Ex. 8. Match the beginning of the sentence with the ending of it. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Ex. 8. Match the beginning of the sentence with the ending of it.

Beginning Ending
There are four major functions of managers: policies and procedures, performance management processes, measures to avoid risks etc
Examples include use of financial controls, groups and individuals and also influencing people to follow that direction
Controlling, or coordinating, the organization's systems, office and file systems, re-organizing businesses, etc.
Leading, including setting direction for the organization, processes and structures to reach effectively and efficiently goals and objectives
Examples are organizing new departments, human resources, planning, organizing, leading and coordinating



Grammar focus.



Утвердительные предложения Вопросительные предложения Отрицательные предложения
1. There are deposits of diamonds in the country. В этой стране есть запасы алмазов. 2. There is also a wide variety of non-metallic minerals. Существует также большое разнообразие неметаллических минера­лов. 3. There were oil deposits in the country. В стране имелись запасы нефти. 1. Are there deposits of diamonds in the country? Есть ли запасы алмазов в этой стране? 2. Is there also a wide variety of non-metallic minerals? Существуе т ли также большое разнообразие неметаллических мине­ралов? 3. Were there oil deposits in the country? Имелись ли в стране запасы нефти? 1. There are no exploiting classes in our country. В нашей стране нет эксплуататорских классов. 2. There will not be many mineral resources left in Europe soon. В Европе скоро будет совсем немного минеральных запасов.   3. According to Western experts there were no oil deposits in the country. По мнению западных экспертов, в стране не было месторождений нефти.


I. Особенности перевода

Перевод надо начинать:

а) с обстоятельства места;

б) со сказуемого, если обстоятельство отсутствует.


II. Особенности употребления

а) Глагол to be (is, are, was, were, will be) согласуется с последующим именем существительным;

б) в отрицательных предложениях перед much и many и числительным вместо “ ” употребляется “ not ”.

There is a bus in the street. На улице (есть, находится) автобус.
There is a book on the table. На столе книга.
There are two pens on the desk. На парте две ручки.
There is a man there. Там человек.


Ex. 1. Open the brackets choosing the right form of the verb to be.

1. There (is, are) a large table in my room.

2. There (is, are) three windows in my classroom.

3. There (is, are) a table and four chairs in my living-room.

4. There (is, are) a blackboard, four desks and five chairs in our class-room.

5. There (is, are) a text-book and two exercise-books on the table.

6. There (is, are) two shops and a cinema in my street.

Ex.2. Read the texts and put questions using there + to be.

Donna Walton

Donna’s an English teacher. She’s not rich and she’s not famous. Her house is small and there’s no pool. There are three bedrooms in the house. Donna’s car is old. It’s slow and uncomfortable. There’s no radio or cassette player in her car. There’s an engine, a steering wheel, and there are four wheels and two doors. Donna isn’t happy. She’d like a big house, a new car and a lot of money.

Zack Zebedee.

Here is a rock star. He’s very rich and famous. His house is large and there’s a swimming pool in the backyard. There are ten bedrooms in the house. Zack’s car is new. It’s fast and comfortable. In his car there is a climate control system, a CD player, a VCR, a phone and fax machine. But Zack is not happy. He’d like a small house, a small car and a family with two kids.


1. Is there a pool near the house?

2. Are there two doors and her car?

Ex. 3. Rewrite given sentences into negative and question forms.

1. There was a small shop in my street last year. Was there a small shop in my street last year? There was no small shop in my street last year.

2. There were two books at the table. Were there two books on the table? There weren’t two books on the table.

1. There were a lot of flowers in the garden.

2. There was an apple-tree in the garden.

3. There were a lot of chickens on the farm.

4. There were many white sheep on the farm.

5. There was a table at the window.

6. There was a bus stop here.


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