Accident reporting and recordkeeping 

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Accident reporting and recordkeeping

All accidents occurring incidentally to an operation, project, or facility will be investigated, reported, and analyzed as prescribed by the Government Designated Authority (GDA). Employees are responsible for reporting all injuries or occupationally related illnesses as soon as possible to their employer or immediate supervisor. Employers and immediate supervisors are responsible for reporting all injuries to the GDA within 24 hours. No supervisor shall decline to accept a report of injury from a subordinate. An accident having any of the consequences listed below shall be immediately reported to the GDA. These accidents will be investigated in depth to identify all causes and to recommend hazard control measures. The GDA shall immediately notify the safety and occupational health office of all serious accidents and follow-up with official accidents reports as prescribed by regulation.

Contractors are responsible for notifying Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration (OSHA) when one or more of their employees are seriously injured. List of consequences: a) fatal injury; b) permanent totally disabling injury; c) permanent partial disabling injury; d) three or more persons admitted to a hospital; e) property damage.


Government Designated Authority (GDA) - специально уполномоченный правительственный орган;

immediate supervisor -непосредственный начальник;

subordinate – подчиненный;

Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration (OSHA) -Управление охраны труда (безопасностью и рисками на производстве).

Figure 3.10 Workplace hazardous material information system.

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What will be investigated, reported, and analyzed as prescribed by the GDA?

2. What are employees responsible for?

3. What are immediate supervisors responsible for?

4. Whom shall supervisor accept a report of injury from?

5. Why will accidents be investigated in depth?

6. What shall the GDA immediately do?

Упражнение 1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык.

Accident (n.); occur (v.); incidentally (adv.); operation (n.); project (n.); facility (n.); investigate (v.); report (v.); analyze (v.); prescribe (v.); employee (n.); responsible (adj.); injury (n.); occupationally (adv.); illness (n.); employer (n.); immediate supervisor; decline (v.); accept (v.); subordinate (n.); consequence (n.); list (v.); immediately (adv.); in depth; identify (v.); cause (n.); hazard control measures; notify (v.); follow-up (v.); regulation (n.); contractor (n.); permanent (adj.); totally (adv.); partial (adj.); admit (v.); as soon as possible; hospital (n.); property damage.

Within; below; from; that.


Упражнение 2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык.

Случайно; несчастный случай с тяжкими последствиями; исследовать; сообщать; анализировать; подчиненный; ответственный; последствия; тщательно, детально; регламент, устав; постоянный; контроль степени риска; извещать, уведомлять; отказаться, отвергать, отклонять; производственный, профессиональный; непосредственный начальник; происшествие, несчастный случай; подрядчик; травма с частичной (полной) потерей трудоспособности; больница; госпитализировать; официальный донесение о чрезвычайном происшествии.


Упражнение 3. Найдите перевод слов списка А в спискеВ.


accident; subordinate; report; accept; occur; consequences; admit; identify; partial; measure; hazard; cause; investigate; illness; depth; employee.


cлужащий; риск; частичный; исследовать; госпитализировать; принимать; глубина; последствия; подчиненный; происшествие; сообщать; мера; происходить; болезнь; причина; устанавливать.


Упражнение 4. Найдите в тексте причастия I (Participle I). Определите функцию и переведите на русский язык.

Урок 3.6

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте слова.

[¶V] o nly; comp o nent; z o ne; l o cal; st o ve; h o 'tel; t o tal; contr o l; kn ow; wind ow;

[»] advanta ge; packa ge; lar ge; ener g y; g eothermal; g eneral; breaka ge; oxy g en; ran ge; refri g erant; exchan g e; bud g et; knowled ge.


Упражнение 2. Сопоставьте слово с переводом и соответствующей ему транскрипцией.

1) infrared (heater); 2) associate; 3) occasional (basis); 4) adjacent;

5) sophisticate; 6) individualize; 7) thermostat.

1) [IÍÇ϶'Ïqd]; 2) [q'Équ¿IÂIt]; 3) [¶'»ÂIÉÍt]; 4) ['TE:ŶÉË∙t];

5) [Éq'ÇIÉtIÐeIË]; 6) ["IÍdI'ÈIdÓuqÎÕIÊ]; 7) [¶'ÐÂIºÍl ];


1)соседний; 2) (технически) сложный; 3) время от времени (по мере необходимости); 4) персонализировать; 5) термостат (электротепловое реле); 6) связывать, ассоциировать; 7) (радиационный нагреватель) с использованием инфракрасного излучения.

Текст А

Local heating sources

A local heating system serves a single thermal zone and has its major components located within the zone itself. Serving only a single zone, local heating systems have only one point of control - typically a thermostat for active systems. A local heating system consists of one or more self-contained equipment units containing heat source, distribution, and delivery functions in a single package. Portable electric heaters, built in electric resistance heaters (Figure 3.11), electric resistance baseboard radiators, infrared heaters, fireplaces, and wood stoves are examples of local heating systems. There are a number of advantagesassociated with the use of local systems.

