II. Pronounce the following words correctly 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


II. Pronounce the following words correctly


Учебное пособие для развития навыков чтения и понимания литературы на английском языке



Издательство ОмГТУ

УДК 004.9:811.111(075)

ББК 32.81 + 81.2 Англ-923






Т.В. Ощепкова, канд.филол.наук, доцент ОмГПУ

Т.А. Новикова, доктор пед.наук, профессор ОмГУПС



Кондратюкова Л.К.

К64 Информационные технологии: учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов II курса (ДО) ФИТиКС / Л.К. Кондратюкова, Т.В. Акулинина. – Омск: Изд-во ОмГТУ, 2010. - с.




Учебное пособие содержит оригинальные тексты по специальности на английском языке для студентов второго курса дневного отделения факультета информационных технологий и компьютерных систем. Каждый раздел содержит познавательный материал для изучения терминологии и обучения разным видам чтения, направленный на систематизацию, расширение и практическое применение приобретённых знаний, умений и навыков работы с оригинальной научно-технической литературой по специальности «Информационные технологии».


Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета

Омского государственного технического университета

УДК 004.9:811.111(075)

ББК 32.81 + 81.2 Англ-923

ISBN © ГОУ ВПО Омский государственный

технический университет», 2010


Целью данного пособия является развитие навыков чтения и понимания оригинальной литературы на английском языке по специальности «Информационные технологии». При отборе текстового материала в качестве основного критерия послужила информативная ценность текстов и их соответствие интересам студентов данной специальности.

Структура работы и приводимые в ней материалы соответствуют поставленной цели. Пособие состоит из трёх частей и приложения. Первая часть содержит учебные тексты и упражнения (предтекстовые и послетекстовые), направленные на овладение базовой терминологией по специальности и повторение грамматического материала в объеме, предусмотренном программой. Вторая часть включает в себя профессионально-ориентированные тексты для аналитического чтения, ряд упражнений, нацеленных на усвоение научно-технической терминологии и овладение навыками аннотирования и реферирования оригинальных источников. Третья часть содержит оригинальные тексты для домашнего чтения с последующим аннотированием и реферированием. В приложении приводится глоссарий аббревиатур и акронимов, а так же основные штампы для составления аннотаций на английском и русском языках. Структура каждого урока включает в себя вокабуляр, который закрепляется упражнениями, оригинальные тексты и комплекс упражнений, направленных на усвоение навыков и умений коммуникации. Каждый урок завершается контрольными заданиями.




Grammar, Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect Passive. Modal Verbs and Their Equivalents. Gerund. There Be.

Text A. Information, Machine Words, Instructions, Addresses and Reasonable Operations.



I. Read the international words and guess their meaning:

character; reaction; to react; instruction; register; code; bit; byte; typically: group; address; magnetic; polarize; differentiation; integration; binary; basic; physically; physical; selection; to sort; separate; standard; correct




1. numerical quantities - численные значения (величины)

2. Most human beings could not take even 12-digit number per second - Большинство людей не смогли бы воспринять даже 12-значное число в секунду

3. just like a post office box - точно так же как почтовый ящик

4. their respective addresses might be the numbers - их соответственные адреса могли бы быть числами



IV. Find the equivalents:

1. numerical measurements 1. физическое оборудование
2. by using physical analogs 2. скорость в секунду
3. the binary system 3. численные величины
4. any information 4. численные измерения
5. other physical variables 5. двоичная система
6. numerical quantities 6. любая информация
7. a speed per second 7. один из способов
8. physical equipment 8. особая ячейка памяти
9. one of the ways 9. используя физические аналоги
10. a particular memory cell 10. другие физические переменные


V. Arrange (a) synonyms and (b) antonyms in pairs and translate them:

a) to perform; to compute; to take in; a figure; to arrange; to show; to carry out; a digit; to calculate; little; to display; small; to receive; to position; instruction; data; location; command; information; cell

b) inside; to the right; addition; multiplication: simple; to the left; division; outside; small; complex; big; subtraction; differentiating; at the right; integrating; at the left; the right-hand column; the left-hand column


VI. Form nouns from the verbs by adding suffixes:


M о d e l: to equip - equipment

to arrange, to require, to measure, to state, to develop


M о d e l: to divide - division

to decide, to include, to conclude, to exclude


M о d e 1: to direct - direction

to subtract, to select, to react, to construct, to act


M о d e 1: to compute - computation

to inform, to combine, to determine, to represent, to polarize

VII. Complete the following sentences:

1. Information is a set of marks or signs that.... 2. Reasonable operations are.... 3. Logical operations include.... 4. A very important logical operation is.... 5. Physically the set of bits is a set of arrangements of some.... 6. Determining means which of two operations is to be performed.... 7. The computer must be told exactly which address contains... and which contains.... 8. The computer is told what operations to perform by means of.... 9. Any information may be represented by the binary systems including two digits:... and.... 10. A bit is the smallest part of....


