Упражнение 16 Найдите в словаре значение следующих сокращений. 

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Упражнение 16 Найдите в словаре значение следующих сокращений.


Упражнение 1.

Переведите следующие многокомпонентные термины:

steelmaking process, engine design, measurement techniques, speed change, spindle head positioning, numerical control system, vehicle body designing, automatic feed equipment, automatic handling equipment, automatic tool changing mechanism, experimental engine testing techniques, air cooling engine, friction losses, plug-and-socket device, life time, effective life time, top class quality, power supply line, normal operation conditions, solid-fuel rocket engine.

1.The engineering manager must keep from falling behind in the latest management techniques.

2.The next few years will see a shake-out of the various designs and the emergence of the most promising techniques.

3.A new computer is the result of recent major advancements in integrated-circuit technology.

4.Many engineering departments have a formal method of reporting on the performance of individuals.

5.Mass and Force have been used in practical engineering and physics with generally satisfactory results without much thought to their interaction.

6.Engineering college curricula have been revised.

7.The weakest point in all the schools now is the computer-related portion of manufacturing engineering.

8.In engineering, stress is a force that induces strain - a deformation.

9.The average engineer tries to follow the literature in his field, attends professional meetings, and, perhaps, writes technical papers. However, this is often not sufficient to keep him abreast of rapidly changing technology.

Упражнение 2.

Образуйте с помощью суффикса -er (-or) существительные от данных глаголов; переведите их на русский язык:

act, found, direct, observe, work, manufacture, perform, manage, employ, accelerate, design, calculate, compute.

Упражнение 3.

Образуйте существительные с помощью суффикса -ment от следующих глаголов:

develop, achieve, equip, move, arrange, treat, state, require, attach, govern, manage, accomplish, engage, fulfil, involve.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие слова, обозначающие названия наук; подчеркните характерный для них суффикс:

physics, mathematics, dynamics, mechanics, economics, kinematics, phonetics, electronics, cybernetics.

Упражнение 5. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -ful и -less. Переведите их на русский язык:

beauty, thank, doubt, care, aim, use, shape, friction, power, success, harm.

Упражнение 6. Образуйте существительные от следующих прилагательных при помощи суффикса -ity; переведите их на русский язык:

productive, reliable, rational, responsible, suitable, available, major, capable, similar, possible, probable, electric, conductive.

Упражнение 7. Прочитайте и переведите слова с отрицательными префиксами: inexhaustible, irrationally, unchangeable, disadvantage, dissimilar, inelastic, imperfect, non-conducting, incomplete, miscalculation, uncertain, irregular, discharge, inseparable, non-effective, indifferent, disappear, inexpensive, uncommon, unloaded, displace, unnecessary, undoubtedly, disorganize.

Упражнение 8. Переведите следующие слова; обратите внимание на значение префикса и корня:

decompose, discover, antibody, non-resistance, rearrangement, reconstruction, pre­war, prefabricated, post-war, supersonic, prehistoric, ultraviolet, interact, interrelation, overcome, overvalue, overtime, interdependence.

Упражнение 9. Прочитайте и переведите следующие слова. Проверьте перевод по словарю:

nature, opportunity, mixture, general, intelligent, capital, principle, principal, action, accurate, critical, rationale, master, activity, commission, thesis.

Упражнение 10. Образуйте от данных существительных глаголы при помощи конверсии. Переведите:

aid - помощь; to aid - помогать

air - воздух; to air -...........................................

alloy - сплав;......................................................

paper - бумага;......................................................

cover -......................................................


form - форма;......................................................

handle - ручка;......................................................

guard - охрана;......................................................

cause - причина;......................................................

rest - покой;.......................................................

stamp - штамп;.......................................................

fuel - топливо;.......................................................

guide - гид;.......................................................

trap - ловушка;.......................................................

Упражнение 11. Определите значения сложных слов. Проверьте себя по словарю:

bathroom, icebreaker, ammeter, spacecraft, cornerstone, aircraft, high-speed, radioactive, water-cooled, bi-metallic, electromagnetic, hydropower.

Упражнение 12. Переведите следующие слова с помощью словаря:

agitation, confusion, prospect, cabinet, repetition, camera, delicate, resin, decade, specific weight.

Упражнение 13. Составьте предложения с глаголами:

to push - to push in; to go - to go on; to get - to get at; to carry - to carry out; to call - to call on; to turn - to turn out; to switch on - to switch off.

Упражнение 14. Определите, какими частями речи являются выделенные слова. Переведите.

1.The air is a mixture of gases. 2.Air the room, please. 3.The mercury in the tube drops. 4.The drops of water shine with different colours. 5.A dark cloud is a sign of rain. 6.Sign your name, please. 7.The instrument records the changes of temperature. 8.Do you think the weather will change?

Упражнение 15. Расшифруйте с помощью словаря сокращения:

hr, BBC, yd, max, mph, log, lb, w, v, Btu, gal, a.f., db, D.C. (d.c.), cps, bps, hi-fi, p.s.i., rev., Qnty, r.f., v.f., lit.

