Career counseling and learning. 

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Career counseling and learning.



1. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

• What do you think are the most popular occupations in Ukraine today?

• What is your idea of a good job?


Listen to people talking about their dream jobs. What problem does each speaker talk about?

Listen again and answer questions 1-10. Write Angie (A), Pauline (P) or Monty (M).

1 Who works very long hours? A

2 Who got bored of eating restaurant food?

3 Who gave up their dream job?

4 Who travels a lot for their job?

5 Who sometimes works seven days a week?

6 Who thought their job looked exciting?

7 Who is interested in the science of what they do?

8 Who previously worked in a bank?

9 Who has always loved fashion?

10 Who had put on a lot of weight?

Read the article about careers and identify the most appropriate title, a, b or c.

a) New professions for a changing world

b) The Ukrainian job market

c) Old professions no longer needed


How do you choose your career? Many Ukrainian school-leavers begin college without a clear idea of what they want to do. There seem to be so many possible jobs and careers that it's difficult to make a decision. There are hundreds of different occupations but some of them are already overcrowded. In old industries, there may be little need for new workers, while new and growing industries can offer good jobs.

According to recent surveys, the fastest growing job opportunities in Ukraine are for economists and accountants. Engineers specializing in IT and computer programmers come second. Today there is also a great need for marketing and advertising specialists as well as sales managers and various kinds of designers. As there are very few professional administrators, the need for people with this kind of qualification is growing very fast.

Other industries and professions have changed in the last ten years. Chemical, construction and food industries were in decline a decade ago but today engineers qualified in these fields are in great demand. On the other hand the need for new lawyers (a popular career choice in the 90 s.) is less today, as it is an overcrowded profession.


Read the descriptions and match them with the jobs from the text.

1. a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines or structures

2. someone whose job is to make plans or patterns for clothes, furniture or equipment.

3. someone whose job is to keep and check financial accounts

4. a specialist who studies the way in which money and goods are produced and used and the systems of business and trade

5. someone whose job is connected with the management and organization of a company, or an institution

6. a person who deals with selling products


Listen to a group of students discussing what they think is important in choosing a career. Write down one or two key words for each person.


Igor: money, independence

Listen again and match the people (a- f) with their ideas (3-6).

a. Igor d. Boris

b. Natasha e. Vlad

c. Anna f. Marina


a. thinks that it is job satisfaction that matters

b. thinks that money is more important in choosing a career

c. believes that it's important to know your own strengths and weaknesses

d. says that promotional prospects should come first

e. says that going to different places is more important

f. believes that your job should be of social importance


Which people in the discussion do you agree with and why? What is most important to you in choosing your career?



About half of 16- and 17-year-olds in the UK have got jobs, and three quarters of this age group also go to school. They do part-time jobs before or after school and at weekends. The most common jobs are babysitting (very popular with girls) and paper rounds (popular with boys). Cleaning and working in a shop are also popular jobs.

In the UK, school students are not allowed to work more than two hours on a school day, or more than twelve hours in total during a school week. They are not allowed to work before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. (but babysitters can work later). They must have at least two weeks' holiday from school each year when they don't work at all.

Teenagers do part-time jobs because they want lo earn some money. However, they don't usually earn very much. In the UK. there is a minimum wage for adults: £5.52 an hour. For 16- and 17-year-olds, it is £3.40 an hour. For children under 16, there is no minimum wage, so many teenagers work for £2 or £3 an hour.





Accountant (бугалтер - a person that works with the money and accounts of a company.

Actor / Actress - a person that acts in a play or a movie.

Architect - a person that designs buildings and houses.

Author (письменник - They write books or novels.

Baker (пекар - They make bread and cakes and normally work in a bakery (пекарня).

Bricklayer (каменщик - a person that helps to build houses using bricks(камні.

Bus driver - a person that drives buses.

Butcher (мясник - a person that works with meat(м`ясо. They cut the meat and sell it in their shop.

Carpenter (столяр - a person that makes things from wood including houses and furniture(меблі.

Chef / Cook - a person that prepares food for others, often in a restaurant or café.

Cleaner (прибиральник - a person that cleans/tidies an area or place (such as in an office).

Dentist (стоматолог - a person that can fix problems you have with your teeth.

Designer - a person who has the job of designing things.

Doctor - A person you go to see when you are ill or have some type of health problem.

Dustman / Refuse collector (сміттяр - a person that collects trash / rubbish from bins(контейнери in the street.

Electrician - a person that works with electric circuits(мікросхеми.

Factory worker (працівник заводу - a person that works in a factory.

Farmer - a person that works on a farm, usually with animals.

Fireman / Fire fighter - a person that puts out fires.

Fisherman (рибалка - a person that catches fish.

Florist - a person that works with flowers.

Gardener (садівник - a person that keeps gardens clean and tidy. They take care of the plants in the garden.

Hairdresser (перукар - they cut your hair or give it a new style.

Journalist - a person that makes news reports in writing or through television.

Judge - a qualified person that decides cases in a law court(суд.

Lawyer (юрист - a person that defends(захищає people in court and gives legal advice(юр.кконсультації.

Lecturer викладач - a person that gives lectures, usually in a university.

Librarian - a person that works in a library.

Lifeguard (рятівник - a person that saves lives where people swim (at a beach or swimming pool).

Mechanic - a person that repairs(ремонтує machines, especially car motors.

