English as a Germanic Language. 

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English as a Germanic Language.

Плани семінарських занять

Seminar 1

English as a Germanic Language.

Part 1: Get ready for a test. Answer the following questions.


1. How many languages are there in the world (approximately)?

2. What family of languages does English belong to?

3. What branch of the Indo-European family does English belong to?

4. Which of the languages are in closer relations with each other: English and French or English and Scottish? French and Moldavian or Ukrainian and Moldavian? English and Ukrainian or English and Hungarian?

5. Name the author who was the first to mention ancient Germans?

6. What century does the first mention of ancient Germans refer to?

7. What are the sources of our knowledge of old Germanic tribes?

8. In whose works can we find classifications of Germanic tribes?

9. Name the largest groups of old Germanic tribes.

10. What were the ancient Germans by their religion?

11. How many groups does the old Germanic group of languages


12. How many groups of languages does modern Germanic branch


13. Name some of the best known written monuments of the Germanic


14. How is the runic alphabet called?

15. How are the letters of the oldest Germanic alphabet called?

16. How many letters does the oldest Germanic alphabet consist of?


Recommended Literature

Obligatory: 1. Lectures on the theme.

2. B. Ilyish. History of the English Language.-Л.,1973.

P. 9-11; 30-33.


Additional: 1. Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь.- М.,1990.

С.93-98; 101-102.

2. Baugh A. & Cable T. History of the English Language.-


3. G. I. Stoudenets. History of the English Language in


Tables 1-12.


A sample of the test:

TEST 1. Card N...

Answer the following questions:


1. How many groups of languages does Modern Germanic branch include?

2. What are specific features of Common Germanic system of vowels (what processes characterize it)?

3. What can you say about the Common Germanic word-stock?


Part 2: Principal Features of Germanic Languages.


The Outline of Seminar 1

Points for Discussion:

I. Phonetic System of Germanic Languages.

1. Word Stress.

2. System of Consonants in Common Germanic.

3. Changes within the System of Consonants. Grimm's Law. Verner'sLaw. Rhotacism.

4. Vowel System in Common Germanic. Germanic Vowelshift. Germanic Fracture.

II. Main Features of Grammar in Common Germanic.

1. Morphological Structure of the Word.

2. Categories of Nouns. Noun Declensions.

3. Categories of Adjectives. Strong and Weak Declensions of Adjectives. Degrees of Comparison.

4. Indo-European and Germanic Ablaut.

5. Strong and Weak Conjugations of Verbs.

III.Common Germanic Vocabulary.

1. Etymological Layers within Germanic Vocabulary:

a) Indo-European Words;

b) specifically Germanic Words

Recommended Literature

Obligatory 1. Lectures on the theme.

2. Verba L. History of the English Language.-Nova Knyha,2004.


3. B. Ilyish. History of the English Language.-Л.,1973.


4. И. П. Иванова и др. Практикум по истории

английского языка.-М.,1985.


TheoryTexts for analysisAssignmentsExercises

p.4-7; Text1 (p.8) 1-3,p.7 3,4,p.15

p.13-14(i-umlaut) 5-7,p.8



Additional: 1. T. A. Rastorguyeva. History of English.-M.,1983.


2. G. I. Stoudenets. History of the English Language in


Tables 14-24.


Questions for Self-testing:

1. What can you say about the Common Germanic word accent?

2. What kind of process is the Germanic vowelshift?

3. What kind of process is the Germanic fracture?

4. What changes of consonants are characteristic of Common Germanic?

5. What is the essence of Grimm's Law?

6. What is the essence of Verner's Law?

7. What kind of process is rhotacism?

8. What are the main peculiarities of Common Germanic in the sphere of consonants?

9. What grammatical categories characterize Germanic nouns?

10. What can you say about the declensions of adjectives in CG?

11. What classes of verbs existed in Common Germanic (Gothic)?

12. What main features are strong verbs characterized by?

13. What is the origin of the dental suffix of weak verbs?

14. Do such groups as weak verbs exist in Slavonic languages? in Romanic languages?

15. What layers is the Common Germanic vocabulary characterized by?

16. Name some features of West Germanic languages?

17. What features reflect the common genealogical lineage of Germanic and Slavonic languages?

18. Compare Germanic and Slavonic languages. What common features characterize them?



Seminar 2

Recommended Literature

Obligatory 1. Lectures on the theme.

2. Verba L. History of the English Language.-Nova Knyha,



3. B. Ilyish. History of the English Language.-Л.,1973.


4. И. П. Иванова и др. Практикум по истории

английского языка.-М.,1985.


