Читання, 11 клас. Reading Comprehension Test. 

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Читання, 11 клас. Reading Comprehension Test.

Questions 6 through 10 refer to Text 2.

Text 2

People are often surprised to learn just how long some varieties of trees can live. If asked to estimate the age of the oldest living trees on the Earth, they often come up with guesses in the neighbourhood of two or perhaps three hundred years. The real answer is considerably larger than that, more than five thousand years.

The tree that wins the prize for its considerable maturity is the bristlecone pine of California. This venerable pine predates wonders of the ancient world such as the pyramids of Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and the Colossus of Rhodes. It is not nearly as tall as the giant redwood that is also found in California, and in fact it is actually not very tall compared with many other trees often little more than five meters in height. This relatively short height may be one of the factors that aid the bristlecone pine in living to a ripe old age—high winds and inclement weather cannot easily reach the shorter trees and cause damage. An additional factor that contributes to the long life of the bristlecone pine is that this type of tree has a high percentage of resin, which prevents rot from developing in the tree trunk and branches.


Task 2: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):


6. The best title for this passage would be.

a) The Size of the Bristlecone Pine.

b) Three-Hundred-Year-Old-Forests.

c) The Wonders of the Ancient World.

d) An Amazingly Enduring Tree.


7. The expression "in the neighborhood of" could best be replaced by:

a) of approximately;

b) on the same block as;

c) with the friendliness of;

d) located close to.


8. It can be inferred from the passage that most people:

a) are quite accurate in their estimates of the ages of trees;

b) have two to three hundred trees in their neighborhoods;

c) do not really have any idea how old the oldest trees on the Earth are;

d) can name some three-hundred-year-old trees.


9. According to the passage, approximately how old are the oldest trees on the Earth?

a) Two hundred years old;

b) three hundred years old;

c) five hundred years old;

d) five thousand years old.


10. The word "venerable" is closest in meaning to which of the following?

a) ancient;

b) incredible;

c) towering;

d) unrecognizable.


Читання, 11 клас

Reading Comprehension Test.

Questions 11 through 15 refer to Text 3.

Text 3

The teddy bear is a child's toy, a nice soft stuffed animal suitable for cuddling. It is, however, a toy with an interesting history behind it.

Theodore Roosevelt, or Teddy, as he was commonly called, was the president of the United States from 1901 to 1909. He was an unusually active man with varied pastimes, one of which was hunting. One day the president was invited to take part in a bear hunt; and in as much as Teddy was president, his hosts wanted to ensure that he caught a bear. A bear was captured, clanked over the head to knock it out, and tied to a tree; however, Teddy, who really wanted to hunt actually, refused to shoot the bear and in fact demanded that the bear be extricated from the ropes; that is, he demanded that the bear be set free.

The incident attracted a lot of attention among journalists. First, a cartoon — made by Clifford K. Berryman to make fun of this situation — appeared in the Washington Post, and the cartoon was widely distributed and reprinted throughout the country. Then, toy manufacturers began producing a toy bear, which they called a "teddy bear". The teddy bear became the most widely recognised symbol of Roosevelt's presidency.


Task 3: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):

11. The topic of the passage probably is...

a) Theodore Roosevelt's activity;

b) the episode from Theodore Roosevelt's life;

c) the origin of a popular play thing;

d) the history of one incident.


12. The word "pastimes" is closest in meaning to...

a) duties;

b) hopes;

c) jobs;

d) hobbies.


13. The passage implies that Theodore Roosevelt was...

a) a poor hunter;

b) a fair-play person;

c) a good president;

d) a faithful friend.


14. To make fun of the situation Clifford K. Berryman produced...

a) a photograph;

b) a radio program;

c) a drawing:

d) a film.


15. The teddy bear toy witnessed about...

a) US economic growth;

b) lack of patriotism;

c) shortage of toys in the US;

d) Roosevelt's popularity in the country.




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