Index to the Vocabulary Sections 

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Index to the Vocabulary Sections

(Numerals Refer to Lesson Numbers)


accident 2

account 7

accuse 8

acquit 8

act 5

admit 7

after all 4

against 6

aim 7

all the rest of it 7

all but 8

amount (to) 10

annoy 4

anxiety 8

appoint 7

apologize 3

as it is 4

assure 9

attend 1

attitude 7

at a loss 2

authority 9

avoid 10

aware 10

be at smth 8

beforehand 8

belong 2

beside oneself (with) 1

besides 3

betray 10

beyond 7

borrow 4

bother 7

break down 2

bring to smb's notice 10

burn 1

cancel 9

can't help doing 1

care 2

case 5

cause 9

certain 1

charge 6, 8

charming 4

check 7

check in/out 9

circumstance 8

clear one's throat 1

close 2

come round(to) 7

comfort 6

commit 8

complain 5

concern 9

conclude 7

confident 10

confirm 9

connect 3

constant 7

convince 7

cure 5

dare 7

deal 1

deceive 10

deck 3

defeat 10

defend 8

delay 7

deliver 2

demand 5

deny 7

depart 6

depend 8

detail 3

develop 5

direct 5

dismiss 8

doubt 2

draw smb's attention 7

drop 2

due 7

elect 10

embarrass 9

employ 1

equal 4

exchange 9

exhibit 3

explode 9

escape 10

establish 7

evidence 8

experience 7

expose 7

fail 2

fair 7

fall in (out of) love 6

favour 10

fear 4

feature 8

final 3

fit 1

fit smb into some place 4

fix 7

flat 6

fcr a while 1

for the sake of 1

fortunate 9

fresh 3

fresh from 7

fuss 4

get away with 7

get down to smth 3

get hold of 3

get in touch (with) 3

get over smth 6

get rid of 1

get smth through 10

give notice 10

give up 3

give way (to) 10

go back on one's word 10

good will 4

go wrong 2

guess 7

guilt 8

had better 4

handle 7

have a word with smb 7

hesitate 5

hire 5

hit a blow 5

impress 3

include 4

indifference 1

in high (lew) spirits 2

in no time 1

in view of 10

influence 10

innocent 8

inquire 5

in spite of 6

in the name of 2

in the shade б

insist 5

intelligent 4

intend 5

introduce 3

innocent 8

inquire 5

in spite of 6

in the name of 2

in the shade 6

insist 5

intelligent 4

intend 5

introduce 3

judge 5

keen 10

keep from doing smth 3

lack 8

lean 9

let smb down 10

lift 9

load 9

loose 1

lost in thought 5

made to measure 1

make a good doctor, etc. 6

make a move 10

make both ends meet 1

make excuses 10

make out 8

make sure 7

manage 1

mild 1

mood 7

nasty 3

nearly 1

now and then 3

obey 2

object 9

observe 7

occasion 6

occur 4

offer 3

on board a ship 2

on foot 2

on hand 10

on top of all 1

one by one 4

opinion 7

opposite 5

ordinary 4

ought 4

owe 10

pain 5

particular 1

patience 3

permit 7

pick up 1

pile 4

play for smb's support 10

point 2

possible 3

postpone 3

power 7

practice 5

presence of mind 5

pretend 7

produce 9

prove one's point 7

pull up 2

punish 8

purpose 5

put off 3

put smb off 4

put smth right 2

put up at a hotel 9

put up with smb/smth 7

puzzle 3

realize 3

register 9

remarkable 10

repair 2

request 5

respect 5

responsible 7

risk 1

room 4

rough 5

run 2

rush 1

satisfy 1

save 1

selfish 10

sense 4

separate 6

serve 1

set off 5

set up 5

settle down 4

shake 1

sharp 1

shortly before 1

sight 5

sign 3

sign 5

since 4

sincere 10

single 3

sink 2

slight 8

so far 7

so far as 7

slow down 2

solve 3

spare 7

spread 5

stand up for smb/smth 10

stick 2

stiff 9

strict 8

struggle 10

success 5

suffer 5

suggest 3

suit 9

support 10

suspect 4

swear 8

talk art (business, etc.) 3

talk smb into (out of) doing smth 3

take oneself in hand 7

take pictures (of) 3

take up 3

taste 1

tear 1

tear oneself away 2

tell 7

temper 4

terms 5

the other day 1

throw light (on) 5

treat 4

treat 5

trial 8

trust 10

try on 1

turn 3

turn up 4

upside down 5

use 1

vote 10

waste 2

wet through 1

wish 2

withdraw 9

within 3

witness 8

worry 2

worth 3

would rather 1

Reference Vocabulary

abstention n — воздержавшийся (при голосовании)

actual a — фактический, действи­тельный

affirmative а утвердительный

agenda n повестка дня

aid n помощь

alcove n альков, ниша

along with prep вместе с

ambitious а честолюбивый

amount n количество

assume v напускать на себя (вид, важность и т. п.)

