Решатель судоку аналитическими методами 

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Решатель судоку аналитическими методами

TRIPLETS = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8]]


#Row/ Col /3x3 iteration list, each is nine lists of nine (row, col) pairs

ROW_ITER = [[(row,col) for col in range(0,9)] for row in range(0,9)]

COL_ITER = [[(row,col) for row in range(0,9)] for col in range(0,9)]

TxT_ITER = [[(row,col) for row in rows for col in cols] for rows in TRIPLETS for cols in TRIPLETS]



class sudoku:

def __init__ (self, start_grid=None):

#Setup list of lists (the rows), each row is a list of 9 cells, which are each a list of integers 1-9 inclusive.

self. squares =[ [range(1,10) for col in range(0,9)] for row in range(0,9)]


if start_grid is not None:

if len(start_grid)==81:

for row in range(0,9):

self. set_row(row, start_grid[(row*9):((row+1)*9)])


assert len(start_grid)==9, "Bad input!"

for row in range(0,9):

self. set_row(row, start_grid[row])



self. _changed=False


def solved (self):

for row in range(0,9):

for col in range(0,9):

if len(self. squares[row][col]) > 1:

return False

return True


def copy (self):

sudoku_copy = sudoku(None)

for row in range(0,9):

for col in range(0,9):

sudoku_copy.squares[row][col] = self. squares[row][col][:] #copy!


return sudoku_copy


def set_row (self,row, x_list):

assert len(x_list)==9

for col in range(0,9):


x = int(x_list[col])


x = 0

#self.set_cell(row, col,x)

self. set_cell(row,col,x)


def set_cell (self,row,col,x):

if self. squares[row][col] == [x]:

#Already done!


elif x not in range(1,9+1):

#Set to unknown



assert x in self. squares[row][col], \

"Told to set square (%i,%i) to an impossible entry, %i" % (row,col,x)


self. squares[row][col] = [x]

self. update_neighbours(row,col,x)

self. _changed=True


def cell_exclude (self, row,col,x):

assert x in range(1,9+1)

if x in self. squares[row][col]:

#Remove it...

self. squares[row][col].remove(x)

#Should be one or more entries left...

assert len(self. squares[row][col]) > 0, \

"Removed last possible entry for square (%i,%i) which was %i" \

% (row, col, x)

#Now, has this confirmed the value for this square?

if len(self. squares[row][col]) == 1:

#This cell is now definate..

#Need to update its friends...

#print "After exluding %i, square (%i,%i) must be %i" \

#% (x, self.row, self.col, self[0])

self. _changed=True

self. update_neighbours(row,col, self. squares[row][col][0])


#Don't need to remove this, already done!




def row_exclude (self, row, x):

assert x in range(1,9+1)

for col in range(0,9):

self. cell_exclude(row,col,x)


def col_exclude (self, col, x):

assert x in range(1,9+1)

for row in range(0,9):

self. cell_exclude(row,col,x)


def update_neighbours (self,set_row,set_col,x):

"""Call this when the square is set to x, either directly,

or as a side effect of an exclude leaving only one entry"""

#print "Updating (%i,%i) to be %i..." % (self.row, self.col, x)

#Update the possibilies in this row...

for row in range(0,9):

if row <> set_row:

self. cell_exclude(row,set_col,x)

#Update the possibilies in this col...

for col in range(0,9):

if col <> set_col:

self. cell_exclude(set_row,col,x)

#Update the possibilies in this 3x3 square...

for triplet in TRIPLETS:

if set_row in triplet: rows = triplet[:]

if set_col in triplet: cols = triplet[:]

#Only need to do four of the eight possibles (well, 9 if you count the cell itself)

#as did two on the row, and two on the col



for row in rows:

for col in cols:

assert row <> set_row or col <> set_col

#print "Updating (%i,%i) to be %i, excluding %i from (%i, %i)" \

#% (self.row, self.col, x, x, row, col)

self. cell_exclude(row,col,x)


def get_cell_int (self,row,col):

if len(self. squares[row][col])==1:

return int(self. squares[row][col][0])


return 0


def get_cell_str (self,row,col):

if len(self. squares[row][col])==1:

return "(%i,%i) = %i" % (row, col, self. squares[row][col][0])


return ("(%i,%i) = " % (row, col)) + ",". join([str(x) for x in self. squares[row][col]])


def get_cell_digit_str (self,row,col):

if len(self. squares[row][col])==1:

return str(self. squares[row][col][0])


return "0"


def as_test_81 (self):

