Exercise 1 Write what you all were doing when the light went out. 

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Exercise 1 Write what you all were doing when the light went out.

Урок 51

Дата, класс: 5 А_____,5-Б_______5- В________

Тема: Отработка грамматического материала The Past Continuous Tense

Практическая цель: тренировать учеников в употреблении структур The Past Continuous Tense, научить сравнивать их с структурами Past Simple. Продолжать формировать навыки устной речи. Практиковать учеников в письме.

Общеобразовательная цель: продолжать ознакомливать учеников с лексикой и грамматическим материалом

Развивающая цель: развивать коммуникативный способности ученииков

Воспитательная цель: Воспитывать культуру речи

Тип урока: комбинированный

Оснащение урока: учебник, рабочая тетрадь, карточки, доска, плакат.

№ п/п   Время   Этапы урока, материал Методы и приёмы работы Примеча-ния
            Подготовка к восприятию иностранного языка 1. Приветствие. T: Good morning, pupils! I’m glad to see you! Let’s start our lesson! 2. Сообщение темы и цели урока T: At our lesson today you will tell me what you were doing on your winter holidays. 3. фонетическая иречевая зарядка: стихотворение записано на доске T: look at the blackboard, listen and repeat the rhyme. I’ll read the questions and you’ll read the answers — What were you doing at two? — I was visiting the zoo. — What were you doing at three? — I was climbing a tree. — What did you see from there? — I saw a big Polar bear. Основная часть урока. 1. проверка домашнего задания 1) Упр 3 c74 письменно Один ученик читает упражнение остальные ученики его внимательно слушают и проверяют домашнее задание T: let’s check your homework. … read the exercise. 2. тренирование учеников в употреблении структур Past Continuous. 1) Grammar point T: now open your books at page 75. … read the rule and examples. Now retell the rule 2) Упр 1,3 С 75 Ученики письменно выполняют задание T: now let’s do exercise 1 on page 75… come to the blackboard T: now let’s do exercise 3on page 75… come to the blackboard 3) работа на карточке упр 1 (РТ упр 1 стр 53) T: now let’s work with card exercise 1 (WB ex 1 p 53). Write what you all were doing when the light went out. You are tired. Now we have a little rest. Stand up! Hands up! Hands down! Hands on the hips! Sit down!   4) Упр 2 (с. 75). Ученики устно по-цепочке выполняют упражнение T: now let’s do exercise 2 on page 75. look, read the question and answer as in the example by chain. 5) работа с карточкой упр 2 (РТ упр 2 стр 53) T: now let’s work with card exercise 2 (WB ex 2 p 53). Complete the story with the correct verb form. 3) тренирование учеников в аудировании 1) Этап подготовки к аудированию T: Do you know about the brave Ukrainian girl Nastia Ovchar? Now you will listen how she saved her little sister. Look at the blackboard. На доске a spark — искра; a fire — огонь, пожар; the fire was burning, the room was on fire — огонь горел, комната была в огне 2) Этап аудирования Ученики прослушивают текст и затем выполняб задание NASTYA SAVES HER SISTER One winter afternoon, in 2005, Nastya was playing in her house while her little sister Luda was sleeping in her bed. Nastya was 5 and Luda was only 2. The gir ls’ parents were not at home. They went out on business. It was warm in the room, the fire was burning. Then a spark fell on the floor and soon the room was on fire. Little Nastya was afraid but she knew what to do. She took her sister into her arms and carried her out of the burning house. Little Luda was all right but Nastya was very ill. People all over Ukraine wanted to help the brave girl. They collected money to send Nastya to a very good hospital in America. There the doctors were looking after Nastya and helping her to be well again. Now the Ovchars’ family live in Kyiv. In September, 2005, Nastya went to school. She will always remember the kind doctors and people in different countries who helped her in difficulties. 3) Этап проверки понимания текста T: now I’ll read the statements and you tell me are they false or true? 1. Nastya was in the house alone. 2. Her little sister was sleeping. 3. The g ir ls ’ parents were at home. 4. Suddenly the room was on fire. 5. Nastya carried Luda out of the house. 6. Nastya and Luda were very ill. 7. People of many countries helped the Ovchars’ family in difficulties. Окончание урока. 1. Домашнее задание. Упр 2 c75 письменно. Grammar Point переписать и выучить. 2) повторить 5 неправильных глаголов из списка неправильных глаголов, прописать по 3 строчки 2. Оценивание работы учеников на уроке. 3. Подведение итогов урока. T: To finish our lesson we’ ll have a competition. You will work in three teams — A, B and C. The task is to make the longest sentence with the word while and the Past Continuous, fo r example: ≪W h ile I was watching TV, my cat was eating the cream in the kitchen≫. I ve got 14 words. Now you t ry and do it. Your time will be up in two minutes.      


