D Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations. 

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D Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

D Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

to be responsible for; at the level; to consider, internal affairs; to be contrasted with; to be employed in; to be common; to make policy decisions; to serve full time; to formulate state policy.

E Complete these sentences using an appropriate phrase from Exercise D.

1. Public administration.............. studying and implementing the government policy.

2. Woodrow Wilson was the first to................ the science of public administration in the United States.

3. The civil service........... the military, the judiciary, and the police services.

4. Civil servants......... in the administration of the home affairs.

5. There are certain features which......... to all civil services.

6. Senior civil servants advise to those who..........................

7. Civil servants are employed in the administration of...........

F Learn the active vocabulary.

internal affairs, to be engaged in, common features, to implement government policy, civil service, to make decisions, a civil servant, to determine state policy, responsibility for, to regard as


What are the responsibilities of public administration?

A Scan Text 1.2. Find in the text the information referring to:

a) major principles of public administration;

b) organizational principles of public administration;

c) characteristics a person should possess to be engaged in civil service;

d) the fields in which budget plays a great role.

B Read the text and match the questions below (1-7) with the paragraphs in the text.

1. What is a major goal of public administration?

2. What other values are of great importance to public administration?

3. Where did many organizational principles originate from?

4. What is the attitude of critics to principles of public administration?

5. What is “meritocracy”?

6. When did the struggle for control over budget begin?

7. Why is control over budget so important?


Match the sentence beginnings (1-6) to the correct endings (a-f).

1. A major principle of public administration has been ….…….

2. Other kinds of values of the administrative reform are …..….

3. Organizational principles of public administration are similar to ……………………………………………….

4. Public administration pays great attention to ………....….…..

5. Attention has also been given to ……………..……………....

6. Budget is important in ……………………..……..…………..

a) ……….……….…………. formal organization of the military.

b) …………..………… personal characteristics of an individual.

c) ……………….personal incentives and collective bargaining.

d) …….....… provisions of public services at the minimum cost.

e) ……..……………………………. justice and equal treatment.

f) …………………………………….. planning future programs.


A Read the words and guess their meaning. Mind the stress. e'conomy, indi'vidual, organi'zation, perso'nnel,

sub'ordinate, 'personal, 'modern, perso'nality, reco'mmend, inte'llectual

B Match these verbs and nouns as they occur together in the text.

1. provide a) priorities

2. involve b) expenditures

3. decide c) civil service reform

4. oversee d) public services

5. plan e) public needs

6. respond to f) responsibility

7. equate g) future programs

C Complete these sentences with the word combinations from Exercise B.

1. A major principle of public administration is to................

2. One of the principles of public administration is also to.......

3. An organizational principle includes.......... with authority.

4. In most countries administrative reform has......................

5. Budget plays an important role in......................................

6. Budget is also an important tool in....................................

7. The system in which the executive................ originated in Britain.

D Find in the text the equivalents for the following words

and word combinations. предоставление услуг; равное обращение; способность реагировать; основная цель; происходить (брать начало); уравнивать обязанности; отчитываться перед кем-либо; придавать особое значение; конкурсные экзамены; отбор и продвижение, руководитель.

E Make a summary of the text.




A Scan Text 2.1 and answer the questions:

a) Who does the term ‘civil service’ refer to?

b) What are the principles of appointing civil servants?




A Are the requirements to civil servants in Belarus similar to those in other countries?

B Make a list of traits which are peculiar to civil servants.

A Scan Text 2.2 and answer the questions:

a) What is the role of civil servants?

b) Who controls the work of civil servants?

c) What services do civil servants provide to the public?


For sentences 1-7 choose the variant (a, b), which fits best according to the text.

1. Civil servants carry out the policies of the government departments under ……………………………………..

a) the supervision of Members of Parliament.

b) the control of elected ministers.

2. The term ‘civil servant’ in the UK ……………….……………

a) does not cover all public sector employees.

b) includes all public sector employees.

3. Civil servants are legally barred from ………………..……….

a) holding office in a political party.

b) taking part in recruitment based on some kind of competition.

4. The duty of a civil servant is to ………………………………

a) the Prime minister.

b) the minister in charge of the department where they are serving.

5. A change of minister of the department where civil servants are serving ……………………..……………………

a) does not mean changing in staff.

b) involves a change in staff.

6. The document which outlines the core values and standards expected of civil servants is ………………………...

a) Civil Service Act.

b) Civil Service Code.

7. Minister for the Civil Service is supported by ………………...

a) the Head of the Home Civil Service.

b) the Queen.


D Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

to be responsible for; at the level; to consider, internal affairs; to be contrasted with; to be employed in; to be common; to make policy decisions; to serve full time; to formulate state policy.


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