Assessment of the risk – оцінювання ризику 

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Assessment of the risk – оцінювання ризику

The ability of accurate risk assessment is a guarantee of successful treatment of the patient.

6. predictable level - рівень, який можливо передбачати

Unfortunately, his blood creatinine increased over the predictable level and the specialists didn't react as quickly as they should.

Admission to the hospital - госпіталізація

On admission to the hospital the patient didn't exhibit any vitally dangerous signs.

8. irregularity in the heart rate –нерегулярність ритму серця

Heart palpitations are referred to the irregularities in the heart rate.


Exercise 3. Match the following terms with their definitions:

1. coronary a. transthoracic interpretation of the electrical activity of the heart over time captured and externally recorded by skin electrodes
2. cholesterol b. feeling of oppression on the heart caused by insufficient oxygen supply of the heart muscle
3. electrocardiogram c. pertaining to the heart
4. angiography d. visualization of the lumen of blood vessels and organs of the body
5. angina pectoris e. inability of the heart to supply sufficient blood flow
6. myocardial infarction f. necrosis of the myocardium lack due to of oxygen
7. heart failure g. a surgical technique for restoring normal blood flow through an artery narrowed or blocked by atherosclerosis, either by inserting a balloon into the narrowed section and inflating it or by using a laser beam
8. angioplasty h. fat that may be deposited on the blood vessel walls
9. arrhythmia i. abnormal electrical activity in the heart

Exercise 4. Match the following Ukrainian word combinations with the English ones:

1. to increase with age a. знижена переносимість
2. stable ischaemic heart disease b. припинення паління
3. rapidly worsening angina c. наступні проблеми
4. on exertion d. відділення невідкладної допомоги
5. following problems e. недостатнє кровопостачання
6. weakness of the muscle f. готовність пацієнта до хірургічного втручання
7. insufficient blood supply g. зростати з віком
8. to induce the symptoms h. стенокардія, що раптово погіршується
9. suitability for surgery i. при навантаженні
10. emergency department j. стабільна ішемічна хвороба серця
11. cessation of smoking k. викликати симптоми
12. decreased tolerance l. слабкість м'язу

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


Ischaemic heart disease (IHD), or myocardial ischaemia, is a disease characterized by ischaemia (reduced blood supply) of the heart muscle, usually due to coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries). Its risk increases with age, smoking, hypercholesterolaemia (high cholesterol levels), diabetes, and hypertension (high blood pressure), and is more common in men and those who have close relatives with ischaemic heart disease.

Symptoms of stable ischaemic heart disease include angina (characteristic chest pain on exertion) and decreased exercise tolerance. Unstable IHD presents itself as chest pain or other symptoms at rest or rapidly worsening angina. Diagnosis of IHD is performed using data of an electrocardiogram, blood tests (cardiac markers), cardiac stress testing or a coronary angiogram. Depending on the symptoms and risk, treatment may be with medication, percutaneous coronary intervention (angioplasty) or coronary artery bypass surgery (CABS).

The medical history distinguishes between various alternative causes for chest pain (such as dyspepsia, musculoskeletal pain, pulmonary embolism). As part of an assessment of the three main presentations of IHD, risk factors are addressed. These are the main causes of atherosclerosis (the disease process underlying IHD): age, male sex, hyperlipidaemia (high cholesterol and high fats in the blood), smoking, hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, and the family history.

Ischaemic heart disease may be present with any of the following problems: angina pectoris (chest pain on exertion, in cold weather or emotional situations); acute chest pain: acute coronary syndrome, unstable angina or myocardial infarction ("heart attack", severe chest pain unrelieved by rest associated with evidence of acute heart damage) and heart failure (difficulty in breathing or swelling of the extremities due to weakness of the heart muscle).

In "stable" angina, chest pain with typical features occurring at predictable levels of exertion, various forms of cardiac stress tests may be used to induce both symptoms and detect changes by way of electrocardiography (using an ECG), echocardiography (using ultrasound of the heart) or scintigraphy (using uptake of radionuclide by the heart muscle). If part of the heart seems to receive an insufficient blood supply, coronary angiography may be used to identify stenosis of the coronary arteries and suitability for angioplasty or bypass surgery.

Diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome generally takes place in the emergency department, where ECGs may be performed sequentially to identify "evolving changes" (indicating ongoing damage to the heart muscle). This process usually necessitates admission to hospital, and close observation on a coronary care unit for possible complications (such as cardiac arrhythmias - irregularities in the heart rate).

Various treatments are offered in people deemed to be at high risk of coronary artery disease. These include control of cholesterol levels in those with known high cholesterol, smoking cessation, and control of high blood pressure. In stable IHD, antianginal drugs may be used to reduce the rate of occurrence and severity of angina attacks. Revascularization for acute coronary syndrome has a significant mortality benefit. Recent evidence suggests that revascularization for stable ischaemic heart disease may also confer a mortality benefit over medical therapy alone.

Treatment of coronary artery disease includes addressing "modifiable" risk factors. This includes suppression of cholesterol (usually with statins), even in those with statistically normal cholesterol levels, control of blood pressure, blood sugars (if diabetic), regular exercise and a healthy diet. Smokers are encouraged to stop smoking.

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:

1. What is ischaemic heart disease?

2. What factors may cause cardiac ischemia?

3. What are the symptoms of ischemia?

4. What diseases may develop in case of cardiac ischemia?

5. What is the sequence of physician's actions for the patient with ischemia suspected?

6. What analyses are necessary to establish the diagnosis of ischemia?

7. What is the treatment of ischemic heart disease?

8. What diseases may diseases accompany ischemia?

Exercise 7. Angina is a symptom of coronary heart disease. Match the types of angina and its definitions:

1. Stable angina a. The pain comes on after only a little effort (such as just taking a few steps). It usually happens when one of the blood vessels supplying your heart becomes so narrowed that a person is at risk of a heart attack.
2. Unstable angina b. This is angina that is brought on by exertion. It happens when the blood vessels supplying your heart become narrowed, restricting the blood supply. The angina pain usually lasts for only a few minutes and goes away when you rest. But the pain may return when the effort begins again. This can usually be well controlled with medication.
3. Variant angina c. This rare type of angina occurs without warning. It's due to spasm of a coronary artery. You may need further tests to diagnose this type of angina. During an attack, there can be irregularities in the heart's normal rhythm.

Exercise 8. Complete the following sentences choosing suitable words from the box:

Die, develop, control, twice, excess, likely, increases, risk

1. Over 83 per cent of people who ………… of coronary heart disease are 65-year-old individuals or older.

2. At older ages, women who have heart attacks are more …………… than men to die of them within a few weeks.

3. Children of parents with heart disease are more likely to ……. it themselves.

4. Smokers' ………… of developing coronary heart disease is 2-4 times that of nonsmokers.

5. Cigarette smoking is a powerful independent risk factor for sudden cardiac death in patients with coronary heart disease; smokers have about ………….. the risk of non-smokers.

6. High blood pressure …………… the heart's workload, causing the heart to thicken and become stiffer. It also …………. your risk of stroke, heart attack, kidney failure and congestive heart failure.

7. People who have …………… body fat - especially if it is at the waist - are more likely to develop heart disease and stroke even if they have no other risk factors.

8. Diabetes seriously increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Even when glucose (blood sugar) levels are under ……………, diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, but the risks are even higher if blood sugar is not well controlled.

Exercise 9. Choose the proper continuation:

a) Coronary ischaemia…

b) Angina pectoris…

c) Atherosclerosis…

d) Myocardial infarction….

e) The diagnosis of ischaemia…

f) It is possible to prevent the ischaemic condition by….

g) Coronary bypass surgery….

h) The treatment of ischaemic conditions…

1. ….is the most common cause of death in most Western countries and a major cause of hospital admissions.

2. …unlike the angina, is an irreversible condition.

3. ….may be expressed by chest discomfort and associated symptoms precipitated by some activity (running, walking, etc.) with minimal or non-existent symptoms at rest.

4. …is established on the basis of the case history, ECG and angiography results.

5. …improves the chances of survival of patients who are at high risk.

6. …is a disease of large and medium-sized muscular arteries and is characterized by endothelial dysfunction, vascular inflammation, and the build-up of lipids, cholesterol, calcium, and cellular debris within the lining of the vessel wall.

