You went to Brighton in August, didn’t you? 

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You went to Brighton in August, didn’t you?




Задание 1. Вставьте a/an, the, some или any, где необходимо. Поставьте (-), если ни одно из данных слов не подходит.

1. I know a lot of people. Most of them are - students.

2. Would you like to be an actor?

3. I've got a newspaper and a magazine. The newspaper is interesting.

4. Those are - nice shoes. Where did you get them?

5. Jane is a teacher. Her parents were - teachers too.

6. My parents live in an old house in a small village. There is a beautiful garden behind the house.

7. We haven`t got a camera. I can`t take any pictures of that place.

8. Have you got some coffee?

9. Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to the airport?

10. Would you like some apple juice?



Задание 2. Составьте словосочетания в притяжательном падеже, используя данные слова:

1. a hat/ a woman a woman’s hat

2. clothes/ children children’s clothes

3. a school/ girls girls’ school

4. a nest/ a bird a bird’s nest

5. a house / Don and Mary Don and Mary’s house

6. parents/ Mike Mike’s parents


Задание 3. Вставьте в пропуски правильные формы местоимений:

1. We`ve got a problem. I hope you can help us.

2. Take some money with you in case you need it.

3. When they come to visit us, they always bring their dog with them.

4. We have got a computer in our classroom.

5. I have got a car. Its colour is red.

6. He is very kind. Do you know his name?

7. She has got a house. This house is hers.

8. They have got a football. Is this football theirs?

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски предлогами или наречиями, где необходимо

1. I'd like to borrow this book. Has Anna read it yet?

2. Ben writes very quickly. He's already. Finished his essay.

3. Bob and Alice have been married for 20 years.

4. Everyone is asleep. We mustn’t make a noise.

5. I haven’t seen my parents since last Christmas.

6. This program must be new. I've never seen it before.

7. I wonder if this is the right way. It might not be.

8. This is the first time. I've ever lived away from home.

9. The girls have already gone to the cinema.

10. I'm quite happy to walk. You needn’t drive me home.

11. I haven’t seen that dress before. How long Have you had it?

12. Have you ever done skiing?

13. I've been to London. I went there in June.

14. Its late. I think we should better go.



Задание 5. Поставьте глаголы, указанные в скобках, в нужном времени Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect. Укажите, как называется время.

1. Margaret did not go (go) to work yesterday. She wasn’t feeling well. Past Simple

2. Look! That man over there is wearing (wear) the same sweater as you. Present Continuous

3. Your son is much taller than he was last year. He has grown a lot. Present Perfect

4. I still don’t know what to do. I haven’t decided yet. Present Perfect

5. We can go out now. It is not raining any more. Present Continuous

6. What speed did the car do at the time of accident? Past Simple

7. I wasn’t very busy at weekend. I did not have much to do. Past Simple

8. Mary usually phones me on Fridays but she did not phone me last Friday. Present Simple, Past Simple

9. When Sue heard the news, she was very pleased. Past Simple

10. What were you both doing at 7 o’clock yesterday? Past Continuous


Задание 6. Задайте 4 типа вопросов к каждому предложению.

1. Last time I went to Brighton was in August.

You went to Brighton in August, didn’t you?

When did you go to Brighton?

Did you go to Brighton?

Did you go to Brighton in August or in September?

2. I've already read all books of O.Wiled.

You've already read all books of O.Wiled, haven’ t you?

Have you already read all books of O.Wiled?

Have you already read all books of O.Wiled or M. Twain?

What books have you already read?

Задание 7. Поставьте прилагательные в правильную форму.

1. My brother is the most intelligent of all.

2. Albert is as clever as Simon.

3. Vanessa’s coat is more fashionable than Jane’s.

4. Canada is colder than Greece.

5. Ann is friendlier than Sandra.

6. The Silver Palace is the tallest hotel in the city.


Задание № 7. Ответить письменно на вопросы.

1. What is your name (surname)?

My name is Ivan. My surname is Myslyaev.

2. How old are you?

I am twenty.

3. When and where were you born?

I live in Chelyabinsk.

5. When did you enter and leave school?

My hobby is skating.

7.What’s your occupation?

I am a manager.

8.Did you serve in the army?

Yes, I did.

9.Why did you decide to enter the University?


The English have given (активный, Present Perfect) the world the system of English law that has (активный, Present Simple) its origins in Anglo-Saxon times. Two of its hallmarks are (активный, Present Simple) its preference for customary law (the common law), and its system of application by locally appointed part-time magistrates, by locally chosen juries, and by the travelling judges going from one county town to another on circuit.

Other aspects of the English law are (активный, Present Simple) the fundamental assumption that an accused person is deemed (пассивный, Present Simple) innocent until proved guilty and the independence of the judiciary from intervention by crown or government in the judicial process.

The legal system is divided (пассивный, Present Simple) into civil and criminal courts. The House of Lords is (активный, Present Simple) the ultimate court of appeal for both civil and criminal cases. At the base of the criminal court system, the magistrates’ courts try (активный, Present Simple) more than 97 percent of the criminal cases. More serious criminal cases then go (активный, Present Simple) to the Crown Court, which has (активный, Present Simple) 90 branches in different towns and cities. In 1971 the Crown Courts replaced (активный, Past Simple) the individual courts, and it is (активный, Present Simple) now a single court that may sit (активный, Present Simple) anywhere in England, deal with any trial on indictment, and hear appeals and proceedings either on a sentence or on civil matters. Civil cases are dealt (пассивный, Present Simple) with in County courts. Certain cases may be referred (пассивный, Present Simple) to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.

