Translate into English the following words and write antonyms for them. 

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Translate into English the following words and write antonyms for them.

cовременный, уменьшать, покупатель, береговой, первый, основной, близкий, большинство, важный, быстро, долгий, любой, различный.


7. Give the beginning to the following sentences:

1. … why your fish spoils.

2. … that are available to a buyer or shore plant.

3. … can be split into the main categories.

4. … rely upon our human sensory system.

5. … give sensible, consistent answers.

6. … came up with a table of fish quality assessment.

7. … because the fish may be pre-spawning, spent or over-wintering.


8. Answer the following questions:

1. What are we interested in?

2. What main categories of quality assessment do you know?

3. Who will have specially trained staff?

4. How long does the staff spend on a training course?

5. How are the people who test the quality of fish called?

6. How many persons are there in a group?

7. When did Dr. Anderson come up with a table?

8. How can the factors vary?


9. Translate into English the following sentences:

1. Очень важно знать, почему происходит порча рыбы.

2. Существует несколько способов определения качества рыбы.

3. Большие компании имеют специальный подготовленный персонал.

4. Персонал проходит подготовительный курс, рассчитанный, по крайней мере, на 6 месяцев.

5. Обучение развивает способность определить качество рыбы сенсорными методами.

6. Существует таблица факторов, определяющих качественную оценку рыбы.



1. Read and translate the words having the same root in the English and Russian languages:

Operation, marinading. Aroma, combination, contact, crystal, form, organic, arrest, block, action, bacteria, concentration, protector, autolysis, basis, group, reservoir.

2. Remember the meaning of the following words and word-combinations:

salting – засолка, соленье

preliminary –предварительный

snack – закуска

sprats – шпрот, килька

to marinade – мариновать

items – продукты

to permeate – проникать

restacking – укладка слоями

to force out – вытеснять

to coagulate – свертываться

efficacy – сила

barrel – бочонок

to intersperse – посыпать, пересыпать (солью)

rake – гребок


3. State what part of speech the following words are referred to and translate them into Russian:

Reserving, smoking, drying, processing, fishing; combination, operation, concentration, formation, regulation; salted, varied, marinated, extracted, extended, improved, delayed; pleasant, artificial, bacterial, preservative, lower, drier, climatic, harmful, waterless.

4.Read and translate the following text:


Salting is both a method of preserving fish and a preliminary operation to smoking, drying, and marinading.

Many types of salted fish in which a pleasant flavour and aroma are produced by salting, make tasty snacks and appetizers – herrings, sprats, anchovies, salmon, whitefish, etc. The products made from them are varied – from salted fish proper to the daintiest spiced delicatessen and marinaded items – and the range and quality are being constantly extended and improved. In a narrow sense, salting is a combination of operations by which fish is placed in contact with salt (whether as crystals or in solution) and allowed to become permeated by it. These operations include mixing the fish with salt, laying and keeping the fish in the container in which it is salted, restacking, etc.

Salting may also be taken to mean the combination of physico-chemical processes by which salt penetrates the fish, and moisture is forced out of the tissues, producing a change in weight. When this is implied, it is better to say that the salt has “struck”.

Salt solutions are known as brine. Brine that has formed as a result of salt reacting on the fish (i.e. the aqueous salt solution released by the fish) is called natural brine, and brine prepared by dissolving salt in water – artificial. The feature of the natural brine is that it contains certain proportion of dissolved or suspended organic matter. The amount of salt used is sometimes more than cam be dissolved in the water contained in the fish. Some undissolved salt (known as excess salt) then remains in the vat after the fish are removed, and there is also a sediment of skin, coagulated proteins, fragments of fins, etc.

Preservative action of salt. When common salt is introduced into fish in sufficient quantity it arrests autolysis and spoilage. The common salt not only causes plasmolysis in the bacterial cell but also blocks the protein nuclei which are effected by enzymes. Its preservative action manifests itself by altering the state of the proteins and enzymes in such a way that proteins become impervious to the action of enzymes, and the letter lose their efficacy.

Common salt has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal action, that is, it both delays the growth of bacteria and kills them. The growth of many putrefactive rod bacteria in artificial media is arrested by a 10 per cent salt concentration that of putrefactive cocci by a 15 per cent concentration. But a higher concentration than this is required if fish is to be protected from spoilage.

Salted fish with a concentration not exceeding 15 per cent can be kept in the cold room at a temperature of 0°C or lower. Only heavily salted fish with a concentration close to a saturation will tolerate prolonged storage at a temperature of 10°C.

