Письменно измените следующие предложения по образцу, употребляя абсолютную форму притяжательных местоимений. 

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Письменно измените следующие предложения по образцу, употребляя абсолютную форму притяжательных местоимений.


This car is my car.

This car is mine.

1. This calculator is my calculator. 2. Is this bicycle your bicycle? 3. These hats are her hats. 4. This room is their room. 5. This dog is our dog. 6. My flat is more comfortable than your flat. 7. Our house is near their house. 8. Which of the dictionaries is your dictionary? 9. Is this book his book? 10. Whose cat is this? Is it her cat or his cat?

Письменно выберите подходящее притяжательное местоимение.

1. Markis (their, theirs) cousin. 2. This is our car. It is (our, ours). 3. These are Mary's books. They are (her, hers). 4. White is (my, mine) favouritecolour. 5. You can't have this book. It is not (your, yours). 6. (Her, Hers) house is big. 7. Is this (your, yours) coat? - No, it is not (my, mine). 8. Are these your friends' books? - Yes, they are (their, theirs). 9. That is (our, ours) house. It is (our, ours).

Письменно переведите на английский язык.

1. У меня есть его номер телефона и его адрес. 2. Ник часто берет мою ручку, потому что он часто оставляет свою ручку дома. 3. У ее сына только хорошие оценки по его любимым предметам. 4. Анна любит свою кошку, а Макс любит свою собаку. 5. Положи свои тетради в мою сумку. 6. Эта книга твоя или моя? 7. Чей это словарь? Он ее или его?

Письменно измените предложения по образцу, употребляя указательные местоимения во множественном числе. Сделайте другие необходимые изменения.


This girl is a student.

These girls are students.

That boy is brave.

Those boys are brave.

1. This book is French. 2. This girl is in the garden. 3. That map is old. 4. This student is from Great Britain. 5. That flower is beautiful. 6. This is my bag. 7. This is a French text. 8. That room is nice. 9. This film is interesting.

Запишите предложения, изменив число слов. Сделайте другие необходимые изменения.


Whose pencil is this?

Whose pencils are these?

1. Pass me those apples. 2. I don't like this hat. 3. This is your copy-book. 4. Whose car is this? 5. Those pens are better than these. 6. Where is that nice girl now? 7. These books are not interesting. 8. Those newspapers are for you. 9. Is that boy your brother? 10. These rooms are very nice. 11. Whose bags are these? 12. Give me that cap, please. 13. This table is little. 14. Give me these pens and this book. 15. Thisflatisclean.

Письменно переведите на английский язык.

1. Это кошка, а то котенок.

2. Эта кошка белая. Тот котенок тоже белый.

3. Эта белая кошка на столе. Тот белый котенок под кроватью.

4. Это розы. То тоже розы.

5. Эти розы красные. Те розы белые.

6. Эти красные розы в вазе. Те белые розы тоже в вазе.

7. Это моя собака. Эта собака - моя.

8. Это его книги. Эти книги на полке.

9. Это корзины. Те корзины полны цветов.



Самостоятельная работа по Личным и Притяжательным местоимениям.

1. Письменно замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями

1. You should invite (Helen and Bess) to your house for dinner..

2. I want to buy(two bottles of milk) for (Bess).

3. (My brother and I) are good football players.

4. (Nick and Ben) spend (their holidays) at the seaside.

5. (The boy) plays (football) every Sunday.

6. I have(the book) at home.

7. (Max) wants to speak to (Helen).

8. Where is (my brother's)bag?

9. (My sister's) house is not far from (Ben's) house.

10. (These boys) fathers don't work at the factory.

2. Письменно вставьте подходящие по смыслу личные местоимения

11. Bess likes hats. These hats are ….

12. The rooms are small but … are light and warm.

13. We have got a dog. This dog is ….

14. Kate has got a son Mark. Mark is …son.

15. I like white. White is …favouritecolour.

16. Are Helen and Bess your sisters? – Yes, … are.

17. The rooms are small but … are light and warm.

18. Nick and Max are students. … are students of a Moscow university.

19. Max is a soldier. … is brave.

20. Max, you have a new job. Do you like … new job?

21. These are Mary's books. They are ….

22. Nick and Max are students. … are students of a Moscow university.

23. Are these your friends' books? - Yes, they are ….

24. The new flat is comfortable but … is far from the university.

25. Jack has many French books. … likes to read French very much.

26. Where is your house? That is … house. It is ….


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