back and forth adv назад и вперед

badge n значок

bar n брусок, кусок металла

bargain v торговаться

bedclothes п. постельное белье

belted а опоясанный

beneath prep под, ниже

blunder n грубая ошибка

blunt а прямой, откровенный

bonnet n капот (автомобиля}

bottom n дно

bowler n котелок (мужская шляпа)

briskly adv оживленно, живо

brutal а животный

bucket n ведро

brute n животное (груб.)

bulge v выпучиваться (о глазах)

cage n клетка

casually adv небрежно, между про­чим

cavity n отверстие; полость

channel n канал

(the) chemist's n аптека

clutch v схватить

coffin n контейнер, хранилище

column n столбец (газетный)

compromise n компромисс

consistent а последовательный

contain v содержать, включать

constituency n избиратели (в co-вокупности); избирательный округ

constituent n избиратель (проживаю­щий в определенном избирательном округе)

contribution n вклад

corpse n труп

crush v (с)мять

current n зд. эл. ток

dazed а удивленный, пораженный

deaf а глухой

debt n долг

design v конструировать; модели­ровать

develop v проявлять (пленку)

disease n болезнь

doorway n вход в помещение; двер­ной проем

drag v тянуть, тащить

draught n сквозняк

drown v утонуть, топить(ся)

enormous а огромный

exaggerate v преувеличивать

examination n осмотр (врачебный)

executive а исполнительный; адми­нистративный

exist v существовать

extremely adv чрезвычайно

fairly adv довольно; сносно

feather n перо (птицы)

fingernail n ноготь

fission n расщепление, распад

fist n кулак

film n пленка (фотографическая)

film-holder n кассета

forearm n предплечье

frequent а частый, часто повторяю­щийся или встречающийся

gate n калитка, ворота

gountlet n рукавица (шофера), кра­ги

gaze n взгляд

gearbox n коробка скоростей

genuine а подлинный, настоящий

glance v взглянуть

grand а разг. восхитительный, вели­колепный

grape n виноград

grasp v зд. понять

grin v ухмыляться

groan n тяжелый вздох, стон

growl v рычать; ворчать

hail v окликать, звать

hermit n отшельник

hold-up n остановка, задержка (в движении)

hole n дыра

honeymoon n медовый месяц

hostility n враждебность

image n образ

impartial а объективный, беспри­страстный

innocent а наивный, невинный

involve v затрагивать

jovially adv весело; радушно

kid (coll.) n ребенок

lapel n отворот, лацкан (пиджака)

lead n свинец

level n уровень

lightning n молния

liven v оживить(ся), развеселить(ся)

lobby n прихожая, вестибюль

lounge n кают-кампания

lump n ком, крупный кусок

malice n злоба

malignant tumour злокачественная опухоль

meanwhile adv тем временем

menace n угроза; опасность

mentally adv мысленно, умственно

merry а веселый

message n поручение, миссия

minor а незначительный; второсте­пенный

miracle n чудо

motto n девиз, лозунг

mud n грязь

mumble v бормотать

mystery n тайна, зд. детектив

news-stand n газетный киоск

nod n кивок

oar n весло

obvious а очевидный

officer n должностное лицо

oil-burner n керосинка, керогаз

old-timer n старожил

onwards adv вперед, впереди

pad n блокнот

pigskin n свиная кожа

physician n врач, доктор

pile n атомный реактор

plot n заговор; интрига

polish v натирать, полировать

pop out of one's head вылезать из орбит (о глазах)

porter n носильщик

pose v поставить (вопрос)

post n столб

potential а потенциальный, воз­можный

piecede v предшествовать

prescription n (мед.) рецепт

pretty adv зд. изрядно

principal n начальник

produce v делать, изготовлять; производить

promotion n продвижение, выдви­жение

probably adv вероятно

protective а защитный

puff n дымок, клуб дыма

quay n мол, причал

recover v выздоравливать

relax v отдыхать, расслабляться

remain v оставаться

remove v стирать; устранять, уда­лять

remote а отдаленный; дистанцион­ный

reply n ответ

rescue v спасать

reveal v открывать, показывать

ridiculous а нелепый, смехотвор­ный

rock n скала

roof n крыша

roll up v скатывать, закатывать (рукава и т. п.)