7. ….control of cholesterol levels in those with known high cholesterol, smoking cessation, and control of high blood pressure.

8. ….includes addressing "modifiable" risk factors, like suppression of cholesterol.


Exercise 10. Match the synonyms:

1. to increase a. stop, interruption
2. exertion b. quickly
3. rapidly c. to connect with
4. to perform d. oedema
5. to associate e. to enhance
6. swallowing f. to recognize
7. uptake g. to execute
8. to identify h. admittance
9. admission i. ingestion
10. cessation j. physical efforts


Exercise 11. What symptoms are common for the heart diseases? The suggestions on the right may help you to answer. Make sentences of your own:

Diseases Symptoms
Arrhythmia   Angina pectoris   Cardiac insufficiency Aneurism   Congenital heart disease   1. nausea and vomiting 2. palpitation 3. dizziness 4. pain in the chest 5. breathlessness 6. pulmonary oedema 7. panic and fear of death 8. bluish skin 9. attacks of pain, especially after exertion 10. pain in the neck, throat and arms 11. sweating 12. skin pallor

Exercise 12. Arrange the following sentences according to the following two columns:


1. Calcium channel blockers and/or beta-blockers;

2. Lifestyle changes;

3. Nitroglycerin;

4. ACE inhibitors, which treat hypertension and may lower the risk of recurrent myocardial infarction;

5. Medical treatment - drugs (e.g. cholesterol lowering medications, beta-blockers, nitroglycerin, calcium antagonists, etc.);

6. Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG);

7. Statins, which reduce cholesterol, reduce risk of coronary disease;

8. Coronary interventions as angioplasty and coronary stent

Exercise 13. Fill in the gaps with the correct word:

1. The principal cause of the ischemic heart disease is the reduction of the ………… of blood which the arteries provide for the heart to function at normal parameters. (amount / size)

2. The ischemia starts by some fatty ……….. built up in the cells of the wall which surrounds the coronary arteries (the main source of blood for the heart). (deposits / lipids)

3. The fat grows step by step into large twigs of the coronary arteries, process called ………… which brings about the narrowing of the coronary arteries which supply the heart muscle. (atherosclerosis / stroke)

4. A heart attack ………….. when the blood vessels are completely closed. Ischemia refers to an insufficient amount of blood. (feels / occurs)

5. At the beginning the coronary arteries or even their branches are becoming ………… or they are closed because of the debris flowed into the blood, which is referred to as an angina. (thick / narrow)

6. ………… ischemia is very concerning in patients with diabetes because due to without any warning signs patients don't consult the doctor. (loud / silent)

7. Ischemic heart disease doesn't have exact known causes, but there are certain ………….. that must be taken into consideration as for example age, heredity, smoking, diabetes or obesity. (risk factors / risk events)

8. The lethal symptom of ischemic heart disease is sudden death also known as massive heart attack and it is caused by an abnormal heart ………….., ventricular fibrillation that prevents the heart from contracting and pumping oxygenated blood to the brain and vital organs. (rhythm / stage)


Exercise 14. Fill in the gaps with correct prepositions:


of, throughout, up, about, at, in, for, by


1. When there is a reduction………..blood flow to the heart of a person, then it may be a sign…………ischemic heart disease which is, in fact, a major health concern……….much……….the western world.

2. In any person, regardless of diet or native land, it is natural plaque to build ………… along the walls of arteries.

3. For some, this never becomes an issue and they lead a normal life …….. average length.

4. However, ………. some, there can be a resulting problem which is called arteriosclerosis.

5. The one good thing ……… ischemic heart disease is that the medical field knows what the cause is, which means something can be done to avoid the problem.

6. There are simple things that those ……… risk of or who have ischemic heart disease can do: stop consuming high saturated fat foods, avoid smoking, and exercise regularly.

7. ……….. other words, leading a healthy lifestyle can help you avoid heart disease.

8. Foods high ……… saturated fats will cause more the plaque your system that builds up on the walls of arteries.

9. ………. avoiding these foods as much as possible, you are a avoiding the material that is used to block arteries.

