Supplement II. Grammar Commentaries 

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Supplement II. Grammar Commentaries

The verb

The active voice

Indefinite tenses


Время Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма Обстоятельст-венные слова
Present Indefinite We write letters every day.   He writes letters every day. I do not write letters every day.   She does not write letters every day. Do you write letters every day?   How often does he write letters? always every day (week, month) usually
Past Indefinite I wrote a letter yesterday.   He wrote a letter yesterday. They did not write letters yesterday.   She did not write a letter yesterday. Did you write a letter yesterday?   What did he do yesterday? Yesterday, last year, a month ago
Future Indefinite I shall write a letter tomorrow.   He will write a letter tomorrow. We shall not write letters tomorrow.   She will not write letters tomorrow. When will you write a letter?   Will he write a letter tomorrow? tomorrow next week in two years

Continuous tenses

Время Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма Обстоятельст-венные слова
Present Continuous I am writing a letter now.   We are writing a letter now. He is not writing a letter now.   They are not writing a letter now. Are you writing a letter now?   What are they doing now? Now
Past Continuous I was writing a letter at that time.   They were writing a letter at that time. He was not writing a letter at that time.   We were not writing a letter at that time   Were you writing a letter at that time?   What was she doing at that time     At that time At 5 o’clock All the time  

Perfect tenses

Время Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма Обстоятельст-венные слова
Present Perfect I have already written the letter. She has already written the letter. We have not written the letter yet. He has not written the letter yet. Have you written the letter? What have you done? already yet, just, never, this week
Past Perfect I have already written the letter by that time. He had written the letter by that time. We had not written the letter by that time. She had not written the letter by that time. By what time had you written the letter? Had they written the letter by that time? by that time by 6 o’clock


The passive voice

Время Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
Present Indefinite Passive The letters are usually written in Russian. The letters are not written in English. Are the letters written in Russian or in English?
Past Indefinite Passive The letter was written by my sister. The letter was not written by my friend. Who was the letter written by?
Future Indefinite Passive The letter will be written tomorrow. The letter will not be written today. When will the letter be written?
Present Perfect Passive The letter has just been written. The letter has not been written yet. Has the letter been written?




1. Страдательные обороты могут переводиться на русский язык посредством: а) краткой формы причастия страдательного залога; б) возвратного глагола на – ся; в) глагола действительного залога в третьем лице множественного числа с неопределенно-личным значением.

The house is built.

а) дом построен.

б) дом строится.

в) дом строят.

2. Страдательные обороты, подлежащее которых соответствует беспредложному косвенному дополнению действительных оборотов, обычно переводятся на русский язык неопределенно-личными оборотами.

I was given an English book.

Мне дали английскую книгу.

They were shown a new film.

Им показали новый фильм.

3. Страдательные обороты, подлежащее которых соответствует предложному косвенному дополнению, обычно передается на русский язык неопределенно-личными оборотами.

The doctor was sent for.

За доктором послали.

His report was much talked about.

О его докладе много говорили.

4. Страдательные обороты, состоящие из формального подлежащего-местоимения it и глагола в страдательном залоге (типа it is said, it is reported, it is expected и т.п.) обычно переводятся на русский язык глаголами третьего лица множественного числа с неопределенно-личным значением.

It is said that the meeting will take place to-morrow.

Говорят, что собрание состоится завтра.

It is expected that the experiment will be a success.

Ожидают, что опыт будет удачным.



Будущее время Будущее время в прошедшем
I say I shall write a letter to him. I said I should write a letter to him.
She says she will write a letter to you. She said she would write a letter to you.

Sequence of tenses


Время, требующееся по смыслу и ситуации (в прямой речи)   Present Indefinite   Present Continuous   Present Perfect   Past Indefinite   Past Perfect   Future Indefinite
Время, фактически употребляемое в придаточном предложении (в косвенной речи)     Past Indefinite     Past Continuous     Past Perfect     Past Perfect     Past Perfect (не меняется)     Future Indefinite in the Past


Conditional Sentences

Типы Условия Время событий Примеры
I Real Future If I have time, I shall go for a walk.
II Unreal Present Future If I had time now, I should go for a walk. If I saw my friend tomorrow, I should ask him about it.
III Unreal Past If I had had time yesterday, I should have gone for a walk.

The Adverb


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