VIII. Memorize the following definitions:

1. Information is a set of marks or signs that have meaning. 2. Reasonable operations are mathematical and logical operations. 3. Mathematical operations include arithmetic and algebraic operations. 4. The smallest unit of information for a computer is called a byte. A byte consists of eight bits. 5. The word "bit" is formed from the letter "b" in the word "binary" and two letters "it" in the word "digit".


IX. Answer the following questions:

1. What is information? 2. What does a set of marks consist of? 3. What is one of the ways of storing information in a computer? 4. What is a byte? 5. What is a bit? 6. How many bits does a byte usually contain? 7. What is an instruction? 8. By means of what is the computer told what operations to perform? 9. What are machine words? 10. What does a machine word consist of? 11. What are ad­dresses? 12. What are reasonable operations? 13. What do mathe­matical operations include? 14. What do logical operations include? 15. In what system is information represented for the modern electronic computer? 16. What are the two basic types of words that are put into a memory?


X. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in bold type:

a) 1. What kind of computer was it? - It was a digital computer. 2. The computer can perform different kinds of operations. 3. This kind of logical problem is very simple. 4. Will you kindly explain to us the operation of this kind of machine? 5. Be so kind, show us the new equipment.

b) 1. As you already know logical relations in a computer are expressed by hardware. 2. As the ordinary business adding machine has the special equipment inside it, it can store information. 3. An electronic computer can add, subtract, multiply, and divide as well. 4. Natural sciences include mathematics, physics, chemistry, medicine, geology, biology, bionics, as well as the engineering sciences and other fields of knowledge. 5. As our professor was speaking of the
history of computers, he mentioned P.L. Chebyshev and his great inventions. 6. My friend works at a plant as an engineer.

c) 1. Progressive people everywhere in the world must fight for peace. 2. Yesterday we heard an interesting lecture on modern electronics which was arranged for the students. 3. He asked me for a book on microcomputers' organization. 4. The first computing machines were not reliable (надежный), for there were no good electrical units. 5. The instructions are placed inside the computer, for the computer itself can select the numbers of instructions.

XI. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the predicates in the Passive Voice:

1. These digits are easily multiplied. 2. I was asked many questions about my work. 3. They were explained how to solve this problem on a computer. 4. The sequence of reasonable operations has been performed by the computer. 5. The new department of mathematics has just been opened. 6. Many books on computers' organization and architecture had been translated from Russian into English by the end of last year. 7. The experiments on the new microcomputer were being carried out during the whole month. 8. All the digits are recorded on the paper tape when addition is performed. 9. The new key adding machine was transferred into the next room yesterday. 10. The sequence of reasonable operations is now being carried out by this microcomputer. 11. The conference was addressed by a well-known scientist. 12. The invention of computers was spoken of at the last lecture. 13. Modern personal computers are always looked at with interest. 14. Many new branches of industry have been developed in our country since World War II.


XII. Fill in the blanks with the verbs given below. Use them in the Passive Voice:

to express; to carry out; to invent; to record; to polarize; to tell; to store; to represent; to require; to construct

1. All the digits inside the hardware... by the arranging of the special equipment. 2. Complex calculations... with the help of a computer. 3. A special counter wheel (счетное колесо) for an arithmometer... by a Russian engineer V.T. Ordner in 1874. 4. The answers of computations... often in the form of tables. 5. Small spots on a surface inside a computer... magnetically. 6. By means of instruction any computer... what operations to perform. 7. All instructions... in registers, the units of hardware. 8. Any information... by the binary system. 9. Numbers or instructions... lor solving a problem by a computer. 10. Several computing units... by M.V. Lomonosov for computational science.


XIII. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the modal verbs and their equivalents:

1. Information or data can be stored in the computer's memory or storage. 2. An analog computer is able to calculate by using physical analogs of numerical measurements. 3. The first automatic computers could operate at the low speed. 4. Your paper may be published at our Institute. 5. My friend was happy when at last he might work at the computing centre. 6. Our students are allowed to visit the computing centre to see the operation of the computer ES-1045. 7. Every student must know that a digital computer performs reasonable operations. 8. Some operations for this computer have to be changed and new instructions have to be added. 9. The instructions are recorded in the order in which they are to be carried out. 10. You should know the difference between the digital and analog computers. 11. We ought to help him to solve this problem by a personal computer. 12. According to (согласно) the time-table you are to begin your classes at 8 o'clock. 13. Every student of our speciality has to know what a hybrid computer is. 14. We were permitted to attend the conference on cybernetics.