Model - a (usually attractive) person that works in fashion, modelling clothes and accessories.

Newsreader(диктор - a person that reads the news, normally on television.

Nurse - a person trained to help a doctor look after the sick or injured.

Optician - a person that checks your eyes and try and correct any problems with your sight.

Painter - a person that paints pictures or the interior and exterior of buildings.

Pharmacist - a qualified person that works with and dispenses medicine.

Photographer - a person that takes photos.

Pilot - a person who flies a plane.

Plumber (сантехнік - a person that repairs your water systems or pipes.

Politician - a person who works in politics.

Policeman / Policewoman - a member of the police force. They (try and) prevent crime.

Postman (почтальйон - a person that delivers mail to your house.

Real estate agent(агент з нерухомості - a person that makes money from selling land for development.

Receptionist портье, адміністратор - a person that is at the reception (entrance) of a company.

Scientist (вчений - a person that works in the science industry. They do many experiments.

Secretary - a person employed in an office who types letters, keeps records (зберігає документацію etc.

Shop assistant (продавець - a person that works in a shop or store selling products.

Soldier (солдат - a person who works for the army.

Tailor (швець - a person that makes clothes for others, many times producing exclusive items of clothing.

Taxi driver - a person who drives a taxi.

Teacher - a person that passes knowledge to students, usually at school.

Veterinary doctor (Vet) - a qualified person that looks after sick animals.

Translator - a person that translates from one language to another.

Traffic warden (інспектор дорожнього руху - a person that patrols areas to check that people do not park in the wrong place.

Travel agent (турагент - a person that organizes and sells holidays and flights for others.

Waiter / Waitress - a person that works in a food outlet, looking after customers and serving food.

Window cleaner - a person that cleans windows, normally the windows of big buildings.


to get the sack - бути вигнаним з роботи to be hired – бути прийнятим на роботу to be a workaholic to be laid off/ to lay smb off – скорочувати to be fired to be dismissed the dole (Br. informal money that the State gives every week to people who are unemployed: I lost my job and had to go on the dole) to be on the dole unemployment benefit (money that is paid by a company (such as an insurance company) or by a government when someone dies, becomes sick, stops working, etc.) to work like a dog – працювати як віл to get promoted / to promote sb (from sth) (to sth) – отримати підвищення to be employed to climb a career ladder to work in shifts (to be on the day / night shift) first/ second shift to work nine-to-five to work fulltime to work overtime flexible working hours permanent job temporary job a maternity / paternity leave a sick leave to be out of work to be unemployed to work regular hours/ long hours to work part-time to take early retirement to retire well-paid job badly-paid job highly-paid job low-paid job to recruit to be made redundant a job centre length of service rate of pay a jobseeker a trainee an apprentice to quit

Topic 1.


When you apply for a job, you usually fill in an application form or send your CV (curriculum vitae/ resume) with a covering letter (= a letter containing extra information about yourself). Then you have an interview. If it goes well and the employer is satisfied with your references (= describing your character and abilities, often from your former employer) you will get the job. You sign the contract and become an employee. A job can be well-paid / highly-paid or badly-paid / low-paid. A job can be full-time or part-time, permanent or temporary. If your working conditions are good and you have the chance to be promoted (= be given a more important job), then you will probably get a lot of job satisfaction.

Topic 2.

Leaving a job

If you want to leave your job, you resign or hand in your resignation. If a company no longer needs an employee, it will make him/her redundant. If an employee’s work is not good enough, the company may dismiss her/him. In less formal English we use the verb fire or sack, or noun the sack:

Her boss fired/sacked her. Her boss gave her the sack. She got the sack.

When you stop working because you have reached a certain age (usually 60 or 65), you retire.

А) Translate sentences into English using the expressions from the vocabulary above.

1) На моїй роботі, щоб заслужити підвищення ти маєш працювати як кінь.

2)Ми не наймаємо на роботу студентів. Нас цікавлять кадри для працевлаштування на повну ставку.

3) Якщо ти ж надалі будеш спізнюватись – я тебе звільню!

4) Найкращий час для відпочинку від роботи це не вихідні – а пенсія.

5) Негайно підпиши цей документ, секретар сьогодні працює у першу зміну!

6) Який в тебе графік роботи? – Я працюю з 9-5. Проте іноді залищаюсь понаднормово.

7) Мене звільнили і зараз я отримую допомогу з безробіття.

В) Paraphrase the sentences using the expressions from the vocabulary above.

1) My father works at a factory. One week he works in the daytime, another week he works at night.

2) I don't want to work regular hours, I prefer to start and finish work at different times each day, so I can spend more time with my daughters.

3) I lost my job. They had to make cutbacks.

4) Brian is a student, he has to find means to support himself, and so he has found a job in a cafeteria and works three hours a day there.

5) My mother starts work at 9 am and finishes at 5 p.m.

6) The trouble is that you are too obsessed with your work.

7) He didn’t do his job well, he was very often late, and the manager didn’t want him to work any longer.

8) He stopped working though he is only 54.

9) They’ve made him Executive Manager as from next month!

10) He is out of work and gets money from the government.

Translate into English

1. Робота шкільного вчителя має свої переваги та недоліки, але вона така ж цікава, як і робота у вищому навчальному закладі, якщо тільки ви дійсно любите дітей

2. Офіціанти та стюардеси повинні бути уважними і дуже вічливими, щоб добре обслуговувати клієнтів.