Упражнение 16. Переведите следующие предложения, обратив внимание на значение сокращений:

1. A.C. is widely used in everyday life, e.g. for heating and lighting purposes. 2. Besides the so-called small cal., there is another much greater unit of heat i.e. the kilocalorie or kilogram calorie. 3. Most substances are known in at least three different states, viz.: a solid, a liquid, and a gaseous form. 4. We know many forms of energy, e.g. electrical energy, chemical energy, atomic energy, etc. 5. At the atm. press. of 14.7 lb. per sq. in., the temp. of the b.p. of water is 100 C., but the temp. increases with the press. 6. In 449 AD the British Isles were invaded and conquered by several German tribes. 7. H-bomb and A-bomb are the weapons of mass destruction. 8. U.K. war potential was greatly reduced as a result of the WWII. 9. We joined the UNESCO and took active part in its work. 10. The first “baby-moon”, i.e. the artificial earth satellite was successfully launched in the USSR in 1957.

Имена собственные

Упражнение 20. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на имена собственные и географические названия:

1.Eton College was founded by King Henry VI in 1440, when he was only eighteen.

2.Henry James is still read, discussed, admired.

3.Now Ceasar's position grew critical, as he was vulnerable to attack from the rear.

4.The silver Snake River cuts through hilly western Idaho.

5.A hundred paces from this fountainhead of the Danube lies the water-head of the Rhine, which ends its 820-mile course in the North Sea.

6.The Duke of Buckingham failed to induce Louis XIII and Richelieu to adopt his grandiose scheme to attack the Spanish Netherlands.



Passive Voice

Упражнение 21. Переведите следующие предложения:

Часть А

1. The Leningrad metro was being constructed when the Great Patriotic war broke up.

2. In Soviet times Tsiolkovsky’s ideas were recognized and he was given state support.

3. We were told about the sad state of art in Western Germany.

4. The lightness of hydrogen is made use of in the filling of balloons.

5. Safety and protection for the people working around the atomic reactor are provided by a mass of reinforced concrete, 8 feet thick.

6. Radio sets are provided for in all sea going vessels.

7. The discovery of radium was followed by a number of important inventions.

8. The current is measured with the amateur.

9. The expedition was given a very difficult task.

10. The balloon has been lost sight of.

11. This problem may be approached from different standpoints.

12. Spanish is spoken in South American.

13. His words were followed by a deep silence.

Часть B

1. The question of further development of agriculture was given much attention.

2. The trajectory of a projectile is affected to a large extent by air resistance.

3. We are taught that light is a form of energy.

4. A floating body is acted upon by two sets of forces.

5. This project must be given due consideration.

6. 65.4 parts of zinc and 2 parts of hydrogen are spoken of as chemically equivalent quantities.

7. No electric charges have ever been observed of smaller magnitude than the charges of proton or electron.

8. Atomic reactor is provided with a concrete shielding.

9. The Conference was attended by 150 delegates.

10. the speaker was listened to attentively.

11. The agreement was arrived at yesterday.

12. We were given an exceptionally warm welcome by Zulu students.

13. Have you been brought a newspaper?

14. Potatoes were brought to Europe by Columbus.

Упражнение 22. (Задание 1) Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на способы перевода сказуемого в Passive Voice.

1. System effectiveness is identified, evaluated, and established through tests and experiments which are performed during the planning, research, design, production, and support phases of a product’s life cycle.

2. No matter how well objectives are defined, how much planning is done, or how expert the personnel may be, unexpected problems will inevitably occur which threaten the success of the test or experiment.

3.Numerous classifications have been used.

4.The large disagreement between the various published data is discussed.

5.Some of the data obtained cannot be relied upon.

6.Old traditions cannot be easily done away with.

7.Newton’s laws of motion may be subjected to criticism.

8.The first discovery was followed by many others.

9.The problem was approached by many researchers.

10.The conference was attended by twenty seven astronomers.

11.The changes taking place are not easily accounted for.

12.A job is measured by two yardsticks – accomplishment and performance. Accomplishment is what is done; performance is how well it is done.

Упражнение 23 (Задание 2). Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Passive Voice. Помните! Порядок слов английского и русского предложений часто не совпадают.

1.На эти данные часто ссылаются.

2.На этой дате будут настаивать.

3.Об этом ученом много говорили.

4.На качество этих приборов можно положиться.

5.За теорией последовали эксперименты.

6.О сроках договорились.

7.На скорость реакции влияет много факторов.

8.Из какого металла изготовлена эта деталь?

9.На заводе установили новое оборудование.

10.Этому инженеру предложили должность менеджера.

11.Нас пригласили принять участие в международной конференции.

12.Данное вещество уже определили.

13.Чистое серебро было получено во втором цикле эксперимента.

14.Отходы сжигаются, не входите в лабораторию!

15.Температура плавления еще не определена, и вещество все еще твердое.

16.Когда сотрудник вошел в лабораторию, он почувствовал какой-то запах, потому что два газа смешивались в этот момент.

Упражнение 24 (Задание 3). Найдите причастия в следующих предложениях; определите их формы и функции. Переведите.

1.The first source of continuous current constructed by Volta appeared in 1800.

2.Being widely used in industry electrical motors are used in every home.

3.Microprocessors were taking the electronics and control fields by storm.

4.When received, the messages now are electronically printed, mechanically enveloped, and then processed through the normal mail stream.

5.All electrical conductors dissipate heat when carrying current.

6.Having been tested the new apparatus was recommended for work in all the laboratories.

7.If heated, magnetized steel loses its magnetism.

8.The electric current passing through a wire will heat that wire.

9.There are many things to be taken into consideration when designing a space vehicle.

10.The substance affecting a magnetic field was metallic.

11.Having been warmed to zero ice began to melt.

Упражнение 25 (Задание 4). Определите, какими членами предложения являются слова, оканчивающиеся на -ed. Переведите предложения.

1.The temperature of the liquid obtained remained constant.

2.The method applied improved the quality of production.

