XI. Learn the following words and word combinations by heart. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


XI. Learn the following words and word combinations by heart.

investment interests [ ] - инвестиционные интересы

to benefit from smth [ ] - извлекать пользу, выгоду из чего – либо

to participate in smth [ ] - принимать участие в чем -либо

board- level executives [ ] - руководство высшего звена

to fill in [ ] - заполнять, выписывать


XII. Read, translate and discuss the letter.



Grand Street, London, W1N 9UZ

tel. (212)324 5674, http://www.sinclarecenter.com


Our ref.______

Your ref._______

23 rd July, 2011

Mirelli S.p.a

182 Via Gentile

I-70100 Bari



Dear Sirs,

As a company with substantial investment and trading interests in the Far East, your firm could greatly benefit from participating in our round table on “ SE. Asian Trade Today” to be held at the Hilton Hotel, Singapore from 10th October through 15th October.


You are cordially invited to join a group of board-level executives from a variety of US and EU companies operating in the area. Enclosed you will find the program, featuring only the confirmed speakers, as well as a list of companies that have already registered one or more executives for the event.

If you are interested, kindly fill in the attached form, stating how many delegates you wish to send and whether or not they will require accommodation at the Hilton (or, failing that, at another hotel of similar standard). Your letter should reach us by 1st September at the latest.

We shall, of course, be only too pleased to answer any further questions that you may have. We look forward to welcoming you to the round table.


Yours faithfully,

Sally Turner

Sally Turner

Conference Organizer


XIII. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the arguments for participating in the round table?

2. What companies are participating in the round table?

3. What shall the addressee do if they intend to take part?


XIV. Learn the following words and word combinations by heart.

to accept an invitation [ ] - принимать приглашение

to require accommodation [ ] - нуждаться в размещении в гостинице

applicable rates [ ] - применяемые ставки

price-list [ ] - прейскурант

by return fax [ ] - обратным факсом


XV. Read, translate and discuss the letter.



Via Gentile 182, I-70100 Bari

Tel. (762) 695-9496 fax. (762) 695-9488

Our ref.______

Your ref._______

27 July, 2011

600 Grand Street




Dear Ms Turner,

Thank you for your kind invitation of 23 July to participate in your round table on “SE. Asian Trade Today”.

We are delighted to accept your invitation and confirm that we shall require accommodation for our representatives - 3 senior staff. Details are:

P.Collier, arriving 13:20, 10 October,

leaving 10:00, 14 October - 4 nights

O.Jasmin, arriving 22:50, 11 October,

leaving 09:00, 15 October - 4 nights

B.Carlsoni, arriving 19:00, 10 October,

leaving 10:00, 14 October - 4 nights


All three should be picked up at the airport.


We understand that applicable rates will be those specified in the price-list of 21 July sent by you. Please confirm by return fax.


Yours sincerely,


Mandy Lim

Managing director



XVI. Answer the following questions.

1. Has the invitation been accepted?

2. What requests are put forward?

3. What is the cost of accommodation?


XVII. Study the notes and writing patterns.


1. to have pleasure in doing smth/to have the pleasure of doing smth

Данная конструкция изменяется в зависимости от времени.

to have pleasure in doing smth - употребляется только в настоящем времени;

to have the pleasure of doing smth - в прошедшем и будущем временах.

· We shall have the pleasure of visiting your stand at the exhibition. - Мы будем рады посетить Ваш стенд на выставке.

· We have pleasure in sending you our publications. - Мы с удовольствием посылаем Вам наши печатные материалы.

2. to supply smb with smth/to supply smth to smb - снабжать кого-либо чем-либо; поставлять что-либо кому-либо. В этом же значении употребляются глаголы to furnish smb with smth и to provide smb with smth.

3. prospectuses- рекламные проспекты. Однако часто ошибочно в этом же значении используют слово prospects, которое имеет совершенно другое значение «перспективы, планы, виды на будущее».



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