3. Ведення домашнього господарства — така ж сама робота, як і будь-яка інша. Ніхто не може сказати напевне, скільки триває робочий день домогосподарки.

4. Праця шахтарів дуже важка. Вони працюють глибоко під землею у тяжких умовах. Саме через це вони рано виходять на пенсію.

5. Поліція розшукує злочинців та щотижня розкриває багато злочинів.

6. Я завжди мріяв стати військовим і служити в армії.

7. Тепер продавці на ринках не лише зважують товар, а й загортають його у пакет.

8. Цей старий досвідчений перукар робить чудові зачіски своїм клієнтам. Не дивно, що до нього завжди черга.

9. Коли спалахує пожежа, люди відразу ж викликають пожежну бригаду, і пожежники намагаються якнайшвидше загасити вогонь.

10. Законів у нашій державі настільки багато, що лише найкваліфікованіші юристи і судді досконало знають їх.

11. Кожна п’єса цього надзвичайно талановитого драматурга відображає психологію простої сучасної людини.


Words Connected with Work

Word Meaning Useful Expressions
Work 1. regular activity aimed to earn money 2. place of work 3. task be out of work, look for work, find work; be at work, go to work; homework, a good piece of work, to do work
Job 1. type of work 2. regular paid activity look for a job / find a job; lose one's job; full-time / part-time job; permanent / temporary job; odd job; teaching / cleaning job
Occupation used in official context, esp. someone's usual full-time job What's your present occu­pation?
Profession a type of work for which you need special training in some branch of knowledge (law, medicine, etc.) legal / teaching / medical profession; lawyer / teacher / doctor by profession
Trade an occupation, esp. one needing special skills with hands bricklayer /carpenter trade; Jack of all trades by
Career the type of work you do or wish to do for most of your working life a career in publishing / ad­vertising; to choose a ca­reer in the Army; a career diplomat / politi­cian; to ruin / destroy one's ca­reer
Vocation / calling a job which you do because you have a strong feeling that you want to do it, esp. in order to help other people (not because of money) to find one's vocation, to mistake one's vocation; a sense of vocation; vocation for teaching / lit­erature

Translate into English

1) Я одержую справжнє задоволення від своєї роботи. Мені пощастило мати приємних колег. У мене досить висока заробітна платня і гнучкий графік.

Але головне — це можливість подорожувати за кордон 3—4 рази на рік.

2) Найбільше, що мені подобається в моїй роботі, — це можливість займатися розумовою працею і покращувати свої знання. Наш керівник — це людина, яка надихає нас на нові досягнення. До того ж, завдяки йому ми маємо можливість своєю роботою служити людям.

3) Я людина творча, тому для мене важливо мати можливість самому планувати свій день. Іноді я можу протягом тижня понаднормово затримуватися після робочого дня, а потім ще й працювати на вихідних. Іншим же разом я закінчую раніше. Крім того, мені завжди потрібна тривала відпустка.

4) Кожен мріє мати роботу, яка була б у радість і передбачала гарні перспективи росту.

5) Я часто згадую свою першу роботу; оточення було дуже приємним, і нас весь час чомусь навчали.


Too Old at 30

I’m contemplating 1) _____ for my fifty-first job. In fact, when I reached the fiftieth without success I decided to give up job-hunting and 2) ______ a living with my pen instead.

But there is another wildly exciting 3) ______ in the paper today "4) ______ £9.500-£ 11,250 according to age and 5) ______". The good news is the 6) _______ the bad news is that damning little phrase "according to age and experience", which means I won't get the job.

Unfortunately my experience is not all related to a single-strand 7) ______ structure. Journalist, 8)_____, company director, wife and mother, market researcher, and now, at thirty-something, I am trying to use my Cambridge degree in criminology.

I’m a victim of the sliding pay-scale. 9)_______can obtain a fresh 22-year-old graduate 10) _____ a lot cheaper than me. Yet I'm the ideal 11)_______: stable. good-humoured, looking for 25-plus years of steady pensionable 12)________.

Ageism is everywhere. Even the BBC is a culprit. Their 13)_____ brochure says in part: "The BBC's 14) ______ policies are based on 15) _______ for all. This applies to 16) ________ opportunity for 17) _______ and 18) ______ irrespective of sex, marital status, creed, colour, race or ethnic origin." And then "candidates under the age of 25".




Read and translate the text

The Changing Face of Work

In the 70s and 80s, most managers expected to continue working until retirement at sixty or sixty-five. But now, the situation is changing. Since the beginning of the 1990s, many managers in their forties and fifties have lost their jobs.

Sometimes, the reason for making managers redundant is a company way-out or restructuring. Also, the recession of the late 1980s and early 1990s caused many redundancies.

But it is also true that fixed-term contracts are becoming more popular, and many companies prefer younger managers.

The result is that large numbers of unemployed managers are still looking for work now. And, for those who are over fifty years old, it's not certain that they will find full-time employment again.

What can a manager do in this situation? One important lesson is that every manager must be ready for change. You know that you are going to the office tomorrow morning, but you can't be certain that your job will exist a year from now.

2. Answer the questions:

1. Is it easy for young people to find jobs nowadays?

2. What activities does looking for a job involve?

3. What questions do you think you will be asked at an interview?

4. II" you manage to secure a good job would you like to stay in it for life? Why?


3. Read an extract from the book "Understanding Britain" by Karen Hewitt and answer the questions following the text.

Looking for a job

In Britain when a pupil leaves school at sixteen or later he or she must find a job. To achieve this goal school leavers without special qualifications will probably visit a Job Centre or look through local newspaper advertisements. School careers officers also can offer advice. But ultimately it is up to the boys and girls themselves to find work.