3.The tools used showed good results.

4.The machine tool developed required some improvement.

5.The device tested demonstrated good performance.

6.The techniques applied increased the rate of production.

7.The progress achieved resulted in a remarkable technical improvement.

Упражнение 26 (I). Определите функцию формы с окончанием –ing и переведите следующие предложения:

1. The molecules of a gas are moving about freely.

2. Knowing the volume, the pressure, and the temperature of the gas, we can determine the state of its mass.

3. At the beginning of the century scientists succeeded in breaking the nucleus of the atom by attacking it with tiny particles flying with a great speed.

4. Being taken in proper proportion hydrogen and oxygen combine forming water.

5. The ammeter is a measuring device.

6. The forces acting between atoms within a molecule are very strong.

7. When speaking of water, we must remember that it is composed of tiny particles – its molecules.

8. Having been detained by a snow storm, the liner was three days late.

9. I was told of their having been sent to the rescue operation.

10. He had good hopes of being sent to fulfilling this mission, and therefore, before returning home he spent some hours in preparing the plane for flight, trying it again and again.

Упражнение 27 (II). Переведите текст, выделите в тексте случаи употребления пассивной формы и дайте возможные варианты перевода:


It has been proved that all coals had their origin in the vegetable matter of prehistoric forests. The woody fiber and other vegetable matter were transformed into peat by fermentation due to bacteria. During this process, a great part of the oxygen and hydrogen was eliminated, while the amount of carbon remained practically the same. Subsequently the peaty matter was changed into coal by a process of destructive distillation, which had been caused by great pressure and high temperature. The differences in types of coal can be easily explained by different conditions during this process of evolution. Among these variable conditions by which the formation of coal had been affected the following may be mentioned: time, depth of the bed below the surface of the earth, and amount of disturbance of the bed due to movements of the earth.

Foreign matter was introduced during this movement of the earth. Coal is composed of the following principal elements: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulphur. However, these are not present solely in their elementary state, but also in various combinations, principally moisture and volatile matter. Consequently, coal is classified into various types according to its constituents; some of these types will be mentioned below.

Peat is an intermediate condition between wood and coal. It is often used as fuel in the Temperate Zone, where it is found in large quantities in the swampy regions. It is commonly cut into blocks and dried in the air.

Bituminous coal is the name which is usually given to coal containing more than 20 per cent volatile matter. Bituminous coal is not susceptible to spontaneous combustion, although care must be exercised in its storage. Since there is a wide range of variation in the characteristics of the bituminous coals, they have been divided commercially into the following classes: coking, cannel, and non-coking. Coking coal, upon being burned gives off considerable gas and tends to fuse together in a pasty mass (coke). Cannel coal has a high percentage of volatile hydrocarbons, ignites easily and is so valuable as a gas-producing coal that it is rarely burned to produce steam.

Non-coking coal does not coke upon being burned and is very extensively used as a fuel to produce steam.



It has long been known that metals can pass from a metallic to an earthy form. One must be careful not to expose unprotected iron to the open air, as under the influence of atmospheric conditions the outer layer of the iron quickly changes into a reddish crust called the rust. One can easily find that this new material is a different substance from iron. The rust is very brittle, it is much lighter, bulk for bulk, than iron and it is not attracted by a magnet.

It was early observed that, although the specific gravity of the earthy product was less than that of the metal, yet there was a much greater bulk of it, and that, in fact, the earthy material weighed more than the original specimen of the metal.

It was Lomonosov who first proved that the extra material came from the air. He placed some tin in a flask and sealed up the mouth of the vessel. The tin was heated and converted into the white powder. Upon weighing the apparatus it was found that no change in weight occurred. It turned out, however, that when the mouth of flask was opened, a good deal of air rushed in and the total weight was then greater. A portion of the original air had joined itself with the tin to form the powder.

Eighteen years later the same experiment was made and the same conclusion drawn from it by Lavoisier. He named the gas taken from the air, oxygen.

It is possible to confirm these conclusions in various ways.

For example, when the air is pumped out of the flask before it is sealed, the metal can be heated in the vacuum indefinitely without rusting. Thus it can be seen that fundamentally rusting is the process in which metals oxidize and form compounds.

It has been estimated that more than 25 per cent of the annual production of iron in the USA is consumed in replacing other iron that has been rendered unserviceable by rusting.

It is necessary, therefore, to wage a constant battle against this chemical process and our immediate concern is how to take care of metallic devices and structures once they enter our possession.

We try to prevent or reduce rusting by various means, such as electroplating, painting or otherwise treating the metals that are susceptible to attack by the agencies of this harmful action.



Упражнение 30 (I). Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Atomic nuclei can interact with neutrons, electrons, and gamma radiation.

2. As we should infer from the vigour with which its constituents combine, water is a very stable substance.

3. The current can flow through a wire only when the circuit is closed.

4. The magnitude of electrical current may vary from a minute amount to a very large quantity.

5. In the ammeter the current which is to be measured flows between terminals A and B.

6. Speaking about the structure of the atom one should remember that the proton is smaller but heavier than the electron.

7. Only very little current should flow through the voltmeter to operate it, and its mechanism must be very delicate and fine.

8. To tear away from the liquid the molecule which leaves it should have a large amount of kinetic energy.

9. Elastic limit is the point beyond which one should not attempt deforming the body if it is to return to its original condition.

10. The convocation of international scientific conferences, which are to be attended by scientists from different countries and belonging to different schools, can undoubtedly promote the development of science.