XIV. Find the sentences in which the verbs 'to have' and 'to be' are translated as «должен»:

1. This ordinary adding machine has ten keys for each column of digits. 2. The main task of this article was to show the Results of research work. 3. This personal computer has been constructed at our lab. 4. The lecture was to begin at 9 o'clock. 5. Our aim is to study hard and master our speciality. 6. Our lab assistant has to construct this electronic device (прибор). 7. The general purpose of this unit (block) is to perform different arithmetic operations. 8. The participants of the scientific conference are to arrive tomorrow. 9. You have to remember the names of the scientists who have contributed to the development of your speciality. 10. The results of the experiment have carefully been checked up today.


XV. Translate the following sentences paying attention to 'there + to be':

l. There are many universities and institutes in our country. 2. There is a students' scientific and technical society at our Institute. 3. There are various computers at our computing centre. 4. There were only four faculties in our Institute before the World War II. 5. There will be some engineers at the seminar on programming tomorrow. 6. There is a seminar on the History of our Motherland today. 7. There was a lecture on cybernetics yesterday. 8. There were many ways of solving the problem. 9. There are many complex parts and units in every computer. 10. There will be some new laboratories in our Institute next year.


XVI. State the functions of the Gerund. Translate the sentences:

1. Logical operations consist of comparing, selecting, sorting, matching, and determining. 2. The way of solving this problem is very difficult. 3. After performing calculations a computer displays a result. 4. A set of marks or signs can be stored by polarizing little spots on a magnetic surface. 5. Differentiating and integrating are algebraic operations. 6. Registers are used for storing information. 7. Blaze Pascal's merit consists in his constructing the first mechanical computer. 8. By performing the reasonable operations on a computer we solve different kinds of problems for our national economy.

XVII. Translate into English using the Gerund:

1. Одним из способов хранения информации внутри вычислительной машины является хранение с помощью ряда поляризованных точек на магнитной поверхности. 2. Путем размещения специальных устройств внутри вычислительной машины можно хранить информацию. 3. Возведение в степень и извлечение квадратного корня - математические операции. 4. Компьютер используется для решения сложных задач.




Grammar. The Infinitive and Its Constructions. Emphatic Construction 'It is (was)...

that (who, which)...

Text A. Input and Output Units.

Text B. Terms.

Text B'. Reliability.


I. Read the following international words and guess their meaning:

active; passive; practical; problem; programming; experiment; to consult; form; regularly; to construct; arithmometer; to control; peripheral; efficient; buffer; pulse; impulse; communication; interesting; to operate; functional; minute; record; line; factor; process


II. Pronounce the following words correctly:

input n ввод; входное устройство; вход accept v принимать (информацию)
device n устройство; прибор, механизм; элемент provide v обеспечивать; снабжать; давать means n pl средство communication n связь; сообщение message n сообщение; передаваемый блок информации vary v менять(ся) according to phr cj согласно capacity n способность; емкость auxiliary а вспомогательный; дополнительный rate n скорость; степень; норма; коэффициент; частота control v управлять; контролировать purpose n цель; намерение; назначение north-south север – юг vice-versa и наоборот output n вывод; выходное устройство; выход acceptable а приемлемый speed n скорость; быстродействие consequently adv следовательно tremendous а огромный release v освобождать ratio n отношение; коэффициент; соотношение advantage n преимущество


III. Memorize the following word combinations:

the means of communication - средство связи

punched holes and blanks - перфорированные отверстия и пробе­лы

a punched tape - перфолента

a human being - человек

data-handing equipment - оборудование по управлению данными

a high-speed line-printer - высокоскоростное построчно-печатающее устройство

a factor of advantage - коэффициент преимущества

the peripheral or auxiliary devices - вспомогательные устройства

the proper speed - надлежащая скорость



1. the input unit makes possible communication from the other data-handing equipment and human being - блок ввода позволяет установить связь от другого оборудования по управлению данными и человеком

2. of a keyboard operated tape punch - ленточного перфоратора, работающего от клавишного пульта


IV. Find the equivalents:

1. the input of a computer 1. наличие и отсутствие
2. an auxiliary equipment 2. перфорированные отверстия
3. at the rate of 3. устройство вывода
4. a high-speed line-printer 4. высокоскоростное построчно-печатающее устройство
5. for efficient use 5. коэффициент преимущества
6. a storage device 6. со скоростью
7. a factor of advantage 7. для эффективного использования
8. the output unit 8. вспомогательное оборудование
9. punched holes 9. устройство ввода компьютера
10. presence and absence 10. запоминающее устройство


V. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1. A computer can record... magnetic tape... the rate... 1,000,000 characters... second. 2. As compared... the computer the auxiliary or peripheral equipment is rather slow. 3. A human being can write... hand... the rate... 30 words... minute. 4. the capacity... the peripheral equipment receiving information the output... a computer varies very much. 5. A factor... advantage... the computer compared... a human being is... 10,000... 1


VI. Complete the following sentences:

1. The peripheral equipment is slow as compared with.... 2. Devices called buffers may be used for efficient use of the computer's.... 3. A human being is known to type at the rate.... 4. The ratio between a computer speed and the output speed of a human being gives a factor of... ю a computer. 5. The input unit accepts the data... and programs for....