TheoryTexts for analysisAssignmentsExercises

Les.2, pp.17-25 Text2, p.19 1-5, p.9 1-11, p.24-25


Additional: 1. T. A. Rastorguyeva. History of English.-M.,1983.

P.74-83; 88-91.

2. G. I. Stoudenets. History of the English Language in


Tables 30-39.


Questions for Self-testing:

1. How many monophthongs did Common Germanic and Old English vowel systems include?

2. How many diphthongs did CG and OE vowel system include?

3. Speak of OE diphthongs and their phonological status.

4. What were the phonemic premises of palatal mutation? Supply the examples.

5. What is the essence of i-umlaut? What monophthongs underwent

i - umlaut in West Germanic languages?

6. What is the essence of OE process which is called breaking? Can we see any remnants of the process in ModE?

7. What is the essence of OE palatal mutation before x'? Can we see any remnants of the process in ModE?

8. What is the essence of OE diphthongization due to initial palatal consonants? Can we see any remnants of the process in ModE?

9. What is the essence of OE process called back mutation? Supply some examples.

10. What is the essence of OE process called contraction? Can you supply some examples of any remnants of it in ModE?

11. When did each of the above mentioned processes take place?

12. What classes of consonants existed in OE (according to the place and manner of articulation)?

13. What processes took place within the system of consonants in OE?

14. What is the essence of splitting of velar consonants in OE? How did the process influence further development of consonants?

15. What happened to long consonants in OE?

16. In what positions were the vowels lengthened in OE? How did it

influence further development of vowels? Supply some examples.

17. Speak of the allophones denoted by the letter 'cen' in OE. Supply examples.

18. Speak of the allophones denoted by the letters 'thorn', 'eth' and 'crossed d' in OE. Supply examples.

19. Speak of the allophones denoted by the letter 'feoh' in OE. Supply examples.

20. Speak of the allophones denoted by the letter 'yogh' in OE. Supply examples.


Seminar 3

Recommended Literature

Obligatory 1. Lectures on the theme.

2. Verba L. History of the English Language.-Nova Knyha,



3. B. Ilyish. History of the English Language.-Л.,1973.


4. И. П. Иванова и др. Практикум по истории

английского языка.-М.,1985.

TheoryTexts for analysisAssignmentsExercises

Les.3-4, pp.26-40 Text3, p.28 2-8, p.29 1-3,6, p.24-25

12-13, p.32 1-4, p.39 Les.3-4,

5-7, p.36


Additional: 1. T. A. Rastorguyeva. History of English.-M.,1983.


2. G. I. Stoudenets. History of the English Language in


Tables 40-44.


Questions for Self-testing:

1. What kinds of form-building means do you know? Which of them existed in OE? Which of them can be found in ModE?

2. What grammatical categories characterize OE nouns?

3. How are case and number forms of nouns expressed in OE - by one and the same or by different grammatical markers?

4. How many cases characterized OE nouns?

5. How many numbers did OE nouns have?

6. How many genders of nouns existed in OE? What was specific about this category in OE? Compare it with ModE.

7. What declensions of nouns existed in OE?

8. What is the difference between strong and weak declensions of nouns in OE?

9. What is the root declension of nouns characterized by?

10. How many of number markers existed in OE?

11. What can you say about the homonymy of forms in OE? What did it bring about in the long run?

12. Analyze the paradigms of OE nouns and find different form-building means.

13. What grammatical categories characterize OE adjectives

14. What declensions of adjectives existed in OE? What principle are their names based upon? Do these classes exist in ModE?

15. What is the difference between the grammatical categories of nouns and those of adjectives, if any?

16. What classes of pronouns exited in OE?

17. What grammatical categories characterize personal pronouns in OE?

18. What groups of demonstrative pronouns existed in OE and what did they differ in?

19. What grammatical categories characterize OE demonstrative pronouns?



Seminar 4


The Outline of Seminar 4



Points for Discussions:

1. OE Ablaut (compared with IE and CG).

2. Morphological Classification of OE Verbs.

3. Strong Verbs. The First Five Classes of Strong Verbs.

4. The Sixth and the Seventh Classes of Strong Verbs.

5. Weak Verbs in OE. Their Classes.

6. Main Grammatical Categories of OE Verbs.

7. Preterite-Present Verbs in OE. Their Specific Features.

8. Anomalous Verbs in OE. Their Paradigms.

9. Conjugation of Verbs in OE. Basic Forms.

10. Non-finite Forms in OE.

11. The Adverb in OE.

Recommended Literature

Obligatory 1. Lectures on the theme.