10. Secondly, exercise will make your heart more efficient and allow your body to consume the fats you do take.

Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Ішемічна хвороба серця (IXC) – це патологічний стан, що характеризується абсолютним або відносним порушенням кровопостачання міокарда внаслідок ураження коронарних артерій серця.

2. Відповідно до сучасної класифікації ІХС виділяють такі її клінічні форми: стенокардія, інфаркт міокарда, порушення серцевого ритму, серцева недостатність, раптова коронарна смерть.

3. Причинами ІХС є атеросклероз коронарних артерій та порушення їх тонусу.

4. До розвитку ІХС призводять гіперліпідемія, артеріальна гіпертензія, паління, гіподинамія, надлишкова маса тіла та висококалорійне харчування, цукровий діабет і генетична схильність.

5. Основним патогенним фактором є атеросклеротичне ураження коронарних артерій.

6. Найбільш частим проявом хронічної ІХС є стенокардія, що характеризується нападами загрудинного болю.

7. Головний принцип лікування хворих із стабільною стенокардією - попередження ішемії міокарда та контроль її клінічних проявів.

8. Для попередження тромбоутворення в ділянці атеросклеротичної бляшки у пацієнтів із нестабільною стенокардією застосовують гепарин.

Exercise 16. Open the brackets using appropriate Participle:

1. A stroke, previously (to know) medically as a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), is a rapidly developing loss of brain function(s) due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain.

2. This can be due to ischemia (lack of blood flow) (to cause) by blockage (thrombosis, arterial embolism), or a hemorrhage (leakage of blood).

3. As a result, the area of the brain (to affect) with the stroke, is unable to function, (to lead) to inability to move one or more limbs on one side of the body, inability to understand or formulate speech, or an inability to see one side of the visual field.

4. Risk factors for stroke include advanced age, hypertension (high blood pressure), previous stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), diabetes, high cholesterol, cigarette smoking and atrial fibrillation. The patient (to have) a stroke previously is twice as probable to have the stroke again.

5. A silent stroke is a stroke that (not to possess) any symptoms, and the patients are typically unaware they have suffered a stroke.

6. Those (to suffer) from a major stroke before, are at risk of having silent strokes.

7. An ischemic stroke is occasionally treated at hospital with drugs (to exhibit) thrombolytic action (also known as a "clot buster"), and some hemorrhagic strokes benefit from neurosurgery.

8. The treatment (to involve) health professions such as speech and language therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy is performed in a stroke unit.

Exercise 17. Choose the correct answer. Translate the sentences:

1. The surgeon …………….. the cardiotomy, was observed by a group of students.

1. performed

2. performing

3. having performed

4. being performed

2. This cardiologist …………… the operations without complications is known worldwide.

1. performing

2. performed

3. perform

4. having performed

3. ……………. loudly about the food to her mother, the child refused eating.

1. complained

2. complaining

3. having complained

4. complains

4. A neurosurgeon was seen …………….. the tissues with a scalpel.

1. dissect

2. have dissect

3. dissecting

4. dissected

5. A doctor spoke with the patient ……………. about exhaustion, and the correct diagnosis was established.

1. complaining

2. having complained

3. complain

4. complains

6. Suddenly the students saw a patient ……………. his head and body in an epileptic seizure.

1. move

2. moving

3. moved

4. moves

7. After …………. all the results of the examination, the technician started analyses.

1. being recorded

2. recorded

3. record

4. having recorded

8. The dentist ………… a very unique operation works at this department.

1. performed

2. performing

3. having performed

4. being performed

9. …………… operated twice with complications, she didn't trust medicine anymore and tried to avoid surgeries.

1. operated

2. operating

3. having operated

4. having been operated

10. A boy ………… by a pediatrician feels better than yesterday.

1. observed

2. observing

3. observes

4. having observed


1. Compare the known heart diseases. Focus on the following areas:

- symptoms

- objective data

- cause

- treatment

- prevention

You are an emergency department specialist working with the patients. What questions will you ask the patients with the following complaints (possibly evidencing about cardiovascular disorders)? What is your possible diagnosis?


Ø a 27-year-old man, severe substernal pain, nausea, vomiting, the abdomen produces sounds, regurgitation, increased blood pressure, some hours ago he ate fresh vegetable salad.

