Ex. 37. Find equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations in the text. 

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Ex. 37. Find equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations in the text.

поддерживать общественный порядок; защищать государственную, частную и другие виды собственности; регулировать дорожное движение; государственная инспекция безопасности дорожного движения; отряд милиции особого назначения; собирать информацию; поддерживать отношения с местными жителями; семейное насилие; доказать невиновность; подростковая преступность; железнодорожные, воздушные и водные пути

Ex. 38. Answer the questions.

1. When was the Russian police founded?

2. What is its task?

3. What departments does police in Russia consist of?

4. What are the main tasks of police officers in different departments?

5. What qualities should a policeman possess?

6. Compare the structure and the main missions of police in Russia, the USA and Great Britain.


Text 12

Ex. 39. Read the text and learn more about the international police organization – Interpol

Vocabulary for reading the text:

1. escape, v – бежать, совершить побег

2. gain, v- приобрести, получить

3. facilitate, v – способствовать

4. spread (spread, spread), v – распространять(ся)

5. stipulate, v – ставить условием, обусловливать

6. regarding – относительно (касающийся)

7. agenda, n – повестка дня

8. reliable, adj. – надежный

9. concern, v – касаться

10. fugitive, n – беглец

11. alert, n – бдительность, настороженность

12. constituent part – составная часть

13. access, n – доступ

14. for the most part – большей частью

15. as well as – а также


What is Interpol?

For years, smugglers and thieves could commit crimes in one European country and escape across the border to gain immunity within a neighbouring state, before any authorities could apprehend them. The complex structures of modern societies and the constant growth of international exchanges provide more and more opportunities for international activity, which now has reached alarming proportions. Because of these problems, police departments in different countries must work together to combat international crime successfully.

Interpol (the International Criminal Police Organization) is the largest international police organization in the world. It was set up in 1923 at the meeting of police officers from 20 countries in Vienna to facilitate cross-border criminal police cooperation and today has 182 member countries spread over five continents. It supports and assists all organizations, authorities and services whose mission is to prevent or combat international crime.

Article 5 of the Interpol Constitution stipulates that “The International Criminal Police Organization – Interpol shall comprise: the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the General Secretariat, the National Central Bureaus and the Advisers”.

The General Assembly meets once a year, makes decisions regarding strategy and policy and approves finances, working methods, instruments of cooperation and programmes of activities.

The Executive Committee, which normally meets three times a year, prepares the agenda for the General Assembly, approves the programmes of activities, etc.

Interpol’s General Secretariat provides a fast and reliable communication system that links police around the globe. Its priority activities concern public safety and terrorism, criminal organizations, drug-related crimes, financial and high-tech crimes, trafficking in human beings, and fugitive investigation support.

Each Interpol member country maintains a National Central Bureau (NCB) staffed by national law enforcement officers. The NCB gives assistance with overseas investigations and the location and apprehension of fugitives.

One of Interpol’s most important tasks is to place member countries on alert about people who are being detected by police forces worldwide but it is a member country’s domestic police who make request to place criminals on the Interpol wanted list and it is domestic police who, for the most part, must track and arrest them.

Interpol is the sum of its constituent parts, but the General Secretariat in Lyon is the essential coordinating mechanism that gives its members access to international databases of criminal information as well as a global view on specific crimes, patterns and trends.



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