2. Verba L. History of the English Language.-Nova Knyha,



3. B. Ilyish. History of the English Language.-Л.,1973.


4. И. П. Иванова и др. Практикум по истории

английского языка.-М.,1985.

TheoryTexts for analysisAssignmentsExercises

Les.5, pp.40-60 Text6, p.41 1,3,4, p.42 1-10, p.53

Text7, p.49 5-9, p.50


Additional: 1. T. A. Rastorguyeva. History of English.-M.,1983.


2. G. I. Stoudenets. History of the English Language in


Tables 45-53; 103-105.

Questions for Self-testing:

1. What principle are the classes of strong verbs based upon?

2. What does the interchange within the roots of different forms of OE strong verbs go back to?

3. How many classes of strong verbs do you know? What is the difference between the classes based upon?

4. What common features characterize the first five classes of strong verbs? What do classes differ in?

5. What is the sixth class of strong verbs characterized by?

6. What is the seventh class of strong verbs characterized by?

7. How many classes of weak verbs existed in OE? What principle is the difference between the classes based upon?

8. Compare OE classes of verbs with ModE classes. Do such as OE classes of verbs exist in ModE?

9. How many basic forms of strong verbs are distinguished in OE?

10. What categories characterize OE verbs?

11. What are specific features of preterite-present verbs?

12. Are there any remnants of preterite-present verbs in Mod.E? What class do they form?

13. How can you explain the term 'anomalous'?

14. What categories is the conjugation of OE verbs based upon?

15. What is the difference between the paradigms of different classes of verbs?

16. Are there any person distinctions in the plural of OE verbs?

17. What can you say about the category of tense in OE?

18. What is the category of mood of OE verbs characterized by?

19. What can you say about the category of voice in OE?

20. What non-finite forms of the verb existed in OE? Speak about specific features of each of them

Seminar 5

Recommended Literature

Obligatory 1. Lectures on the theme.

2. Verba L. History of the English Language.-Nova Knyha,



3. B. Ilyish. History of the English Language.-Л.,1973.

P.134-142; 148-155.

Additional: 1. T. A. Rastorguyeva. History of English.-M.,1983.


2. G. I. Stoudenets. History of the English Language in


Tables 61-64.

3. Baugh A & Cable T. A History of the English Language.-



A sample of the test:

Answer the following questions:

1. What centuries does ME period embrace?

2. How long did the Danelaw exist?

3. Try to find in the following sentence linquistic units borrowed during the ME period:

a) from French;

b) from Scandinavian dialects.

Questions for Self-testing:

1. What centuries does ME period embrace?

2. When did the Scandinavian invasion take place?

3. What were the main stages of the Scandinavian invasion?

4. When did the Scandinavians destroy the Lindisfarne Abbey?

5. When did the Scandinavians burn London?

6. When did the Scandinavians conquer East Anglia?

7. When did the Scandinavians conquer Mercia?

8. When did the battle of Wedmore take place?

9. What is "Danelaw"?

10. How long did Danelaw exist?

11. How long did the Scandinavian invasion last?

12. Why are the consequences of the Scandinavian invasion referred

to ME period (not OE)?

13. What language did the Scandinavians speak? What group of

languages did it belong to?

14. What factors promoted close contacts between the Scandinavian

and the Anglo-Saxon dialects?

15. What stages can be discerned within the period of the Norman

reign in England?

16. What language did the Normans speak? What group of languages

did it belong to?

17. How long did the Norman conquest last?

18. What languages existed in England after the Norman conquest?

In what spheres did each of them function?

19. What were the semantic spheres to which the borrowings from

French belonged?

20. What is the difference between the Scandinavian and the Norman

in influence upon English?

21. What main dialects existed in England in ME?

22. Name the linguistic units borrowed into English as a result of the

Scandinavian invasion.


23. What phonetic features characterize the words of Scandinavian

origin in English?

24. What geographical names are considered to be Scandinavian

borrowings in English?

25. How can you prove that the following geographical names are of

Scandinavian origin: Whitby, Appleby, Brintoft, Lowestoft,

Norwich, Totnes, Warwick, Wandsbeck, etc.?

26. What letters and digraphs were introduced into English by the

Norman scribes?

27. What semantic sphere does each of the following borrowings

belong to: autumn, harvest, table, chair, money, dinner, supper,

air, river, large, terrible, stupid, tender, enter, consent, travel?

