Прошедшее неопределенное (простое) время (Past Simple) 

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Прошедшее неопределенное (простое) время (Past Simple)

Прошедшее неопределенное время обозначает действие, совершившееся в прошлом и не связанное с настоящим. Употребляются следующие слова-показатели прошедшего времени: yesterday, two (three, etc) days (months, weeks, years) ago, last week (month, year, Sunday, etc), in 1995, the day before yesterday.


Образование прошедшего времени



Для стандартных глаголов Для нестандартных глаголов

(Regular verbs) (irregular verbs)

Ved (played, committed, etc) V2 (read, wrote, drove, etc)


В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях используется вспомогательный глагол did для всех лиц.

(Wh-) Did I / we / you / she / he / it work?

I / we / you / they / she / he / it didn’t work.

Примеры: The police stopped me on my way home last night. – Полиция остановила меня по дороге домой вчера вечером.

When did President Roosevelt die? – Когда умер Президент Рузвельт?

I didn’t invite her to the party. – Я не пригласил ее на вечеринку.

Примечание. Вспомогательный глагол не требуется, если сказуемое выражено глаголом to be.

Why were you so upset? – Почему ты была такая расстроенная?



I. Приведите форму простого прошедшего времени (V2) следующих глаголов.

Get, make, have, be, sleep, go, hurt, leave, teach, spend, cost, sell, buy, catch, fall, travel, meet, stay, eat, understand, throw.


II. Употребите глагол в форме простого прошедшего времени.

Model: Tom usually gets up at 7.30. Yesterday he also got up at 7.30.

1. Tom usually wakes up early. Yesterday morning …

2. George usually walks to work. Yesterday …

3. Mary is usually late for classes. Yesterday …

4. We usually go out in the evening. Yesterday evening …

5. The lecturer usually tells many interesting things. At yesterday’s lecture …

6. She usually spends much on clothes. Last month …

7. Usually I don’t understand his English. When I met him last …


III. Заполните пропуски глаголами в соответствующей форме из упражнения1.

1. I was hungry, so I … something to eat in the shop.

2. Dick … down the stairs this morning and … his leg.

3. We needed some money, so we … our car.

4. Jim … the fall to Sue who … it.

5. I … badly last night, so all day I … a headache.

6. We … many interesting people at the conference.

7. She … for Paris on Monday.


IV. Преобразуйте предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные.

Model: Bob came home late.

Did he come home late?

When did he come home?

He didn’t come home late.

1. She gave them her dictionary.

2. He took a shower.

3. She spoke English fluently.

4. They all heard the song.

5. Ann made good progress in English.

6. The boys knew where to go.

7. You thought he was right.

8. It troubled me very much.

9. We discussed it at the seminar.


V. Расспросите друга о его путешествии, используя приведенные слова.

Model: where / go – Where did you go?

food / good – Was the food good?

1. how long / stay there?

2. stay in a hotel?

3. go alone?

4. how / travel?

5. the weather / fine?

6. what / do in the evenings?

7. meet any interesting people?

Подготовьте диалог о реальном или воображаемом путешествии.


VI. Употребите глагол в правильной форме простого прошедшего времени. Переведите предложения.

Model: I didn’t go (not / go) to work yesterday because I wasn’t (not / be) very well.

1. Tom (not / shave) this morning because he (not / have) time.

2. We (not / eat) anything because we (not / be) hungry.

3. I (not / rush) because I (not / be) in a hurry.

4. She (not / be) interested in the book because she (not / understand) it.

5. The detective (not / interview) witnesses at the crime scene. He (decide) to invite them to the office.

6. We (not / attend) the lectures last week because we (take part) in the sport competition.


VII. Исправьте следующие утверждения, используя слова в скобках.

1. Marconi invented the telephone (the radio).

2. Gustave Eiffel built the Statue of Liberty (the Eiffel Tower).

3. Marilyn Monroe died in 1990 (1962).

4. Marie and Pierre Curie discovered penicillin (radium).

5. Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated Martin Luther King (John F. Kennedy).

6. Agatha Christie wrote children’s stories (detective stories).


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