row v грести (на лодке)

rub v потирать

safeguard v охранять, гарантиро­вать

second-hand а подержанный; поно­шенный

seize v хватать, схватывать

shriek n пронзительный крик, визг

sidewalk n тротуар

sigh v вздыхать

silly а глупый

slug n брусок, кусок металла, зд. стержень

smart а нарядный, модный

smash v разбить

smoothly adv гладко

so-called а так называемый

solid а крепкий, прочный

squeal n пронзительный крик

stain n пятно

stammer v заикаться

state-room n каюта первого класса

stealthily adv украдкой

stout а полный, тучный

strip v раздевать(ся)

striped а полосатый

suppress v подавлять (восстание и т.п.)

substance n вещество

surface n поверхность

sweat n пот

swing n взмах

tailor n портной

thigh n бедро

tight а узкий, тесный (об одежде)

track n ж.д. колея, рельсовый путь

trick n хитрость, обман

truck n багажная тележка

turncoat n ренегат, перебежчик

troops n р1 войска

tweed n твид

twin n близнец

valise n саквояж, чемодан

vital а существенный, (жизненно) важный

wave v махать (рукой)

whip п кнут

whisper v шептаться

whistle v свистеть

wholesome а здоровый, полезный

wreck n крушение (поезда, парохода)

wicked а злой, нехороший, зд. по­длый

window-blind n занавеска

windscreen n переднее стекло (автомашины)

wings n рl кулисы

wipe v вытирать

worsted а шерстяной

wretched а неприятный, ужасны


* to seem/to appear – казаться, представляться, по-видимому

* apparently – по-видимому

* to happen – (случайно) оказываться; случайно (происходить)

*to turn out – оказываться (оказаться) The verb “to prove” (оказываться) is also used on the same pattern.

* to be sure/certain – наверняка, обязательно,несомненно, непременно;

to be (un)likely – (не)вероятно, (не)похоже на то, что …

* The verbs “to let”, “to force” (заставлять, принуждать) and “to induce” (заставлять, убеждать) are used on the same pattern.

* The verbs “to consider” (считать, полагать), “to announce” (объявлять), “To find” (находить, полагать) may also be used with the same constructoin.


* квалифицированные работники

* работники министерства труда в Англии

** диплом об окончании высшего учебного заведения

* биржа труда

** объявления о найме рабочей силы

*** владелец дома

* Participle I, non-perfect form, may denote an action simultaneous to that expressed by the finite form of the verb (No 1), closely preceding it (No 2) and following it (No 3).

** Participle I, perfect form, passive, is rather uncommon.

* The perfect form of Participle I is used only in the function of an adverbial modifier. It’s never used as an attribute. It always denotes an action preceding that of a finite verb.

* Participle II may also be used in the function of an adverbial modifier of time, reason and concession, e.g.

(1) Pleased with himself, he left the office in high spirits.

(2) When asked, he answered that he didn’t know anything about it.

(3) Though frightened, he didn’t show it.

* to bug – устанавливать подслушивающие устройства

* багажник

* клетка

** тележка

* умный

** The idea is this: a person pays a small sum of money and receives a ticket. Then, if he is hurt in an accident, he receives some money.

* “The Old Man and the Sea”

** Should is also used with the first person (singular and plural), but in modern English would is more common.

* But for the nasty weather… = If it weren’t for the nasty weather…

But for the taxi… = If it had not been for the taxi.

* [‘bÉ:nmeq]

* In modern English the Indicative Mood is fairly common in "as if (as though)" clauses,

e.g. Try to act as if nothing is the matter.

You act as if you are the only person who knows anything about it.

You act as if nothing has happened

* kerb = curb обочина

* научная фантастика

* партитура

* a novel by the American writer Scott Fitzgerald (1896—1940)

* партия большого барабана

* This use of the Subjunctive Mood is sometimes considered apart from the Subjunctive Mood proper and called "conjunctive". Its use is more restricted than that of the Subjunctive Mood. It's mainly used in subordinate clauses, its meaning depends on lexical and grammatical connections inside the sentence. It is characteristic of formal style.

** The synthetic form "be settled" is used in official documents and American English.

* The Indicative mood is used in subject clauses after " It's strange, natural " etc. to express a real state of things, e.g. It was natural that he was annoyed with you. It's strange that he is not here.

* The verbs to suggest, to demand, to request, to order (to give orders) are on the same pattern.

* бинт

** a pub

* делать предложение (о браке)

** Can (could) is used in colloquial speech.

*** In order that... not = lest, e.g. He hid the gun carefully lest the children should take it.

* flu = influenza = the grippe

** бюллетень (по болезни)

**** печень

**** лысый

* a street in London where doctors have their offices.