· The failure of one of 12 heating units, for example, may cause discomfort in one room of a building but there are still 11 operating units that can provide heat for the rest of the building.

· Because local systems are likely to be of small capacity and are not complicated by interconnections with other units, maintenance of local systems tends to be simple and available through numerous service providers.

· In a building where a large number of spaces may be used only on an occasional basis, such as a dormitory or hotel, local systems may be totally shut off in the unused spaces, thus providing potential energy savings.

· A local HVAC system may provide greater occupant comfort through totally individualized control options - if one room needs heating while an adjacent one needs cooling, two local systems can respond without conflict.

With advantages often come disadvantages.

· Local system units can not be easily connected together to permit centralized energy management operations.

· Local systems can usually be centrally controlled with respect to on-off functions through electric circuit control, but more sophisticated central control (such as night-setback or economizer operation) is not possible.




Figure 3.11 Electrical resistance.

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What does a local heating system serve?

2. What does it consist of?

3. What are the examples of local heating systems?

4. What are the advantagesof local heating systems?

5. What are the disadvantagesof local heating systems?


Упражнение 3. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык.

A local heating system; a single thermal zone; thermostat (n.); self-contained equipment unit; heat source; distribution function; delivery function; portable electric heater; built-in electric resistance heater; electric resistance baseboard radiator; infrared heater; fireplace (n.); wood stove; associate with (v.); the rest of the building; likely (adv.); small capacity; complicated (adj.); interconnections; maintenance (n.); tend (v.); available (adj.); service provider; occasional basis; shut off (v.); unused space; potential energy saving; adjacent (adj.); respond (v.); advantage (n.); disadvantage (n.); connect together; permit (v.); centralized energy management operation; with respect to; on-off functions; electric circuit control; night-setback (n.).


Упражнение 5. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык.

Замкнутый, автономный; электрический резистивный нагреватель; радиатор плинтусного типа; источник автономной системы отопления; печь с дровяным отоплением;электрическая разводка; соседний, смежный; централизованное управление энергоупотребелением; понижение температуры на ночной период; технически сложное центральное управление;поставщик услуг; потенциальное энергосбережение; соответствовать; в отношении, что касается, относительно; управление электрической цепью; остальная часть здания; состоять из; источник тепла; функция распределения питания; функция подачи питания; обслуживание, поддержания технического состояния; полностью персонализованные средства управления.


Упражнение 6. Сопоставьте слово (A) с его определением (B).


1) thermal;

2) centralized energy management;

3) night-setback;

4) wood stove;

5) baseboard radiator;

6) thermostat;


a) an electric heater that contains an electric heating element inside a metal pipe;

b) relating to heat;

c) a device that automatically regulates temperature, or that activates a device when the temperature reaches a certain point;

d) system is used to control a heating system and lower the room temperature at night, which reduces heating costs;

e) system uses a central controller where the manipulation of all HVAC and heater fans, ducts, or appliances resides;

f) a heating appliance capable of burning wood fuel and wood-derived biomass fuel.


Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски, используя данные слова.

A chiller; uses; buildings; water.

Chillers (Figure3.12).

A water chilled system has to be used for larger 1)……... In such a system, the entire refrigeration cycle occurs within a single piece of equipment known as 2)……... An electrically driven water chiller 3)…….. the same vapor-compression refrigeration as a DX (direct expansion-испарение непосредственным охлаждением хладагента) system. But instead of cooling air, it chills 4)…….. which is pumped to the air handling units.

Figure3.12 Chiller.

Упражнение 8. Переведите прилагательные с суффиксом -al и наречия с суффиксом –ly. Образуйте от прилагательных наречия с помощью суффикса –ly.

Actual; additional; biological; carefully central; chemical; commercially; critically; directly; drastically; economically; environmental; essential; emotional; especially; equal; external; fatal; generally; gradually; individual; industrial; incidentally; local; mechanical; natural; normal; official; partial; occasional; optical; possibly; potential; properly; quickly; structural; substantial; thermal; typical; totally; usual.

Упражнение 9. Переведите сложноподчиненные предложения. Определите тип придаточного предложения.

1. Local heating systems will have only one point of control since it serves only a single zone.

2. Because local systems are likely to be of small capacity its maintenance tends to be simple.

3. If one room needs heating while an adjacent one needs cooling, two local systems can respond without conflict.

4. A local heating system consists of one or more self-contained equipment units which contains heat source, distribution, and delivery functions in a single package.

5. If a large number of spaces may be used only on an occasional basis, local systems may be totally shut off in the unused spaces.

6. There are 12 operating units that can provide heat.

7. They used totally individualized control options to provide greater occupant comfort.

8. Chillers cool water which is pumped to the air handling units.

9. Why local system units cannot be easily connected togetheris clear.

Упражнение 10. Задайте 5 вопросов различных типов к тексту А.

Текст В


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