Rewrite it in the reported speech. Use the interview as the main body of your essay. Think over the introduction and conclusion. Write the whole composition, giving it the appropriate heading. 

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Rewrite it in the reported speech. Use the interview as the main body of your essay. Think over the introduction and conclusion. Write the whole composition, giving it the appropriate heading.


Interviewer: We all know that robots are already working in factories. But tell us

something about the future. Will people have robots at their homes?

Scientist: Yes, they will. I believe that personal robots (become) as common in the

home as personal computers are today.

Interviewer: ­­­­­­­­­­­________ they _____replace the computer?

Scientist: No, they ______ replace the computer, but one day robots _______

probably operate computers.

Interviewer: Amazing! What other things ______ personal robots do?

Scientist: Well, for one thing, they _______ be complete entertainment centers.

They _____ sing, play any musical instrument, even dance.

Interviewer: _______ they tell jokes?

Scientist: Yes, they ______. But, as with humans, they _____ always be funny!

Interviewer: What else _____ the personal robots do? _____ it have more serious


Scientist: Yes, it ______. Robots ______ probably help care for this country’s

aging population. They_______ replace people and take care of sick

old people, but they _______ perform some of the

more routine activities such as cleaning, vacuuming, cooking, loading

the dishwasher or washing machine etc.

Interviewer: It all sounds great! Do you predict any problems?

Scientist: Unfortunately, yes. Some people ______ be happy with the spread of

robots. Not everyone’s life ______ improve. Some people _______ lose

their jobs to robots. And other people ______ create criminal robots!

Interviewer: ______ we need new laws to deal with robotic crime?

Scientist: I’m afraid so.

Pre-writing task 4

Read the text. Make two lists of arguments “for and against” in using mobiles phones.

Love-hate relationships

Mobile phones

“I love my mobile. I didn’t get one for ages, but now I don’t think I could live without it. I hardly ever call people during the day because it’s quite expensive, but I text my friends all the time. My phone‘s also got a camera, but I haven’t taken many photos with it. Also I feel much safer with my mobile and never leave home without it, especially at night. The only problem is when the battery runs out or there’s no signal – that’s happened to me once or twice, usually when I trying to get home late at night and there are no taxis around. But I don’t have my mobile on all the time – when I’m not feeling very sociable or talkative I just switch it off”.

Amy Hansen

“I really hate mobile phones. None of my friends can understand why I haven’t got one, but no one thinks about how annoying mobiles are to other people. Everyone always talks very loudly when they’re on their mobiles and I can’t bear listening to other people’s conversations when I’m on the train. Also the ring tones really get on my nerves! Both of my brothers have got mobiles, but when we meet up, neither of them ever switches their phone off, which drives me crazy. Last time we went out for a drink together, their phones rang five times! I know I can’t stop other people having them, but I don’t think I’ll ever get one.”

Jeremy Fuller


Pre-writing task 5

Look at the survey report. Comment on its results writing out positive and negative points on how modern technology affects our lives.

Survey results

  Yes No
Is modern technology turning us into “couch potatoes”? 55% 45%
Will books be replaced by the net? 32% 68%
Can working on the computer cause health problems? 57% 43%
Do you use the Internet every day? 66% 34%
Do you watch more than one hour of TV every day? 67% 33%
Do you spend less than an hour a day with your family? 71% 29%
Do you often use the internet to keep in touch with friends and relatives instead of real communication? 63% 37%

IY. Perform the following writing task:

Write a discursive “for-and-against” essay based on the module and extra vocabulary. Learn the notes above how to write discursive “for-and-against” essays.


MODULE 9 Future society


Part I. Write a discursive essay “ Are YOU optimistic or pessimistic about the

future?” Learn the notes above how to write discursive essays.

Part 2. Write a letter to your friend how you could spend the lottery money.

Learn the notes below how to write informal letters.




Pre-writing task 1


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