The salting process. Successful preservation depends a great deal on the time taken for the salt concentration inside the fish to reach the minimum level to arrest autolysis and the growth of microflora. This time is conditioned by two factors: a) the rate at which salt is dissolved, forming brine, and b) the rate at which it penetrates the fish; and water is extracted. Provided that the fish and salt are thoroughly mixed, and the salt is of the right quality, the latter dissolves more quickly than the fish become salted. Salting is therefore delayed if the salt dissolves too slowly through being very coarse. Successive salting consequently depends basically on the speed of penetration of the salt, i.e. on the time taken for its concentration to increase in the fish fluid. With equal permeability of tissues the amount of salt penetrating fish in unit time will depend on the surface area of the fish and on the area to thickness ratio, that is on the specific area of the fish. Brining may be carried out in several ways which fall basically in two groups: a) in which the fish are salted in the same brine from start to finish, and b) in which the brine is replaced by a fresh, stronger solution after it has weakened.

There is also a method of mixed salting which is carried out as follows: a small amount of strong brine is poured into the bottom of the tank (barrel or vat) and fish put into it until a fairly thick mixture forms, and the fish are entirely covered by brine. They are then spread with salt, and more fish are fed in the shallow layers interspersed with layers of salt which are leveled out with a rake. If herring are salted in barrels, they are first mixed with salt.

Larger fish are placed in raws dry, and brine is admitted to the tank from a reservoir placed in one corner. With split fish the gills and belly cavity of each fish are stuffed with salt.


Notes on the text:

salting – засолка, соленье

preliminary – предварительный

snack – закуска

appetizer – закуска

sprats – шпрот, килька

to marinade – мариновать

items – продукты

narrow – узкий

to permeate – проникать

restacking – укладка слоями

to force out – вытеснять

fat – жир

to coagulate – свертываться

efficacy – сила

saturation – насыщение, пропитывание

barrel – бочонок

to spread – распространять

to intersperse – посыпать, пересыпать (солью)

rake – грабли, гребок


5. Give the Russian equivalents:

Method of preserving, preliminary operation, a pleasant flavour, marinated items, in a narrow sense, physico-chemical processes, natural brine, undissolved salt, in sufficient quality, the protein nuclei, the state of protein, to reach the minimum level, a small amount, belly cavity.


6. Form the nouns using following suffixes:

- tion: to preserve, to permeate, to art, to select, to concentrate, to associate.

- ment: to treat, to require, to establish, to attain, to employ.

- ing: to salt, to change, to reserve, to fish, to reach.

- er: to lead, to organize, to fill, to translate, to construct, to build, to wash.

- i (ty) popular, active, regular, probable.


7. Translate the following international words:

Method, base, physical, chemical, factory, series, process, start, moment, contact, practice, container, concentration, limit, bacterial, activity, procedure, character, industry, organization, specific.


8. Insert the English equivalents, translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. The base of the salting process is the (проникновение) salt into the fish.

2. The (состояние) of the salt does not matter whether in crystals or in (раствор).

3. Salting starts when the vat or barrel is filled with (рыба и соль).

4. Japanese (исследователи) established the concentration limit.

5. Upon attaining the limit the bacterial (деятельность) has been stopped.


9. Finish the following sentences:

1. Salting is both a method of preserving fish and …

2. In a narrow sense, salting is a combination …

3. Salt solutions are known as …

4. When common salt is introduced into fish in sufficient quantity it …

5. Common salt delays the growth of bacteria and …

6. Salted fish with a concentration not exceeding 15 per cent can …

7. This time is conditioned by two factors …

8. Successive salting consequently depends basically on …


10. Find antonyms in the right hand column and translate them:

1. a complicated process 1. a top layer

2. various 2. wooden

3. to end 3. to remove

4. thick 4. to decrease

5. to begin 5. to start

6. a bottom layer 6. thin

7. to increase 7. the same

8. to place 8. a simple process

9. metal 9. to stop

10. previously 10. slowly

11. easy 11. dirty

12. clean 12. difficult

13. quickly 13. Immediately


11. Answer the following questions:

1. What does this text deal with?

2. How are the products made from salted fish vary?

3. What is salting in a narrow sense?

4. How is salt solutions called?

5. What is the feature of the natural brine?

6. What action has common salt?

7. What methods is the time of the salting process conditioned by?

8. What does successive salting depend on?

9. How is fish salted in mixed method?

10. When are herring first mixed with salt?


12. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. При условии, что рыба будет доставлена на берег в совершенно свежем виде, она будет частично заморожена, а частично засолена.

2. По причине того, то соль была крупная и растворялась медленно, качество посола понизилось.

3. Мокрый посол крупной рыбы, такой как лосось, применяется реже, чем сухой посол.

4. Чтобы получить высокое качество продукта, необходимо соблюдать определенный температурный режим при засолке.

5. После сортировки по размерам и видам и промывки пресной водой рыбу засаливают методом крепкого посола.