** пищевое отравление

*** a city hospital where patients receive free treatment

**** потерять сознание

***** прокалывать

****** мочки ушей

* A possessive pronoun or a noun in the possessive case before {he gerund de­notes the doer of the action expressed by the gerund. Compare:

(a) I insist on writing to him myself.

(b) 1 insist on your writing to him.

* No preposition is used after "to be busy" when it is followed by the gerund, e.g. He is busy looking through the morning mail. Compare: I am busy with my work.

** An infinitive, not a gerund, is used after to be afraid, if it denotes dare not бояться = не осмеливаться, e.g. I am afraid to ask him about it. Compare: I am a-fraid of failing at the examination.

*** An infinitive, not a gerund, is used after to be ashamed when it refers to something that hasn't taken place yet, e.g. I'd be ashamed to ask him for help.

**** The gerund may also be used in the function of an adverbial modifier of- 1) concession, e.g. In spite of being busy, she came to the party. 2) condition, e.g Don't enter without being invited. 3) purpose, e.g. His method is used for teaching chil­dren. 4) cause or reason, e.g. He kept silent for fear of making a mistake.

* After the verbs to need, to want, to require and the adjective worth the ger­und is used in the active form though it is passive in meaning.

** The non-perfect form of the gerund is often used in place of the perfect form, e. g. I remember seeing the film. Your refusing to help them was a shock to everybo­dy. He mentioned speaking to them on the subject.

*** The perfect form of the gerund, passive voice, is practically not used.

* without + gerund is an adverbial modifier of manner or attending circum stances, not + Participle I is an adverbial modifier of reason.

* goods train (Am. E.) = freight train

* состоятельный

* ускользнуть

* Must is not used in the meaning of supposition of high probability with ref­erence to the future, to be likely or probably is used instead, e.g. He is likely to arrive tomorrow.

* evidently очевидно (по всей вероятности)

* can in the meaning of supposition very seldom occurs in positive sentences

** could, the Subjunctive mood of can, makes the statement less categorical, milder

* In all these cases where can is used could is also possible. Couldn't, however, must be used if the finite verb in the principal clause is in the past.

e. g. She said that he couldn't have done it.

* precis ['preisi:] writing — реферирование

* увеличивать

** приспособление, механизм

*** невесомость

* [lu:'ki:mia] белокровие, лейкемия

** оборудование

* мужество

* переливание крови

** пересадка костного мозга

*** побеждена

* привязанный (ремнями)

** давление

*** дымка

**** парить

***** полет

****** колодец

******* перегрузка

******** точка

[1] might (the subjunctive of may) doesn't change the meaning, it intensifies uncertainty of supposition.


[2] might + perfect inf. in the meaning of uncertain supposition is used in re' Ported speech or in past-time contexts e.g. He said that the telegram might (not) have reached him.


[3] Liberty Bonds — первый выпуск облигаций (бон) в США в 1917—1919. гг.


[4] Hubbs's—the name of a firm of locksmiths and safemakers.


[5] фикция

[6] подмена

[7] сообщник

[8] протокол

[9] обмануть

[10] зд. протест

* заслужить

** предпочитать

* рейс

** члены экипажа

*** взвешитвать

* kick (sl): here pleasure

** one of the five boroughs of New York

*** не сомкнул глаз

**** домашние туфли

* хихикая

* уволить

* Parliament (here) the House of Commons

** Lords = the House of Lords

* протокол

** личное обогащение

* посвятить себя

* Square: Trafalgar Square, so called to commemmorate the victory of the British won under Admiral Nelson against the French and Spanish on Oct. 21st, 1805 in the battle of Trafalgar Cape. The most prominent feature of the Square is the Nelson column set up in 1840. It is a place where people usually gather for political meetings and rallies.

** Whitehall: a street lined with Government offices, leading from Trafalgar Square into Parliament Street.

* Scotland Yard: a street near Trafalgar Square. The Metropiltan Police head­quarters, the New Scotland Yard is in Victoria Street.

** the Strand: an important street between Fleet Street and Trafalgar Square.

*** 'em (sl.): them

**** Black Maria: a car, formerly painted black, used to take arrested persons to and from prison.

***** Downing Street takes its name from George Downing whose name was linked with a series of betrayals. He had served in Cromwell's army. He built a street of houses, naming the street Downing Street. Two of the houses 50 years later became No. 10.

****** cockney: characteristic of the speech, manner, behaviour, etc. of lower-class Londoners.


* Attlee, Clement Richard, the then leader of the Labour Party and Prime Minister. "Ratly Attlee": a rhyming nickname showing the contemptuous attitude of the speaker.

** Abbey: Westminster Abbey


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