Graduates from universities and other colleges are in the same position except that they are older and arc looking for different kinds of work. Usually they start their search near the beginning of their third (i.e. final) year in college. The pro­fessional work many of them seek normally requires further specialized training, so the first step is to get a place on a training course - and a grant or some other funds to pay for the course. Probably the first stage will involve some kind of exam and an interview - necessary procedures for choosing which applicants shall be given places on the course which may lead to a job in the end. (Such courses are essential for librarians, computer programmers, social workers, ac­countants and many other kinds of qualified workers.). Certain organizations take graduates directly and train them while they are working - for example the BBC. A recruitment committee has to read through the papers and select maybe eight or ten applicants for interview. At the interview they will be asked their reasons for wanting the job, and have to answer questions about their academic career, 238 other activities and - often - questions which seem to have no point but which are intended to reveal their personality, skills and general suitability for the job.

Eventually someone will be selected. If the fortunate candidate is not happy with all the conditions of the job (pay, hours of work, pension rights and so on) he doesn't have to accept it - but once he has signed the contract he cannot leave the job without giving notice (of maybe three or six months) and he can­not be thrown out of the job without notice and without good reason.

Today graduates can expect to make dozens of applications for jobs and get short-listed for interviews two or three times before they find satisfactory work. Some of course know exactly what they want and manage to find the right job first time, but more often graduates can spend months searching, meanwhile earning enough to pay the rent by washing dishes or some other short-term work.

Having found your job, you certainly do not expect to stay in it for life - or even more than a few years. Whether they are working in private industry or in the state sector, people assume that if they want more money or more responsi­bility they must expect to move from one employer to another or from one area of work to another. Promotion up the steps of the ladder within a firm certainly happens, but the advantages to both employer and employee - stability, familiar­ity with the work, confidence, loyalty to the firm and its workers - must set against the advantages of bringing in "fresh blood", new challenging ways of ap­proaching the work (avoidance of intrigues and resentment among those already in the organization about the promotion of one over the other) and the hard work that can be expected from someone new in the job who has to "prove" himself or herself. In practice promotions are usually a mixture of "within-house" and from outside. Consequently, employees who want to improve their position start looking for other jobs within few years of securing their first one.

(from Курс английского языка для студентов языковых ВУЗов. С. 238)

4. Answer the questions:

1. What steps do school leavers in Britain take to find a job?

2. What makes it more difficult for college graduates to find employment?

3. What can be done to bridge the gap between the completion of education and the start of employment?

4. What information do interviewers try to get during the interview?

5. What obligations do the employer and the employee assume once the con­tract has been signed?

6. How long do people usually stay in the same job? Why?

7. Does loyalty to the company give employees an advantage over those who are new in the job?

8. Why are employers interested in bringing in "fresh blood"?


5. Compare the British assumptions and experience with the Ukrainian ones. Mark the main similarities and differences covering the following points:

· starting one's search for a job

· the methods involved

· selection of applicants

· mutual commitments of employers and employees

· changing jobs

· promotion prospects



Teaching as a career

1. Read an Interview with Michael Beresford

— Well, Michael, is teaching as a career popular with young people?

— Well, it's hard to say. I think, teaching of some kinds is still popular as it ever was, and I think, teaching small children teaching in nursery schools and in primary schools - that is still quite popular. More, of course, among women than amongst men, and the vast majority of teachers in nursery schools and primary schools are women. That is still a career which many take up with enthusiasm. And I mean that they are good at it, and that women are probably better teachers at this level because they're a kind of a substi­tute for the mother. When the child is learning to go away from the family, a woman fig­ures more than others, like a mother figures for the child, and I think that's a natural de­velopment. When we come to secondary education, I think their position is rather differ­ent. I think, until very recent time, teaching in secondary schools of all sorts was still re­garded as a good career, because it is a good career if it is a good school But there is no doubt, that these days, the life of a secondary school teacher is harder than it was, say 20 or 30 years ago, when I started my teaching career. Those who have been in teaching for a long time, tend to put up resistance, they know how to cope with prob­lems better than the young ones, who often get disillusioned and give up teaching So, we are short of good teachers This is not true, of course, of the independent schools There they can recruit people and pay them better salaries, and so they have few prob­lems of recruitment So, it's really the main problem in the state secondary schools and the comprehensive schools. I would say.

— And what is your idea of a good teacher then?

— It'll take a lot of time to describe. I think, a good teacher has not only to know his or her own subject, to be skilful with the subject he or she is teaching, but also to be a good person, to be a person with a pleasant nature, pleasant personality, sympathetic, par­ticularly sympathetic to young people and their problems, to be kind and good, and un­derstanding and also not to be full of sarcasm. In the old days, and too quite recently, like the time when I was being educated it was fashionable among teachers to put scorn on children even if they made a slight mistake. They were taught with great scorn and contempt, as if they were fools: children were made to look foolish and ignorant and shown in class in front of others. It made children feel uncomfortable. The opposite ap­proach is required with children who are most lacking confidence, I mean, to encourage them from the part of a teacher, which will improve the child's learning. The child will not, of course, learn from a teacher he or she doesn't like. And I think, that is because the children want to learn, they want to please the teacher when they like. So, the mat­ter of personality, I think, is the most important problem of teaching. Even a teacher, who doesn't know the subject perfectly well, can be a good teacher, if a pupil wants to follow him, and this is the essence of it. I think that being a good and sympathetic per­son is first and foremost; training and skill and knowledge come second, in my opinion.

