Употребите нужную форму личных местоимений. 

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Употребите нужную форму личных местоимений.

1. My friend sends (I, me) a letter every week. 2. His brother knows (she, her) very well. 3. (I, me) often see (they, them) in the park. 4. Don't ask (he, him) about it. 5. Does (he, him) know Latin? -No, (he, him) doesn't know it at all. 6. Some­times (we, us) meet (she, her) at the Browns'. 7. The teacher greets (we, us) every morning. 8. Your son studies together with (she, her), doesn't (he, him)? 9. Your teacher knows (we, us) very well. 10. (I, me) know (he, him) and his wife.

Употребите нужную форму притяжательных местоимений.

1. We have (our, ours) English class here. 2. Joan likes (her, hers) new dress very much. 3. Paul and Jack keep (their, theirs) books in the bookcase. Where does she keep (her, hers)? 4. I usually go to see (my, mine) friends in the evening. When do you go to see (your, yours)? 5. She always helps (her, hers) parents, and I always help (my, mine). 6. All (our, ours) books are on the table, and where are (your, yours)? 7. (Their, theirs) garden is beautiful, but (our, ours) is more beautiful.

Заполните пропуски местоимениямиsome, any, no, everyили ихпроизводными. Предложенияпереведите.

1. There's... in the clothes basket. It's empty. 2. I have... for dinner which you'll like very much. 3. The boy told us... about the accident, so we didn't know about it. 4. Can I have... milk in my coffee, please? 5. There is... at the door. Can you go and see who it is? 6. There are... mistakes in your spelling. Correct them. 7. The bus was empty. There wasn't... on it. 8. Can you see... on the table? 9.... can answer this question. It's very difficult. 10.... knows that the earth is round.

8. Переведитепредложениянарусскийязык, обращаявниманиена
местоименияone(ones), that(those).

1. I like to read English books as well as Russian ones. 2. The students of the first group study better than those of the second one. 3. These pictures are better than those. 4. This film is more interesting than that I saw last week. 5. I don't like this book. Give me another one. 6. This pencil is mine and that is yours. 7. Will you give me another book? I don't like that one. 8. One can easily find the way out. 9. This idea is more interesting than that one. 10. We can use that apparatus for various kinds of tests.

9. Заполнитепропускиместоимениями many, much, little, few, a little,
a few. Переведитепредложениянарусскийязык.

1. There are very... pies on the plate. Take... for your children. 2. Now there is quite... water in the river. 3. Look! There are so... people on the ice! 4. Open the window! There is so... air in the room. 5. I have very... books. You may take... of them. 6. Give me... cheese, please. 7. I can't drink this tea. There is too... sugar in it. 8. Say... and do.... 9. He has very... knowledge of the subject. 10. There were very... mistakes in his spelling.

10. Перепишитетекст 'The Kings', употребивглаголы, дачныевскоб­-
ках, в Present Indefinite (Simple) Tense. Задайтевсевозможныевопросык

The Kings

Harold and Betty King (to live) in London. Harold King (to be) a manager. He (to have) an office downtown. He (to be) very busy every day.

The Kings (to eat) breakfast at seven usually. Mr King (to go) to his office at eight.Mrs King (not to go) to work.She (to stay) at home. She (to be) a housewife. She (to go) shopping and (to do) the housework.

Mr King (to come) at half past six.The Kings (to have) dinner at seven.After dinner Mrs King (to watch) television as a rule, but her husband (not to like) televi­sion.

11. Перепишитетекст 'The Kings', употребивглаголы, данныеи
скобках, в Past Indefinite (Simple) Tense. Задайте все возможные вопросы к
подчеркнутым предложениям в PastIndefinite (Simple) Tense

Употребитеглаголы, данныевскобках, в Present Indefinite (Simple) Tense and Future Indefinite (Simple) Tense.

1. As soon as John (to get) a good job, he (to get) married and (to have) a fam­ily of his own. 2. Before I (to go) to the evening party, 1 (to call) you. 3. He (to find) it hard to communicate with the deaf and dumb unless he (to have) a good knowl­edge of the sign language. 4. If the weather (to be) nice next Sunday, we (to go) to the seaside. 5. If it (to rain) next weekend, 1 (to cancel) my (rip. 6. If she (not to ar­rive) in time, she (not to get) a seat. 7. If she (not to be) at home tomorrow, I (to leave) her a message.


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