The legal system of Great Britain also includes (активный, Present Simple) juvenile courts which deal (активный, Present Simple) with offenders under seventeen, and coroners’ courts which investigate (активный, Present Simple) violent or unnatural death. Tribunals deal (активный, Present Simple) with professional standards, disputes between individuals, and between individuals and government departments.



Англичане дали миру систему английского права, которое возникло еще в англосаксонские времена. Двумя его основными признаками являются его приверженность к обычному праву (общему праву), и его система исполнения местно назначенными частично занятыми судьями, местно назначенными присяжными, и выездными судьями, которые направляются от одного города до другого, для исполнения правосудия в округах.

Другие аспекты английского права: основная презумпция о том, что обвиняемый считается невиновным, пока его вина не будет доказана, а также независимость судебной власти от вмешательства королевской власти или правительства в судебный процесс.

Правовая система разделена на гражданские и уголовные суды. Палата лордов – это конечный апелляционный суд, как для гражданских, так и для уголовных дел. На основе системы уголовного права магистратские суды рассматривают более 97 % уголовных дел. Более серьезные уголовные дела переходят к Суду Короны, который имеет 90 филиалов в различных крупных и небольших городах. В 1971 году Суды Короны заменили отдельные суды, и теперь это единственный суд, который может располагаться где угодно в Англии, рассматривать любое судебное разбирательство по обвинительному акту; рассматривать апелляции и иски, как обвинительного, так и гражданского характера. Гражданские дела рассматриваются в Окружных судах. Некоторые дела могут быть переданы в Европейский суд в Люксембурге.

Правовая система Великобритании также включает в себя суды по делам несовершеннолетних, которые имеют дело с преступниками до семнадцати лет; а также коронерские суды, которые расследуют насильственные или неестественные преступления. Административные суды имеют дело с профессиональными стандартами, спорами между индивидуумами, а также между индивидуумами и госучреждениями.

Задание 9. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту.

1) Does the system of English Law have its origin in ancient times?

Yes, it does.

2) What are the peculiarities of the English legal system?

Two of its hallmarks are its preference for customary law (the common law), and its system of application by locally appointed part-time magistrates, by locally chosen juries, and by the travelling judges going from one county town to another on circuit.

3) Can a person be accused before the trial?

No, he can’t.

3) Can the government control the judiciary?

No, it can’t.

4) What kinds of courts is the legal system of England divided to?


d) an official who investigates the cause of any death thought to be violent or unnatural causes. 1. a coroner

e) a lawyer who has the right to speak and argue in higher law courts.

A barrister

f) a lawyer who prepares legal documents, advises clients on legal and speaks for them in lower law courts. 5. a solicitor





Задание 1. Вставьте a/an, the, some или any, где необходимо. Поставьте (-), если ни одно из данных слов не подходит.

1. I know a lot of people. Most of them are - students.

2. Would you like to be an actor?

3. I've got a newspaper and a magazine. The newspaper is interesting.

4. Those are - nice shoes. Where did you get them?

5. Jane is a teacher. Her parents were - teachers too.

6. My parents live in an old house in a small village. There is a beautiful garden behind the house.

7. We haven`t got a camera. I can`t take any pictures of that place.

8. Have you got some coffee?

9. Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to the airport?

10. Would you like some apple juice?



Задание 2. Составьте словосочетания в притяжательном падеже, используя данные слова:

1. a hat/ a woman a woman’s hat

2. clothes/ children children’s clothes

3. a school/ girls girls’ school

4. a nest/ a bird a bird’s nest

5. a house / Don and Mary Don and Mary’s house

6. parents/ Mike Mike’s parents


Задание 3. Вставьте в пропуски правильные формы местоимений:

1. We`ve got a problem. I hope you can help us.

2. Take some money with you in case you need it.

3. When they come to visit us, they always bring their dog with them.

4. We have got a computer in our classroom.

5. I have got a car. Its colour is red.

6. He is very kind. Do you know his name?

7. She has got a house. This house is hers.

8. They have got a football. Is this football theirs?

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски предлогами или наречиями, где необходимо

1. I'd like to borrow this book. Has Anna read it yet?

2. Ben writes very quickly. He's already. Finished his essay.

3. Bob and Alice have been married for 20 years.

4. Everyone is asleep. We mustn’t make a noise.

5. I haven’t seen my parents since last Christmas.

6. This program must be new. I've never seen it before.

7. I wonder if this is the right way. It might not be.

8. This is the first time. I've ever lived away from home.

9. The girls have already gone to the cinema.

10. I'm quite happy to walk. You needn’t drive me home.

11. I haven’t seen that dress before. How long Have you had it?

12. Have you ever done skiing?

13. I've been to London. I went there in June.

14. Its late. I think we should better go.



Задание 5. Поставьте глаголы, указанные в скобках, в нужном времени Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect. Укажите, как называется время.

1. Margaret did not go (go) to work yesterday. She wasn’t feeling well. Past Simple

2. Look! That man over there is wearing (wear) the same sweater as you. Present Continuous

3. Your son is much taller than he was last year. He has grown a lot. Present Perfect

4. I still don’t know what to do. I haven’t decided yet. Present Perfect

5. We can go out now. It is not raining any more. Present Continuous

6. What speed did the car do at the time of accident? Past Simple

7. I wasn’t very busy at weekend. I did not have much to do. Past Simple

8. Mary usually phones me on Fridays but she did not phone me last Friday. Present Simple, Past Simple

9. When Sue heard the news, she was very pleased. Past Simple

10. What were you both doing at 7 o’clock yesterday? Past Continuous


Задание 6. Задайте 4 типа вопросов к каждому предложению.

1. Last time I went to Brighton was in August.

You went to Brighton in August, didn’t you?


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