Aquired immune deficiency syndrom 

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Aquired immune deficiency syndrom

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (a member of the retrovirus family) that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition in humans in which progressive failure of the immune system allows life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive.

HIV infection in humans is considered pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). HIV infects about 0,6 % of the world’s population. Nearly 33,4 million people worldwide, including 2,1 million children are living with HIV/AIDS nowadays.

Two main strains of the HIV, HIV-1 and HIV-2, cause AIDS. HIV-1 is more common in the Western Hemisphere, Europe, Asia and most of Africa. Most untreated people infected with HIV-1 eventually leads to AIDS. These individuals mostly die from opportunistic infections or malignant tumours associated with the progressive failure of the immune system. HIV-2 is more prevalent in West Africa: it is transmitted less easily and progresses less quickly to AIDS than HIV-1.In both strains, the virus may persist at low levels for years in a host without causing disease. The only sign of infection will be the presence of antibodies against the virus. Once immunodeficiency occurs, if left untreated, death usually follows within 2 to 3 years of the first onset of symptoms. The HIV itself doesn’t kill the patient. It destroys the immune system, leaving the patient susceptible to other diseases, especially certain types of cancer and pneumonia. These diseases are the immediate causes of death.

HIV infects a specific type of cells called a T helper, but mainly it attacks T helper cells that have a protein known as CD4. This kind of cells is essential in triggering the immune system to infections or other foreign materials. After enough CD4 cells are destroyed, the body is no longer able to fight off infection or destroy cancerous cells.

Transmission. The AIDS virus is transmitted through bodily fluids such as blood, breast milk, etc. Casual contact with the infected person doesn’t result in the transmission of the virus. The most efficient methods of HIV transmission include sexual, sharing needles for IV drugs, and receiving transfusions of contaminated blood or blood products. An infected mother may pass the virus to her unborn child. Susceptibility to HIV infection increases if there is a break in the skin or mucous membrane, which allows the virus to enter the blood stream.

The stages of HIV infection are acute infection (also known as primary infection), latency and AIDS. During 2-4 weeks post-exposure a person may develop an influenza-like illness called HIV acute infection the symptoms of which may include fever, swollen lymph nodes, pharyngitis, rash etc and last for several weeks. The latency stage involves few or no symptoms at all and can last from 2 weeks to 20 years. AIDS, the final stage of HIV infection, is defined by low CD4+T cells count, various opportunistic infections and cancers.


Exercise 6. Match the English word-combinations with their equivalents:

1. failure of the immune system a. перша проява симптомів
2. opportunistic infections b. померти від злоякісних пухлин
3. the presence of antibodies against the virus c. схильний до інших захворювань
4. the first onset of symptoms d. запустити імунну систему
5. susceptible to other diseases e. загрозливі для життя інфекції
6. to trigger the immune system f. отримати переливання зараженої крові
7. to die from malignant tumours g. прогресивне пошкодження імунної системи
8. life-threatening infections h. розлад роботи імунної системи
9. to receive transfusions of contaminated blood i. опортуністичні інфекції
10. progressive failure of the immune system j. наявність антитіл проти вірусу


Exercise 7. Answer the following questions:

1. What is AIDS?

2. What are the two main strains of HIV?

3. What is the difference between these two strains?

4. What organs does HIV damage?

5. Why can’t the infected organism fight off infections?

6. How is HIV transmitted?

7. What are the stages of HIV infection?

8. What symptoms and diseases is AIDS characterized by?


Exercise 8. Match English word combinations with their definitions:

a. immune deficiency 1. the period between infection with a virus or other microorganism and the onset of symptoms
b. susceptible 2. the protein produced in response to and counteracting a specific antigen.
c. antiretroviral 3. failure of the immune system to protect the body adequately from infection
d. tumour 4. It affects patients only or chiefly when the immune system is depressed
e. antibody 5. a virus which reduces people's resistance to illness
f. latency 6. denoting drugs which inhibit the activity of retroviruses
g. HIV 7. likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular substance
h. opportunistic infection 8. a swelling of a part of the body, generally without inflammation, caused by an abnormal growth of tissue, whether benign or malignant


Exercise 9. Find synonyms to the following words and word-combinations in the text:

Insufficiency, to spread, neoplasm, damage, perspiration, medicine, high temperature, grippe, potentially fatal disease, liable to diseases, to get, vulnerable, eruptions.

Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box:


AIDS, transmitted, immune, HIV, infected, opportunistic, transfusion, protective.


AIDS is the worst sexually … disease. It is caused by …, which attacks the immune system. The … system plays an important role in fighting off the diseases. HIV is transmitted through direct contact with the … person’s bodily fluids. HIV is also transmitted by … of contaminated blood. HIV reduces the … function of the immune system. When the immune system breaks down, the person will suffer many infections called … infections. This is the last stage of HIV infection which is called ….

