Put the numbers of the right statements into the column № 1 (right) and of the wrong ones into the column № 2 (wrong) 

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Put the numbers of the right statements into the column № 1 (right) and of the wrong ones into the column № 2 (wrong)

№ 1 - right № 2 - wrong

1. Every period of history has the same standards of beauty.

2. In the 19th Century being beautiful meant wearing a corset.

3. Nowadays women have to wear corsets too.

4. Standards of beauty have become extremely rigid and uniform thanks to the media.

5. Modern standards of beauty are very easy to attain, particularly for women.

6. The media ideal of thinness for women is achievable by all the female population.

7. Men are much more critical of their appearance than women.

8. Up to 8 out of 10 women are satisfied with their reflection.

9. Men looking in the mirror are pleased with their appearance or indifferent to it.

10. Women are judged on their appearance more than men are.


Read and translate proverbs and quotations.


Age… is a matter of feeling, not of years. George Curtis

Every man desires to live long, but no man would be old. Swift

A man is as old as he feels, and a woman as old as she looks.


Appearances are deceptive.

The face is the index of the mind


Nothing is beautiful from every point of view. Horace

Beauty is power; a smile is its sword. Carles Reade

When a girl ceases to blush, she has lost the most powerful charm of her beauty.

Gregory I

Beauty is but skin deep.

Beauty is in the eye of the gazer.


Topical vocabulary

beautician косметолог
beauty therapist врач-косметолог
beauty cubicle or area кабинет косметологии
beauty parlour (ам.parlor) кабинет косметологии
beauty salon салон красоты
body care уход за телом
complexion (pale, pink, olive) цвет лица (бледный, розовый, оливковый)
cosmetician косметолог и продавец косметики
cosmetologist косметолог и парикмахер одновременно
cosmetics косметические средства
definition определение
esthetician косметолог
eyelash, eyebrow tinting окрашивание ресниц, бровей
face care уход за лицом
field отрасль
false nails application наращивание искусственных ногтей
groom ухаживать за собой
hair removal эпиляция
- eyebrow plucking эпиляция бровей
- waxing эпиляция при помощи воска
- upper lip hair removal удаление волос над верхней губой
- arm hair removal эпиляция рук
- under arm hair removal эпиляция подмышечных впадин
- leg hair removal эпиляция ног
- bikini line линия бикини
make-up, make-up artist макияж, визажист
mask (moisturising, firming, nourishing маска (увлажняющая, тонизирующая, питательная)
manicurist, manicure мастер по маникюру, маникюр
nail varnish or nail polish application нанесение лака для ногтей
pedicure педикюр
pedicurist мастер по педикюру
skin cleansing чистка кожи
skin care уход за кожей
sun lamp, sunbeds лампа для загара, солярий
treatment уход, лечение


Тext А. Beauty industry


Definitions of the professions in the field of beauty industry:

aesthetician or esthetician

1. One versed in the theory of beauty and artistic expression.

2. One skilled in giving facials, manicures, pedicures, and other beauty treatments.

beautician - One skilled in giving cosmetic treatments; works in a beauty parlor

cosmetician - One whose occupation is manufacturing, selling, or applying cosmetics; works in a beauty parlor

cosmetologist - often called a beautician or a hairstylist; hair care is usually the largest part of their job.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,2003

versed – опытный, сведущий

skilled – опытный, квалифицированный


Beauty has been a concern of men and women since ages. The hectic lifestyles of today leave us little time for personal grooming than we had before. This has caused people - essentially women - to turn increasingly to professionals for treatment to give them that 'manicured' looks. Moreover, as a larger number of women begin to work outside their homes, the need to appear well groomed and attractive has assumed greater importance.

Cosmetology includes the care and treatment of skin, hair, face and body and covers diet and exercise as well.

§ Earlier, this career was considered appropriate only for those with limited financial resources, schooling and social status. Many were mid-life entrants. Today, however, the returns generated by the industry have begun to attract entrants from all strata of class and education. Girls just out of school consider this career as an easy and viable option.

§ This area was once almost exclusively a woman's preserve. Now, as consciousness of the appearance grows, more and more men are coming in as both providers and seekers of beauty care. Success in this field has no relationship to the age of the practitioner.

Areas of specialization include:

- Beautician: Works only on the face and neck.

- Manicurist: Takes care only of the hands.

- Pedicurist: Takes care of the feet.

- Electrologist (epilationist): Uses various means to remove unwanted hair.

- Masseur (Masseuse): Performs face and body massage.

- Aroma Therapist: Performs massage with aromatic oils.

concern – забота, интерес

to cause – послужить причиной

stratum (pl. strata) - слой

1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following expressions:

художественное выражение; тот, кто имеет опыт; лихорадочный (сумасшедший) темп жизни; заставило людей; всё чаще обращаться; приобрело большее значение; считалась подходящей; всех классовых слоёв и уровней образования; осознание значения внешности; работающие в сфере индустрии красоты и обращающиеся к ней за услугами.


2. Try to find Russian equivalents to the following expressions:

hair care, since ages, personal grooming, 'manicured' looks, to work outside their homes, covers diet and exercise as well, social status, mid-life entrants, an easy and viable option, exclusively a woman's preserve, has no relationship.


3. Answer the following questions:

Why have we got less time for personal grooming today than we had before?

1. Why has the need to appear well groomed and attractive assumed greater importance for women nowadays?

2. What kinds of services does cosmetology include?

3. Why does beauty industry attract more and more entrants from all strata of class and education today?

4. What specializations does beauty industry include?

5. What are the beautician’s duties?

6. What do the manicurists and pedicurists take care of?

7. What does the electrologist’s work consist of?

8. What are the masseur’s and aroma therapist’s duties?


Text B. Beauty professions


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