"""Return a string of 81 digits"""

return "". join(self. as_test_list())


def simple_text (self):

return "\n". join(self. as_test_list())


def as_test_list (self):

return [ ("". join([ self. get_cell_digit_str(row,col) for col in range(0,9)])) for row in range(0,9) ]



for row in range(0,9):


for col in range(0,9):

line = line + self.get_cell_digit_str(row, col)


return answer



def __repr__ (self):

answer= "[" + ",". join([ \

("[" + ",". join([ self. get_cell_digit_str(row,col) for col in range(0,9)]) + "]") \

for row in range(0,9) ])

return answer


def __str__ (self):

answer = " 123 456 789\n"

for row in range(0,9):

answer = answer + str(row+1) \

+ " [" + "". join([ self. get_cell_digit_str(row,col).replace("0", "?") for col in range(0,3)]) \

+ "] [" + "". join([ self. get_cell_digit_str(row,col).replace("0", "?") for col in range(3,6)]) \

+ "] [" + "". join([ self. get_cell_digit_str(row,col).replace("0", "?") for col in range(6,9)]) \

+ "]\n"

if row+1 in [3,6]:

answer = answer + " --- --- ---\n"

return answer


def retArr (self):

data = []

for row in range(0,9):


for col in range(0, 9):

data[row].append(self. get_cell_digit_str(row,col))

return data


def check (self, level=0):

self. _changed=True

while self. _changed:

#print "checking..."

self. _changed=False

self. check_for_single_occurances()

self. check_for_last_in_row_col_3x3()

if level >= 1:

self. overlapping_3x3_and_row_or_col() #(aka slicing and dicing)

if level >= 2:

self. one_level_supposition()

if level >= 3:

self. two_level_supposition()


#If nothing happened, then self.changed==False (still)

#and we break the loop



def check_for_single_occurances (self):

#Want to see if x only occurs once in this row/ col /3x3...

for check_type in [ROW_ITER, COL_ITER, TxT_ITER]:

for check_list in check_type:

for x in range(1,9+1): #1 to 9 inclusive

x_in_list = []

for (row,col) in check_list:

if x in self. squares[row][col]:


if len(x_in_list)==1:

(row,col) = x_in_list[0]

#This position MUST be be x

if len(self. squares[row][col]) > 1:

self. set_cell(row,col,x)


def check_for_last_in_row_col_3x3 (self):

#Now, for each row/ col /3x3 want to see if there is a single

#unknown entry...

for (type_name, check_type) in [("Row",ROW_ITER),(" Col ",COL_ITER),("3x3",TxT_ITER)]:

for check_list in check_type:

unknown_entries = []

unassigned_values = range(1,9+1) #1-9 inclusive

known_values = []

for (row,col) in check_list:

if len(self. squares[row][col]) == 1:

assert self. squares[row][col][0] not in known_values, \

"Already have %i (%i,%i) in known list [%s] for %s" % (self. squares[row][col][0],row,col, ",". join(map(str,known_values)), type_name)


known_values.append(self. squares[row][col][0])


assert self. squares[row][col][0] in unassigned_values, \

"Expected %i (%i,%i) in list [%s] for %s" % (self. squares[row][col][0],row,col, ",". join(map(str,unassigned_values)), type_name)


unassigned_values.remove(self. squares[row][col][0])



assert len(unknown_entries) + len(known_values) == 9

assert len(unknown_entries) == len(unassigned_values)

if len(unknown_entries) == 1:

#This cell must be the only number 1-9 not in known_values

x = unassigned_values[0]

(row,col) = unknown_entries[0]


#assert x not in known_values


#print "Because its the last cell in its row/ col /3x3 entry (%i,%i) must be %i" \

#% (row, col,x)

self. set_cell(row,col,x)


for row in range(0,9): self.check_row(row)

for col in range(0,9): self.check_col(col)

#Check the 3x3 squares...

for rows in TRIPLETS:

for cols in TRIPLETS:

for x in range(0,9):


for row in rows:

for col in cols:

if x in self.squares[row][ col ]:

x_in_location.append((row, col))

if len (x_in_location)==1:

(row, col) = x_in_location[0]

#This position MUST be be x

if len (self.squares[row][ col ]) > 1:

self.set_cell(row, col,x)




def diagnosis (self):

answer= ""

df = long(1)

for row in range(0,9):

for col in range(0,9):

if len(self. squares[row][col]) > 1:

answer = answer + str(self. squares[row][col]) + "\n"

df = df * len(self. squares[row][col])

answer = answer + "Degrees of freedom: %i" % df

return answer


def overlapping_3x3_and_row_or_col (self):

"""Block and Column / Row Interactions (name from Simon Armstrong)




Also known as 'slicing and dicing'


#For a given 3x3, and a given digit, want to see if

#all the remaining candidates are in a single row or column..

#Want to see if x only occurs once in this row/ col /3x3...

for check_list in TxT_ITER:

for x in range(1,9+1): #1 to 9 inclusive

#print "Checking %i in 3x3" % x, check_list

rows_for_x = []

cols_for_x = []

for (row,col) in check_list:

if x in self. squares[row][col]:

#print "Found possible %i at (%i,%i)" % (x, row, col)

if row not in rows_for_x: rows_for_x.append(row)

if col not in cols_for_x: cols_for_x.append(col)

#Are they all in the same row?

if len(rows_for_x)==1 and len(cols_for_x) > 1:

#print "%i must be in row %i using cols %s" % (x, rows_for_x[0]+1, ",".join(map(lambda i: str (i+1),cols_for_x)))

#print self

#This means, we can remove X from all the rest of the row...

row = rows_for_x[0]

for col in range(0,9):

if col not in cols_for_x:

self. cell_exclude(row,col,x)

#We can also remove x from all the rest of this 3x3...

for (row,col) in check_list:

if col not in cols_for_x:

if row not in rows_for_x:

self. cell_exclude(row,col,x)

#Are they all in the same col?

if len(cols_for_x)==1 and len(rows_for_x) > 1:

#print "%i must be in col %i using rows %s" % (x, cols_for_x[0]+1, ",".join(map(lambda i: str (i+1),rows_for_x)))

#print self

#This means, we can remove X from all the rest of the row...

col = cols_for_x[0]

for row in range(0,9):

if row not in rows_for_x:

self. cell_exclude(row,col,x)

#We can also remove x from all the rest of this 3x3...

for (row,col) in check_list:

if col not in cols_for_x:

if row not in rows_for_x:

self. cell_exclude(row,col,x)


def one_level_supposition (self):

"""Probably what is known as ' Nishio ', try a number and see if it leads to a dead end.

For all the ambigous squares, try each possible each entry and see

if its OK, or if it leads to a contradiction. In the case of a contradiction

we can remove it as a possibility...

Two level suppositions (two guess) may be required for extreme puzzles..."""


while progress:


#print "Doing one level supposition..."

for row in range(0,9):

for col in range(0,9):

if len(self. squares[row][col]) > 1:

bad_x = []

for x in self. squares[row][col]:

#print "/-- Trying setting (%i,%i) to %i" % (row, col,x)

sudoku_copy = self. copy()




except AssertionError, e:

#Leads to an error:)

#This means that this square cannot be x

#print e

#print "%s cannot be %i" % (str (self.squares[row][ col ]), x)


del sudoku_copy

#print "\-- End of exp "

if len(bad_x) == 0:


elif len(bad_x) < len(self. squares[row][col]):

for x in bad_x:

self. cell_exclude(row,col,x)

self. check()



assert False, "Bugger! All possible values for square (%i,%i) fail" \

% (row,col)

#print "One level supposition done"


def two_level_supposition (self):


while progress:


#print "Doing two level supposition..."

for row in range(0,9):

for col in range(0,9):

if len(self. squares[row][col]) > 1:

bad_x = []

for x in self. squares[row][col]:

#print "/-- Trying setting (%i,%i) to %i" % (row, col,x)

sudoku_copy = self. copy()






except AssertionError, e:


del sudoku_copy

#print "\-- End of exp "

if len(bad_x) == 0:


elif len(bad_x) < len(self. squares[row][col]):

for x in bad_x:

self. cell_exclude(row,col,x)

self. check()



assert False, "Bugger! All possible values for square (%i,%i) fail" \

% (row,col)


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