After Visiting a British Laboratory 

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After Visiting a British Laboratory

On the way to the hotel Smirnov and Clark spoke about the organization of research in Britain and the role played by the Royal Society¹.

Smirnov: … As far as I remember the Royal Society was founded in the seventeenth century.

Clark: In 1660 to be exact. In 1645 during the Civil War² there was some interruption of studies in Oxford and Cambridge. A small body of men decided to meet weekly in London to discuss the experimental findings obtained as a result of great scientific advancements that had been made by that time.

S.: You mean the works of Galileo, Kepler³ and others?

C.: Exactly. They believed that systematic observation and experiment were the proper means ofinvestigating natural phenomena. Their meetings led to the foundation of the Royal Society.

S.: What was the purpose of the Royal Society at that time?

C.: To enlarge knowledge by observation and experiment. Now its principal object is promotion of the progress of science by convening conferences, administrating many funds and government grants and issuing a large number of publications.

S.: The “Philosophical Transactions” and the “Proceedings” are well-known in the scientific community.

C.: You’re right. The Fellowship⁴ of the Royal Society included such names as Newton, Maxwell, Kelvin⁵, Rayleigh⁶, Darvin⁷, Rutherford8and others.

S.: I believe Isaac Newton is the greatest name in the history of the Society. His investigations have in fact diverted the course of physical science into modern channels.


C.: Oh, yes. When Newton became President of the Royal Society it rose rapidly in number and reputation.

S.: To the best of my knowledge, many prominent scientists of the world, and Soviet and Russian Scientists among them, have been elected to the Royal Society. But they are not called Fellows, are they?

C.: No, the non-British who belong to the Society are called Foreign Members. The term Fellows is used only to British nationals.

S.: I see.

C.: Well, here we are. Your hotel…

S.: Thanks for giving me a lift. Visiting your lab was a most interesting experience. Good-bye. See you tomorrow.



1. The Royal Society – the most famous learned ['lǝːnid] society in Britain

founded in 1660.

2. The Civil War (1642-1648) – the war between the supporters of the

Parliament and the Royalists.

3. Kepler J. (1571-1630) – a German astronomer and mathematician.

4. The Fellowship – действительное членство;

стипендия (для исследовательской работы)

5. Kelvin W. (1824-1907) – a British physicist and mathematician.

6. Rayleigh J. (1842-1919) – a British physicist.

7. Darvin Ch. (1809-1882) – a British naturalist.

8. Rutherford E. (1871-1937) – a British physicist.

13. Learn the useful phrases: to think up of a wish, to be satisfied;

to be exact; “These are two different things!”; “Good luck to you!”; As far as I remember”; “You mean”; “Exactly!”; “You’re right!”; “To the best of my knowledge, …”; “I see”; “Well, here we are”; “Thanks for giving me a lift”; “See you tomorrow”.


14. Read the incomplete part of the dialogue and find the suitable mentioned

below reply. Then role play the dialogue


Tony: Hello, Martin!

Martin: Hello, Tony!

T.: Martin, can you skate?

M.: (1) …

T.: Can you help us?

M.: (2) …

T.: You must take part in the ice hockey match on Wednesday, that is tomorrow.

M.: (3)…

T.: Don’t worry! If you can skate it’s easy. You don’t need to skate too much there. We want you to be the goal-keeper. Mark, our goal-keeper, is ill. He can’t come to the match tomorrow.

M.: (4) …

T.: Please, help our team. It is going to be a very important game. We must win.

M.: (5) …

T.: Thank you. Good luck to you!


a. Oh, it’s difficult to be a goal-keeper.

b. If you ask me, Tony, of course, but…

c. With pleasure. In what way?

d. I can, but very little.

e. I can skate, Tony, but I can’t play hockey. These are two different things!


15. Read and learn the dialogues

Dealing with problems

A: How can I help you?

B: My watch is broken./The phone doesn’t work.

A: I’ll fix it for you./We’ll exchange it.


A: Can I speak to the manager?

B: No problem.

16. Read the dialogue and learn it by heart. Then act it out.


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