Ø a 54-year-old woman, pain in the left side of the thorax, nausea, headache, dizziness, nervousness, the pain irradiated into the armpit, pulsating.

Ø a 47-year-old woman, slight substernal pain, experiencing flushes of the face, sweating, nervous and hysterical, insists on being observed by all possible specialists.

Ø a 14-year-old boy, left thoracic pain, muscular pains, weakness, headaches, dizziness, bad memory, cyanotic skin.

3. Make doctor's questions for the answers and act out the dialogue:


Patient: Hello. I feel an extensive pain in the left side.


Patient: No, I don't mean the whole left side, I mean the area around the heart. And these headaches trouble me too much.


Patient: Of course there are many other troubles with my health: I feel nausea and I feel like vomiting right now. The room is moving in my eyes, and your image is vague.


Patient: I haven't had any food for a few days, so I haven't had stools too. By the way, my urine is pink.


Patient: Actually, I didn't mean to go to hospital for a long time, but could you give me some tablets to manage it somehow?

3. Speak on the topics:

a. You are a teacher at a medical university. Tell your students about the following:

b. You are a lecturer invited to tell the people about some cardiovascular problems. Speak on the following topics, but mind that the people you are addressing to don't know medicine at all:


Ø Atherosclerosis: dangers, prevention.

Ø Ischaemia of the heart vessels.

Ø Angina pectoris and heart attack: development, treatment, first aid.

Ø The importance of a healthy lifestyle for prevention of heart diseases.

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення: 1. стабільна ішемічна хвороба серця 2. зменшене кровопостачання 3. екстрена госпіталізація 4. знижена переносимість 5. різке погіршення стану 6. шунтування коронарних судин 7. оцінювання ризику 8. рівень, який можливо передбачати 9. нерегулярність ритму серця 10. відділення невідкладної допомоги   II. Дайте відповідь на наступні питання: 1. What is ischaemic heart disease? 2. What factors may cause cardiac ischemia? 3. What are the symptoms of ischemia? 4. What diseases may develop in case of cardiac ischemia? 5. What analyses are necessary to establish the diagnosis of ischemia? 6. What is the treatment of ischemic heart disease?   III. Розкрийте поняття:ішемічна хвороба серця



1. Ischemic heart disease is a disease characterized by ischemia of the heart muscle, usually due to ………. disease.

A) evoking-power B) gallbladder siphon C) blood coagulation

D) coronary artery E) infected insect

2. Ischemic heart disease is more common ……….. and those who have close relatives with ischemic heart disease.

A) in women B) in men C) in infants

D) in children E) in adolescents

3. …………. presents itself as chest pain or other symptoms at rest or rapidly worsening angina.

A) Stable IHD B) Reverse IHD C) Unstable IHD

D) Irreversible HID E) Persistent HID

4. Depending …………. the symptoms and risk, treatment may be with medication, percutaneous coronary intervention (angioplasty) or coronary artery bypass surgery (CABS).

A) on B) in C) from D) out E) over

5. Ischemic heart disease may be …………. with any of the following problems: angina pectoris; acute chest pain and heart failure.

A) absent B) easy C) important D) difficult E) present

6. If part of the heart …………. an insufficient blood supply, coronary angiography may be used to identify stenosis of the coronary arteries.

A) seem to receive B) seems to receive C) seemed to receive

D) seems receive E) seem receive

7. Acute coronary syndrome usually necessitates admission to …………., and close observation on a coronary care unit for possible complications such as cardiac arrhythmias - irregularities in the heart rate.

A) hospital B) university C) chemist’s

D) institution E) polyclinics

8. An ischemic stroke is occasionally treated at hospital with drugs ……………… thrombolytic action (also known as a "clot buster"), and some hemorrhagic strokes benefit from neurosurgery.

A) exhibit B) exhibiting C) having exhibit

D) being exhibit E) exhibits

9. At the beginning the coronary arteries or even their branches are becoming ………….. or they are closed because of the debris flowed into the blood, which is referred to as an angina.

A) thick B) narrow C) thin D) round E) wide

10. …………… a surgical technique for restoring normal blood flow through an artery narrowed or blocked by atherosclerosis, either by inserting a balloon into the narrowed section and inflating it or by using a laser beam.