6. При укладке рыбы в бочки каждый слой посыпают солью.

7. Все виды лосося можно употребить для посола, но чаще всего засаливают кету и горбушу.


13.Analyse the sentences and state the forms and functions of the Gerund:

1. There will be no farm in smoking this batch in the tunnel kiln. 2. I say, fishing is prohibited here. 3. There are different ways of smoking fish, meat and vegetables. 4. We discussed different methods of binding fish before their being put in a smokehouse. 5. Here is the lorry for transporting the finished product to the railway station. 6. Smirnov has succeeded in designing a new chamber kiln. 7. After reading the directions on maintaining the smokehouse he understood his mistake.

14. Change the following sentences using the Gerund instead of the subordinate clauses:

1. Master is angry with them because they have not fulfilled the task in time. 2. When I saw that everything was in order, I allowed to start the engine. 3. I remember that we worked together at the plant last year. 4. We do not like that the ship has not yet arrived at the port. 5. That you have missed the lesson does not free you from writing the test paper.



1. Read and translate the words having the same root in the English and Russian languages:

Condition, form, typically, process, practice, result, principal, problem, control, information, temperature, intensity, factor, construction, finish, total, traditional, balance.

2. Remember the meaning of the following words:

on a small (large) scale – в малом (большом) масштабе

demand – требование

draft – требование

enormously – чрезвычайно

dimensions – размеры

elaboration – развитие переработки

brick – кирпич

erect – создавать, вертикальный

skill – умение

relative – относительный

humidity – влажность

involve – вовлекать

judge – судить

measure – измерение, измерять

investigate – исследовать

occasion – случай

velocity – скорость

batch – партия

even – ровный

trolley – тележка


3. Translate the following word-combinations:

by hanging over open fires, to demand regular forms of smokehouse, to hand in the natural updraft, produced by the heat, to vary enormously, to secure uniformity, relative humidity, rate of air flow, outside weather conditions, moisture content, it is difficult to predict, the rule-of-thumb knowledge, laborious and time-consuming.



4.Read and translate the following text:


Smoking Kilns. Although under preminative conditions, or on a small scale, fish can be smoked merely by hanging over open fires, the large-scale smoking industries which have been built up have demanded regular forms of smokehouse. Mostly, the sticks, etc., carrying the fish are hung in the natural vertical up-draft produced by the beat of fires burning on the floor. In this kiln, the fish are kept for anything from a few hours to a week, but typically the smoking process takes place overnight. The kiln itself can very enormously in dimensions and elaboration.

Considerable practice and skill are required to produce a satisfactory result. The principal problem is to control the process in such a way as to secure reasonable uniformity of product. Obviously the temperature, relative humidity, rate of air flow, and smoke intensity above an open fire are subject to wide fluctuations and considerable perturbations, as a result of the interplay of a number of factors, such as outside weather conditions, size and construction of kiln and of the factory housing it, type and moisture content of sawdust, etc. In many cases, natural convection is fitful and its vagarios difficult to predict and control. The “art” of smoking proceeds from the rule-of-thumb knowledge of how to proceed so as to balance out the effect of some of the factors producting variation. It usually involves taking out the sticks of fish turning them round at least once during the smoking, and removing those nearest the fires which are finished first, as judged by color and “feel”, and moving down the upper ones. All this is a laborious, dirty, time-consuming process and fish often fall off into the ashes.

Furthermore, the measure of control effected under present day conditions is often rather inadequate. Thus, in a typical kipper kiln recently investigated in operation, smoke temperatures over the fish fluctuated mostly between 65° and 75°F., and occasionally seared to between 95° and 140°F.for short periods Relative Lumidity was in the region of 80% of saturation. Air velocity varied from practically nit to as 300 ft. per minute in gusts, and on occasions in some parts of the kiln a down-draft was registered. Smoke density, too, fluctuated throughout an 8-hr. smoking period between 0.05 to 0.5 optical density units per foot. The losses of weight are also variable. On one occasion, finned haddocks in a battery of four small kilns under careful supervision lost between 10 and 18% in form 5-1/2 to 11-1/2 hr., but not respectively. The total smoke treatment and corresponding variation in “phenol” uptake can vary by a factor of 10 in fish from the same batch unloaded after between, say, 1 and 12 hr. in the kiln.

During hot smoking, uniformity of conditions is particularly difficult to achieve in traditional kilns. In the case of sprats, etc., smoked as “sardines”, frames of fish on sticks have to be turned round practically continuously, and moved up and down in the kiln. In the case of buckling herrings, as produced on Bornholm, the fires are either raked continuously across the floor so as to distribute the heat evenly or else moved to and fro on special trolleys.


