II. Read the following word combinations and use them in the sentences of your own. 

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II. Read the following word combinations and use them in the sentences of your own.


to be inherent to – быть свойственно, присуще кому-л.; to run s.o. down – оскорблять кого-л.; to put s.o.’s finger on – попасть в самую точку; to have the highest proportion of good quality – обладать очень высоким качеством; to come to terms – прийти к соглашению; to be on shaky ground – не иметь твёрдой почвы под ногами, иметь зыбкую почву под ногами; to be reluctant to do smth. –делать что-л. неохотно; to have an (un)fortunate/distorted impression – производить счастливое/ несчастливое/искаженное впечатление; to launch into – пускаться во что-л., начать что-л.; to be decent all round – быть порядочным, пристойным во всём; to be good/to get along with – хорошо уживаться, ладить с кем-л.; to abide by the law – соблюдать закон.


III. Find the English equivalents of the following word-combinations.


Пускаться в рассуждения; шовинистически настроенная нация; слишком меркантильный; оказать радушный прием; гостеприимные хозяева; мстительный народ; законопослушные жители; ценить семейный очаг; милосердие им не присуще; найти общий язык с иностранцами; чувствовать себя неуверенно в незнакомой стране; старомодный и недалекий человек; оказаться хладнокровным и расчетливым; рассматривать особенности национального характера; быть единодушным в оценке события; считать кого-л. спокойными и уравновешенными; легкомысленное поведение; прилежный студент; у него хороший характер; чувство собственного достоинства; общительность – черта его характера; не отличаться благородством; поверхностный взгляд на вещи; считать кого-л. замкнутым и высокомерным; их сходство поразительно; не смешивай понятия; производить на кого-л. благоприятное впечатление.



Read the text and translate it into Russian


We are repeatedly warned to beware of generalizations yet, paradoxically, it seems that the human mind cannot resist categorizing people and things. We love to “pigeon-hole”, to make order out of a universe that frequently seems to us confusing and even chaotic. Nowhere is this tendency more evident that in our willingness to generalize about nationalities. We create national stereotypes and cling tenaciously to our prejudices. To illustrate this point, we shall take a look at the findings of a survey carried out by the market research firm Parkland Research Europe.

This organization carried out a detailed study of European attitudes by questioning 185 business executives, lawyers, engineers, teachers and other professional people from seven European countries. These were: Germany, France, Britain, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium. The resulting publication Guide to National Practices in Western Europe, gave some idea of what Europeans think of each other. It revealed many widely-held stereotypes, but also came up with a few surprises. Some of the data from this survey is summarized and given below.



They like themselves best of all. Most Europeans agree that the Germans have the highest proportion of good qualities. They consider themselves very tolerant, but nobody else does. They see themselves as fashionable. Others find them “square”.


They aren’t really admired by anyone except the Italians. Other Europeans find them conservative, withdrawn, chauvinistic, brilliant, superficial, hedonistic. Also, they aren’t very friendly. The French agreed on the last point!


There are mixed reactions. Some people find them calm, reserved, open-minded, trustworthy; others deem them hidebound, insular and superior. Everyone is unanimous that the British have an excellent sense of humour. The British most admire the Dutch.


They show considerable lucidity and powers of self-analysis. Saw themselves as serious, trustworthy, but too money-minded and suspicious. Most Europeans agreed. The Swiss liked the Germans best.


They are generally considered by everyone to be lazy and untrustworthy, and the Italians agree! Most also find them vivacious, charming, hospitable and noisy. The Italians admire the French and the Dutch. Hardly anyone loves the Italians except the French.


They are the most admired people in Europe - except by their neighbours - the Belgians. Everyone agrees that the Dutch are hard-working, thrifty, good-natured, tolerant and business-minded. The Netherlands, however, are not considered a good place to live in.


They are the least admired in this group. They see themselves as easy-going and diligent workers. Other Europeans consider them undisciplined and narrow-minded - and lousy drivers!



Ex. 1. Read the text again and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Give your own opinion on every point.


1. Human mind tends to generalize peoples and things. 2. People don’t like to “pigeon-hole” and to differentiate national stereotypes. 3. The Germans have the highest proportion of good qualities. 4. The Germans are very fashionable. 5. The French are conservative and withdrawn. 6. The British are open-minded and trustworthy. 7. The British have an excellent sense of humour. 8. The Italians are money-minded and suspicious. 9. The Swiss are vivacious, hospitable and charming. 10. The Dutch are hard working, thrifty and very noisy. 11. The Belgians are diligent workers, disciplined and open-minded.


2. Complete the chart below, use the dictionary to help you.


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