11. The investment in an atomic reactor must be high, but the running cost is so low that something like a large tanker can be run as cheaply on atomic energy as on conventional fuel.

12. Working with picric acid one must remember of its explosive nature.

13. Our scientists had to solve the problem of controlling chain reactions.

14. The nature of the raw material must be taken into consideration in the selection of a method of its analysis.

16. A voltmeter may be connected between any two points whose voltage difference is to be measured.

17. You ought to know the properties of the ingredients.

18. There must be a greater number of turns of wire on the field magnets to produce a magnetic field of adequate strength.

19. If “water gas” is to be used as a source of pure hydrogen, carbon monoxide must be removed.

20. One must remember that any reaction is theoretically reversible.

21. It we are to convert a gas into a liquid, we must increase the attraction of the molecules for one another.

22. The unit of heat should not be confused with the degree of temperature.

23. This explosive may be either a liquid or a solid.

Упражнение 31. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на передачу модальности в переводе:

1. From where I left the horse I could see some white-painted fisherman's huts.

2. 1 could see the ghost of a contemptuous smile flittering around my father's lips.

3.Candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.

4."It is very disappointing," he said, "that Hugh should leave just when I counted on him to help me."

5.You must have been misled by an accidental resemblance.

6."You must come and see us when you return to London," he said.

7.I'm sorry that you should have had a row with Patrick about it.

8.The sticks will be kindled two by two, the poor flame showing a pretence at heat.

9.And, motionless, old Jolyon stared at the wall; but for his open eyes, he might have been asleep.

10.The place might have been Crusoe's desert island, so still it was, so isolated from the rest of the world.

11.The police, the fishmongers, boys going to school, dozens of people waved at him. I might have been riding with royalty.

12.She quickly lowered her gaze lest he should look up suddenly and see her eyes.

Упражнение 32 (II). Переведите текст, обращая внимание на модальность:


With what can we associate the word “equilibrium”? We ought to know that the term applies equally well to a motor-car moving along a straight road at a constant speed. From a scientific point of view an object can be in equilibrium not only when it is standing motionless, but also when it is moving in a straight line at constant speed. On the other hand it would not be in equilibrium if it were increasing speed or slowing down or provided it were going around a corner.

Evidently, when there are no forces pulling or pushing a body, that body must always be in equilibrium. However, objects with forces acting on them may also be in equilibrium. But, then, the forces must balance; that is, their vector sum is to equal zero. Thus, in the case of the speeding automobile there are forces acting, but they balance each other in pairs. The pull of gravity downward is counteracted by the push of the road upward. The driving force supplied by the motor is balanced by air resistance and other frictional forces. However, as the driving force supplied by the motor is greater than the frictional resistance, the car is accelerated.

But sometimes an object may not be in equilibrium even though the vector sum of all the forces is zero. It may have a tendency to rotate unless all the forces are applied at a single point, or unless the tendency to rotate in one direction balances the tendency to rotate in the opposite.

Thus the second condition for equilibrium is that the tendency to rotate should be zero. There are always two requirements for equilibrium: first, the vector sum of all the forces acting on a body should be zero; and, second, there must be no tendency to rotate, that is, the tendency to rotate the body in one direction must be balanced by the tendency to rotate it in the opposite direction.

We have to point out the importance of equilibrium in any engineering design and construction. For example, if a house is to stand, each of its parts must evidently be in equilibrium.


Упражнение 33 (I). Определите функцию формы с окончанием –ing и переведите следующие предложения:

1. In passing through a metal electrons collide with many ions.

2. When the boiling is reached the adding of heat does not raise the temperature.

3. The proper work of an engine depends upon its being well lubricated.

4. All the chemical transformations that take place around us only change energy from one form into another without affecting the total.

5. Coal and any other fuel provide the heat required for driving our engines and turbines.

6. In carrying out the plan of launching an artificial satellite our scientists had to solve many difficult problems.

7. The bridge having been repaired so quickly surprised us very much.

8. Before discussing this question they made a short break.

9. I knew nothing about the recent happenings.

10. Their having crossed the river caused a great surprise.

11. War causes hard sufferings.

Упражнение 34. Определите функции герундия в следующих предложениях. Переведите.

1.Studying nature without making observation is useless.

2.Heating the gas increases the speed of molecules.

3.Seeing is believing.

4.Earthing is of vital importance in all electrical systems and for all apparatus.

5.Upon breaking the magnet into still shorter pieces we still get complete magnets.

6.Breaking the circuit causes sparking.

7.Science requires experimenting.

8.Computers are widely used for controlling industrial processes.

9.A barometer is an instrument for measuring the pressure of the atmosphere.

10.In rotating the magnet, we also rotate its magnetic field.

11.Everybody hates being interrupted.

12.He doesn’t like being treated like this.

Упражнение 35. Замените формы причастия в функциях обстоятельства соответствующими формами герундия с предлогами in или on. Переведите.

Образец: While making → In making

Having made → On making

Having been made → On being made

1.While melting the ice keeps the same temperature.

2.Having been heated to a sufficient temperature any body becomes a source of light.

3.Using a transformer one can increase a voltage of the alternating current (a.c.).

4.Leaving the metal surface the electrons can produce currents.

5.Having made a lot of experiments Faraday discovered the electromagnetic induction.

Упражнение 36. Переведите предложения, содержащие герундий. Помните, глагольная форма с окончанием -ing является герундием, если перед ней стоит предлог, притяжательное местоимение или существительное в притяжательном падеже, а также если данная глагольная форма выполняет функции подлежащего или дополнения.