28. Try to find in the following extract the words which were

borrowed into English during the ME period:

Between 1600 and the present, in armies, navies, companies, and expeditions, the speakers of English - including Scots, Irish, Welsh, American, and many more - traveled into every corner of the globe, carrying their language and culture with them. Today, English is used by at least 750 million people, and barely half of those speak it as a mother tongue. Some estimates have put that figure closer to 1 billion. Whatever the total, English at the end of the twentieth century is more widely scattered, more than any other language has ever been. It has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language.

(Mc Crum and others. The Story of English.)


29. Were any formal grammatical elements borrowed into English as

a result of the Scandinavian invasion? of the Norman conquest?



Recommended Literature

Obligatory 1. Lectures on the theme.

2. Verba L. History of the English Language.-Nova Knyha,



3. B. Ilyish. History of the English Language.-Л.,1973.

P.142-144; 160-170.

4. И. П. Иванова и др. Практикум по истории

английского языка.-М.,1985.


TheoryTexts for analysisAssignmentsExercises

Les.10, pp.70-77 Text12, p.73 1, p.73 1-3, 5-7, p.77

2-12, p.74

16, p.76



Additional: 1. T. A. Rastorguyeva. History of English.-M.,1983.

P.149-163; 184-188.

2. G. I. Stoudenets. History of the English Language in


Tables 65-74.



Questions for Self-testing:

1. Compare OE and ME vowel systems. Which of the sounds disappeared? What new monophthongs and diphthongs appeared in ME?

2. What kind of word stress characterizes OE? Supply some ME examples with the kind of stress which could not exist in OE.

3. What is the main difference which characterize the development of the stressed and unstressed vowels in ME? How did it affect grammatical endings?

4. What happened to unstressed vowels and syllables in ME? Supply some examples.

5. What quantitative changes characterise ME vowel system? How did it influence ModE?

6. What are the reasons of the loss of inflexions in ME?

7. What changes affected OE monophthongs in ME? Were these changes positional or independent?

8. How can you explain the absence of sounds y and ў in ModE (taking into account their existence in OE)?

9. Speak of the changes which characterize the sounds ā and å in ME. Show it with the help of the schematic map.

10. Why did the sounds æ and æ disappear in ME? What happened to them?

11. Why did some of OE monophthongs disappear in ME?

12. What happened to OE diphthongs in ME?

13. Explain the rise of new diphthongs in ME tracing them back to OE combinations of vowels and consonants.

14. What phonetic processes promoted the rise of diphthongs in ME?

15. What new diphthongs appeared in ME and what were their sources?

16. Speak of the changes which took place within the system of consonants in ME.

17. How did the process of assibilation influence the English language. How is it reflected in ModE?

18. Prove that new consonant phonemes in ME appeared as a result of assimilative changes.

19. Explain the appearance of new consonant phonemes.

20. What consonants and in what positions vocalized in ME?

21. How can you explain the difference in spelling of such pairs of words: sun - son; meet - meat; see - sea; soul - sole; main - mane; flour - flower; so - sow; bare - bear.

22..How can the discrepancy between the pronunciation and the spelling in ModE be explained? Supply the examples of spelling based on phonetic and historical principles.


Seminar 6

Recommended Literature

Obligatory 1. Lectures on the theme.

2. Verba L. History of the English Language.-Nova Knyha,



3. B. Ilyish. History of the English Language.-Л.,1973.


4. И. П. Иванова и др. Практикум по истории

английского языка.-М.,1985.


TheoryTexts for analysisAssignmentsExercises

Les.11,12,13, pp.78-93 Text13, p.80 12, p.83 1-4, p.85-86

14-16,18-20, p.84

Text14, p.84 17, p.97 3, p.92

26,27, p.98


Text16-21, p.88-91 1,8, p.88

13-16, p.89

Text22, p.95 26, p.90; 29, p.91


Additional: 1. T. A. Rastorguyeva. History of English.-M.,1983.

P.220-294(choosing only material on ME).

2. G. I. Stoudenets. History of the English Language in


Tables 75-81.


Questions for Self-testing:

1. What factors prove that the grammatical category of gender continues to decay in ME?

2. Which of the nominal grammatical categories were the first to decay?

3. Which of the cases of nouns fell together in ME and what was the reason for that?

4. What factors promoted the reduction of cases within the system of the Noun and the Adjective in ME?

5. How did the Genitive case of nouns develop in ME?

6. Was the process of the development of declensions the same in different dialects?

7. What new class of pronouns appeared in ME?

8. What changes occurred within the system of demonstrative pronouns in ME?

9. What article was the first to appear in ME and what factors promoted its rise?

10. What is the connection between the rise of articles, development of pronouns and the decay of the declensions of adjectives?