(from Практика английской речи. С. 53)

2. Speculate on the following:

1. What problems are British schools faced with? Compare them with the problems facing Ukrainian schools.

2. Michael Beresford says that a good teacher should have a pleasant personality, be sympathetic, kind and understanding. What other personal qualities should a good teacher have?

3. Michael says that a teacher should not be full of sarcasm. Can you name a few other traits of character a teacher must not possess?

4. You surely have come across two types of teachers, kind and mild persons, and very strict, even authoritarian ones. Whose lessons did you enjoy more? Where did you show better standards of achievement? When were there fewer breaches of discipline7

5. What makes many young people take up teaching as a career? Does teaching appeal to you? Give your reasons

6. Why do many teachers quit their jobs? Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of the teaching career,


3. Rank the ten qualities of a good teacher in order of importance and compare your results with those of your partner's. Give examples to back up your statements.

A Good Teacher

§ Keeps in contact with the parents of his / her pupils and lets them participate in the life of the school (in a primary or secondary school).

§ Is able to maintain discipline and order

§ Let’s the students share his / her own life with all its ups and downs.

§ Works hard to remain up-to-date in his / her subject.

§ Openly admits when he / she has made a mistake or does not know something

§ Is interested in his / her students, asks them about their homes and tries to help where possible.

§ Makes the students work hard and sets high standards.

§ Is friendly and helpful to his / her colleagues.

§ Uses a lot of different materials, equipment and teaching methods and attempts to make his / her lessons interesting.

§ Helps the students become independent and organize their own learning.


4. All teachers would like to have well-behaved classes. After all, teaching a class with little or no disciplinary problems is a great joy. How well-behaved a class is depends to a large extent on how well a teacher can encourage good disciplinary habits.

Teacher N. has strong opinions about what is and what is not allowed in a classroom. The problem is that these opinions often take into account only one type of student and one type of learning. All other forms are not acceptable and need to be eliminated at the expense of squashing a student's motivation to study Her method tends to unjustly reward students that fit the mold and punish those that do not. What frequently happens is that some students resist being forced to fit the mold and rebel in any way they can. They even band to­gether to disrupt class just to upset the teacher or become impassive rebels that think they can do what they want. Role-play the situation when Teacher N. describes what happens during her classes and asks her colleagues for advice because she doesn't know how to react to breaches of discipline. Her more experienced colleagues give her advice how to maintain control without hamper­ing the student's freedom. You may enlarge on the following:

§ discipline works best when

§ it is meted out immediately and fairly;

§ no one is above the rules;

§ it is consistent;

§ the teacher keeps a cool head and deals with the problem with little or no emotion;

§ the degree of punishment fits the crime;

§ the teacher focuses the attention of the entire class on the problem student and brings

§ into action the dynamic forces of peer pressure,

§ the teacher never insults a student, never attacks character


5. Read the poem and speak on how a teacher should teach his / her students.

A Teacher’s Prayer

James J. Metcalf

I want to teach my students how--
To live this life on earth,
To face its struggles and its strife
And to improve their worth.

N ot just the lesson in a book,
Or how the rivers flow,
But to choose the proper path,
Wherever they may go.

T o understand eternal truth,
And know right from wrong,
And gather all the beauty of
A flower and a song,

F or if I help the world to grow
In wisdom and grace,
Then I feel that I have won
And I have filled my place.

A nd so I ask your guidance, God
That I may do my part,
For character and confidence
And happiness of heart.

Think over the quotes

Let wisdom guide my heart,

And help me keep in mind,

That each and every student,

Is a precious of a kind


The mediocre teacher tells.

The good teacher explains.

The superior teacher demonstrates.

The great teacher inspires.

(William Ward)


The teachers open the door

But you must enter yourself

(Chinese proverb)


Lucky is the teacher who can look across the room and not see a bored face. (Ebbert Hubbard)


What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.

Karl Menrimger



The children fixed their eyes upon Anne. Anne gazed back, feeling helpless.

"Now, children," began Miss Enderby firmly, "you are very, very lucky this term to have Miss Lacey for your new teacher."

Anne gave a watery smile. The Children's faces were unmoved.

"Miss Lacey," repeated Miss Enderby with emphasis. "Can you say that?"

"Miss Lacey," chorused the class obediently.

"Perhaps you could say 'Good morning' to your new teacher?" suggested Miss Enderby in an imperative tone.

"Good morning. Miss Lacey," came the polite chorus.

"Good morning, children," responded Anne in a voice which bore no resemblance to her own.

Miss Enderby motioned to the children to take their seats. "I should give out paper and coloured pencils," said Miss Enderby, "as soon as you've called the register. Keep them busy while you're finding your way about the cupboards and so on."

She gave a swift look round the class. "I expect you to help Miss Lacey in every way," said the headmistress. "D'you hear me, Arnold?"

The little boy addressed, who had been crossing and uncrossing his eyes in an ugly manner for the enjoyment of his neighbours, looked suitably crest-fallen.