1.Being an effective manager is not the same as being an efficient manager.

2.Being an effective manager also means being flexible.

3.Setting unnecessary rules or adhering to existing rules at all costs will only inhibit staff performance.

4.The very engineering skills that won you a promotion to management can be a detriment to your becoming an effective manager of engineers.

5.Learning to delegate responsibility to subordinates is not easy, especially if you are highly competent engineer.

6.Soon after becoming a manager, you become aware that there are other major forces in the company besides engineering, R&D, and marketing.

7.Most plastic resins are not capable of handling the loads of structural applications.

8.Continuous thermal press forming involves running the feedstock horizontally between two opposed steel conveyor belts.

9.A well-run organization raises productivity by eliminating unnecessary jobs.

10. The computer will assist the process planner in preparing the process plans, time studies and cost estimates.

11. Meetings usually are best for identifying or presenting problems, not for solving them.

12. A meeting should have a clearly defined purpose that will justify taking busy people away from their work.

13.When a discussion begins wandering far afield, some fencing-in is in order. This is done by narrowing the field – keeping to one basic question and not allowing others to intrude.

Упражнение 37. Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на герундиальные обороты.

1.The engineer mentioned his having tested the instrument.

2.We knew nothing of their having been met by our chief.

3.B. Franklin’s having worked in the field of electricity is known all over the world.

4.The main disadvantage of early rockets resulted from the rockets being inaccurate.

5.The manager approved of the problem being discussed in detail.

6.Everybody congratulated on Mr. Brown being appointed manager.

7.He isn’t used to his name having been often mentioned in the press lately.

8.The velocity of a moving object can change by its speeding up, slowing down, or changing its direction of motion.

Упражнение 38. Прочитайте и переведите следующие тексты. При переводе обратите внимание на неличные формы глагола.

Rethinking work

Across the planet, the shrinking of opportunities to work for decent pay is a crisis yet to be faced. In the end, the job crisis raises the most fundamental question of human existence: what are we doing here? There is a colossal amount of work waiting to be done by human beings – building decent places to live, exploring the universe, making cities less dangerous, teaching one another, raising our children, visiting, comforting, healing, feeding one another, dancing, making music, telling stories, inventing things, and governing ourselves. But much of the essential activity people have always undertaken to raise and educate their families, to enjoy themselves, to give pleasure to others, and to advance the general welfare is not packaged as jobs. Until we rethink work and decide what human beings are meant to do in the age of robots and what basic economic claims on society human beings have by virtue of being here, there will never be enough jobs.

– From “The end of jobs”, by Richard J. Barnet, senior fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, in Harper’s magazine, September 1993.

Причастные обороты

Упражнение 39 (I.) Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Electroplating was invented in Russia, its inventor being Russian scientist Yacobi.

2. The bridge having been repaired, we were able to cross the river.

3. Electrons moving through a wire, electrical energy is generated.

4. The vapour pressure of a liquid becoming equal to atmospheric pressure, the liquid boils.

5. Water has a higher specific heat than most of other common substances, the specific heat of iron being approximately one-ninth the heat of water.

6. Any moving object is able to do work, the quantity of kinetic energy depending on its mass and velocity.

7. The temperature of a wire being raised, the random motion of the electrons increases.

8. The current flow having been changed, the direction of the magnetic lines of force also changed.

9. The substance being a dielectric, no current can flow through it.

10. Gases are light substances, the lightest of them being hydrogen.

Упражнение 40 (II). Переведите текст; обратите внимание на способы перевода независимого причастного оборота:


The term “electric current” is used to mean electricity which flows through a conductor, a direct current being a current which flows in one direction only. There are four principal ways by which a direct current can be generated, viz.

1) chemical action;

2) thermal or heat action, the word thermal, coming from the Greek word “therme” which means “heat”;

3) light action;

4) magnetic action.

To set up a current by chemical action, an alkali or an acid is used to react with a metal. Such an apparatus is called an electric cell, a group of two or more cells connected together forming a battery.

To produce a current by thermal action, heat is applied to two unlike metals soldered together in two places, the apparatus of this kind being called a thermoelectric couple or thermocouple, for short. We get the prefix “thermo” from “thermal”, the origin of the last word having been mentioned above. The word “couple” in this term means that two unlike metals or metals and alloys are joined together so that they can be properly heated in the point of the joint.

The reason the thermocouple generates a current is due to the fact that the heat tears the electrons off of the negative inetal at the junction, just as the chemical action of an electric cell tears the electrons off of the zinc electrode. It is these electrons that form the current flowing through the circuit.

To develop a current by light action, light is made to fall on a special kind of a cell, the apparatus to be used in such a case being called a photoelectric cell.

Finally, in order to generate a current, a wire is made to cut, that is, to pass through a magnetic field, this latter being set up either by a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. Where the wire cuts through the magnetic field of a permanent magnet, the apparatus is called a magneto-electric machine or just “magneto”, for short. The wire cutting through the magnetic field of an electromagnet, the apparatus is called a dynamo electric machine, or “dynamo”, for short.

In general there are a number of ways by which electric currents can be generated by magnetic action, all of them being based on the same principle, that of cutting the magnetic lines of force with a conductor.

Упражнение 41 (III). Упражнения на все случаи употребления форм, оканчивающихся на –ing:


1. Having overcome the economic backwardness inherited from the tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union increased its output of means of production 83-fold, as compared to 1913.

2. The sufferings of people under German fascists were terrible.

3. In America about one million hectares of valuable farm land have been confiscated for military testing ground and camps and every day brings fresh reports of peasant farms being converted to the same purpose and of whole villages being torn down to make room for military installations.