Exercise 11. Translate the parts of a sentence given in italics:

1. Ryan White – the 1st teenager patient who was infected with AIDS when отримував переливання зараженої крові as part of his treatment.

2. AIDS doesn’t kill the patients, they помирають від злоякісних пухлин or different infections.

3. HIV destroys T helper cells that запускають імунну систему to infections.

4. HIV causes розлад роботи імунної системи that makes it схильний до інших захворювань.

5. The standard HIV test detects наявність антитіл проти вірусу.

6. Many years may pass since the initial infection before перша проява симптомів.

7. AIDS is characterized by опортуністичними інфекціями, such as cancers, pneumonia, and tuberculosis.

8. Once the immunodeficiency occurs, загрозливі для життя інфекції may appear that can be fatal for a person with the weakened immune system.


Exercise 12. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions from the box:

from, of, in, of, with, by, to, with, to

Sharing and reusing syringes contaminated … HIV infected blood represents a major risk for infection with HIV. Needle sharing is the cause … one third of all new HIV infections … North America, China and Eastern Europe. The risk … being infected with HIV from a single prick … a needle that has been used on an HIV infected person is thought to be about 1 in 150. Post-exposure prophylaxis … anti-HIV drugs can further reduce the risk. This rout can also affect people who give and receive tattoo and piercing.

According … the WHO, the overwhelming majority … the world population does not have access … safe blood and between 5% and 10% of the world’s HIV infections come … transfusions of infected blood and blood products.


Exercise 13. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the use of tenses:

1. HIV-1 occurs more often in the Western Hemisphere, Europe, Asia and most of Africa.

2. The patient was diagnosed HIV-1 infection 12 years ago.

3. Before admission to the hospital, the patient had not been in medical care for approximately 6 months.

4. The patient discontinued antiretroviral and antihypertensive medication.

5. The blood analysis will be made in half an hour on an empty stomach.

6. The only medication, that he is taking, is Dapsone for prophylaxis.

7. The patient has just been brought into the postoperative ward.

8. The patient has been suffering from unexplained fatigue for several weeks.

Exercise 14. Open the brackets and translate the sentences:

1. The physician said that previous sanatorium treatment (to be) helpful.

2. The patient said he never (to experience) such an acute pain before.

3. The patient can’t be discharged from the hospital because he not (to recover) yet.

4. The doctor (to write) a prescription when a nurse (to open) the door and (to ask) what injection to make.

5. He (to loose) consciousness and (to moan) all the time.

6. The doctor (to make) a diagnosis after he gets the findings of your blood test.

7. The administration (to change), if he doesn’t feel better tomorrow.

8. Water-soluble vitamins (to excrete) out of the body within one day.


Exercise 15. Put questions to the underlined phrases:

1. Patients with HIV are administered antiretroviral drugs.

2. Symptoms vary with the severity of the inflammation.

3. We had to take the patient for an operation immediately to prevent the rupture of the appendix.

4. The patient had a slightly elevated body temperature.

5. The effectiveness of the immune system will slowly be reduced by HIV.

6. The viruses have produced substances that weaken the immune system.

7. Scientists are observing AIDS in an increasing number of infants.

8. As symptoms had been present for a long time, the patient was administered antibiotics.

Exercise 16. Translate into English:

1. СНІД, або Синдро́м набу́того імунодефіци́ту — тяжке інфекційне захворювання, спричинене вірусом імунодефіциту людини.

2. ВІЛ уражає імунну систему людини та знижує протидію організму захворюванням.

3. СНІД не є смертельною хворобою, але його вірус в організмі впливає на імунну систему й навіть простий нежить може призвести до смерті.

4. ВІЛ може передатися при незахищеному статевому контакті.

5. ВІЛ може передаватися через кров: переливання зараженої крові, використання брудних шприців, тощо.

6. ВІЛ може передаватися від ВІЛ-позитивної матері до дитини під час вагітності, пологів або годування груддю.

7. Період «вікна» — час, коли ВІЛ присутній у крові людини, але аналіз на антитіла до нього ще є негативним.

8. Період «вікна» становить від двох до шести місяців й людина може передавати вірус іншим.

