Exercise 10. Choose the correct word and fill in the blanks. 

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Exercise 10. Choose the correct word and fill in the blanks.


(to) improve improvement


1. Your work shows considerable __.

2. I want to __ my German.

3. Your English if getting better, but there is still room for __.

(to) benefit beneficial


4. He had the of a first-class education.

5. The fall in prices will be:__ to our business.

6. He is most likely __.


technology technological technologist


7. The system uses advanced computer and satellite __.

8. We witness the rapid pace change.

9. A specialist in technology is called ____.

10. We use the latest ____.


Exercise 11. Read the passage and answer the questions about it.


When colonists from Europe first arrived in America, they had to decide what to preserve of their cultural heritage, and what to discard. They also had to decide upon a means to preserve and build upon their legacy. Their answer was the town school. Within 30' years of the founding of the first settlement in Massachusetts (1620), all towns were required to hire a schoolmaster to teach reading, writing and arithmetic, as well as religion; larger towns were required to establish grammar schools to prepare children for the university. In 1787 the Continental Congress required every new township in the Northwest Territory to preserve one plot and land for public schools.

At the university level, Harvard (Massachusetts) was founded in 1636, and William and Mary (Virginia) in 1693. By 1776, on the eve of its revolution, America had 14 colleges in the new country and another score were founded by 1800. By that time schooling meant not only preserving parts of the classical education, but also teaching skills necessary to build a new North American Nation. Americans freely borrowed from English, French and German precedents.


1. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

a. European colonists in America

b. American educational system

c. Grammar schools and universities

d. The first steps of American education


36 Chapter 2


2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a subject?

a. religion

b. reading

c. astronomy

d. arithmetic

3. How many colleges were founded by 1800?

a. 14

b. 34

с. 20

d. 30

4. In line 2 the word «heritage» could be best replaced by which of the following?

a. pride

b. example

c. criterion

d. legacy

5. The author implies that

a. public schools were the first to appear

b. there were quite a few universities

c. William and Mary established town schools

d. there was a tendency towards linking theory to practice


Exercise 12. Choose the one word of phrase that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.


1. He was given ample money for the journey.

a. enough

b. little

c. some

d. no


2. The program deals with diverse subjects.

a. all

b. interesting

c. challenging

d. different


3. Good timing is essential to our plans.

a. useful

b. important

c. realistic

d. interesting


4. With strong motivation it is easier to learn a foreign language.

a. problem

b. will

c. prediction

d. need


5. What was the outcome?

a. result

b. issue

c. question

d. occasion


Chapter 1 37

6. This machinery is obsolete.

a. new

b. universal

c. outdated

d. good

7. The theory has myriads of followers.

a. some

b. a great number of

c. a plenty of

d. few

8. We were faced with a lot of problems.

a. found

b. renewed

c. resolved

d. encountered

9. Several approaches have emerged in recent years.

a. appeared

b. lost importance

c. formed

d. disappeared

10. They made a minute improvement.

a. instant

b. very small

c. considerable

d. very important

11. We have carried out several experiments.

a. the number of

b. a lot of

c. few

d. a number of

12. At present we do not have enough information.

a. sufficient

b. pertinent

c. updated

d. important

13. Electron is a ubiquitous object.

a. valuable

b. infinitesimal

c. omnipresent

d. weightless

14. Computer is a reliable tool.

a. dependable

b. sophisticated

c. expensive

d. common

15. Water is the most abundant resource on the Earth, and one of the most important.

a. rare

b. useful

c. significant

d. plentiful


38 Chapter 2

16. The article concerns huge woodland areas.

a. concluded by

b. denies

c. provides

d. regards

17. A second, more rigorous course may be offered as an elective.

a. the other

b. another

c. the second

d. other

18. A telephone is an indispensable piece of equipment in any office.

a. beneficial

b. compatible

c. very reliable

d. extremely important

19. It was one of the most dramatic events.

a. usual

b. exciting

c. sad

d. obvious






The name «quark» was coined by Irish poet and novelist James Joyce in the 1930s, and adopted by quantum physicist Murray Gell-Mann in 1964. Gell-Mann took it from the novel «Finnegan's Wake» in which a flock of seaswans sings this song to one of the characters:

«Three quarks for Muster Mark!

Sure he hasn't got much of a bark

And sure any he has it's all beside the mark».

Although «quark» had no relevance to physics, it was probably as good a name as any for a mysterious building block of matter.


Chapter 1 39

Chapter 3

Focus on:


Science and Society Using Graphics


Grammar: System of Tenses (Review)


40 Chapter 3


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