VII. Memorize the following definitions:

1. Input unit is a section of the computer which accepts information from outside the computer. 2. Output is device or devices which put out information of the computer. 3. Buffers are storage devices accepting information at a very high speed from the computer and releasing information at the proper speed for the peripheral equipment.


VIII. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the general purpose of the input unit? 2. How may the l's and 0's be expressed for the computer? 3. What is the general purpose of the output unit? 4. What does the peripheral equipment consist of? 5. What is the general purpose of a buffer? 6. What is the ratio between a computer's speed and the top output speed of a human being? 7. What do you usually call input and output devices?

IX. Form adverbs from adjectives by adding the suffix '-ly':

easy; reasonable; usual; special; physical; functional; subsequent; consequent


X. Form nouns from verbs by adding the suffixes '-er\ '-or':

to work; to invent; to compose; to calculate; to operate; to act; to react; to receive; to transmit; to select; to use; to combine


XI. Arrange (a) synonyms and (b) antonyms in pairs and translate them:

a) speed; peripheral; to control; to write; auxiliary; to do; to receive; rate; to record; to get; to make; to handle; device; unit; instruction; part; to accept; command; section; information; data; to take in

b) to add; presence; hole; input; north; to multiply; to divide; binary; south; output; blank; absence; to subtract

XII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Infinitive:

1. The assistant came to instruct students how to handle instructions. 2. The assistant came to be instructed by the professor. 3. The main purpose of the computers is to solve complex problems. 4. To perform reasonable operations a computer must have a way of accepting data. 5. To add and to subtract means to perform mathematical operations. 6. P.L. Chebyshev, a Russian scientist, was the first to construct an arithmometer. 7. The input unit to be described here is a new device. 8. Punched holes in a card or a paper tape are used to represent l's and O's. 9. To carry out the instruction, the computer must accept the data in the form of punched holes and blanks. 10. In order to program in a good way, the programmer needs detailed data about the program and the way it is to be done.


XIII. State the functions of the Infinitive and translate the sentences:

a) 1. To do the program the programmer must have a good understanding of the problem for the computer. 2. To do the program for a computer is the main duty of a programmer. 3. The programmer must do a program to give accurate instructions - to the computer. 4. Electric typewriters are very slow and are used only by operators to communicate with a computer. 5. To make possible communication from a human being and a computer is the main purpose of the input unit.

b) 1. The experiments to be carried out will be very important.2. M.V. Lomonosov was the first to receive the higher education among peasants in Russia. 3. Information to be computed is stored usually in registers - units of hardware. 4. The machine to operate with the keys is named an ordinary adding machine. 5. A sequence of reasonable operations to be performed will be done by computer "M-220". 6. The programmer to do the program for a computer must have a good knowledge of mathematics.


XIV. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Subjective Infinitive. Construction:

1. The input and output units are known to be the parts of a computer. 2. The human being seems not to be able to add or to multiply without using auxiliary devices such as pencil and paper. 3. Historically, linear programming proved to be especially effective in analyzing industrial processes. 4. This type of the output unit is said to use a punched paper tape. 5. Devices for accepting information are said to have been described in some magazines. 6. Automated Management Systems are known to have appeared quite recently. 7. Our programmers are known to be studying the theory of programming. 8. In ancient (древний) times the sun was thought to be revolving round the Earth. 9. Y.A. Gagarin is known to be the first cosmonaut who made an orbital flight around the Earth. 10. The French mathematician Pascal is known to construct the first mechanical computer.


XV. Translate the following sentences with the emphatic construction it is (was)... that (who, which, when)...:

1. It is electrical engineering that deals with (иметь дело с) all kinds of electrical instruments and devices. 2. It was the invention of the computer that revolutionized the thinking process. 3. It was in 1944 when the first automatic computer appeared and began to operate. 4. It is an input unit that accepts information from outside the computer. 5. It was B. Pascal who invented the first mechanical computer. 6. It is our country which launched the first man into the outer space. 7. It is in industrial technology and scientific development that electronic devices contributed greatly. 8. It was Norbert Wiener who was considered to be the father of cybernetics.


XVI. Find the equivalents to the following Russian sentence:

Именно П.Л. Чебышев в России в 1882 году изобрел первый арифмометр, выполняющий автоматически умножение и деление.

1. It was in 1882 when P.L. Chebyshev invented the first arithmometer performing automatically multiplication and division. 2. It was in.Russia where P.L. Chebyshev invented the first arithmometer performing automatically multiplication and division. 3. It was P.L. Chebyshev who invented in Russia in 1882 the first arithmometer performing automatically multiplication and division. 4. It was the first arithmometer performing automatically multiplication and division that was invented in Russia by P.L. Chebyshev.