5. Name the words from which the given adverbs are formed, translate them:

partially, thoroughly, considerably, desirably, desirably, merely, principally, obviously, uniformly, densely, evenly, particularly, continuously, entirely, recently, commercially.


6. Find the synonyms for the words in the first column:

Rate Disadvantage Threading To avoid
Absorption Original Mild-cured To investigate
Deficiency Velocity To prevent Handling
Initial Various To finish Rodding
Amount Uptake To study Lightly-salted
Different Quantity Treatment To complete


7. Supply antonyms for the words in the first column:

advantage unloading

hanging toughening

absorption laborious

thick des-used

softening inadequate

both…and the same

desirable less

loading lower

the most large-scale

used below

easy unhanging

above disadvantage

small-scale extraction

adequate thin

higher either…or

more undesirable

different the least


8. Give English equivalents:

в примитивных условиях, крупно-масштабная коптильная промышленность, от нескольких часов до недели, с одной стороны, большая практика и мастерство, таким образом, в результате многих факторов, внешние погодные условия, содержание влаги, во многих случаях, вынимать, поворачивать, по крайней мере, длительный процесс, в современных условиях, исследовать в работе, иногда, в минуту, через минуту, 5-ти часовой период копчения, при тщательном наблюдении, постоянно, по полу.


9. Answer the following questions:

1. What process does this text describe?

2. How can fish be smoked on a small (large) scale?

3. What is the period of smoking process?

4. What factors does the quality of smoked products depend on?

5. Are these factors constant?

6. Why are they subjected to wide fluctuations?

7. Is smoking the fish an easy process? What does it involve?

8. Is the measure of control adequate?

9. What did the investigations show?


10. Insert the missed words and translate into Russian:

In the initial period, when the fish

is very moist, and the smoke has a high _____, относительная влаж

the temperature in the ____ should not be ность, печь

raised to the maximum level so as to protect

the ___ in the flesh from becoming denatured. белок

In the second period, when the fish is already

considerably dried on the __ and less __ is being поверхность, влага

evaporated, the temperature should be raised to the

maximum level.

If these ___ are observed, the ___ of the smoking условия, продол-

Process will be considerably reduced. жительность

During smoking, fish ___ and ___ the aromatic подсыхает, поглощает

substances of the smoke. Once the relative humi-

dity of the smoke is above 75 to 80% __is slowed. подсушивание

___ the temperature of the smoke, ___ moisture чем выше … тем

if can absorb. The highest output of ___ products более хорошего

is obtained when these three factors-temperature, качества

relative humidity and ___ of smoke are present количества

in correct relationship


11.Read the text and try to understand its main contents:


Fish may be hot-smoked either in batch kilns or continuous ones. The former are of two types: chamber kilns in which the fish are loaded and unloaded at one end, and tunnel kilns in which the fish are loaded and unloaded at opposite ends.

Chamber kilns. The smaller types of chamber kiln are cabinets with an area of 1.8 m x 1.3 m, and a height of 2.2 m; fish are loaded on racks. Kilns of this type are widely used in canneries in the Baltic region.

Tunnel kilns are widely used in the Baltic region too. The tunnels are about 3m long and 1.0 to 1.3 m wide. Fish are loaded in cages. The fires are burnt either directly inside the kiln on movable trolleys or outside the tunnel.

Mechanical kilns are continuous ones. This kiln has an area of 11.65 m x 1.22 m and height of 2.78 m. the chamber has a metal frame structure and brick walls, and holds 14 fish cages.

Notes on the text:

chamber камеры cannery консервный завод

cabinet шкаф cage клеть

rack рамка frame structure каркас


1. What types of kilns are used for hot-smoking?

2. What types of chamber kilns do you know?

3. How are fish loaded and unloaded in chamber and tunnel kilns?

4. What region are these kilns used in?

5. What are mechanical kilns characterized by?

12.Choose the statements corresponding to the text contents:

1. Fish may be hot-smoked:

a) in batch kilns; b) in continuous kilns; c) in some types of kilns

2. In chamber kilns fish are loaded:

a) on trays; b) in cages; c) on racks

3. The chamber has:

a) wood structure; b) metal structure; c) plastic structure


13. a) Form the Participle from given words with negative prefix and translate into Russian:

smoke, treat, sterilize, spoil, fillet, heat, distribute, develop, handle, steam, dry, freeze, protect.

b) Form derivatives with prefix –re and translate into Russian:

treatment, infection, production, equipped, handling, distribution, freezing, heated, circulate, form, placing, absorption

c) Form derivatives with prefix –er; or, translate into Russian:

sterilize, produce, evaporate, process, dry, distribute, spit, can, fillet, cook, heat, investigate, handle, thaw, separate, skin, convey, consume, accelerate, gut, scale



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