Karazin Kharkiv National University 

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Karazin Kharkiv National University


Lesson 1

Karazin Kharkiv National University

Activity 1. Your partner is a student from another university abroad who knows something about our university but would like to know more. Discuss what you know together. Don’t forget to speak about the following:

В· the date the university founded;

В· the founder of the university;

В· the departments of the university;

В· the location of the university and how you can get to it from the railway and bus stations;

В· famous people who studied and worked at the university;

В· the methods of tuition which are practiced here.

Activity 2. Facts about Karazin Kharkiv National University

Scenario: Now you and your team have to present your university at the international conference. Each of you has to gather information about the university from three different sources (the Internet, a newspaper and brochure). Read Text 1 (in Appendix 2) while two other students take Text 2 and Text 3 respectively. After that fill in the mind-map and exchange the information. Decide which should be mentioned in your presentation.


Activity 2.1. Complete the mind-map below with the information from your text and that from your partners.



Activity 2.2. Having discussed the information, complete the following sentences.

1. The university was founded in ___________ in accordance with the charter of __________________.

2. Three Nobel Prize laureates have been trained and employed here. They are _____________________________________________________________

3. The university employs up to ______ faculty and research staff, including more than 200 ___________, full __________, and almost 800 PhD, _________________________

4. The University offers 115 _________ and ____________, covering the whole scope of modern ___________ university __________________.

5. The university is the leading ____________________________ of several international ________________________.

6. The university’s Natural History Museum is one of the _____________________________________________________________.

Exercise 3. Discussing facilities.

Read the abstract from the university prospectus below. Work with a partner to discuss the following.

В· If you were planning to go to university, which if the facilities mentioned would particularly interest you?

В· What sort of things do students at university often complain about?

В· Make you own list of facilities in the order of their importance. Explain, why?

Exercise 4. Watch the animation movie “Monster University – A message from the dean” and answer the following questions

1. How is the work of the Monster university dean described?

2. What are the opportunities for the students of the Monster University?

3. What are the prospects of the graduation of the Monster University?

4. Describe the facilities of the Monster University you have noted in the movie.

5. Cite the motto of the Monster University.

Homework for those who is not scared: In groups think about a possible massage video about your university and ………..


Lesson 2

Courses of Education. Ideal Teacher.

Exercise 3. Ideal teacher

В«A good teacher is like a candle: it consumes itself to light the way for others.В» How do you understand this saying?

Answer the following questions:

В· Who is an ideal teacher?

В· What personal qualities should an ideal teacher have?

В· What professional qualities?

В· What do you expect from your teachers every day coming to university?

В· What can a teacher do to make lessons more overwhelming?

В· What adjectives can you name describing an ideal teacher?

В· What verbs?

Arrange your ideas into a mind map.’

Exercise 4. Theory and practice. What do they have in common? How do they differ? Explain how you understand the following picture.

Homework. At home watch the movie “Dead Poets Society” and be ready to discuss the following questions in class

Scene 18: "The Pritchard Poetry Lesson" Keating: "We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. [...]"

Lesson 3

Students' life

Exercise 1.

Before reading consider the following questions with your fellow-students.

В· Do you like being a student?

В· How does it differ from being a school pupil?

В· What is the most exciting thing about being a student?

В· Are there any difficulties that you may face?

В· Do you live in a hostel/ campus? If yes, do you like your room-mates and neighbours?

В· Have you taken any extracurricular activity? What are they?

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Exercise 1. Discussion.

В· Why have you chosen Chemistry as a major?

В· Chemistry courses are required for many university students, especially for students who are studying science. Some students find chemistry classes and lab work stressful. Why do you think it happens?

В· Women students are more anxious than men working in a lab. Do you agree with this statement? Why?

Exercise 2. Safety rules.

A. Work in small groups. Discuss and make a list of safety rules.

B. Fill in the chart. Rank safety rules in the order of their importance.

What are the Teacher’s Responsibilities? What are the Safety Do’s and Don’ts for Students?


Mystery Boxes


Students manipulate opaque, sealed containers in an attempt to describe the container's contents.


Models are based on real observations and are useful in explaining and predicting other behaviors of the system. Because many "things of science" cannot be observed directly, indirect evidence often must be used to produce a model. For example, atoms cannot be seen directly; their structures have been inferred from observations of their properties and behaviors.


Make sure no liquid, flammable material, or chemical is placed in the box (can).

Use normal laboratory precautions in handling the materials in this experiment.


Step One. Ask students to bring in a small box or can with a lid, and materials to place in it.

Step Two. Students secretly place their materials in their boxes or cans. Before sealing the box or can, each student should make a list of contents for the instructor. After sealing the box, each student should also carry out the experiment with his/her own box and complete the report form. The report form should include three parts: observations (the indirect evidence); theories (interpretations based on the indirect evidence); and drawing conclusions (what is inside) including a sketch to describe the object. Mark each box or can with an identifying letter or number.

Step Three. Exchange the boxes or cans with students across the room or with a different class. Each student analyzes a box or can and complete a new report form. If time permits, students experiment with more than one mystery box. Collect the report forms.

Step Fou r. Give the completed report forms to the students who made the models, and have those students evaluate the observations and interpretations. Observations are often reported that the student who made the mystery box had never considered. Theories must follow logically from the observations. Drawings must reflect the theories. Collect the evaluated reports.


Homework: Ask students to make a survey on the departments of their school. Where are they situated? Staff? What does each department deal with? Present the work in the form of a table.

Department Room Head Other staff Peculiarities


List of references








Lesson 1

Karazin Kharkiv National University

Activity 1. Your partner is a student from another university abroad who knows something about our university but would like to know more. Discuss what you know together. Don’t forget to speak about the following:

В· the date the university founded;

В· the founder of the university;

В· the departments of the university;

В· the location of the university and how you can get to it from the railway and bus stations;

В· famous people who studied and worked at the university;

В· the methods of tuition which are practiced here.


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