4. The growing economic difficulties are prompting the average American to lift his voice for peace and international cooperation.

5. The disintegration of radioactive substances is a spontaneous process, no method accelerating or retarding it being known.

6. Carbon dioxide may be obtained by heating some carbonates to a high temperature.

7. In chemical changes occurring in substances atoms continue to be indivisible.

8. Water vapour can be condensed into a liquid by taking away heat or by decreasing its volume.

9. Sometimes the cooling without the increasing of pressure results in liquefying the gas.

10. While teaching mathematics Tsiolkovsky continued his self-education studying astronomy, biology, and chemistry.

11. Stanyukovich distinguished himself as a gifted writer, most of his novels being connected with the sea.


1. The Soviet national budget is an important medium for raising living standards of the people.

2. Peaceful cooperation among nations espousing different social system is both possible and desirable.

3. Taking advantage of the suddenness of their treacherous attack, the German-fascists strove to crush our army by powerful blows at the beginning of the war.

4. The lifting of the blockade of Leningrad was a great success of both our land and naval forces.

5. The Japanese yoke having been removed by the Soviet Army, the people of North Korea saw their way to independence, democracy, and progress.

6. The temperature having been raised, the vapour began forming again.

7. Having added an alkaline solution, we got a dark precipitate at the bottom of the vessel.

8. Having been evaporated, the solution of the mother liquid of calcium chloride gave white precipitate.

5. When testing the properties of the gas evolved while heating mercuric oxide, we find that it is pure oxygen.

10. The air being shut off the fire, combustion stops.

11. Shipbuilding and fishing industries are widely developed in this part of the country.


1.The USSR consistently continues its policy for the safe-guarding of security and for the promoting of peace and friendship among all nations.

2. By safeguarding respect for their sovereignty, by opposing foreign interference in the conduct of their affairs, by refusing to allow the establishing of military bases and any form of occupation by foreign troops, the peoples can guarantee their security and protection of peace.

3. Atlantic block is being torn by deep contradictions.

4. French soldiers demonstrated against being sent to North Africa for suppressing the liberation movement there.

5. At the age of 20 Tsiolkovsky began teaching; a profession at which he continued working for 40 years.

6. The splitting of atom liberates great quantities of energy.

7. Atomic energy is the foundation of all processes occurring in our universe.

8. Yellow sand having been used in manufacture, the glass had a yellowish color.

9. The atomic explosion is based on the splitting of the atom.

10. Two bodies being placed in contact with each other, the temperature of the hot body falls while the temperature of the cold body rises.

11. The current in a circuit is decreased when the resistance is increased, other factors remaining the same.

Упражнение 42 (IV). Переведите текст; выделите все формы, оканчивающиеся на –ing и определите их функции:


Pulling a rubber band increases its length. However, if you cease pulling it and release one of its ends, the rubber band will quickly return to its original shape and size.

Solids in greatly differing degrees resist being changed in shape, i.e. resist deformation. Some of them, like a rubber band or a steel spring, are called elastic because they return to their original size and shape after having been stretched or compressed. Others are known as elastic because they straighten after having been bent.

Gases and liquids are perfectly elastic. In spite of them having been compressed they return to their original volume after the removing of the applied force.

Air, for instance, is perfectly elastic. If it is compressed and then allowed to return to its original pressure and temperature, it returns exactly to its original volume.

We may define an elastic body as one tending to return to its original shape and size when the deforming force is removed. On the contrary, bodies that are not very elastic do not show the tendency of returning to their original form. Thus, elasticity is the tendency to return to the original condition after deformation.

Careful experiments made on various elastic materials show that there is a simple relationship existing between the acting force and the resistance force. This relationship must have a limit somewhere and the stretching cannot be increased indefinitely.

Elastic limit is the point beyond which one should not attempt deforming the body if it is to return to its original condition.

As we are stretching an elastic object such as a steel spring, for instance, there must come a time when the elastic limit is reached, and then the above-mentioned relationship will not hold any longer. However, stretching the steel spring repeatedly or leaving it stretched moderately has no practical effect upon it. Considering further the example of the rubber band, one finds that the more the rubber band is pulled, the longer it will become until the elastic limit is reached, at last. It is known, however, that rubber can stretch a relatively long distance before reaching the elastic limit.

Упражнение 43 (I). Переведите следующие предложения:

1. The force of gravitational attraction exerted on a body by the earth known as the weight of the body is one of the most important forces in everyday life.

2. The total quantity of pure radium obtained is quite insignificant.

3. Intermolecular space exists even in a gas which, subjected to exceedingly high pressure, ceases to contract its volume.

4. When used as an amplifier the radio-tube allows a small voltage to control a strong flow of current from a battery.

5. If a body is totally immersed in a fluid, the upthrust of the fluid on the body is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.

6. When the water has reached the boiling point, the temperature ceases to rise, and the heat supplied is used in changing the water into steam.

7. A beaker filled with cold water and held over a flame of burning hydrogen will condense the steam to droplets of water.

8. Glass and porcelain neither lose nor gain in weight when heated.

9. Any open mass of water if left unreplenished will evaporate little by little.

10. The modern war is an allround test of the material and spiritual strength of every nation involved.

11. Under ordinary pressure a given liquid boils at a fixed temperature.

12. Nitre gives off oxygen only when raised to a brightred heat.

13. The efficiency of a machine is determined by the radio of the useful work performed to the total work expended.

14. Radioisotopes produced by our atomic industry are widely used in medicine and agriculture.

15. Capacity is the property of two electrical conductors, when separated by insulation, to receive and retain electricity.

