What may be the cause of Pain arising from within the gastrointestinal tract? 

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What may be the cause of Pain arising from within the gastrointestinal tract?

If the cause is intraabdominal, Where will be localization of the pain. If the cause is intraabdominal?

What can you tell about the locatдшыфешщт of abdominal pain?

The pain of functional disturbances, on the other hand, often cannot be localized by the patient, can it?

What is Acute diffuse abdommal pain usually indicative of?


Приложение № 2


Фонетическая зарядка


It’s time to brush up your phonetics.


The gastrointestinal tract,. due to local spasm of the sphincters or of sections of the smooth muscle of the bowel wall,.Localized distention,. To produce discomfort, lesions within the bowel or perforations,, intraabdominal,, localization of the pain over the diseased area,, intrinsic gastrointestinal disease- To be apt to be fairly well localized,, to be fairly constant in its location-,The pain of functional disturbances, -боль из –,. Acute diffuse abdommal pain,To be indicative of diffuse visceral involvement,,. peritonitis,-, intestinal obstruction –,gastroenteritis-воспаление,.the interpretation of abdominal pain,


Приложение № 3


.Проверка домашнего задания


What did you have to do for homework? How did you get on with your homework? Did you find it difficult? First I want to make sure you know the new words

Find in the Text the English for the eollowing phrases and use them in retelling and discussing the text.

-расстройсво,желудочно-кишечный тракт,Возникать вследствие спазмы сфинктера(запирательной.мышцы) или отделов гладких мышц сенок кишечникалокализованное вздутие, -локализованное вздутие, вызывать дискомфорт

,повреждение внутри кишечника или перфорация (патологическое отверстие)

Внутри брюшной полости, локализация боли над местом заболевания

Свойственный желудочно-кишечному заболеванию, –быть возможным довольно хорошо локализоваться, быть достаточно постоянным в своей локализации

-боль из –за функциональных расстройств,острая диффузная боль в брюшной полости

,-быть показателем диффузного внутреннего поражения,воспаление брюшины, перитонит,нероходимость кишечника,-воспаление желудка и кишок., -объяснение боли в брюшной полости


The gastrointestinal tract,. due to local spasm of the sphincters or of sections of the smooth muscle of the bowel wall,.Localized distention,. To produce discomfort, lesions within the bowel or perforations,, intraabdominal,, localization of the pain over the diseased area,, intrinsic gastrointestinal disease- To be apt to be fairly well localized,, to be fairly constant in its location-,The pain of functional disturbances, -боль из –,. Acute diffuse abdommal pain,To be indicative of diffuse visceral involvement,,. peritonitis,-, intestinal obstruction –,gastroenteritis-воспаление,.the interpretation of abdominal pain,


Приложение № 4

Презентация лексики по теме

New words

To be quite obvious in many cases,-- быть очевидным во многих случаях

To be be exceedingly difficult.—быть очень трудным

To b econsidered as a possibility,-- считаться очевидным

Constipation- запор, констипация

Diarrhea- диарея

Exhibit no gastrointestinal symptoms-выявлять симтомы жел. Кишечного заболевания.

To be more intensive on the right side of the abdomen –проявляться более интенсивно в правой стороне брюшной полости

To localizes in the right lower quadrant.,-локализоваться в правом нижнем квадра нте

, diffuse. -диффузный

Tenderness and spasm –чувствительность и спаэм

Low grade fever -

Elevation of the leukocyte count above 10,000 is considered confirmatory evidence.- увеличение лейкоцитов выше 10.000 считается подтверждающим вероятность


Acute appendicitis


The diagnosis of this common disease may be quite obvious in many cases, but, on the other hand, it may be exceedingly difficult. Every patient in whom appendicitis is even considered as a possibility, therefore, should be seen by a surgeon. It is he who is to decide whether or not to operate, or when to operate.

The diagnosis of acute appendicitis should be considered whenever a patient complains of abdominal pain. The pain is usually, but not necessarily, acute. Vomiting is a frequent accompaniment. Constipation is the rule, but diarrhea is not uncommon. Some patients exhibit no gastrointestinal symptoms. Typically, the pain is more intensive on the right side of the abdomen and, as a rule, soon localizes in the right lower quadrant. It may, however, be diffuse. Tenderness and spasm are nearly always present in this area. Low grade fever is common, and elevation of the leukocyte count above 10,000 is considered confirmatory evidence.


Приложение № 5


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