XVII. Read Text В and translate it without a dictionary. Express its contents in Russian:




The special terms of any subject are the keys to understanding it. The special terms of the field of computers are accordingly the keys to understand this field.

Among (среди) the many special terms in any field of knowledge there are two kinds: those that are essential (существенный), that convey (передавать) the key ideas of the subject to a person interested in understanding it; and those that are helpful but not essential. An example of the first kind of terms in the computer field is "binary notation" (двоичное исчисление); it would be very hard to understand much1 in the field of computers without knowing the meaning of "binary notation". An example of the second kind is "minimum latency programming"; for many purposes it is not necessary to know exactly (точно) what this term means.



1. it would be very hard to understand much - было бы очень трудно понять многое

2. minimum latency programming - минимальное скрытое программирование




The first automatic computers of the 1940's were not reliable. The equipment of which they were made had not been accurate and reliable. The programmer for the problem usually had to program the check (проверка) by doing the same operation in another way. For example, in multiplication A times В he used the equipment from В times A, and so both (обе) operations might be programmed, and then the computer was given an instruction to compare the results. If a difference in results was more than a tolerance (допуск), the machine was stopped, and the operator in charge of (ответственный за) the computer and the mathematician in charge of the program consulted on how to get rid (избавиться) of the error (ошибка).

Those days have long since gone. Now computers can operate with extraordinary (чрезвычайный) reliability, with as many as a billion or ten billions operations between errors. Automatic checking of different kinds is built into the machine.




Grammar. The Participle. The Absolute Participle Constructions.

Text A. Memory or Storage Unit.

Text B. The Floppy and Winchester Disks.

Text B'. Bubble Memory


I. Read the international words and guess their meaning:

final; base; container; register; object; subject; transmission; million; billion; disk; serial; series; track; resistor; transistor;

millisecond; nanosecond; reaction; concentric; integration; technology; bipolar; diode; diameter; result; to generate; element


II. Pronounce the following words correctly:

storage n запоминающее устройство (ЗУ); память fast а быстрый, скорый circuit n схема; цепь; контур
intermediate а промежуточный integer n целое число
Final а окончательный; конечный differ v отличаться, различаться
generate v генерировать; (вос)производить development n разработка; развитие semiconductor n полупроводник
access n обращение (к памяти); доступ; выборка (из памяти) creation n создание density n плотность; концентрация
require v требовать allocation n размещение;
transmit v передавать распределение
use n использование; v использовать chip n чип; кристалл
quantity n количество; величина achievement n достижение
hold v держать; удерживать; проводить layer n слой microcomputer n микрокомпьютер
external а внешний, наружный primary a первичный, первоначальный
similar а подобный, похожий permanent а постоянный
circle n круг, окружность programmable а программируемый
internal а внутренний erasable а стираемый
main а главный, основной firmware n программноаппаратное
core n сердечник; память на магнитных сердечниках обеспечение, встроенное в компьютер фирмой
inch n дюйм (2,5 см) slow а медленный


III. Memorize the following word combinations:

during the course of a computation - во время вычисления

an access time - время обращения (к памяти)

a floppy disk - гибкий диск

a series of concentric circles - ряд концентрических окружностей

a read/write head - считывающая - записывающая головка

internal (main) memory - оперативная память (ОЗУ)

a film memory device - ЗУ на тонких пленках

general-purpose registers - регистры общего назначения

floating-point registers - регистры с плавающей точкой

control registers - регистры управления

either... or... - или..., или; либо..., либо

both... and... - как..., так и...; и..., и...

in the latter - в последнем (из двух упомянутых)

by spraying layers - путем напыления слоев




IV. Find the equivalents:

1. the numbers to be operated on 1. числа с плавающей точкой
2. a magnetic core 2. самые последние достижения
3- an access time 3. напылением слоев
4. a computer's memory 4. во время обработки
5. intermediate results 5. крупномасштабная интеграция
6. Large Scale Integration 6. магнитный сердечник
7. during processing 7. память компьютера
8. by spraying layers 8. промежуточные результаты
9. the latest achievements 9. время обращения
10. floating-point numbers 10. числа, которые будут обрабатываться


V. Memorize the following definitions:

1. Memory unit is a part of a computer which stores information. 2. The memory access time is the time required to transmit one computer word out of the memory to where it will be used. 3. The capacity of a computer memory is the quantity of data that the memory unit can hold.


VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the general purpose of the memory or storage unit? 2. What information is stored in the computer memory? 3. Where is information stored inside the computer? 4. What is the memory access time? 5. What ways of memorizing words in a computer do you know? 6. What has led to creation of memories on LSI circuits? 7. What are the latest achievements of modern electronics? 8. What memories are used in microcomputers?


VII. What do you call a unit which:

1) accepts information from outside a computer? 2) memorizes information to be operated on? 3) brings information out of the computer? 4) is able to take in information at the very high speed from a computer and then release it at the proper speed for the peripheral equipment?