16. Fermentation used for producing alcohol from naturally occurring substances is one of the oldest processes known to man.

17. Alloys in general consist of two or more metals melted together and then allowed to solidify.

18. The properties of matter are better learned and understood when correlated with its structure in terms of molecules, atoms, and still smaller particles.

19. When ozone decomposes, the amount of energy liberated is equivalent to that absorbed in its formation.

20. Some liquids, and to a much smaller extent some solids, if placed in contact, tend to diffuse one into the other.

Упражнение 44 (II). Переведите текст; найдите в тексте формы причастия II; определите их функции и способы перевода:


This salt, when crystallized from solution, combines with water forming a hydrate. It is made by adding calcium borate to sodium carbonate solution. It is a white crystalline salt. It is added to the glass, used for enameling and glazing, to make it more fusible and easier to spread in a thin layer. Since it contains but a small proportion of the metallic oxide, it combines with other metallic oxides if fused with them. For this reason, the powdered salt is sometimes sprinkled on tarnished metallic surfaces being soldered or brazed. The heat of the blowpipe melts the borax and the latter removes the oxide and permits perfect running of the solder over the surface.

The borates thus formed are often colored and the colors afford a means of recognizing the metallic compound which produced them.

In chemical analyses a bead of borax, produced by fusion on a platinum wire, is heated with a particle of the unknown compound and its color then examined.


Упражнение 45 (I). Определите функцию инфинитива в следующих предложениях и переведите их:


1. To assign a numerical value to the inertia of any given body, we choose as a standard some body whose inertia is arbitrary taken as unity.

2. Each organ of the living organism has its own work to do.

3. When cells which have similar functions become congregated together to form distinct anatomical structures, we call such structures organs.

4. Oxygen is extremely hard to liberate from a compound.

5. The disintegration of radioactive substances is known to be a spontaneous process.

6. We know the electric cell to consist of two plates of conducting material assembled together and immersed in an electrolyte.

7. Atomic energy is likely to become the main source of power-supply in the years to come. 8. Dilute solutions appear to obey laws exactly analogous to the laws of gases. 9. The difficulties to overcome in the manufacture of synthetic camphor seem to be great. 10. There was a time when lightning proved to be a dangerous problem to be solved. 11. Devices for changing a.c. into d.c. are needed to charge storage batteries. 12. The weather is unlikely to change for the better in the coming days. 13. I asked him to inform me about the results of the test.




1. If the field winding is in series with the armature, all of the current to be generated must pass though it. 2. With a small current there must be a greater number of turns of wire on the field magnets to produce a magnetic field of adequate strength. 3. Water to make up for evaporation and to aid in digestion is a most necessary part of our food. 4. Many substances unite with water to give compounds which are called hydrates. 5. An active element is very difficult to liberate from a compound. 6. A video-amplifier is expected to cover a very wide range of frequencies. 7. Temperature changes up to 200 C appear to have no effect on this substance. 8. The study of electricity seems to have begun about 1600 when the first book on experiments in electricity appeared. 9. We know the sun to be intensely hot. 10. It is unlikely for the oxygen to be easily liberated from this substance under such a temperature. 11. We know the storage batteries to contain chemicals generating electric current under certain conditions.




1. The Chinese appear to have been the first to use pieces of lodestones as compasses. 2. When two elementary substances combine, the process involves the union of the two kinds of atoms to form compound molecules. 3. The radio signal is too weak to be detected at this distance. 4. When the wire is connected in such a manner that the current can flow through it, the circuit is said to be closed. 5. We know all bodies to consist of atoms. 6. To tear away from the liquid the molecule which leaves it is to have a large amount of kinetic energy. 7. A non-ionized clean air is considered to be good insulator. 8. An important problem which is to be considered with regard to any engine is the question of its efficiency. 9. When iron and water are heated in a closed vessel, the hydrogen and the oxide of iron which are produced react with one another to give back water and iron. 10. The next step to be taken in this process involves the treatment of camphor with acetic acid. 11. This problem has to be solved as soon as possible. 12. Nakhirnov is known to have been one of the most talented Russian admirals. 13. Gallileo carried out a special experiment to prove that heavy objects fall not faster than light ones.


II. Переведите текст, обращая внимание на встречающиеся формы инфинитива и способы их перевода:




The force of gravity is known to play an important part in many common phenomena of mechanics, as well as in everyday life.

We know the weight of a body to be nothing but the pull of gravity toward the earth. A body is said to weigh one kilogram if the mass of the earth exerts upon it a pull equal to one kilogram.

According to the universal Law of Gravitation, any two objects in the Universe are attracted to each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

The Law of Gravitation is universal, of course, but it is impossible to notice the force between two ordinary objects as the attraction between them is too small to be perceptible at all.

But with a body as large as the Earth or the Moon it becomes a different thing. It is this force that holds the planets in their circular orbits and due to this very force the first man-made earth satellite created by Soviet scientists began to circle around our Globe.

We know gravity to pull on every particle of a body so that its weight is actually distributed throughout the body. But a solid body seems to have one point at which it can be supported by a single upward force, this point is called the centre of gravity. In technique the centre of gravity is considered to be the location of the resultant of all gravitational pulls exerted on the body.

Now we are to consider the question of stability, interrelated with gravity.