A) angiogram B) angiograph C) angiomatosis

D) angioplasty E) angiolysis




Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

antacid n [ˌænt'æsɪd] антацид, нейтралізатор кислотності
anti-inflammatory drug n [‘æntiɪnˈflæm əˌtɔri ‘drʌg] протизапальний засіб
belching n [belʧiŋ] відрижка
bile adj. [baɪl] жовчний
bloating n [blo͟ʊtɪŋ] здуття
consumption n [kən'sempʃ(ə)n] вживання
cytoprotective agent n ['saitə(u) prə'tektiv 'eɪdʒ(ə)nt] цитопротекторний засіб
gastroscopy n [gæ'strɔskəpi] гастроскопія
heartburn n [ˈhɑːtbɜːn] печія
heal n, v [hi:l] загоювання, загоюватися
ibuprofen n [ˌaɪbjuːˈprofən] ібупрофен
helicobacter pylori n [‘helikəu’bæktə pai’lɔ:rai] хелiкобактер пiлори
indigestion n [indi'dʒesʧ(ə)n] розлад травлення
inhibitor n [in'hibitə] інгібітор
lining n ['lainiŋ] вистелення
loss of appetite n [lɔs ɔv 'æpɪtaɪt] втрата апетиту
pernicious aneamia n [pə'niʃəs ə'ni:mɪə] злоякісна анемія
pertain v [pəˈteɪn] належати, підходити
proton pump inhibitor n ['prəʊtɔn pʌ̱mp in'hibitə] інгібітор протонової помпи
reflux n [ˈriːflʌks] зворотній відтік
stomach biopsy n ['stʌmək 'baɪɔpsɪ]] біопсія шлунка


Exercise 2. Using adjective ending – ic or – al write a word for each of the following definitions:

E.g. Pertaining to the caecum - caec al

1. Pertaining to the stomach –

2. Pertaining to the intestines –

3. Pertaining to the duodenum –

4. Pertaining to the epigastrium –

5. Pertaining to the rectum –

6. Pertaining to the anus –

7. Pertaining to the liver –

8. Pertaining to the pancreas -


Exercise 3. Choose the word or phrase that doesn’t go with the topic “gastritis”:

1. gastritis vomiting abdominal disease stomatitis
2. AIDS loss of appetite jaundice urticaria
3. tuberculosis bile ducts feeling of fullness convulsive
4. peptic ulcer stool samples pernicious aneamia hepatic insufficiency
5. nausea bronchitis stomach cells renal impairment


Exercise 4. Read the following word-combinations and translate them into your native language:

The lining of the stomach, extensive alcohol consumption, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chronic bile reflux, dull, vague, burning, sharp or gnawing pain, blood-streaked vomiting, bloating and belching, pernicious aneamia and heartburn, complete blood count test, to trigger the inflammation, over-the-counter antacids, life-threatening consequences of the disease.


Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


The digestive system is a series of hollow organs joined in a long tube. It runs from the mouth to the anus and includes esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines. Liver, gallbladder and pancreas are also involved. They produce juices to help digestion.

Gastrointestinal diseases refer to the diseases involving the gastrointestinal tract, namely all organs mentioned above. Though diseases of the mouth are often not considered to be gastrointestinal diseases, some diseases which involve other parts of the gastrointestinal tract can manifest in the mouth, alone or in combination with other symptoms.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. This disease has many possible causes. The stomach lining contains special cells that produce acid and enzymes, which help break down food for digestion, and mucus, which protects the stomach lining from acid. When the stomach lining is inflamed, it produces less acid, enzymes, and mucus.

The main acute causes are extensive alcohol consumption or prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (also known as NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Sometimes gastritis develops after major surgery, traumatic injury, burns or severe infections. Chronic causes are infection with bacteria, primarily Helicobacter pylori, chronic bile reflux, stress and certain autoimmune disorders can cause gastritis as well.

Many people with gastritis experience no symptoms at all. However, upper central abdominal pain is the most common symptom. The pain may be dull, vague, burning, sharp or gnawing. Nausea, vomiting (if present) may be clear, green or yellow, blood-streaked or completely bloody, depending on the severity of the stomach inflammation. The patient may suffer from belching, but it usually doesn’t relieve the pain much. The patient may also experience bloating, heartburn, feeling full after only a few bites of food, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss. Other symptoms are indigestion, abdominal bloating and pernicious aneamia.

