XXI. Find modal verbs in the following sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian. Pay special attention to the meaning of the modal verbs. 

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XXI. Find modal verbs in the following sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian. Pay special attention to the meaning of the modal verbs.

1. Something can't be right or wrong just for yourself, if it's right or wrong it must be right or wrong for everybody. 2. People shouldn't feel helpless. Something ought to be done. 3. But dearest Frances, you must have seen girls like that girl a hundred times. Dublin is full of them. 4. And anyway, Father was saying they have no arms. They can't fight. 5. "Here, I've picked you a lovely green rosebud. Mind the thorns" "May there be no thorns in our life together". 6. No, you'd better not buy the ring. You may still change your mind. 7. 1 have very little time for social conversation, you must excuse me. 8. You can't apologize just by saying "I apologize", not in that tone. 9. 1 wish we could meet sometimes and talk, just talk of anything at all, that's in our minds. 10. "Listen, Kathleen. I must tell you something." 11. Don't talk so loudly. I can hear you quite well. You mustn't talk like that here. 12. You know he'll go wherever you go. Are we to tie him up or what? 13. "You know, you should have given me a ring, Christopher, it might have protected me." 14. I may be totally uneducated, but at least I can make bread and butter. 15. I shall never be able to explain that. 16. Well, I must say I'm a bit suspicious of these mysterious "specialists" who can't even tell you plainly what they're doing.


Unit 3

Text A: Organization of the police service in GB.

Text B: Police Training in England and Wales.

Text C: Police Establishment in the USA.


Past Continuous.

Future Continuous.

Text A

I. New words and word combinations

Royal Ulster Constabulary – Королівська ольстерська міліція

Metropolitan Police Service- столична поліцейська служба

policing- патрулювання

еscorting - супроводження

nuclear – ядерний

military establishments – військові підприємства

Home Secretary- міністр внутрішніх справ

police authority – керівництво поліції

volunteer- доброволець.

II. Read and translate the text.

Organization of the Police Service in GB

There are 52 police forces in Britain, mainly organized on a local basis: 43 in England and Wales, 8 in Scotland and l (the Royal Ulster Constabulary) in Northern Ireland. The Metropolitan Police Service and the City of London Police Force are responsible for policing London.

In addition, the British Transport Police responsible for policing the railway networkincluding the London Underground and Docklands Light Railway; the Ministry of Defense Police are responsible chiefly for the policing of military establishments in GB and the UK.

Atomic Energy Authority Constabulary is responsible for policing nuclear establishments and for escorting nuclear material between establishments.

The police service is financed by central and local government.

Each force has volunteer special constables who perform police duties in their spare time, without pay, acting in support of regular officers.

Police forces are maintained in England and Wales by local police authorities. The Home Secretary is responsible for London's Metropolitan Police Service. The police authorities in Scotland are the regional. The Royal Ulster Constabulary is responsible to a police authority appointed by the Secretary of state for Northern Ireland.

London's Metropolitan Police Commissioner are subordinated and appointed on the recommendation of the Home Secretary.

Police officers are not allowed to join a trade union or to go on strike.


ІІІ. Give English equivalents for the following word combinations.

міська лондонська поліцейська служба

відповідати за що- небудь

керівництво поліції

виконувати поліцейські обов’язки

діяти в підтримку поліції


міністерство внутрішніх справ Британії


виконувати функції

вступати до профспілки


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