A book lying on a table is expected to keep its position without any difficulty, as one knows it to be in a state of equilibrium. However, to make it stand on end is not so easy at all. In the same way, a pencil will lie on the table without any tendency to tip over. With some difficulty one can even make it stand on its unsharpened end, but it will not stand at all upon its sharp end.

All common objects differ in their tendency to keep a given position, their stability depending on their shape, weight, and position, and everyday experience shows us that heavy objects are harder to tip over than light ones. The stability of an object is measured by the amount of work to be required to make it take a new position. The lower the centre of gravity, the greater the stability of an object; that is why, to increase the stability of a motor-car, its designer tries to keep the centre of gravity as low as possible.



I. Переведите следующие предложения:


1. The Great October Socialist Revolution linked the revolutionary struggle of the western proletariat with that of the oppressed people of the East. 2. The forces of peace are more powerful than those of war. 3. The industrial output of Austria in 1952 was nearly 10 per cent below that of 1951. 4. In 1951 the per hectare cotton yield in the USSR was nearly twice as great as that of Egypt. 5. The wages of the Europeans in South Africa are usually ten times as great as those of Africans. 6. One of Korea’s acutest problems for centuries was that of water for irrigation purposes. 7. The first German edition of the Communist Manifesto was published in 1848; the first Russian one, early in the sixties.

1. An inert gas is the one which does not enter into chemical combination with other substances. 2. The most distant planets as well as the nearest ones are beyond the atmosphere of the earth. 3. The vegetation of valleys is richer than that of mountains. 4. The earliest squatting places of man in our country are those discovered in the Caucasus and in the Crimea. 5. Every useful object such as iron, paper, etc., may be regarded from a twofold outlook, that of quality and that of quantity. 6. A pure substance is the one containing no admixtures. 7. This radio set is much better than the one you showed me last time. 8. Markoni repeated Popov’s experiments in London and built a radio apparatus which was an exact replica of the Russian one.


II. Переведите текст, отметив в нем местоимения – заместители существительного:




Steam is generated in a boiler by the application of heal to some part which is in close contact with the water it contains. The heat raises the temperature of the water to boiling point and eventually produces steam.

Sensible heat is the one added to the water during the period in which the temperature is rising and while no steam is being generated.

When boiling point is reached, the heat necessary to convert the water into steam is latent one and cannot be measured by the thermometer. Steam heated to a temperature above that which is necessary to make water boil at the given pressure is termed superheated steam.

The total heat of superheated steam is the one required to superheat to the desired temperature, plus to total heat of dry saturated steam above 32 Fahr., and at the superheated pressure.

When steam is generated in a closed vessel, the water and steam cannot be under the influence of the atmosphere, and therefore the pressure shown by the boiler is the pressure which differs from the absolute pressure by an amount equal to atmospheric pressure.

For practical purposes atmospheric pressure is taken as 15 lbs. per sq. in., and therefore the readings for the absolute pressure of steam in a boiler are 15 lbs. greater than those shown by the pressure gauge.

Задание 2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1.Planning gives you a path to follow. It makes your future what you want it to be. 2.Planning is critical. It is the best tool available to help a small business raise money. 3.If you don’t plan for the success of your business you will fail. It is that simple! 4.It is sometimes difficult to know how to plan and what to plan for. 5.It is important to establish realistic goals with a sound methodology for achieving them. 6.It is a business plan that explains how the business will function. 7.A business plan describes what a business does, how it will be done, who has to do it, where it will be done, why it’s being done and when it has to be completed. 8.Planning is not easy. The manager who believes it is, probably is not an effective planner. 9.It is quality that every car maker strives for. 10.It is difficult to machine a porous metal surface.

Задание 3. Прочитайте предложения. Обратите внимание на многофункциональность слова that. Переведите. В случае затруднений обратитесь к таблице.

1.The business plan is a written document that defines the goals of a business and outlines the methods for achieving them. 2.There are some obstacles that hinder planning. 3.There is a set of basic principles that constitute the theory of management. 4.Resources must be used in such a way that the goals of the organization are met. 5.Conventional wisdom that has guided managers in the past must be challenged. 6.Remarkable differences exist between American styles of management and those adopted by European, Japanese or Middle-Eastern managers. 7.People are very sensitive about how their rate of pay compares to that of others doing the same or similar jobs. 8.Motivating staff members means that you will have to understand them and communicate effectively with them. 9.Only those who have a need to be at the meeting should attend. 10.Planning is a systematic activity that can be enhanced by following a prescribed series of steps. 11.Planning produces benefits that are essential to effective management. 12.During the past 50 years economists have learned a great deal about the factors that determine the extent of unemployment and inflation. 13.The third basic function of any economic system is to distribute the goods and services that are produced among the members of society. 14.Capital goods consist of plant and equipment that are used to make other goods. 15.Consumers’ goods are items that consumers purchase like clothing, food, and drink. 16.The design of the experimental device differs from that of conventional devices.

Задание 4. Определите функцию one и переведите следующие предложения.

1.One of the greatest pitfalls of meetings is that participants state their points in a vague or confusing manner. 2.Anticipating and managing change is one of the most difficult of all managerial tasks. 3.Once the period of time covered by the budget is completed, the budget is replaced by a new one. 4.What one sees oneself is the most satisfactory evidence. 5.On-board computers will allow one operator to control several machines. 6.One would think that the better participants are prepared ahead of time the better the meeting will be. 7.It is better to select one proposal and get on with the job rather than to continue the discussion. 8.Any manager has to relate to the on-the-job problems of his subordinates and, occasionally, to their personal ones. 9.One of the


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