The first speaker was happy because she had left college and passed all her exams successfully. She felt that the whole world had been at her feet. 

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The first speaker was happy because she had left college and passed all her exams successfully. She felt that the whole world had been at her feet.

2. The happiest day in the second speaker’s life was on September, 1st, 2000 when he asked his girlfriend to marry him and she said “Yes”.

3. The 3rd speaker gave birth to her son and became a mother. That’s why she felt like a different person.

#20 p. 91

How many children in Britain live in single-parent families?

Why is it important for a child to have his/her father involved with upbringing?

What do people think about the breakdown of the traditional family?

1. In Britain 25% of children live in single-parent families.

It is very important because when fathers are closely involved with their children’s upbringing children do better at school and are more likely to enjoy good relationships later in life.

Some people think that the family will adapt to new circumstances, others fear that children suffer if they are not brought up in a traditional family.

#23 p.93

What topic is discussed in the programme?

What changed in Tony’s life after the birth of his son?

How did Carol’s lifestyle change after her daughter was born?

1. The topic discussed in the programme sounds as “How does life change after having a child?”

After the birth of the son Tony found out that he and his wife had had less money and must have bought more things for their baby.

Carol and her husband noticed that they had no time left, because every minute of every day they were busy with their daughter.

#33 p. 99

What is the woman trying to teach her children?

What has she learnt from other mothers?

In what way is she similar to her mother?

The woman is trying to teach her children to manage their own money.

She learnt from other mothers to respect her children’s feelings.

Her mother is very chatty and so is she.

Choosing a career

#25 p. 31

An oral presentation

A book report

Power point presentation







Main points

Note cards



Bits of humour

We’re feeling anxious

Ahead of time

Eye contact

The article is about the development of communicative skills to speak in public. The author gives us some useful advices on preparing for an oral presentation.

Paragraph 2.

The biggest mistake presenters make is talking too fast. It happens to most of us when we are feeling anxious.

I think that it’s useful to use notes or plan written on note cards and to practice the speech ahead of time for a friend. It help to avoid fast speech and look more confident in front of the audience.

#27 p.33

Perfect Guarantee success Silent way method Problem-solving activities –проблемное обучение Discover Obviously Individual qualities Recognize - вспомнить Old-fashioned Depend on The purpose of the lesson A clear objective Consolidation work Be presented in a context – предъявлять в контексте Language skills – языковые навыки learner

The article is about the methods that can be used in teaching and learning a foreign language. The author of the article thinks that not only teaching methods but also good materials, good relations between the teacher and the students, clear objectives of the lesson and a lot of speech practice are also very important.

Paragraph 2.

The writer answers that it is wrong to look for a method of teaching/learning that gives all the answers. Often the method is not so important.

Good materials, good relations between the teacher and the students, clear objectives, hard work and a lot of speech practice and consolidation work are really important for learning a foreign language.

#12 p. 85

Apply for a job – подавать заявление о приёме на работу

Shifts – окна (вакантное рабочее время)

Preference - предпочтения

Experience - опыт

Tips - чаевые

Excellent - отлично

Contact – связаться

What days can Lisa work?

How experienced is Lisa?

What does Kevin promise at the end of their conversation?

Lisa can work Saturday and Sunday.


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