"If I were you, I should keep an eye on that boy," murmured Miss Enderby. "Broken home — brother in Borstal — and some rather dreadful habits!"

Anne looked with fresh interest at Arnold and thought he looked quite different from what Miss Enderby said about him. Far too innocent and apple-cheeked to have such a record. But even as she looked, she saw his pink face express his scorn of Miss Enderby who was giving her final messages to the new teacher.

"Break at ten forty-five, dear," said the headmistress. "Come straight to the staff room. I will wait there till you join us. I will introduce you to those you didn't meet on your first visit How do you like the idea of having a cup of tea then? We need rest after all. If there's anything that puzzles you, I shall be in my room. You can depend on me. Just send a message by one of the children."

She made her way to the door and waited before it, eyebrows raised as she turned her gaze upon the children. They gazed back in some bewilderment

"Is no one going to remember his manners?" asked Miss Enderby.

With a nervous start Anne hastened forward to the door, but was waved back by a movement of her headmistress's hand. A dozen or more children made a rush to open the door. A freckled girl with two skinny red plaits was the first to drag open the door. She was rewarded by a smile.

"Thank you, dear, thank you," said Miss Enderby and sailed majestically into the corridor. There came a faint sigh of relief as the door closed behind her, and the forty-six tongues which had so far kept unnaturally silent began to wag cheerfully. Anne watched this change with some dismay. She remembered with sudden relief some advice given her at college in just such a situation.

"Stand quite still, be quite calm, and gradually the children will become conscious that you are waiting. Never, never attempt to shout them down."

So Anne stood her ground waiting for the chattering to subside. But the noise grew in volume as conversations became more animated. One or two children ran across the room to see their distant friends. Two little boys attacked each other. A child with birthday cards was displaying their beauties to an admiring crowd round her desk. Arnold had removed his blue pullover and was attempting to pull his shirt over his head, in order to show his friends a scar on his shoulderblade.

Amidst growing chaos Anne remained silent. She looked at the clock which jerked from one minute to the next and decided to let it leap once more before she abandoned hope.

One crumb of comfort, if comfort it could be called, remained with her. This was an outburst of natural high spirits. Her presence, she noted, meant nothing at all to them.

A chair fell over, someone yelped with pain, there was a burst of laughter, and Anne saw the clock jump to another minute. Anne advanced into action.

"To your desks!" she roared, "And quickly!"

With a pleasurable shock she saw her words obeyed. Within a minute order had returned. Refreshed by the break the children turned attentive eyes upon her.

Anne's self-esteem crept back.

(From "Fresh from the Country" by Miss Reed)


1. to look υ i/t 1. смотреть, глядеть, е.g. I looked (up, down) at the opposite house, but saw no lights in its windows.

Syn. to stare, to gaze

to look means "to use one's eyes, to try to see", е.g. He looked at me, but didn't recognize me.

to stare means "to look steadily, with wide-open eyes, often with curiosity or surprise, or vacantly (бессмысленно, рассеянно)". We may stare at a person or thing, into the water, distance, fire or anything that has depth (пристально смотреть, глазеть, таращить/пялить глаза), е.g. Не stared at me as if I had asked him to do something impossible. He stared at the fire, deep in thought.

to gaze means "to look at smb. or smth. (or into smb.'s eyes) usu. long and steadily with interest, love, desire, in wonder, admiration, etc.", е.g. He's very fond of this picture, he can gaze at it for hours. The lovers stood with their hands clasped, gazing into each other's eyes.

to look about осматриваться, оглядываться по сторонам, е.g. I looked about, but saw no people anywhere.

Look ahead! Берегись!

to look (a thing) through просматривать что-л., е.g. Look through those documents, please.

to look after заботиться, ухаживать за кем- n., чём- n., е.g. I'll look after the child. Don't forget to look after the flowers when I'm away.

to look for искать кого-л., что-л., е.g. I've been looking for you since the very morning.

to look forward to (smth. or doing smth.) предвкушать что-л., с удовольствием ожидать чего-л., е.g. John looked forward to seeing Mario and his wife. Students always look forward to their holidays.

Look here! Послушай! е.g. Look here, wouldn't it be better to stay indoors in such nasty weather?

2. казаться, выглядеть (followed by an adjective, noun or like), е.g. He looks sad. The child looks ill (well). She looks like a real teacher. It looks like rain.

Note: казаться has two English equivalents — to look and to seem; to look means выглядеть, е.g. He looks young for his age. She looks beautiful " n this dress. She looks a child.; to seem means производить впечатление (it expresses various degrees of doubt), e.g. She seems (to be) clever. This village seems (to be) quite small now. He seems (to be) well educated.

look n 1. взгляд, е.g. There was something strange in his look.

Syn. stare, gaze, е.g. Lanny returned the man's stare, but didn't utter a word. The girl blushed when she noticed the stranger's fixed gaze.

to have a look at взглянуть, е.g. Have a look at this photo, do you recognize the man?

Note: The English for взгляд = точка зрения is idea, opinion, (point of) view, е.g. I don't know his point of view оn (views on, idea(s) of, opinion of) this subject.

2. выражение, е.g. A took of pleasure came to her face. There was an angry look in her eyes,

2. to differ υi i. различаться, отличаться (from smb. or smth. in smth.), е.g. The two brothers differ in their tastes. His plan differs from all the others.; 2. не соглашаться, расходиться во взглядах (from/with smb. in smth.), е.g. I differ from (with) you in this matter.