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів

I. Перекладіть словосполучення на англійську мову: 1. лихоманка та висип 2. перша проява симптомів 3. схильний до інших захворювань 4. загрозливі для життя інфекції 5. переливання зараженої крові 6. розлад роботи імунної системи 7. наявність антитіл проти вірусу 8. вірус імунодефіциту 9. померти від злоякісних пухлин 10. прогресивне пошкодження імунної системи   II. Дайте відповідь на запитання: 1. What is AIDS? 2. What organs does HIV damage? 3. How is HIV transmitted? 4. What are the stages of HIV infection? 5. What symptoms and diseases is AIDS characterized by?   III. Дайте визначення:СНІД



1. AIDS progressively … the effectiveness of the immune system.

a) increases b) improves c) reduces d) strengthens e) aggravates


2. HIV is transmitted through ….

a) direct contact and patient’s things b) respiratory tract

c) blood, semen and breast milk d) animal’s bites

e) bites of mosquitoes


3. There are … stages of HIV infection recognized.

a) 3 b) 2 c) 4 d) 5 e) 7


4. The … stage leads eventually to an AIDS diagnosis.

a) initial b) latent c) infectious d) acute e) serious


5. HIV infection in humans is considered … by the World Health Organization.

a) endemic b) epidemic c) pandemic d) non-infectious e) all variants


6. People with AIDS die mostly of ….

a) constant fever b) tuberculosis c) opportunistic infections

d) respiratory tract infections e) pneumonia


7. … is more common in the Western Hemisphere, Europe, Asia and most of Africa.

a) AIDS b) HIV c) HIV-1 d) HIV – 2 e) Hepatitis


8. HIV infects a specific type of cells called ….

a) a T helper b) CD-4 c) RNA d) DNA e) HIV


9. … is transmitted less easily and progresses less quickly to AIDS.

a) HIV b) HIV – 1 c) HIV – 2 d) AIDS e) all variants


10. Many people are unaware that they are infected with HIV because ….

a) they don’t apply to a doctor b) the latent period is long

c) they don’t make blood tests d) they don’t take about their health

e) all variants are true




Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

complication, n [aut'breik] ускладнення
congestion, n [kən'dƷestʃən] закладеність
intervention, n [intə'venʃn] втручання
outbreak, n [aut'breik] спалах
sign, n ['saiŋ] ознака
sinus, n ['sainəs] пазуха
species, n ['spi:ʃiz] вид
sputum, n ['spju:təm] мокротиння


Exercise 2. Read the following transcriptions. Write them in words and give their Ukrainian equivalents:

[in'fekʃəs], [ə'kɛ:], ['vairəs], [ai'denti'fai], ['reindƷ], ['kof], [səb'said], ['noutisəbl], [ri'li:v], [ǽnti'baiəutik], ['fri:kwentli], [ǽnti'vairəlz], [i'mju:n], [ris'pairətəri], [ə'souʃieit], ['bri: ðiŋ], [prə'dʌktiv], [ə'proksimətli].


Exercise 3. Match the English word combinations with their Ukrainian euivalents and use them in the sentences of your own:

1. outbreak of the disease a) кашель з жовтувато-зеленим мокротинням
2. a wide range of animal species b) послаблена імунна система
3. nasal congestion and a sore throat c) ознаки вторинної інфекції
4. to relive symptoms d) потребувати медичного втручання
5. weakened immune system e) інфекції вух та носових пазух
6. to be at risk for developing complications f) полегшувати симптоми
7. signs of secondary infections g) спалах захворювання
8. cough with yellowish green sputum h) бути в небезпеці розвитку ускладнення
9. sinus or ear infections i) закладеність носу та хворе горло
10. to require medical intervention j) широкий діапазон видів тварин


Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:


Influenza is an infectious respiratory disease. The causative agent is a virus. Influenza outbreaks occur suddenly and infection spreads rapidly.

There are three types of influenza viruses, identified as A, B, and C. Influenza A can infect humans, pigs, horses, and birds, but only humans are infected by types B and C.

Typical influenza symptoms include weakness, headache, dry cough, chills, and fever. Symptoms can be relieved with bed rest, steam inhalations, and pain relievers. As the fever subsides, nasal congestion and a sore throat become noticeable.

Since influenza is a viral infection, antibiotics are useless in treating it. However, antibiotics are frequently used to treat secondary infections. To be effective, doctor should begin treatment no later than two days after symptoms appear. Antivirals may be useful in treating patients who have weakened immune system or who are at risk for developing serious complications.

Influenza complications usually arise from bacterial infections of the lower respiratory tract. Signs of a secondary respiratory infection include high fever, chills, chest pain associated with breathing, and a productive cough with yellowish green sputum. If these symptoms appear, medical treatment is necessary. Other secondary infections, such as sinus or ear infections, heart and lung problems, may also require medical intervention. Influenza is a serious disease, and approximately 1 in 1,000 cases is fatal.