11. Did any analytical forms develop within the system of the nominal part of speech in ME?

12. What new form building means developed within the system of the Verb in ME?

13. What changes characterize the present tense paradigm in ME? In what does it differ from ModE?

14. How did the plural endings of the present tense develop in ME?

15. Which of the classes of verbs (strong or weak) are more productive in ME? Why?

16. What changes affected the classes of weak verbs in ME?

17. What changes affected the classes of strong verbs in ME?

18. How many basic forms of verbs existed in OE? How did they develop in ME? How did it influence ModE?

19. Which of the preterite-present verbs that existed in OE went out of use in ME?

20. What changes affected the verbs 'should' and 'would' in ME?

21. What can you say about the rise of Passive, Future, Perfect and Continuous forms in English? Why did the forms appear only in ME but not earlier?

Seminar 7

Recommended Literature

Obligatory 1. Lectures on the theme.

2. Verba L. History of the English Language.-Nova Knyha,



3. B. Ilyish. History of the English Language.-Л.,1973.


4. И. П. Иванова и др. Практикум по истории

английского языка.-М.,1985.


TheoryTexts for analysisAssignments Les.15,16,17,pp.105-124 Text26, p.106 1-4, p.106-107

11, p.107

12,16, p.108

19,20, p.109

22-25, p.110


Additional: 1. T. A. Rastorguyeva. History of English.-M.,1983.

P.188-218 (choosing only material on ENE).

2. G. I. Stoudenets. History of the English Language in


Tables 85-95.


Questions for Self-testing:

1. What centuries does the NE period embrace?

2. What peculiar features of the social structure is NE period

characterized by?

3. What historical and cultural events promoted establishing of the literary national standard of English? Why did it become possible only in NE and not earlier?

4. What prominent linguists of 16 th – 19 th centuries do you know? Name some of their works.

5. What is the essence of the Great Vowel Shift? How did it influence ModE?

6. What are the reasons and the initial impetus of the Great Vowel Shift?

7. What are the exceptions to the Great Vowel Shift?

8. What quantitative changes affected the system of vowels in ENE?

9. What changes affected the unstressed vowels in ENE? What can you say about the history of the so called 'mute e' in English?

10. Was the change of -er into -ar assimilative or independent? Was the change consistent? How did it affect ModE?

11. What new short phonemes appeared in NE?

12. What new long phonemes appeared in NE?

13. How many vowel phonemes are there in ModE? Is the system symmetric?

14. What new diphthongs appeared in NE?

15. What absolutely new vowels appeared in NE?

16. What was the cause of the appearance of new diphthongs and triphthongs in NE?

17. What changes affected the class of fricatives in NE? What were the causes for that?

18. What change affected the sound [r] in NE? What are peculiarities of the process in different regional variants of English?

19. What new sibilants and affricates appeared in NE? How are they reflected in ModE spelling?

20. What consonant clusters underwent simplification in NE?

21. What kind of process can be named “Verner's Law” in NE?


Плани семінарських занять

Seminar 1

English as a Germanic Language.

Part 1: Get ready for a test. Answer the following questions.


1. How many languages are there in the world (approximately)?

2. What family of languages does English belong to?

3. What branch of the Indo-European family does English belong to?

4. Which of the languages are in closer relations with each other: English and French or English and Scottish? French and Moldavian or Ukrainian and Moldavian? English and Ukrainian or English and Hungarian?

5. Name the author who was the first to mention ancient Germans?

6. What century does the first mention of ancient Germans refer to?

7. What are the sources of our knowledge of old Germanic tribes?

8. In whose works can we find classifications of Germanic tribes?

9. Name the largest groups of old Germanic tribes.

10. What were the ancient Germans by their religion?

11. How many groups does the old Germanic group of languages


12. How many groups of languages does modern Germanic branch


13. Name some of the best known written monuments of the Germanic


14. How is the runic alphabet called?

15. How are the letters of the oldest Germanic alphabet called?

16. How many letters does the oldest Germanic alphabet consist of?


Recommended Literature

Obligatory: 1. Lectures on the theme.

2. B. Ilyish. History of the English Language.-Л.,1973.

P. 9-11; 30-33.


Additional: 1. Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь.- М.,1990.

С.93-98; 101-102.

2. Baugh A. & Cable T. History of the English Language.-


3. G. I. Stoudenets. History of the English Language in


Tables 1-12.


A sample of the test:

TEST 1. Card N...

Answer the following questions:


1. How many groups of languages does Modern Germanic branch include?

2. What are specific features of Common Germanic system of vowels (what processes characterize it)?

3. What can you say about the Common Germanic word-stock?



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