Урок 51

Дата, класс: 5 А_____,5-Б_______5- В________

Тема: Отработка грамматического материала The Past Continuous Tense

Практическая цель: тренировать учеников в употреблении структур The Past Continuous Tense, научить сравнивать их с структурами Past Simple. Продолжать формировать навыки устной речи. Практиковать учеников в письме.

Общеобразовательная цель: продолжать ознакомливать учеников с лексикой и грамматическим материалом

Развивающая цель: развивать коммуникативный способности ученииков

Воспитательная цель: Воспитывать культуру речи

Тип урока: комбинированный

Оснащение урока: учебник, рабочая тетрадь, карточки, доска, плакат.

№ п/п   Время   Этапы урока, материал Методы и приёмы работы Примеча-ния
            Подготовка к восприятию иностранного языка 1. Приветствие. T: Good morning, pupils! I’m glad to see you! Let’s start our lesson! 2. Сообщение темы и цели урока T: At our lesson today you will tell me what you were doing on your winter holidays. 3. фонетическая иречевая зарядка: стихотворение записано на доске T: look at the blackboard, listen and repeat the rhyme. I’ll read the questions and you’ll read the answers — What were you doing at two? — I was visiting the zoo. — What were you doing at three? — I was climbing a tree. — What did you see from there? — I saw a big Polar bear. Основная часть урока. 1. проверка домашнего задания 1) Упр 3 c74 письменно Один ученик читает упражнение остальные ученики его внимательно слушают и проверяют домашнее задание T: let’s check your homework. … read the exercise. 2. тренирование учеников в употреблении структур Past Continuous. 1) Grammar point T: now open your books at page 75. … read the rule and examples. Now retell the rule 2) Упр 1,3 С 75 Ученики письменно выполняют задание T: now let’s do exercise 1 on page 75… come to the blackboard T: now let’s do exercise 3on page 75… come to the blackboard 3) работа на карточке упр 1 (РТ упр 1 стр 53) T: now let’s work with card exercise 1 (WB ex 1 p 53). Write what you all were doing when the light went out. You are tired. Now we have a little rest. Stand up! Hands up! Hands down! Hands on the hips! Sit down!   4) Упр 2 (с. 75). Ученики устно по-цепочке выполняют упражнение T: now let’s do exercise 2 on page 75. look, read the question and answer as in the example by chain. 5) работа с карточкой упр 2 (РТ упр 2 стр 53) T: now let’s work with card exercise 2 (WB ex 2 p 53). Complete the story with the correct verb form. 3) тренирование учеников в аудировании 1) Этап подготовки к аудированию T: Do you know about the brave Ukrainian girl Nastia Ovchar? Now you will listen how she saved her little sister. Look at the blackboard. На доске a spark — искра; a fire — огонь, пожар; the fire was burning, the room was on fire — огонь горел, комната была в огне 2) Этап аудирования Ученики прослушивают текст и затем выполняб задание NASTYA SAVES HER SISTER One winter afternoon, in 2005, Nastya was playing in her house while her little sister Luda was sleeping in her bed. Nastya was 5 and Luda was only 2. The gir ls’ parents were not at home. They went out on business. It was warm in the room, the fire was burning. Then a spark fell on the floor and soon the room was on fire. Little Nastya was afraid but she knew what to do. She took her sister into her arms and carried her out of the burning house. Little Luda was all right but Nastya was very ill. People all over Ukraine wanted to help the brave girl. They collected money to send Nastya to a very good hospital in America. There the doctors were looking after Nastya and helping her to be well again. Now the Ovchars’ family live in Kyiv. In September, 2005, Nastya went to school. She will always remember the kind doctors and people in different countries who helped her in difficulties. 3) Этап проверки понимания текста T: now I’ll read the statements and you tell me are they false or true? 1. Nastya was in the house alone. 2. Her little sister was sleeping. 3. The g ir ls ’ parents were at home. 4. Suddenly the room was on fire. 5. Nastya carried Luda out of the house. 6. Nastya and Luda were very ill. 7. People of many countries helped the Ovchars’ family in difficulties. Окончание урока. 1. Домашнее задание. Упр 2 c75 письменно. Grammar Point переписать и выучить. 2) повторить 5 неправильных глаголов из списка неправильных глаголов, прописать по 3 строчки 2. Оценивание работы учеников на уроке. 3. Подведение итогов урока. T: To finish our lesson we’ ll have a competition. You will work in three teams — A, B and C. The task is to make the longest sentence with the word while and the Past Continuous, fo r example: ≪W h ile I was watching TV, my cat was eating the cream in the kitchen≫. I ve got 14 words. Now you t ry and do it. Your time will be up in two minutes.      


Exercise 1 Write what you all were doing when the light went out.

1) Father — to read a newspaper. Father was reading a newspaper.

2) Mother — to help Ann with her homework._____________________________________

3) Granny — to knit a sweater.________________________________________________

4) My friend and I — to play the computer._______________________________________

5) Our dog Spot — to eat his supper.___________________________________________

6) Our cat Smoky — to watch TV.__________________________________________



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