Exercise 5. Answer the questions according to the information from the text:

1. What kind of disease is flu?

2. What types of influenza do you know?

3. What are the symptoms of flu?

4. How can flu symptoms be relieved?

5. What prognosis can be made in case of flu? What complications may appear?


Exercise 6. Match the words from the left column with their synonyms from the right one:

1. to infect a) to lead to
2. to occur b) aggravation
3. to cause c) helpful
4. to subside d) to appear
5. congestion e) lethal
6. complication f) obstruction
7. treatment g) to pass off
8. fatal h) to contract with
9. useful i) visible
10. noticeable j) management


Exercise 7. Translate the following word combinations from Ukrainian into English:

Спалах інфекцій верхніх дихальних шляхів, швидко розповсюджуватися, сухий кашель та озноб, полегшувати симптоми знеболюючими, помітне запалення горла, лікувати вторинні інфекції, противірусні ліки для пацієнтів з послабленою імунною системою, виникати внаслідок бактеріальних інфекцій, біль в грудній клітині під час дихання, потребувати медичного втручання, смертельні випадки.


Exercise 8. Read the abstracts about respiratory diseases. Match the words from the table with the correct paragraphs:

Asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, pneumonia

1. An inflammation of the lung caused by infection with bacteria or viruses which sometimes develops from a simple viral cold or influenza.

2. This is a long-term condition that occurs when the main air passages of the lungs, the bronchial tubes, become inflamed and go into spasm. Extra mucus is also producedalong the lining of the bronchi. The spasms and mucus accumulation blog the respiratory passage.

3. This is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in one or both of the lungs. These abnormal cells reproduce rapidly and form tumours which destroy a part of the lung so that it does not work properly.

4. This is the abnormal enlargement of alveoli in the lung which also causes them to loose a result the alveoli are unable to efficiently exchange gases between lungs and blood.

5. This involves an inflammation of the bronchial tubes which causes a persistent cough and produces a significant amount of phlegm ([‘flem] – харкотиння, слиз) and mucus.


Exercise 9. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition:


In, at, on (2), against, for, during, with, among


1. The influenza vaccine is an annual vaccine to protect … the highly variable influenza virus.

2. Influenza vaccination is the most effective method … preventing influenza virus infection and its potentially severe complications.

3. Vaccines are used not only … humans.

4. Vaccination is associated … reductions in influenza-related respiratory illnesses, hospitalization and death among persons … high risk, otits media … among children.

5. Although influenza vaccination levels increased substantially … the 1990s, further improvements in vaccine coverage levels are needed.

6. Inproved influenza countermeasures require basic research … how viruses enter cells, replicate, mutate, and evolve into new strains.

7. Many groups worldwide are working … a universal flu vaccine that will not need changing each year.


Exercise 10. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. The earliest existing descriptions of influenza were written nearly 2.500 year ago by ancient Greek physician Hippocrates.

2. Individuals who suffer from frequent flu and colds often tend to have bronchitis.

3. Influenza is characterized by high fever, chills, chest pain, and productive cough with yellowish green sputum.

4. A worldwide seasonal influenza epidemic kills 250.000 to 500.000 people each year.

5. The rapid development, production, and distribution of pandemic influenza vaccines saved millions of lives during influenza pandemics.

6. Most people completely recover from influenza infection within 2 weeks.

Exercise 11. Read the case histories. Open the brackets in the correct tense and voice. Translate into your native language:

A 37-year old female (to admit) to the hospital with tachypnea ([tǽ'kipniə] – поверхове дихання), and acute shortness of breath with wheezing. Auscultation (to reveal) decreased breath sounds with inspiratory and expiratory wheezing and the patient (to cough up) small amounts of white sputum.

The patient was a 7-week-old male who (to transfer) to the hospital with a 10-day history of choking (задуха), progressing to his turning red and grasping for breath. Over the prior 2 days, he also (to have) three episodes of vomiting in association with his coughing. His physical examination (to show) both tachycardia and tachypnea. There was no evidence of tracheal abnormalities.

The patient was a 15-year-old male with a history of sickle cell disease. He (to admit) to hospital with a 4-day history of a progressive, productive cough and 2 days of fevers. On admission, his temperature was 41.10C, his respiratory rate was 40/min, pulse was 120 beats/min, and his blood pressure was 80/40 mmHg. He also (to have) a mild respiratory distress (дихальна недостатність). A chest radiograph (to demonstrate) a right lower lobe infiltrate.


Exercise 12. Describe the term “influenza” according to the table:

1. General characteristics  
2. Types  
3. Symptoms  
4. Treatment  
5. Complications  


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення: 1. спалах інфекцій верхніх дихальних шляхів 2. сухий кашель та озноб 3. лікувати вторинні інфекції 4. потребувати медичного втручання 5. виникати внаслідок бактеріальних інфекцій 6. кашель з жовтувато-зеленим мокротинням 7. закладеність носу та хворе горло 8. спалах захворювання 9. потребувати медичного втручання 10. інфекції вух та носових пазух   II. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: 1. What kind of disease is flu? 2. What types of influenza do you know? 3. What are the symptoms of flu? 4. How can flu symptoms be relieved? 5. What prognosis can be made in case of flu? What complications may appear?   III. Дайте визначення:грип





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