Every policeman knows that , though 

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Every policeman knows that , though

Governments may change, the police remain

Leon Trotsky

Part I

The American Police Force

Grammar: Infinitive

Passive Infinitive

Complex Subject

Texts: Structure ofPolice Force in the United States

Police in the United States

The Most Glamorous Aspect of Police Work

The history of the American Women Police

The Federal Bureau of Investigation

John Edgar Hoover

Training Division

FBI National Academy

Nomination of Law Enforcement officers to Attend the National Academy Program of the FBI




Инфинитив – это неличная форма глагола, которая называет действие и в русском языке соответствует неопределенной форме глагола, которая отвечает на вопросы «что делать?» и «что сделать?».


to read – читать

to investigate – расследовать

Формальным признаком инфинитива является частица “ to ”.

Инфинитив в предложении может быть:

1. Подлежащим:


To detect the criminal is very often not an easy task.

(Разыскать преступника – это часто очень нелегкая задача.)

2. Составной частью сказуемого:

(что делать?)

On of the basic tasks of the police is to maintain order.

(Одна из основных задач милиции – это поддерживать порядок.)

3. Дополнением:


At our Criminalistics classes we are also taught to find evidence.

(На занятиях по криминалистике нас учат также находить улики.)

4. Определением:


I had no intention to commit a crime.

(У меня не было намерения совершить преступление.)

5. Обстоятельством цели: в этом случае инфинитив стоит в начале или конце предложения. Чтобы отличить инфинитив–обстоятельство, стоящее вначале предложения, от инфинитива–подлежащего надо найти сказуемое и по нему определить подлежащее. Кроме того, инфинитив–обстоятельство можно перенести в конец предложения без потери предложением структуры и смысла.

To reduce the risk theyevacuated everybody from the danger zone.

(Чтобы уменьшить риск, они эвакуировали всех из опасной зоны.)


Инфинитив имеет формы залога (Active, Passive), а также формы времени (Indefinite, Continuous,


  Active Passive
Indefinite To ask To be asked
Continuous To be asking
Perfect To have asked To have been asked
Perfect Continuous To have been asking


Наиболее распространенными являются формы Indefinite Infinitive Active и Passive.

Остальные формы инфинитива встречаются значительно реже.


Ex. 1. A: Read the sentences, find Infinitive and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. He wanted to be present at the trial.

2. To know everything is to know nothing.

3. The criminal waited for the judge to pass a sentence.

4. It is important to begin investigating a crime as soon as possible.

5. A man is never too old to learn (Middleton).

6. To begin prosecution it is necessary to have evidence establishing (устанавливающий) the fact of the

crime having been committed.

B: Pay attention to the difference in the function of Infinitive and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. To decrease crime in our society is necessary nowdays.

2. To decrease crime in our society you are to do much preventive work.

3. To understand the actions of the criminal the operative is to examine the crime scene properly.

4. To understand the actions of the investigator is difficult sometimes.

5. To get all the necessary information an operative is to do much work.

6. To get all the necessary information was very difficult in that case.

7. In order to prove the case the operative and the investigator were to interrogate many witnesses.

8. To prove that case was not a simple matter.



в функции определения


Пассивный инфинитив, стоящий после существительного, обычно переводится придаточным предложением с оттенком модальности, в котором действие, выраженное инфинитивом, совершается над лицом или предметом, к которому оно относится.

The case to be investigated by this young officer is rather difficult.

Дело, которое должно быть расследовано этим молодым следователем, довольно трудное.


Ex. 2. Read the sentences. Find Passive Infinitive and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The evidence to be found at a crime scene is very important for the investigation.

2. The report to be written by the investigator must include all the facts collected during the investigation.

3. The crime to be investigated by Scotland Yard occurred on the Thames.

4. The crime case to be tried by our district court next week is much spoken of in our city.

5. He spoke of the problems to be settled in the nearest future.

6. The article to be discussed by the students is about the American Constitution.



(Сложное подлежащее или Именительный падеж с инфинитивом)


Подлежащее (существительное или местоимение) с инфинитивом, стоящим после сказуемого, выраженного одним из глаголов, to know (знать), to suppose (предполагать), to believe (полагать), to see (видеть), to hear (слышать), to say (говорить), to report (сообщать), to seem (казаться), to happen (случаться) и др., в страдательном залоге представляет собой оборот «именительный падеж с инфинитивом» или «сложное подлежащее». Перевод предложения со сложным подлежащим следует начинать со сказуемого, которое переводится на русский язык безличным или неопределенно–личным предложением (говорят, известно, считают, полагают, кажется, случается и т. п.); в придаточном предложении инфинитив становится сказуемым. Придаточное предложение в большинстве случаев вводится союзом «что».

2 1 3

Our laws are known to protect the interests of all the people.


Известно, что наши законызащищают интересы всех граждан.


Графически этот оборот можно изобразить следующим образом:



подлежащее + Сказуемое в Passive Voice + Infinitive

smb known – Известно

smth. is (are) reported – Сообщают

(was, were) expected – Ожидают

said – Говорят, что…

considered – Считают

found – Полагают

believed – Полагают

supposed - Предполагают



подлежащее + Сказуемое в действительном залоге + Infinitive


smth. seems – Кажется

appears – По - видимому

proves – Оказалось, что …

is (un) likely – (Мало) вероятно

is sure (certain) – Обязательно


Ex. 3. Read the sentences. Find Complex Subject and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The evidence proved to be very important.

2. This case is unlikely to be investigated quickly.

3. Good detectives are believed to be able to solve most crimes.

4. He proved to be a good lawyer.

5. The bank is believed to have been robbed by a group of armed men.

6. That man was reported to have committed a minor offence.

7. He is sure to come.


Ex. 4. Write these sentences in another way, beginning as shown. Use the underlined word in your sentences. Translate the new sentences.

Model: It is believed that the thieves got in through the kitchen window.

The thieves are believed to get in through the kitchen window.


1. It is reported that the building has been badly damaged by fire.

The building…

2. It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall.

The prisoner…

3. It is said that the man drove through the town at 90 miles an hour.

The man…

4. It is believed that the criminal is wearing a white pullover and blue jeans.

The criminal…

5. It is said that the young man has kicked a policeman.

The young man…


Ex.5. Read the text, find sentences with Complex Subject and translate them into Russian. What are the main attributes of a policeman?


The Policeman in the United States

Nothing is more difficult than being a police officer nowadays. The policeman is supposed to solve family disputes, enforce hundreds of laws, identify the suspected criminal when little or no evidence exists. This work requires a variety of skills and abilities.

A policeman should be a guardian of law and order and he has the greatest responsibility in the society. In the United States the policeman is considered to be a public servant. The policeman has a difficult job, because he is to tell people what they cannot be. It is very difficult to perform this function and maintain the image of respect and friendliness. People don’t like this. The image of the police is not good today. It is very important that every police officer recognizes his role in developing the police image. The police officer should be courteous (вежливый, учтивый), truly interested in the welfare of others and should possess broad knowledge. Sincere (искренний) interest will communicate to those people with whom he comes in contact.




Warming Up



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