Сравни жизнь подростков в России и в других странах. 

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Сравни жизнь подростков в России и в других странах.

  In Britain and The USA In Russia
Youth festivals Woodstock MK celebration
Youth subcul­tures Punks, skinheads, bikers, ravers, hippie, rockers, goth, mod Punks, skinheads, bikers, ravers, hippie, rockers
Violence Teens are considered violent Teens are considered violent
clubs A lot of A lot of

Unit 4. Легко ли быть молодым?


Россия присоединилась к Соглашению о Правах Ребенка ООН в 1989 году и разработала некоторые документы, которые провоз­глашают различные права.

1) Какие права имеет ребенок в России? Переведи отрывок
на английский.

The document proclaims children’s rights to life, development, na­tionality, to get a name when they are born and to have a family.

All children have the right to health care and protection, to leisure and to get education.

The Convention gives children the right to take part in meetings, to express their views, right to information and privacy.

The document provides rights for disabled children

Every child enjoys the right to know his rights

2) Какие из прав являются социальными, политическими
или культурными?


Children have the right to life

All children have right to name and nationality at birth

Children have the right to privacy

Children have the right to information

Children have the right to protection

Children have the right to health and health care


All children have the right to non-discrimination Children have the right to express their views Children have the right to meet other people


Children have the right to education and development Children have the right to leisure

Что бы ты написал в докладе Комитету ООН о правах детей

В твоей стране? Используй информацию о России.

The Convention says that disabled children have the right to be helped to be as independent as possible. It means that children have the right to take active part in everyday life. In fact, less than a half of them go to nurseries.

3. В мире существует множество организаций, которые помо­
гают детям защитить свои права. Здесь приведена статья из Об­
щей Газеты об одной из таких организаций.

Переведи статью, чтобы твой иностранный друг мог про­честь информацию.

Save the Children

The organization «Save The Children was born in Latvia eight years ago by initiative of a children’s therapist Inguna Ebele. She translated and published on Latvian language the UN Convention about the Rights of the Child. Experts and specialists investigate into the family’s situation, work out documents aimed at the improvement of this situation. More than 1000 members work in the organization nowadays.

In the report to the UN Committee on the rights of the Child it was said that 85% of Latvian families live beyond the line of poverty. About 12000 children do not attend school. Every seven out of ten children suffer from some disease. About 600 children found new fami­lies last year.

A Centre responsible for implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was founded in Latvia.

4. В каждой семье существуют правила. 1) Какие правила есть в твоей семье?

My parents allow me to eat what I want

My parents allow me to watch anything I want on TV

My parents allow me to dress the way I want

My parents allow me to decide what to do after finishing school

My parents allow me to drive a car

My parents let me cook dinner for myself

My parents let me wear jeans to school

My parents let me get a part time job

My parents let me choose my own friends

My parents let me spend my pocket money

My parents let me go to discos

My parents make me be home by 12 o’clock

My parents make me observe a curfew

My parents make me show my school diary

My parents forbid me to smoke

My parents forbid me to stay late at night

My parents forbid me to drink alcohol

My parents forbid me to organize parties at home

6. Согласно докладам средств массовой информации жизнь подростков в России сильно изменилась за последние десять лет.

Что показывают доклады? Замени русские слова их англий­скими эквивалентами.

The experts admit that juvenile crimes (crimes committed by teens) have increased for 17% since 1991.

According to the recent reports every tenth crime is committed by a teenager

In 1997 about 170000 teenagers were arrested for criminal actions

34000 teenagers were under 14 and could not be sent to prison.

The Government surveys show that 60% of teenagers have tried drugs.

8. Здесь приведены мнения нескольких людей о том, что для них значит быть подростком.


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