VIII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in bold type:

a) 1. Every student must know that reasonable operations are logical and mathematical operations. 2. His experiment is simpler than that of yours. 3. The capabilities of a digital computer are greater than those of an analog computer. 4. It is clear that these diagrams are like those shown in Fig. 4.

b) 1. As science progresses the difference between man-made systems and natural systems may be reduced infinitely (бесконечно). 2. As you know information is a set of marks that have meaning. 3. As new operations can be composed of sub-operations, no new programming is needed. 4. The development of computers as machines for handling information has gone a long way. 5. As is known, program is a set of instructions.

c) 1. One of these problems has been solved by a computer. 2. By means of a computer one can easily solve any problem. 3. There is only one solution, the one stated above, when n and m are equal 4. One should remember all these rules, while solving a problem.


IX. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the form and function
of the Participle:

1. The input unit consists of some devices using different means. 2. Performing addition the computer must have two numbers to be added. 3. When pressing the keys the operator makes the adding machine operate. 4. The operator pressing the keys makes the adding machine operate. 5. A device invented by the German mathematician Leibnitz could control automatically the amount of adding to be performed by a given digit. 6. Logical operations performed by a computer are comparing, selecting, sorting, and determining. 7. Discussing the advantages of the new memory unit the professor gave the students all the necessary explanations. 8. Having punched holes in a card the operator put it into the computer. 9. When passed through the reading equipment the characters are read in a way similar to a way used for a magnetic tape. 10. The density of memorizing elements in MOS memory is very high.


X. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Absolute Participle Construction:

1. The first automatic computers of the 1940's not being very reliable, scientists went on improving them. 2. Specialists use computers widely, the latter helping in performing computations at great speeds. 3. Personal computers being used for many put poses, scientists go on improving their characteristics. 4. The computer SM-100 is used in industrial processes and scientific researches, its main function being to carry out reasonable operations with numbers and to calculate complex problems. 5. With the current on, the computer automatically begins operating. 6. A printer's line is usually between 60 and 150 characters long, with 120 characters being a common length.

XI. Find the sentences in which the Absolute Participle Construction is used:

1. Register R storing the code for number 3, the computer will perform the operation 3 times. 2. When storing the code for number 3 register R makes the computer perform the operation 3 times. 3. The computer performs the operation 3 times, the code for number 3 being stored in one of the registers. 4.The register storing the code for number 3 is arranged in the computer's - memory. 5. The code for number 3 being stored in register R, the operation will be performed by the computer 3 times.


XII. Read Text В without a dictionary. Express its contents by 3-4 sentences:



Bubble memory is a storage for programs and information. It is astorage technology which combines both semiconductor and magnetic recording techniques to create a solid state storage device.

Bubble memory is unique, because it is a disk that doesn't spin. The bits on the surface spin around the disk instead. Bubble memory units are only two square inches in size, and contain a thin film recording layer. The bits, called bubbles of their globular shape, are electromagnetically generated in circular strings inside this layer. In order to read or write the bubbles, the strings of bubbles are made to rotate past the equivalent (the string of bubbles) of a read/write head in a disk.

Bubble memory holds its contents without power, like disk and tape. It is considerably faster than floppy disks and many hard disks. It is often used in portable terminals and computers instead of disks.



1. bubble memory - память на магнитных доменах (пузырьковая память)

2. techniques - технические приемы

3. solid state - полупроводниковый

4. to spin - вращаться

5. their globular shape - их округлая форма

6. string - цепочка; последовательность

7. considerably - значительно

8. portable terminals - портативные терминалы




Grammar. Revision of Non-Finite Forms of the Verb.

Text A. Central Processing Unit.

Text B. Six Computer Generations.



I. Read the international words and guess their meaning:

nerve; system; to coordinate; to control; activity; central; processor; separate; section; role; to discuss; function; to interpret; actual; interpretation; signal; to decode; generator; automatically; accumulator; argument; decoder


II. Pronounce the following words correctly:

activity n деятельность sequentially adv последовательно
apply v применять; прилагать, прикладывать design n проект, конструкция; v проектировать; конструировать
execute v выполнять; осуществлять happen v случаться
carry out v выполнять; проводить process n процесс; v обрабатывать transfer v передавать; переносить; выполнять команду перехода
load n нагрузка; загрузка; ввод; v загружать hence adv следовательно involve v включать в себя; вовлекать
convenient а удобный argument n аргумент
consider v считать; полагать; рассматривать accumulator n накапливающий сумматор
previous а предыдущий; предшествующий refer v (to) относить(ся); ссылаться (на) facilitate v облегчать; способствовать
obtain v получать; достигать contents n pl содержимое; содержание
accomplish v выполнять; совершать relate v относиться; иметь отношение
separate v разделять; отделять record n запись; регистрация; v
sense v считывать; воспринимать записывать
cause v заставлять; причинять; вызывать choose v выбирать


