы Perfect.

1. a) had refused, b) refused, c) refuse

2. a) obtain, b) have been obtained, c) is being obtained

3. a) are following, b) will follow, c) had been followed


Употребите глагол в скобках в нужном времени активного или пассивного залога. Затем переведите предложения.


1. All the necessary information... (to be stored) in the computer.

2. After careful consideration your report... (to be published) in one of the forthcoming issues of the journal.

3. The problem of the future of human civilization on the Earth is... (to be studied) by the scientists throughout the world.


Выберите правильный перевод выделенных слов.

1. The new equipment will be tested on Monday. 2. In spite of all the difficulties the people were saved. а) было испытано; б) будет испытываться; в) испытывали а) спаслись; б) будут спасены; в) были спасены
3. Passenger transport becomes quite a problem in all large cities of the world. а) становится; б) станет; в) стал  

Употребите глагол в пассивном залоге.

1. You must do it at once.

2. They may change the day of the meeting.

3. Are they still building the ground floor?


5. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Have you bought a new dictionary?

2. How many films have you seen this month?

3. Has your friend learnt to drive a car?


Переведите следующие предложения.

1. He has no experience in this field.

2. The article will be translatedimmediately.

3. You can take any bus from here to the station.

4. The professor asked him why he had chosen, of all professions, one in nuclear physics.

5. The professor asked the student if he had had any experience in physics research.

6. I couldn't understand anything from his letter.

7. The old man didn't get any education.


Переведите текст письменно.

From the History of Brickwork


Brick is a universally used structural material which in modern times is made by pressing clay into blocks and burn­ing them to hardness. Bricks in their most primitive form were not burned, but were hardened by being dried in the sun. In that form they were utilized during many centuries and are used even today in regions with the proper climate. Brick probably existed in times of which no record remained.

Since the Middle Ages, brickwork has been in constant use everywhere, in every sort of construction and in every architectural style. Good bricks are practically indestructible by fire or atmospheric action and more durable than stone. At the beginning of the 19th century, mechanical processes came into everyday use and by the end of the century had almost entirely replaced the ancient hand-fashioned methods.

Contemporary bricks are rectangular blocks with the standard dimensions. They are produced in a great variety for widely different purposes.





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