Ant. agree (with smb.; to smth.), е.g. Let's agree to differ (пусть каждый останется при своем мнении).

different adj 1. непохожий, не такой, отличный от (from), е.g. Не is quite different from what I thought him to be. I want a different kind of book this time (but I prefer books of a different kind). Our views on life are different.

Ant. alike, е.g. Our tastes are alike.

Note: Don't confuse the words different and another which may be translated by the same Russian word другой; е.g. I want another (другой = еще один) piece of cake. I want a different (другой = другого copra, вида и т. д.) piece of cake. Let's try another (еще один) variant Let's by a different (иного рода) variant.

2. разный, различный, е.g. A department store sells many different things. Every day our students get different written assignments.

difference n разница, различие, е.g. The difference between our views is not very great. I don't find much difference in the styles of these writers.

to make some (no, not much) difference (to smb.), е.g. It won't make much difference whether we do it today or tomorrow. You may stay or leave, it makes no difference to me.

3. rest υ i/t 1. отдыхать, лежать, спать; давать отдых, е.g. Не rested for an hour before going on with his work. She likes to rest after dinner. They stopped to rest their horses.

2. опираться, покоиться, держаться на чём- n., е.g. The roof rests on eight columns. There is always a cloud resting on the top of this mountain.

3. оставаться (лежать); класть, прислонять, е.g. Her fingers touched his forehead and rested there. She sat with her elbows resting on the table.

Note: The Russian word оставаться has several English equivalents, е.g. Пусть все остается как есть. Let the matter rest. Я не хочу здесь оставаться. I don't want to stay here. У нас осталось только 5 рублей. Only 5 roubles are left Все остается без изменений Everything remains without any changes.

rest n покой, отдых, сон, е.g. Rest is necessary after work. I had a good night's rest. We had several rests on our way up the mountains. But: Он отдыхал на юге. Не spent his holiday in the South.

rest n (always with def. article) остаток, остальное, остальная часть чего-л.

the rest of (the time, the books, etc.), е.g. Have you written all the exercises? — No, only half of them. The rest (of the exercises) may be done orally. Only five of us were present at the lesson, the rest (of the group) went to the meeting. I'll take an apple and you may take the rest.

4. comfortable adj 1. удобный; комфортабельный; уютный, е.g. a comfortable chair, room, bed, house; comfortable shoes, etc.; 2. predic разг. довольный, спокойный, чувствующий себя удобно, е.g. I'm sure you'll be very comfortable there.

to make oneself comfortable, е.g. Mr. Murdoch made himself comfortable in a chair and ordered a strong black coffee.

Ant. uncomfortable

comfort n 1. утешение, поддержка, е.g. The news brought comfort to all of us. He was a great comfort to his parents.; 2. успокоение, покой, отдых, е.g. to be fond of comfort, to live in comfort

Ant. discomfort

comfort υt утешать, успокаивать

comforting adj утешительный, успокоительный, е.g. comforting words.

Note: convenient adj means suitable, handy, serving to avoid trouble or difficulty; е.g. convenient time, method, tool, place, etc. Will this bus be convenient to/for you? Let's arrange a convenient time and place for the conference.

Ant. inconvenient

convenience n 1. удобство (the quality of being convenient or suitable), е.g. at your earliest convenience; for convenience; 2. (pl.) удобства (device, arrangement, etc. that is useful or convenient, е.g. central heating, hot water supply), е.g. The house has all modern conveniences. Ant. inconvenience

5. to run (ran, run) υi/t 1. бежать, бегать, е.g. 1 ran all the way for fear of being late. As soon as we fired, the enemy ran.

2. ходить, плыть, курсировать (о трамваях, автобусах и пр.), е.g. Trams run on rails. Motor cars ran along ordinary roads. The buses run every five minutes.

3. течь, литься, е.g. Torrents of water ran down the streets. Rivers run into the sea. Don't you hear the water running in the kitchen? If you have a bad cold, your nose runs.

4. тянуться, е.g. For several miles the road ran across a plain.

Note: For the Russian тянуться = простираться the verb stretch is used, е.g. The forest stretched to the South for many miles.

5. гласить, рассказывать, говорить(ся), е.g. So the story runs. The story runs....

to run into smb. случайно встретиться с кем- n.; to run into smth. натолкнуться на что-л., е.g. Our car ran into the bus. I ran into a friend of mine on my way-home.; to run across smb./smth. случайно встретить (натолкнуться на что-л.), е.g. The other day I ran across a very interesting article in the newspaper.: to run over smb. переехать, задавить кого-л., also: to be run over (by a car), е.g. But for the skill of the driver the man would have been run over by the bus.

runner n бегун

6. join υt/i 1. соединять(ся), объединяться), е.g. I couldn't join (together) the two halves of the vase, because a small piece was missing. Where do the two streams join (each other)?

Syn. unite

N о t e: to join usu. means "to put two things together", е.g. The island was joined to the mainland with a bridge.; to unite usu. means "to join together (by a common aim or bond) several objects so as to form one new unit", е.g. We united all our forces to drive the enemy out of our country. Workers of the world, unite! The United Nations Organization (UNO) was formed in 1945 in San Francisco.

2. присоединяться (к), е.g. Will you join me in my walk? We'll join you in a few minutes.

3. входить в компанию, вступать в члены, е.g. If I were you I should join this club. He was twenty-two when he joined the array.