Often a diagnosis can be made based on the patient’s description of the symptoms. But not very often it is enough to make an appropriate diagnosis and so other methods may be used to identify gastritis, which include: complete blood count test; presence of H. pylori; liver, kidney, gallbladder or pancreas functions; urinalyses, stool samples, X-rays, EGGs, endoscopy, checking for stomach lining inflammation and mucous erosion, stomach biopsy, etc.

Once the cause of gastritis is identified, steps can be taken to avoid exposure. For example, if some food is triggering the inflammation, you should exclude or reduce the amount of it. Over-the-counter antacids in liquid or tablet forms are common treatment for mild gastritis. Antacids neutralize stomach acid and can provide fast pain relief. Proton pump inhibitor appears to inhibit H.pylori activity. Cytoprotective agents help protect the tissue that line the stomach and small intestine. Consumption of hot or spicy food is contraindicated. Patients with pernicious aneamia are given B12 injections. Several regimes are used to treat H.pylori infection. Most patient use a combination of antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor. Antibiotics aids in destroying the bacteria and the proton pump inhibitor heals inflammation and may increase the effectiveness of antibiotics.

If left untreated, gastritis may lead to stomach ulcers and stomach bleeding. Life-threatening consequences of the disease can be stomach cancer, especially if you have extensive thinning of the stomach lining and changes in the lining's cells.


Exercise 6 Answer the following questions:

1. What is gastritis?

2. What is the function stomach lining?

3. What are the symptoms of gastritis?

4. What are the causes of gastritis?

5. Do stress or spicy food cause gastritis?

6. How is gastritis treated?

7. What is the diagnosis of gastritis based on?

8. What are the complications of gastritis?

Exercise 7. Match the following Ukrainian words and word combinations with the English ones:

1. зловживання алкоголю a. over-the-counter drugs
2. печія b. life-threatening consequences of the disease
3. ліки, що дозволені до продажу без рецепту c. heartburn
4. загрозливі для життя наслідки хвороби d. enough relief
5. значне полегшення e. abdominal bloating
6. розгорнутий аналіз крові f. pernicious aneamia
7. блювота з домішками крові g. extensive alcohol consumption
8. потоншення вистилки шлунка h. complete blood count test
9. злоякісна анемія i. blood-streaked vomiting
10. здуття черевної порожнини j. thinning of the stomach lining


Exercise 8. Say whether the sentences are true or false:

1. Gastritis is an erosion of the stomach mucosa.

2. Gastritis is caused by autoimmune disorders.

3. Cytoprotective agents are used to fight with the H.pylori.

4. Gastritis is characterized by fever and rash covering the whole body.

5. Feeling full after only a few bites of food is one of the symptoms of gastritis.

6. Treatment of gastritis includes taking antacids and antibiotics.

7. The most common symptom of gastritis is pain in the pelvic cavity.

8. Many patients with gastritis may experience no symptoms at all.


Exercise 9. Match the following terms with their definition:

1. Gastritis a. The most common type of peptic ulcer
2. Peptic ulcer b. An adjunct to diagnosis that involves removing a small sample of living tissue from the body for examining under the microscope
3. Duodenal ulcer c. The surgical removal of a part of the stomach
4. Gastrectomy d. A flexible instrument, comprising fiber optics or a miniature video camera, that permits internal visual examination of the stomach
5. Biopsy e. An ulcer in the stomach
6. Gastroscope f. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
7. NSAIDs g. An inflammation of the stomach lining (mucosa)


Exercise 10. Complete the following sentences choosing suitable words from the box:

Alcohol, spicy foods, infection, perforate, H.pylori, pernicious aneamia, bile reflux, NSAIDs


1. …………… or smoking can make gastritis worse.

2. Consumption of ……………. and alcohol should be strictly prohibited in patient with gastritis.

3. You’re more likely to develop gastritis if you’re at risk of …………..

4. You may need surgery if your ulcers ………….., bleed or obstruct the stomach.

5. …………….. weakens the lining so acid can reach the stomach and duodenal wall.