III. Memorize the following word combinations:

a central processor - центральный процессор

a control unit - блок управления

a control generator - генератор управления

an instruction decoder - дешифратор команд

an instruction register - регистр команд

a current-address register - регистр текущего адреса

an arithmetic and logic unit - арифметическое/логическое устройство

at the proper time - в надлежащее время

control signals - сигналы управления

in its turn - в свою очередь

on the basis of - на основе

at a time - за одно время (одновременно)

what to do next - что делать дальше

in this way - таким образом

while an instruction is being executed - во время выполнения команды



1. during the time control signals are being set up - во время формирования сигналов управления

2. The reason for this is related to the fact - Причина этого заключена в том




IV. Find in (b) the Russian equivalents to the English words and combinations in (a):

a) hence; for example; according to; by means of; i.e.; etc.; always; just; on the other hand; since; any; in its turn; sometimes; the same; while; in this way; instead (of); usually

b) то есть, например; всегда; только что; с другой стороны; так как; в свою очередь; иногда; тот же самый; любой; следовательно; и так далее; в то время как; таким образом; вместо; согласно; обычно; посредством


V. Arrange synonyms in pairs:

semiconductor technology; to execute; to write; to control; memory to sense to choose; to form; to feel; storage; to store; to set up; to handle; solid-state technology; to perform; to keep; to select; research; to put in; investigation


VI. Complete the following sentences:

1. The arithmetic/logic unit is capable of.... 2. The access time is the time required for transmitting one computer... out of the... to where it.... 3. The actual- computations are executed in a central .... 4. The part of the control that interprets the instruction is called.... 5. The part of the control that generates the control signals is called.... 6. The control signals choose the proper numbers from and send them to... at the proper time.


VII. Memorize the following definitions:

1. The CPU is the nerve centre of any computer since it coordinates and controls the activities of all the other units. 2. The arithmetic/logic unit is that part of the CPU in which the actual computations take place. 3. The control unit is that part of the CPU which obtains instructions from the memory, interprets them and generates the control signals. 4. The instruction decoder is the part of the control unit which interprets or decodes the instruction. 5. The control generator is the part of the control unit which generates the control signals. 6. The instruction register is the part of the instruction decoder in which the address of current instruction is stored. 7. The current-address register is the second special memory cell located in the instruction decoder. 8. The accumulator is the special memory cell in the arithmetic/logic unit in which the result is formed before it is transferred back to the memory unit.


VIII. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the general purpose and function of the CPU? 2. How many parts is the CPU composed of? 3. What is the general purpose of the control? 4. What is the arithmetic/logic unit? 5. What is the instruction decoder? 6. What is the general function of the control generator? 7. What happens in the CPU while an instruction is being executed? 8. What is the accumulator? 9. Where is the accumulator located? 10. Where are the instruction register and the current address register located? IX. What do you call a unit which:

1) interprets instructions? 2) senses the interpretation of instructions and produces control signals? 3) performs mathematical and logical operations? 4) chooses the proper numbers from the internal memory and sends them to the arithmetic/logic unit at the proper time? 5) obtains instructions from the main memory, interprets them and accomplishes the actual operations?


IX. Compare:

a) a memory and a CPU; b) an accumulator and an instruction decoder; c) an arithmetic/logic unit and a control unit


X. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the objective infinitive constructions and for-phrases with the Infinitive:

1. Our engineers want the complex problems to be solved by computers. In the laboratory we saw the perforator punch holes in the cards of standard size. 3. It is quite necessary for the programmer to understand the work of all units of a computer. 4. We watched the floppy disk begin to operate. 5. The speed of the computer may be found by measuring the time which is required for it to transmit one word out of the memory to where it will be used. 6. We asked the lab assistant to show us the computer operate. 7. There is a good reason for us to use this kind of the bubble memory in a personal computer. 8. Information has to be in the form of digits or characters for a digital computer to perform reasonable operations.


XI. Define the infinitive constructions and translate the sentences:

1. We know B. Pascal to be the first inventor of the mechanical computer. 2. B. Pascal is known to be the first inventor of the mechanical computer. 3. In the middle of the 17th century it was possible for B. Pascal to invent only the mechanical computer. 4. The possibility for the problem to be solved is illustrated by the given formula. 5. Human beings seem to be able to find facts or even logical consequence of facts in their memory according to association. 6. The magnetic recording is done on a disk which permits an information to be stored or read at one or several points on it. 7. The students were explained the high-speed memory unit to use the LSI circuits. 8. For results to be obtained an instruction has first been put into a computer.


