Boomers in search of Generation X 

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Boomers in search of Generation X


The graduate employment market is undergoing radical and unexpected change. It is not only that the pattern of supply and demand is changing. The aspirations of today's graduates differ fundamentally from those who are now in their thirties and forties. People who recruit and employ today's graduates are not dealing with youthful versions of themselves.

The total demand for graduates is falling for the first time in several years, according to a survey of 326 members of the Association of Graduate Recruiters. Vacancies are down by 3.6%. Even so, 42% of employers still expect to have unfilled vacancies. Two-thirds of these report problems with engineers and scientists, and a fifth in finance and computing.

A fall in the supply of graduates has been forecast because of the 'demographic time bomb' - the 1970s fall in the birthrate. But the independent Institute of Manpower Studies in its latest annual survey reports that the middle classes, the source of two-thirds of students in higher education, maintained an above average birthrate. So the demand for higher education held up. The Institute predicts graduate output rising slightly until 1992 and stabilizing there after, if current trends prevail and if student loans and employer competition do not divert students away from higher education.

The Institute expects graduate supply, and demand, will rise in the 1990s, and that shortages will grow as the economy recovers from its present downturn. But it adds: 'We are likely to see a more complex and fragmented market with growing shortages, but with a rising proportion of weaker graduates, who will not easily be able to enter jobs and careers to which they aspire. Indeed, we may see growing graduate shortages co-existing with rising levels of graduate unemployment and underemployment in the next year or so.'

Today's graduates have different aspirations from the Boomers now in their 30s and 40s, according to research conducted in North America and Britain by David Cannon of Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario.

The new graduates, labeled Generation X, postpone commitment, wanting to keep their options open as long as possible, Cannon told the conference. They have a great fear of boredom and prefer short-term projects. They love facts and processes and feel powerful from knowing 'how1.

They crave continuous feedback, desire jobs that are ‘sexy in the eyes of their peers, believe they are inherently good, and want marriage, family and material success.

Cannon said Boomers love adventure, independence and risk, can work to general goals and can tolerate ambiguity and multiple answers. They want to be 'artists' at what they do, value creativity, are self-directed and want to do things "my way'. They can write, speak and conduct self-directed research well. They can be suspicious of corporate ideology, distrust authority but can be forgiving if it errs. They loathe evaluation.

In contrast, Generation X graduates love information, work best to concrete goals, expect clear standards and procedure, want to be 'experts' at what they do, like guided practice supervised by organized people, and over-estimate their communication and research skills. They demand corporate ideology, trust authority but find it hard to forgive if it errs. They love evaluation.

As well as this cultural gap, employers planning to recruit graduates from other European countries for the first time will be dealing with markedly different values. David Wheatley, director of Employment Conditions Abroad, warned the conference: 'As economic barriers come down, cultural barriers will go up - that's all that will be left.'


Generation X Boomers
  1. The new graduates postpone ……
  2. They have …...
  3. They love …...
  4. They crave ….., desire…….
  5. Generation X graduates love information, work best ……..
  6. They demand …….
7. They love …….  
  1. Boomers love ……, can work…….
  2. They want to be ……...
  3. They can ……..
  4. They can be suspicious of …….
  5. They loathe …….


Task 10. Translate the underlined sentences into Russian.


Task11. Decide whether the sentences are true or false.

  1. The ambitions of today’s graduates are not the same as the ones of the Boomers. True/False
  2. The unfilled vacancies can be met in many companies. True/False
  3. The reason for a fall in the supply of graduates is the graduates’ unwillingness to find a job. True/False
  4. In future the graduates are likely to be unable to enter jobs and careers. True/False
  5. Generation X prefers to be organizers, but Boomers prefer to be told what to do. True/False
  6. As economic barriers come up, cultural barriers will go down. True/False


Task12. Match the phrases in the first column with the phrases in the second one.

1) …is undergoing radical and unexpected change… 2) People who recruit and employ… 3) … recovers from its present downturn… 4) We are likely to see a more complex and fragmented market with growing graduates shortages… 5) …jobs that are ‘sexy’ in the eye of their peers…   A. …becomes better…   B. …is radically and unexpectedly changing…   C. …prestigious jobs…   D. Market is likely to experience the lack of graduates… E. Employers…  


Task13. Classify the link-phrases that you have met in the texts according to the suggested categories:

Link-phrases for giving opinion (14 phrases)

Link-phrases for showing contract between ideas (3 phrases)

Link-phrases for connecting the same ideas (5 phrases)

Link-phrases for summing up (2 phrases)


Task14. You are given the views of different people on the unemployment problem. You have to prepare a report “Different views on the problem of youth unemployment”. Don’t forget to use link-phrases!


1. What I am concerned today is what we can do to ensure access for all interested youth to appropriate education and training followed by adequate support during the transition to work regardless of their location or background. In this era of globalization youth can not confront the challenges of tomorrow with yesterday 's skills, they need to be equipped with the required knowledge and experience. Education institutions must impact marketable skills, promote self -esteem and shape a world view. It is true that no society has truly advanced by depriving itself of the talents and abilities of half of its population. We have to engender the special creativity of youth entrepreneurs who see social and economic opportunities where others only see problems.

I recognize that solution to problems must be homegrown and responsive to the particular socio-cultural and economic context. But we can all learn from the experiences of others and derive strength from our common purpose. Thus let us combine our knowledge and experience to fight the problem of youth unemployment in Less Developed Countries.


2.The solution of that problem is on our hands: It's luck of education, I meant by luck of education the fact we all who get chance to study and got degree and diploma are mostly looking for job in offices either the government work or non government organization job.



3.The topic is quite interesting; the issue of creativity could be one of the principal solutions to this issue. The national government should encourage youth creative initiatives; this could also help towards poverty alleviation.
Daniel Edoho

Task15. Speak on the topic “The Problem of Unemployment”.


  1. The reasons of youth unemployment
  2. New people for new generation (Boomers and Generation X)
  3. Youth’s opinion about unemployment




Task 1. Rewrite the sentences with the Reported Speech.


1 Can I have some more pocket money?

The boy asks...............................................................................

2 Where were you born?

She asks him...............................................................................

3 How far is the stadium?

He wants to know.......................................................................

4 Are you still living in London?

She asks......................................................................................

5 Do you work in the central branch or in the provinces?

She asks him...............................................................................

6 Are you going to give me the money?

She wants to know......................................................................

7 Did he bring the book back?

I don't know................................................................................

8 Who bought the Picasso painting?

He wonders.................................................................................

9 Where did you get such a lovely pullover?

She asks her sister......................................................................


Task 2. Complete the sentences.


  1. One of the main government concerns is to reduce ________________.
  2. After being fired a person usually gets __________ _______________.
  3. Unemployed is the same as __________.
  4. During a __________ it’s absolutely impossible to find a highly-paid job.
  5. Nowadays in case your salary is not very high, you are near the ___________ ___________.
  6. To employ and _________ are the synonyms.
  7. Some factories are experiencing the __________ of engineers.

Task 3. Complete the text with the suggested link-phrases.


The survey says……



According to these surveys…..



A lot of surveys are connected with the youth unemployment. _____________ youth unemployment has risen worldwide. _____ the problem goes far beyond a great number of people. ________________ there are a lot of working people who are poor and are unable to lift their families. _________ this problem especially hits young women.

_______ a special policy is needed to overcome this situation. __________ solving the problem of youth unemployment will be an important contribution to the global economy.




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