6. …………….. are a class of drugs that provides analgesic (pain-killing) and antipyretic (fever-reducing) effects, and, in higher doses, anti-inflammatory effects.

7. Chronic cause of gastritis may be ………….. that is a backflow of bile into the stomach.

8. ……………. occurs when the stomach lacks red blood cells or hemoglobin needed to properly absorb and digest vitamin B12.


Exercise 11. Translate the words given in italics into English. Translate the whole sentences into your native language:

1. Gastritis can be caused by irritation due to зловживанню алкоголем, chronic vomiting, stress.

2. The patient has been suffering from a здуття черевної порожнини for a prolonged period of time.

3. Ліки, що дозволені до продажу без рецепту may relieve pain in mild forms of gastritis.

4. Gastric cancer is загрозливий для життя наслідок хвороби caused by the atrophic gastritis.

5. The patient was complaining of відрижку that gave him only a temporary полегшення of pain.

6. It is important to administer a patient розгорнутий аналіз крові to identify the inflammation or some other deviation from the norm.

7. Злоякісна анемія was a fatal disease before about the year 1920, when George Whipple suggested raw liver as a treatment.

8. Хронічний відтік жовчі is considered to be one of the least causes of gastritis.


Exercise 12. Choose the correct word that completes each of the following sentences:

1. Ulcer and cirrhosis are not (rare, rear) diseases among those who are prone to alcohol.

2. The animal insulin can (course, cause, corse) allergic reactions.

3. At later stages gastric cancer can be treated but rarely can be (diagnosed, cured).

4. When gastric cancer is found at an early stage, there is better chance of (convalescence, premature death).

5. Smokers, who have stopped smoking, (lower, increase) their risk of getting gastritis.

6. Stomach cancer is a disease in which (malignant, benign) cells appear in the stomach.

7. Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses (chemical drugs, rays) to stop the growth of cancer cells.

8. After the stomach surgery the patient should take vitamin (supplements, addition) and injections of vitamin B12.


Exercise 13. Learn the following Greek and Latin terms denoting medicine:

________algia – pain in an organ

________scope – denotes a viewing instrument, used for examining smth

________itis - denotes inflammation of an organ

________logy – denotes a branch of science

________tomy - combining form meaning “cutting, incision” of an organ

________ectomy - meaning “excision” of the part specified by the initial element

________rrhagia – means “profuse discharge,” “abnormal profuse flow”

________malacia – means softening, or loss of consistency, of an organ or tissue


Exercise 14. Add the missing part of the clinical terms pertaining to the pathology of the stomach:

1. Gastro __________(an instrument inserted through the mouth to inspect the inside of the stomach)

2. Gastr __________ (the surgical removal of a part of the stomach)

3. Gastr________(inflammation of the stomach lining)

4. Gastro_________ (softening of stomach lining due to poor blood supply or an inflammation)

5. Gastroentero______ (the branch of medicine that is concerned with the disorders of the gastrointestinal tract)

6. Gastros ______ (surgical incision into the stomach)

7. Gastro__________ (a bleeding from the blood vessels and the stomach lining)

8. Gastr___________ (pain in the stomach or abdominal region)


Exercise 15. Translate sentences into your native language paying attention to Gerund:

Reading of scientific journals is useful. – Читання наукових журналів дуже корисно.

I like being read. – Я люблю, коли мені читають.

Having examined the patient the doctor made a diagnosis. – Оглянувши пацієнта, лікар поставив діагноз.

After having been examined by a doctor, the patient got a prescription. – Після того, як його оглянув лікар, пацієнт отримав рецепт.

1. I remember having been treated for pneumonia at this hospital.

2. The scientist continued investigating the properties of blood gases.

3. The dissecting room is worth visiting.

4. The patient had to give up going in for sport because of the disease of the joints.

5. After having been told the results of the X-ray examination the physician wrote them down in the patient's case history.

6. No physician can make a proper diagnosis without having examined the patient.

7. The patient with gastritis keeps complaining of her stomachache despite the prescribe treatment.

8. The doctor insisted on doubling the dose of anti-aneamia drug to the patient with pernicious aneamia.



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