Text 7. The Development of Criminal law 

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Text 7. The Development of Criminal law

I. Read and translate the text.

Historically, there was no distinction between criminal law and civil law. Crimes were considered to be private affairs and not the affairs of the government. So, people punished each other themselves. This often led to family feuds which were harmful to society. Later, the state began to punish the offenders for serious crimes, such as murder, rape, theft, and others. Less serious crimes were regarded as civil offences. This is how criminal law and civil law appeared in British society. Different courts were set up to deal with crimes and civil offences.


development private feud rape theft to set up civil offences развитие частный раздор, кровная месть изнасилование кража создавать гражданские правонарушения

II. Questions to be answered.

1. Was there a distinction between criminal law and civil law in the past?

2. Why did people punish each other themselves?

3. How did the state interfere?

4. How did criminal law and civil law appear in Great Britain?

5. Were criminal and civil cases tried in the same courts?


Lesson 2. Types of Law

Text 1. A letter from Alex

I. Read the letter and do the task following it.

Hello, Steve,

Thank you for your interesting letter and the texts you sent me on the history of law.

Judging by your letter, travelling abroad is a very effective way of learning a foreign language. As for me, apart from English, I am trying to master German on my own now. I read books, do exercises, watch films and do a lot of talking and listening.

In summer I went to my uncle’s place in the Urals. I swam in the river, helped my uncle’s family about the kitchen garden, and went to the mountains with my cousins. The village is really beautiful. I am sure that if you were in my place, you would enjoy the scenery, too. We lived near a big lake and a forest, enjoying the fresh air and the pure water of the springs. I think it’s a perfect place to live. In my opinion, living in the country is much healthier than living in a large city, with all its pollution, car fumes, drinking water problems and traffic jams. That’s why we try to spend our holidays in the countryside, as close to nature as possible.

Now, a few words about my studies. We are arranging a conference, and I am to make a report on types of law. I have almost completed it, but if you sent me some texts from your manual, I would be able to compare our texts and, maybe, make some useful additions.

I am looking forward to your answer.

With all good wishes,


II. Find in the text of the letter equivalents to the following.

1. ездить за границу

2. помимо английского языка

3. изучать немецкий язык

4. много говорить и слушать

5. любоваться видами природы

6. выхлопные газы

7. источник, ключ

8. загрязнение

9. питьевая вода

10. за городом

Text 2. A letter from Steve

I. Read the letter and do the task following it.

Hello, Alex,

I enjoyed reading your last letter. I am learning more and more about Russia, its people, climate, and also about its problems. To be perfectly frank, we are also worried about the ecological situation in the country and in the whole world. Environmental problems are not easy to solve, but each person should take care of himself. I mean, people should try to lead a healthy life style, give up bad habits, such as drinking, smoking and using drugs. They should eat health food, and not junk food, or fast food, have enough of sleep and physical exercise, and do sports instead of sitting before the computer day and night. They should not drop litter in the streets and dump waste into rivers, lakes, oceans and seas. In a word, we must protect Nature if we want to survive. I hope you agree with me on this matter.

Now for your request. It’s nice to see that you are learning legal English in a serious way, and I am glad to help if I can. I am forwarding some texts which, I think, might prove useful.

Write again soon,



II. Find in the text of the letter equivalents to the following.

1. откровенно говоря

2. экологические проблемы

3. заботиться о себе

4. здоровый образ жизни

5. отказаться от вредных привычек

6. физическая нагрузка

7. бросать мусор

8. сбрасывать отходы

9. одним словом

10. выжить

11. высылать

12. оказаться полезным

Text 3. Common Law

I. Read, translate and retell the text.

Historically, the British legal system is based on church law and common law. Church law is also called cannon law.

Cannon law used the principles of natural law, which is also called God's law, or the Bible.

Common law was based on decisions of judges, traditions, customs and acts of Parliament.

Modern British and American legal systems are based on common law.

Common law consists of two kinds: case law and statutory law.

Case law is based on earlier decisions of courts. Statutory law is based on laws made by legislative bodies, or legislatures of cities, towns or states. These laws are called statutes.


common law church law cannon law natural law case law statutory law body statute общее право церковное право каноническое право естественное право прецедентное право статутное право орган статут, закон


II. Questions to be answered.

1. What 2 kinds of law is the British legal system historically based on?

2. What principles did cannon law rely on?

3. What was common law based on?

4. What are the 2 kinds of common law?

5. What is case law based on?

6. What does statutory law consist of?

7. What are statutes?

8. What kind of law are modern British and American systems based on?

Text 4. International Law

I. Read, translate and retell the text.

International law governs relations between states. The sources of international law are international custom, international conventions, or treaties, and general principles of law.

There is customary and conventional international law. Customary international law is based on rules and principles which are accepted by the states.

Conventional international law is based on international treaties and agreements. The most important treaties are the Genocide Convention, the Vienna and Geneva Conventions, and the provisions of the U.N. Charter.

The UNO (United Nations Organisation) is a world organization that governs international relations according to international law.


II. Questions to be answered.

1. What does international law deal with?

2. What are the sources of international law?

3. What is customary international law based on?

4. What is the basis of conventional international law?

5. What are the most important international treaties?

6. What is the mission of the UNO?

Text 5. Constitutional Law

I. Read, translate and retell the following text.

Constitutional law governs the operation of national states. The basic rules of government are set out in constitutions. Constitutions both determine and delimit the powers of governing bodies.

The constitutions of Western states are based on the theory of individual rights, such as religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom to possess property, freedom not to be punished unfairly and so on. The primary aim of governments is to protect individual rights.

In order to govern the state effectively, the functions of governments are divided into legislative, executive, and judicial.


II. Questions to be answered.

1. What is the function of constitutional law?

2. What documents contain the basic rules of governing the operation of national states?

3. What theory plays an important role in the constitutions of Western states?

4. What is the primary aim of governments?

5. What are the 3 branches of government?



Text 6. Administrative Law

I. Read, translate and retell the text.

Administrative law is the body of law that governs the creation and functioning of administrative agencies. The powers and duties of administrative agencies are implemented by rules, regulations, orders and decisions.

Administrative agencies combine the 3 functions of government: the legislative, the executive and the judicial. That makes their functioning most efficient.

Administrative law is one more source of laws, alongside with constitutions, legislatures and judicial decisions.


II. Questions to be answered.

1. What is the purpose of administrative law?

2. How are the powers of administrative agencies implemented?

3. What 3 functions of government do administrative agencies combine?

4. Can administrative law be considered as an additional source of laws?


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