XII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the informs:

1. According to the principles of their work computers are subdivided into three parts: analog, digital, and hybrid. 2. When applying mathematical methods to the solving of technical problems engineers are most often interested in obtaining a finite numerical results. 3. Proper relation between theory and practice must be observed in training young specialists. 4. Mathematical tables are necessary aids (необходимые средства) for performing computational work. 5. The students get the practical training when they are working at various plants. 6. When performing the problems in mathematical practice, the students use desk calculators such as arithmometers, key computing machines and slide rules (логарифмическая линейка). 7. In modern computers LSI circuits and RAM/ROM memories are used for executing sophisticated (усложненный) operations. 8. A memory unit is used for storing information. 9. Electronics being used not only in industry but in many other fields of human activity as well, one should have an idea of what it is. 10. The processing of messages can be performed sequentially, i.e., a new task is not given until the current one is completed. 11. Having conducted many experiments scientists proved that electricity had an atomic character. 12. The fast electronic machines, such as microcomputers, are effective for carrying out complicated (сложный) computations.


XIV. Read Text В and translate it with a dictionary. Write a short summary:



Grammar. Revision of the Non-Finite Forms of the Verb.

Text A. Microcomputer and Microprocessor Design.

Text B. RAM and ROM.




I. Read the international words and guess their meaning:

electronics; microcomputer; microprocessor; chip; function; system; application; intelligent; evolution; revolution; combination; personal; maximum; minimum; individual; industrial; product; limited; attraction; type; component; compact; to orient


II. Pronounce the following words correctly:

invent – изобретать single – один; единый tiny – крошечный application – применение; использование sophisticated – усложнённый; тонкий occur – случаться; происходить inexpensive – недорогой, дешёвый implement – выполнять, осуществлять complete – полный mainframe – центральный блок обработки данных consumer – потребитель ability – способность; умение fetch – вызывать, выбирать counter – счётчик increment – приращение, инкремент; увеличивать(ся)
significantly – значительно; существенно reduce – уменьшать; сокращать cost – стоимость, цена support - обеспечивать user – пользователь; абонент increase – увеличивать supply – источник; питание retain – удерживать; сохранять allow – позволять, разрешать variety – разнообразие; (of) ряд, множество capability – способность; возможности reside – размещать(ся) в памяти appear - появляться appliance –устройство, приспособление; прибор attraction – привлекательность; притяжение junction – переход; плоскостной транзистор available – доступный; имеющийся в наличии; пригодный conventional – обычный; общепринятый


III. Memorize the following words and word combination:

since - так как; с тех пор как; когда; с; со

large (small) scale - крупномасштабный, большой

assembly line - линия сборки

a personal computer- персональный компьютер

a user terminal - терминал пользователя

64 kb of memory - память объёмом 64 килобайта

power supply - электропитание; подача энергии

in addition to - кроме того, дополнительно к
just as so …- точно так же как …, так и …

moreover - более того



innovation - новшество

an impact – зд. влияние

Powered by tiny semiconductor chips – Приводимые в действие крошечными полупроводниковыми кристаллами (чипами)

literally - буквально

”intelligent” – “умный” (зд, применительно к вычислительной машине)

product development - зд. выпуск продукции

in conclusion – в заключение

micro = microcomputer – микрокомпьютер

Josephson-junction memory – запоминающее устройство с переходом Джозефсона (прогрессивная технология изготовления полупроводниковых кристаллов (чипов)пересечением слоев сверхпроводящих металлов)




IV. For the nouns in column II find suitable attributes in column I and translate:


1.user 1. computer

2. power 2. lines

3. “intelligent” 3. products

4. large-scale 4. terminal

5. permanent 5. supply

6. assembly 6. peripherals

7. consumer 7. storage

8. tiny 8. counter

9. program 9. semiconductor chips

10. computing 10. microprocessor

11. single-chip 11. element


V. Find the Russian equivalents to the following English word combinations:

1. no single innovation; 2. the ability to fetch; 3. a variety of control functions; 4. more powerful; 5. mainframes and peripheral devices; 6. a limited set of instructions; 7. 8-bit microcomputers; 8. significantly reduce the time and cost; 9. to retain data; 10. in addition to; 11. an individual user; 12. a personal computer; 13. literally thousands of applications; 14. a standard component

1. персональный компьютер; 2. кроме того; 3. стандартный элемент; 4. удерживать данные; 5. множество функций управления; 6. ограниченный набор команд; 7. большие компьютеры и периферийные устройства; 8. способность выбирать (команду из памяти); 9. разрядные микрокомпьютеры; 10. индивидуальный пользователь; 11. более мощный; 12. значительно уменьшают время и стоимость; 13. буквально тысячи применений; 14. ни одно новшество


VI. Memorize the following definitions:

1. A microcomputer is a small scale computer using a single microprocessor chip in its architecture. 2. A microprocessor is a tiny processor on a single chip. 3. A personal computer is a computer used for home or personal use. Personal computers are microcomputers.

VII. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the reason for advent (приход) of microcomputers? 2. What component do the microcomputers use as the proc


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