7. depend υi 1. зависеть от (on/upon smb. for smth.), е.g. We depend on the newspapers for information about world events. He depends on his sister for a living. Children usually depend on their parents (находятся на иждивении родителей).; 2. полагаться, рассчитывать на кого-л., что-л., е.g. You can depend upon the man. I depend on you to do it. Can I depend on this time-table or is it an old one?

It (all) depends как сказать; в зависимости от обстоятельств, е.g. Will you finish your work on time? — It depends.



chorus n, υ differ υ join υ

comfort n, υ difference n look n, υ

comfortable adj different adj rest n, υ

convenience n gaze n, υ run υ

convenient adj headmistress n stare n, υ

depend υ unite υ

Word Combinations

to fix one's eyes on/upon smb. to keep an eye on smb.

to feel helpless to give (send) a message

to give a smile (a nod, a look, etc.) to turn one's eyes (gaze)

to bear (to have) a strong upon smb./smth.

resemblance to to run across

to motion to smb. to run into

to give out (pencils, leaflets, readers, to run over

workcards, sets of material, etc.) to shout smb. down

to call the register (the roll) to abandon hope


I. a) Write the Past Indefinite and Past Participle of the verbs:

grow, creep, bear, break, keep, think, leap, mean, fall, find, feel, say, cling, hear, meet, run, show

b) the Past Indefinite and Present Participle of the verbs:

differ, prefer, murmur, appear, occur, recover, remember, chatter, refer, stir, water, fear, offer, drag, wag, plan, chat, slip, beg.

II. Find nouns related to the verbs below. Pay special attention to the spelling of the suffix -ence/-ance. Place them in two columns:

depend, differ, exist, accept, resemble, attend, perform, insist, occur.

III. Answer these questions:

1. How was Anne introduced to her class? 2. What did she feel at that moment? What words does the author choose to describe her feelings? 3. What instructions did the headmistress give to the young teacher? What do you think of them? 4. Why did Anne "look with fresh interest at Arnold?" Describe Arnold's appearance and behaviour. 5. How did the other children behave in Miss Enderby's presence? (Find words describing their behaviour.) 6. Why do you think "there came a faint sigh of relief" after Miss Enderby left the classroom? Describe the children's behaviour after she left. 7. What advice given her at college did Anne remember? Did she follow the advice? What was the result? Why did the children behave like that? 8. How did Anne restore the order? Do you think it was the only way out? 9. Comment on the words: "Anne's self-esteem crept back".

VI. Fill in

a) look or seem:

1. The weather... quite warm though it's only 5°C above zero. 2. The children... tired but they... greatly pleased with the trip, don't they? 3. The host and the hostess... a bit oldfashioned, but they... to be hospitable and friendly. 4. She... to be very light-minded, but she only... it, in fact she is a very serious and hard-working student. 5. My brother says that people usually... what they are and I believe that people are very often quite different from what they... to be.

b) another or different.

1. The teacher tried to explain the rule in a... way and I understood it at once. 2. The schoolboy returned the book he had read and asked for... book, but of a... kind, he said, as he wanted to have a rest from detective stories. 3. I asked for a pair of shoes of a... kind, but the shop-girl said that the rest of the shoes were not my size.

с) stretch or run:

1. A small stream... along the road. 2. These steppes... to the South for miles and miles. 3. The path... across the field for a mile and then was lost in the forest. 4. No matter how hard I looked I saw only a vast plain... before me. 5. The ugly scar (шрам)... right across the man's left cheek. 6. For how many kilometers does this forest...?

d) comfortable or convenient

1. I like to sleep on a camp-bed, I find it very.... 2. I believe Friday the only... day for our meeting, we have only four lectures on that day. 3. Though the flat was rather.... warm, light and cosy, it was not... for our work as it was rather small. 4. These shoes are very... for wear in wet weather as they have rubber soles.

e) join or unite:

1. The two streams... at the foot of the mountain. 2.... we stand, divided we fall. 3. One by one the children... in the game. 4. The partisans’ detachment... the regular army and the enemy lost the battle against their... forces. 5. All peace-loving people should... in their straggle against a new war. 6. Won't you... me in a walk?

Why I Didn't Do My Homework

— I know homework is essential to our well-being, and I did it but I got into a fight with some kid on our way to school and he threw it in the gutter.

— My dog chewed it.

— I didn't know we weresupposed to do it.

— I fell asleep on the subway because I stayed up all night doing my homework, so when it stopped at my station I ran through the door not to be late and left it on the seat on the subway.

— I did it but left it home by mistake.

— The baby spilled milk on it.

— My brother took "my" homework instead of "his".

— The page was missing from my book.

— I lost my book and just found it.

— There's no room in my house now my uncle moved in and I have to sleep in the hall and couldn't use the kitchen table.

— Someone stole it.

— What homework?



School! Lessons, games, clubs, homework. A bell rings. You go to a classroom. A bell rings. You have lunch. A bell rings. You go home.

But one day you go to school for the last time. What to do after that? You realize that the time to choose one job out of the hundreds has come. It's going to be a hard choice and nobody can make it for you.

Before you can choose, you ask yourself quite a lot of questions. What do you know you are good at? What do you enjoy doing? Perhaps you enjoy working with your hands. Or you may prefer using your head — your brains. Are you interested in machines? Or do you like meeting people? It's difficult to know all the answers to these questions until you have left school and actually begun work.


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